Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 21: 21

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Shuriken was sent hurtling towards Zabuza but before they could reach he disappeared with the sword and appeared on a small pool, placing his hands in a seal.

"Ninja Art - Hidden Mist Technique"

"Hn Where'd he go?"

"Zabuza as a forner member of Kiris shinobi is an expert in silent killing, he'll be going after me first but stay alert."

The whole area was soon covered by white chakra laced fog, they soon lost sight of Kakashis outline and started tightening their formation. The whole field was soon blasted with killing intent causing them to start trembling with terror. Naruto decided not to stop it, since they hadn't had any experience with real life and death fights. Though he did make sure it was bearable, heavy killing intent can cause a heart attack from the shock of facing certain death. Only by overcoming it can they get better.

"How about I let you watch how I kill the little kids first and then take the old man Kakashi."

"Don't worry guys, I won't let anything happen to you."

"Did you know there are 8 vital points in the hum-"

Naruto got really annoyed, can't they just fight and not talk, whats with all enemies and monologues, before Zabuza could finish I made the appropriate handsigns while calling out the jutsu for show .

"I hate monologues, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"

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The mist was blown away, I had already pinpointed Zabuzas location to the left, before the mist could clear up totally I felt a spike in his chakra and knew what he was doing, before his substitution finished I sent a kick towards our midst, he appeared in the middle of the formation but before anyone could react he was sent flying by the kick, Kakashi appeared an instant later with a kunai to Zabuzas neck.

"It's over, you should give up."

"Interesting brat, haven't your parents taught you not to interrupt someone when he's talking, but are you really sure its over Kakashi?"

Kakashis eyes widened, his instict warned him before he realized what was going on, he ducked and saw a sword swipe over his head barely missing his hair, the Zabuza he caught was bisected before turnining into a water. He hurriedly retreated towards the river while looking around.


He felt pain and looked down to see a sword sticking out of his stomach.

"You should know better than to fight me on a body of wat-"

Zabuza was surprised to feel a sharp object next to his neck, he saw the Kakashi infront turn into water.

"M-my water clone technique, how did yo-, ohh so you were hiding in the mist all this time watching "

"That's not important, yo-"

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He couldn't continue before he was enveloped in a body of water "Water Style: Water Prison" He looked behind him to see Zabuza while the one he was holding turned into water joining the prison.

"You should really not fight me in a body of water, now sit tight and watch while I kill those brats slowly, especially that blonde kid for interrupting my fun"

"You should really stop overestimating yourself" He whipped his head to Kakashi to see him go up in smoke, before he could even feel surprised he felt a water dragon coming towards him from below the water, it was to late to dodge and he felt a sharp pain before everything went dark.

"Huff, Huff, Huff, Shadow Clones are really taxing with my reserves" Kakashi looked towards the downed Zabuza while regaining his breath, that fight took more of him than he realized, before he could move to secure him he saw zenbon flying and inbed into Zabuzas neck. He looked and saw a masked shinobi appear next to Zabuza.

"A Hidden Mist hunter nin?"

"Impressive fight, thank you for taking him down for us, we have been trying to track and kill him for a while now. I'll be taking his body since it contains secrets"

"Wait, can I check something before you go."

Seeing him nod, Kakashi walked up and checked Zabuzas pulse, he saw it was gone and was sure he was dead.

The hunter nin disappeared with Zabuzas corpse, Kakashi wearily walked back to his team. They all relaxed when they saw Kakashi was fine while Naruto was surprised about the change, he decided not to intercept Haku since he wanted time to dissolve Gatos business and his goons himself while they recuperate, that way Gato won't need to hire anyone new for a while and take him by surprise.

"Good job protecting the client, and nice thinking with the wind Naruto, didn't know you had that" Kakashi turned towards Tazuna and asked him to lead them to his house. While walking Sakura couldn't hold her curiousty and asked.

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"Kakashi sensei, who was that shinobi that took Zabuzas body?"

"That's a member of the Hidden Mists Hunter-nin, their job is to hunt down traitors and missing nin from their shinobi village, this is necessary because some people might defect from the village with important intel while others have secrets on their body that can be used against them, so to not risk exposure the villages created this division especially for situtations like that."

"Does that mean Konoha also has them sensei?"

"We have ANBU for that, though not much is know about them since they are a special black ops division under the direct order of the Hokage and only he knows the extent of their jobs." I snorted at that explanation ignoring the look Kakashi sent me.

"Also how did he recognize you and why did he call you Kakashi no Sharingan, is it because you have the same eyes as Sasuke?"

Kakashi went on to explain about how he got his fame from copying over a thousand techniques, about the Sharingan and it's abilities and how he got it. Sasuke started thinking about how one of his clan memebers dared to give away the eyes and how Kakashi avoided the backlash, meanwhile Sakura had stars in her eyes when she heard how strong her Sasukes bloodline was, she started daydreaming while fist pumping inside on how her Sasuke is the best totally ignoring the fact he wasn't even the team leader.

They soon reached a wooden house with a windmill next to it. Tazuna went and knocked, the door opened to show a middle aged woman welcoming them in when she saw Tazuna, he introduced her as his daughter and started talking about how their family suffered by having her husband killed.

I ignored most of the talk and slipped away while leaving a clone behind, I had work to do. I first took out a scroll with my blood inside, I created a blood clone and had it replace the shadow clone I left behind since I wouldn't be returning any time soon for their training. Once I was done with that I created many clones and sent them out to gather information about Gatos system in the different towns and the routines of the goons working under Gato.

3 days later and I was cursing up a storm barely restraining my anger and sadness. I really haven't seen a more disgusting country than this ever, people were dying daily from lack of hygiene and food, most of the people had already given up on life in this country. ****, stealing, kidnapping, extortion and murder was a normal occurence to them, mothers whoring themselves out just to get a loaf of bread for their children, some even forced to do it infront of the children while being laught at. I barely held on to my anger, I consoled myself that I'll be taking them down soon.

The show didn't do justice to show Gatos brutality, I had already known that a rich guy as him wouldn't only have normal grunts like shown in the show or else he wouldn't be able to hold a country himself, most of the street thugs were just hired muscle to keep his territory in check while most of his real contacts are Mercenaries, Ronin and Missing-nin, there is atleast 5 peolple around Chunin grade overlooking a town in which guard supply routes and the warehouses, they use the citizens as cheap labour for food and report to a messenger every 12 hours that take the information towards a compound.

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I sensed atleast 20 Chunin and 7 low Jonin grade signatures around and inside the compound, I also found Zabuza and Hakus signature underground. I also managed to get a lock onto Gatos signature. The main compound was used as a decoy while he had his real office inside a side hall where he keeps his safe with everything.

I started the operation by sending clones out to the towns. I only had a 12 hour window to do this. I started taking out his goons, the hidden forces and the shinobi replacing them with clones under henge, I started raiding the warehouses and rallied the citizens together under the cover of making a coup, I started distributing the food and supplies to the folks while helping out wherever I could to heal and help recuperate, I moved the citizens who were now cooperating fully to the better housing areas that Gato took over, I could already see the light of hope in their eyes wherever I helped, giving me a good feeling. I started cleaning, I flushed the streets with water to rid of all the trash, dirt and smell of decay, I started fixing any house that was broken down while demolishing the ones that couldn't be repaired, and burying any remains in the earth. The citizens couldn't sit still anymore and started moving around helping with anything they could, some while also celebrating and crying, the town soon was clean and gained vitality while a joyful atmosphere surrounded it.

I started doing this simultaneously in all towns, all that the citizens knew was that the goons repented and wanted to make it up, I made sure to switch out the looks of goons from different towns so none of the citizens would see any of their tormentors which might lead to violence breaking out. When everything was stabilized it was already 11 hours in. I took out the messengers and replaced them, I made sure for all of them to run into the compound looking flustered while I systematically killed all of the guards from the shadows with a single shuriken to the throat and replaced them, when Gato came out to see what the commotion is about, I had already replaced all of the guards. I could also feel Zabuza and Haku arriving and hiding in the trees watching with interest and curiosty.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE" A fat old man came out shouting, he had a black business suit on with sunglasses. A black haired Ronin with a red yukata and white haori with 2 swords on his waist was lazily walking behind him.

I decided to make a play and appeared infront of him disguised as one of his more ugly looking Jonin shinobi. I took out a kunai and ran my tongue over it, which I made sure to apply a Sanitation seal over before doing that, because you know hygiene is important kids. "A takeover that's what, we're tired of the way you run things, we want a bigger piece of the pie, hehehe"

He had an angry look while his face cycled between more colours than I've seen a man capable off.

"JIN HOW DARE YOU BITE THE HAND THAT FED YOU, Kazama kill those trash"

The ronin behind him turned serious and nodded,he turned towards me and drew his swords holding them upwards. "You have no honor at all, daring to betray Gato dono who took you in, I'll challenge you to a death match to clean this stain with your blood"

I appeared behind him and slit his throat before he could even register what happened. He dropped his swords and held his throat while kneeling, he pointed a finger towards me with his free hand while having disbelief pasted on his face, he soon crashed down and died.

"We are shinobi, we don't have honor"

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