Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 22

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It didn't take long to break Gato for information, not when he values his life too much, I had him sign over all his business ventures and sealed everything in his vault, this was the biggest amount of money I've seen and he only hoarded it, there were some jewelery and other miscellaneous items, the most shocking discovery was the pure chakra metal he had, it was enough to make 50 swords, I decided to keep the metal so I can make ninja tools with it since they conduct chakra better than the standard ones, I can add a dimensional seal that returns any tool used to the pouch if I get the time to work on it.

Apparently he had found a mine when he sent people to scavenge the remains of Uzu. He managed to hide it and killed off the people who knew about it before mining using slaves he brought from his illegal human trafficking. Surprisingly his shipping company was totally legitimate on the surface, it went from shipping tobacco, spices, food, to precious metals and ores and more, basically the essentials to anyone that needed them. But under the table though he had dealings with almost everyone around Wave including some hidden villages, it distributed anywhere to anyone and anything that could afford it. He also had a black book that recorded all his dealings and blackmail material on essentially everyone he was working with, even some Daimyos were wrung with blackmail, that's how he managed to bring it under wraps and take control of the country without the Daimyo interfering. He also funded bandits and thieves to steal from specific targets. Once I got everything I simply killed him off, such a person doesn't deserve to stay alive from all that he has done.

I left the compound before being intercepted by Zabuza. "So you finally decided to stop hiding, what about your partner, isn't he coming out?"

I could see a glimmer of surprise in his eyes before he returned to a blank expression. "You killed our client, where am I supposed to get my payment, I-"

I threw him a small scroll before he could complete his sentence, he raised and eyebrow before opening it and I could see suspicion and shock when he read the content. He tensed and drew his sword pointing it towards me and started asking. "What is this? Who are you and how do you know of her"

"None of relevance, the scroll contains double what Gato promised to pay though he wanted to kill you off after you're finished, consider your job done, also the new mission is written there with the required payment, all you need to do is help out the resistance that Mei Terumi is putting up against the Mizukage"

"What do you get out of this, I could just run away with the money you know"

"Unlikely, though you are in this line of business I know you follow your own word, you have too much pride not to, and your objective is to fund the resistance isn't that why you're doing this work in the first place?, that amount should be enough to fund them for 6 months. As for what I get out of this? personal satisfaction, I don't like needless wars with butchers."

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He started contemplating before nodding and disappearing followed by Haku, now that this is done I need to start cleanup on the remnants of Gatos activities, it should go easier with this book but before that I had to ensure Kakashi stays put. I hurried to Tazunas house and contemplated on what to do with Gatos business, I'm not naive enough to give it to the citizens, they wouldn't be able to hold it for a long time, after some thought I decided to just give it to Hiruzen, he can do what he wants with it, I don't have time or need for a business. Atleast he can use it for something instead of letting it rot in my hands.

I soon arrived and removed my disguise, I saw the window open and I decided to play a prank, I communicated with my clone and found out they were next to the window eating with everyone, I used henge to disguise as Gai. While having a clone discreetly hide holding a camera.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY" I flew through the window straight towards Kakashi. Everyone tensed when they sensed someone but relaxed when they heard that voice and Kakashi dodged the kick casually to the side.


With a resigned and apologetic face towards Tazunas family who were looking at me with something close to fascination he answered "Gai what are you doing here?"

With a good guy pose and gleeming white teeth I answered with as much enthusiasms I could muster, this disguise is tiring"YOSH MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL, I WAS SENT BY THE HOKAGE TO GIVE YOU BACK UP IN THIS YOUTHFUL MISSION"

"Hmm what'd you say?"

"DAMN YOUR HIP AND COOL ATTITUDE" I turned to my clone, it was time, this is going to be glorious muahahaha.


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My clone stood up with a military salute before answering "HAI GAI SENSEI, I'VE FANNED MY FLAMES AS MUCH AS I COULD, I EVEN RAN 200 LAPS AROUND KONOHA ON MY HANDS THE OTHER DAY"

Kakashi looked on with horror while Sakura and Sasuke looked on with surprise and disgust while the rest were intrigued.

"YOSH MY YOUTHFUL FRIEND, WHEN I KNEW YOU WERE HERE I BROUGHT MY MOST YOUTHFUL GIFT TO FAN YOUR FLAMES" I took out a green spandex that I had a clone henge into before showing it to my clone, Kakashi had dawned a look of terror as if knowing where this was going.

My clone started to pouring out anime tears and with a voice full of emtion said "GAI SENSEI, THIS IS THE BEST GIFT I'VE GOTTEN, I'LL WEAR IT AND TREASURE IT WITH MY LIFE"

I OPENE(oops capslock*wipes sweat*) opened my arms for a hug while shouting with anime tears streaming down my face. I could feel Saskue and Sakuras horror and disgust while Kakashi was still frozen in realisation.


"GAI SENSEI" he jumped towards me with his arms open.


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"GAI SENSEI" I was about to close my arms around my clone.

I heard Kakashi shout a anguished "NOOOOO" before he moved the fastest I've seen him move and snatched my clone midair before hiding him behind his back. "GAI, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CORRUPT MY STUDENTS"

I couldn't hold it anymore and started rolling on the floor laughing while dropping my disguise, my clone started laughing too. The rest had a gobsmacked expression on their faces before Kakashi recovered fast with a wry expression.

"Lord Uzumaki was that really necessary"

"You shouldve seen your face, and that scream, who knew you could get that riled up hahahaha"

My clone dropped from his hiding spot and handed me the camera, with a salute he dispelled. Kakashi saw the camera with a dumbfounded face.

"Y-you didn't!!"

"This will sell great as blackmail hahaha"

He tried to snatch it but I kept dodging around the room, "No you don't, I came here to pass by and heard about you being here so I came to visit, It was good to see you but I'm short on time, bye" I discreetly signaled him to meet me outside before leaving through the window, I jumped into the forest and waited. Kakashi soon came and looked at me with a relaxed expression. I let out a authorative presence and pressured him with it.

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Kakashi tensed with cold sweat running through his back when he felt the overwhelming presence, he didn't think the Uzumaki leader was this strong to make him feel this powerless just from that presence, he didn't feel any ill intent coming off him so he knew it was just to make a point on how serious it was, he felt like he was standing infront of the Hokage on his bad day, he straightened his posture and looked at him with a serious look.

"I heard you needed back up so Hiruzen sent me here, you can continue with your duties on protecting the bridge builder, I'm currently carrying on an operation on all of Gatos businesses under the disguise of his men making a coup, it'll be done around tomorrow so any news you get from the citizens about the activity is to be ignored, I'll also take care of all the shinobi he hired to assassinate Tazuna, that doesn't give you an excuse to be tardy, I expect you to be alert for an attack any time, you are not to under any circumstances leave him until I'm done lest a rogue operative comes for revenge if they figure anything out, I don't want any laziness on your behalf, is that clear Jonin Hatake" I stressed the last part to make my point clear.

With a resounding "Hai" from him I took back my presence and told him to go back to his duties, he nodded and disappeared.

For the rest of the duration of our stay in Wave I started rooting out all remnants and returning a fuctional system to the towns by choosing the quailifed candidates among the people, I also started sending clones that were working on rebuilding the houses and doing miscallenous work around to help while relaxing for a bit in a lake fishing, by the end of it everyone was celebrating and made the 1st of April a holiday when they got news that Gato was gone.

They started thanking the clones for this blessing, I quietly dispelled my clones when it was time, some people were surprised to see the goons disappearing but not many cared since they still had built up resentment towards them, they just thought that they left after finishing their repentance. I returned to the team when they were leaving after the bridge was finished.

Kakashi took my words seriously and stayed with Tazuna and the building crew who had renewed vigor after Gato was gone, there were more people coming to help build it everyday, they named it The Bridge of Hope. I had also sent him a panda carrying a message that had informed him secretly of the completion of the operation.

In the meantime he had started training us in Nature transformation after finding out our affinities, my clone managed to dodge using a chakra paper by saying he already had a Natural Wind affinty, Sakura had Earth and Sasuke had surprisingly a Yin, Fire and Lightning affinity, it wasn't shown in the show at first and might be from fixing his psyche since the mind governs spirtiuality and his was fractured. The whole mission took a month before we returned to Konoha, it was longer than normally in the show but I made it back with a lighter heart knowing I made a difference.

Timeline: 15th of April Year 63 ME - End of Wave Arc

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