Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 23

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"Finally back home, this mission was tiring, it almost made me miss D ranks"

"That is a good idea, we won't be doing many missions anymore due to an upcoming event that I want you guys to participate in"

Walking towards the village entrance gate were the four tired shinobi of Team 7. They had finished the Wave mission successfully and just got back after a fast pace.

"Yo Kotetsu, can you sign us back in, just finished a mission"

Kotetsu was one of the 2 Chunin shinobi that guards the village gate as a permanent assignment, he looked up and saw Kakashi before greeting him and nodding, quickly signing them in they started hopping on the rooftops towards the tower to report the completion of the task.

Landing infront of the Hokage tower they skipped the receptionist and headed towards the Hokages office to make the report instead of the mission administration due to the complications involved. Knocking on the door, they heard a muffled come in and stepped in to see the Hokage working on paperwork with some clones.

"Team 7 reporting completion of C turned A ranked mission"

"Oh Kakashi, good job on that, do you have the mission report?"

"Hai Hokage-sama"

"Give me a briefing and skip the details if you will, I'll look into it later."

He nodded and started recounting the mission glossing over the most irrelevant parts but including the attacks, the situations they were in, about the backup they recieved and the change in Wave from the operation. Hiruzen was listening throughout while I sent him a signal secretly to make me stay.

"Hmm, it's really fortunate that you came back in one piece and good job to your students for their performance, I see that you've trained them well. What about the payment plans from the bridge builder?"

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"Thank you Hokage-sama, Tazuna said that they'll accept whatever the leaf requires as payment, we just need to send someone with the message."

"Good, you are finished here, Naruto can you stay, I need to talk to you"

Kakashi nodded before turning to us and saying he'll see us tomorrow at the training ground. When they left I removed my disguise and sat down infront of Hiruzen with a heavy sigh while rubbing my forehead. The ANBU shifted slightly when they saw me again, hehe they still couldn't get over it.

"Old man, Wave was a really screwed up country, I haven't seen such brutality towards civilians ever."

"Can you give me a detailed report brat, what did you cook up there." He was curious when he heard about the operation since I didn't report what I did, he recieved Kakashi message for backup but ignored it knowing I'm there. I grinned and started explaining everything that happened in extreme detail,

"Brat if you don't hurry up with the report we won't be done until tomorrow with such details, I don't want to know what you ate"

"Alright alright sheesh, you need to relax old man"

I started to seriously report about everything glossing over the unimportant parts, I told him about the towns and their conditions, about what they made them do and Gatos extensive network of guards and their strength, the more he heard the grimmer his face became, I can't blame him, such information should have been investigated thoroughly by their spy network due to Waves proximity to the village but all they recieved was unimportant pieces of the overall situations. It can either be that the people they dealt with hid their activities well, the spies were compromised or bought out. I continued on about my operation and the subsequent take out I did as well as what Gato had done and the things I found inside his vault. I threw him 3 scrolls and the black book.

"These scrolls contain all of Gatos assets and businesses he signed over aswell as everything miscallenous inside the vault, there are also bodies of all of Gatos men, see if you can find anything and cash in the bounties on some, as for the black book, you know what it entails to have that much blackmail, you can either use it to build up Konohas businesses and get more missions or whatever you want to do with it since I really don't care."

"You're just going to give me all that?"

I sneered "Old man don't be naive, I'll ask for a favor later on and that's all, I don't have the time or energy to kill myself in a business so you might aswell use it."

He put on a wry smile while looking at me with a helpless expression, "Alright as long as it's not excessive"

I nodded before looking at him with a serious face "Old man, there is one more thing, are the ANBU here cleared and trustworthy for a SS rank secret?"

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Seeing my serious expression he sat up straight and dropped his pipe on the table, he started thinking furiously about what could get Naruto this serious, he nodded to indicate that the ANBU were fine.

"Let them reveal themselves and have them sit down then, also bring in Inochi Yamanaka."

He had a realisation and nodded before indicating for them to come down, they dropped down and stood straight up, they knew this was serious from the heavy atmosphere.

"Boar go fetch Inoichi, tell him it's urgent and can't wait"


"I need to inscribe a seal, try not to look into it too deeply when it glows"

Boar disappeared through the window, I unlocked a 2 meter long scroll from one of my seals on the wrist and opened it up, I activated my Fuigan causing my eyes to start glowing in preparation to write down the seal I was making.

Hiruzen looked on onto what Naruto was doing, this was the first time he has seen the Fuigan at work since he was told about it. The scroll soon started floating and opening up completely around the whole room, they soon saw markings starting to appear on the scroll from one end before finishing at the other end, it glowed before closing and returning infront of Naruto.



"Damn it old man, I told you not to look into it too deeply"

Hiruzen who had learned some Fuinjutsu couldn't rein in his curiosity and tried to study it, but as soon as he wanted to he felt his eye sting and some blood started leaking at the edge of his mouth, he hurriedly averted his gaze, his heart tumbled with waves of shock, just a glimpse and it caused him damage. He started breaking out in cold sweat.

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The ANBU hurriedly came forward to check up on him, he waved them off before he saw Naruto get behind him and place a palm on his back, he soon felt pure energy entering his body and washing it clean while healing the damage, he resisted letting out a comfortable groan, as soon as the energy was finished he felt something go up his throat before he spat out a black glob. He couldn't help but stand up to stretch, he heard his whole body crack and pop before he felt refreshed and filled with vitality, he hasn't felt like this since his younger days. He was interrupted from his inspection by a snort.

"You're really lucky old man, if you had looked at the scroll longer your inner organs would've bursted, people who hasn't reached a sufficient level in Fuinjutsu can't look into the worlds secret principles without backlash, it can be a blessing in disguise too since I managed to heal you up and all your hidden injuries, the black goo are some impurities that got washed up alongside. You should have really shitty doctors if they didn't detect all those injuries"

He started lightly laughing "It isn't their fault, I haven't had a proper inspection since Tsunade left, it's good you warned me beforehand or else I would've really been gone. What was that seal anyway?"

"It's a space-time seal that sends a covered area into another temporary dimension, I wanted to lock us inside the office to prevent any interference and any spying attempts from anything. You never know what people can hear and I rather be safe than sorry with what we're about to discuss"

He was impressed and nodded while helping ANBU clean up the mess. Boar soon came in with Inoichi followed behind him. He bowed his head lightly.

"Hokage-sama, you wanted to see me urgently?"

"Indeed Inoichi, Naruto here wanted to include you into something important to discuss."

Inoichi turned to the side where the Hokage was looking and saw that damn brat who wanted to steal his daughter bow towards his direction.

"It's good to see you again Father-in-law"

"Who is your father-in-law little bastard, I haven't agreed to anything yet"

"Come on father-in-law you can't act like that, both parties are willing and what do I have that others don't, I'll have you know that I'm the most qualified bachelor available and I can provide anything" Naruto started to puff out his chest in pride, he was really helpless against Inoichi, he couldnt do anything unless he agreed, its not like he could go up against his father-in-law and beat him up.

"Who said thats true, who knows how many women you've been with, I want the best for my daughter" honestly he was really satisfied with Inos choice but he couldn't help to be bitter about the whole situation as a father so he was making it difficult for him on purpose.

"You can't say that, I just turning 13, where would I go and do that, I'm a man with honor and integrity and would never do that" He heard a snort from Hiruzen but ignored it, Inoichi was silent as he listened, meanwhile the ANBU had their head turned while their shoulders were trembling trying hold back their laughter at their predicament.

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"We already like eachother and I'll pay anything you want, I'm not lacking anything"

"Fine little bastard but you're not doing anything until she gets married, 24 years is a good age for her to marry"


"BASTARD, ARE YOU SAYING YOU'RE LEAVING MY DAUGHTER AS A WIDOW BY 24 THEN?, 18 but your first born has to inherit the Yamanaka name and be the heir"

"STOP JINXING ME I'M NOT PLANNING ON DYING ANYTIME SOON, YOU'RE BEING IMPOSSIBLE, 2nd child since I need to pass down the Namikaze name too, I'll also add a 5 year supply of any seals for the Yamanakas"

"Fine, but hurt her and you'll deal with me."

We both nodded before sitting down in the chairs that were thrown down somewhere in the discussion.

Hiruzen was barely able to hold down his laugh seeing the pair bicker "*Cough cough* Can we get back on topic and discuss what we came here for"

"Its not my fault that this little bastard is infuriating"

"Alright calm down, let me set up the seal" They saw him open up the 2m scroll, placing it down on the ground, his eyes glowed before the markings started spreading over the walls.

#Fuigan: Fuinjutsu: Dimensional Cage#

The walls started glowing before it settled down, it looked like nothing changed but they were experienced and saw that they couldn't feel anything outside of this room.

"The main point for this is to make you aware of some thing since you're the only ones I deem important enough to know, I also want to discuss about sealing the Yin Kyuubi into Ino, and before you start protesting Inoichi, listen to the end." Seeing them nod and Inoichi sitting back down I started.

"Alright, first of all you need to hear a story, It was about the man that was hailed as the father of chakra"

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