Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 25: 25

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"Need to increase budget for road works.... Denied, already did that last week. Request to build a new hotspring, Denied. Permission for more Icha Icha deliveries? hmm, Allowed. Haaah" He opened the drawer and took out his pipe, adding tobacco and lighting it up, he inhaled deeply before relaxing back on the chair. Looking up at the rest of the pile that reached the roof gave him a depressed feeling, even his shadow clones didn't want to help today.

"I don't get it old man, why don't you just get people to delegate the paperwork, it'll make life easier with more people sorting it into piles."

He didn't even deem to take a look when he heard the voice coming from the window and just answered.

"What brings you here brat, I'm too swamped at the moment"

"Oh nothing much, just visited the barrier teams detection division. I gave them access to the new barrier and briefed the interception division on how it works"

Sitting up straight Hiruzen turned and looked at Naruto crouching on the window with relief and joy when he heard that. It was a perfect time now that the Chunin exams are coming up "Really? What did you do to it."

He saw Naruto throw a scroll towards him, "Well the 4 pillar formation was inpractial and outdated from before so I set up 8 points on the lookout towers in a star formation instead. They will allow you to detect any illegal entrance with more accuracy, it can also detect hostiles by scanning intent when a person releases it. Instead of that stupid sphere that ripples when someone enters like before, this one creates a projection of the whole village using spiritual and natural chakra to pinpoint intruders real time instead of just when they enter or leave, I also made sure the sequence of the barrier changes every 2 days incase someone figures it out, only you, the supreme commander and the barrier team will have access to it, it identifies them by these new armbands I made for the barrier team. I also updated the communication tool that the Yamanaka uses there. There are more nifty stuff but I'll let you read the scroll for details."

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Taking the scroll and nodding, he was pleasantly surprised to learn of these functions, it would boost the village security and keep and eye on any hostiles on the inside. He took out some documents from his drawer before handing it to Naruto.

"Good job, these are all you need to travel out of the village freely and the countries, including visits to other hidden villages. How are your preparations for the Chunin exam"

He saw him snort with amusement as he took the documents "I'd rather stay Genin if it wasn't for my teammates, I'll be leaving with Ino and Hinata shortly after the exam, they won't be in a team since they'll be Chunin after that, I'll be training them in Senjutsu after they finish their obligations for close to 3 years. I will also be moving around the temples for that duration, I need to go and learn there for my understanding of the elements."

He was skeptical about the temples but quickly understood why, if he could further his training it would benefit him in upcoming battles "Hmm, alright, make sure to take care of yourself, with what you've told us you might be targeted, what about the thing we talked about regarding Ino? When are you doing it?"

He saw a flash of frustration in Narutos eyes when he mentioned it. "I tried talking to her but she adamantly refused, said she didn't want anything inside her and would like to gain her own strength since she'll be lazy or feel useless if I just give her powers."

"Haha, so I guess it's on hold for now"

Naruto nodded before he bid him goodbye and jumped out the window, he couldn't wait to leave the village, if it wasn't for Hiruzens safety he would've left a long time ago to start his training. He started casually strolling around the village, he could feel multiple new strong signatures, it was probably due to the Chunin exam but he was already alert incase anything goes wrong, even if he only made local changes it might come back and bite him in the ass if he was careless.

Now that the Chunin exams started he decided to save a couple of people that died early on that had relations in ANBU, especially Nekos boyfriend who died when he got caught listening in on Baki and Kabuto. He'd leave Kabuto until after he finishes his trip and leave Sasuke to get the mark and skip fighting Orochimaru this early to not derail his plans by seeing a new variable, plus he needed someone new with the cursed mark to analyze its early stages to help Anko remove hers or tweak it to give her strength without side effects. He'd also needed to prepare and store seals in his eyes for the fight against the reanimations, since it uses a sacrifice to place a soul in a vessel, he'd have to come up with something to cut off the souls connection with the vessel and thus returning them to the pure world instead of just sealing them, though I need to do something to prevent them from being re summoned again too.

"Oh, interesting, even when I didn't influence anything it still happened" detecting something interesting I hurried over in time to see Konohamaru with his 2 followers bump into a young man in a black, baggy, full body suit with a cat hood and triangular paint on the face sporting the protector of Sunagakure, he also carried something big wrapped in bandages on his back, behind him was a girl with teal coloured eyes and sandy blonde hair in ponytails, wearing a single light purple-coloured, off the shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, with a scarlet sash tied around her waist and fishnet worn over her shoulders and legs in the right calf and her left thigh, she also wore a black forehead protector around her neck with the Sunagakure symbol and carried a big black fan on her back. I could also see a young boy standing on a tree close to the other two, he has fair skin, green eyes with tanuki like markings and short spiky auburn hair, he had no eyebrows and the Kanji for "Love" was written on the left side of his forehead, he is wearing a black short sleeved body suit with an open neck, almost full length leggings and a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips, he also has a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip with which he carries a gourd of sand with the forehead protector of Sunagakure tied around the middle. These three where the children of the Kazekage. Kankuro, Temari and the Jinchuuriki of the One Tails Gaara.

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Deciding to play around for a bit, I appeared behind Gaara and put my hand around his shoulder while letting out a comforting presence around us, he didn't even flinch and turned his head to look at me with a blank face, I could feel a silver of surprise from him, though most of his emotions were made up of boredom and bloodlust. I ignored him and indicated for him to watch, he ignored it and just kept staring at me.

"Why did mother become quiet and not attack you when you appeared?"

I didn't bat an eye before quickly answering "Your mother must be a great person then, she has to know that I'm an upright and just person that takes care of children" I could see the confusion in his eyes,

"What does your mother usually tell you?" I looked back at him with amusement, the comforting presence I'm releasing made him relax in my hold a bit.

"She says that I shouldn't sleep and kill people stronger or like me to ascertain my existence"

I ruffled his hair "Oh then she must really be a bad mother, tell her the next time she talks to you, that her father will be really disappointed in her if he knew what she was doing. By the way, I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, I'm a hated jinchuuriki like you, you can call me Ninth, nice to meet you, what's your name little bro tanuki" I could feel a bit of understanding, empathy, joy but most of all fighting intent and bloodlust coming from him.

"Sabaku no Gaara, Jinchuuriki of the One Tail Tanuki -" Before he could finish we heard Kankuro shout and turned back to look, I could see that he was annoyed at being interrupted but chose to spectate and ask questions later, Konohamaru was held by the scruff of his shirt.

"Watch were you're going, that hurt you little piece of shit"

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Konohamaru started flailing in his grip while shouting "Waah let go of me or else my Oyabun will beat you up"

"Drop it Kankuro, we don't want to make Gaara mad by causing trouble already" Temari finally interjected.

Kankuro sneered with disdain "Oh, where is he now, I really want to see how strong you tree huggers are and Gaara isn't here Temari, so let me have some fun before he com-"

Before he could continue he had to dodge shuriken coming towards him from a tree, looking to the other side I could see Sasuke standing there, so he decided to act huh, I had already felt him arrive followed by 3 other signatures that were hiding and observing what's happening, probably from sound.

"Hn, What are foreign idiots like you doing in our village, get lost"

"Oh look, is that your oyabun? get down here bastard, let me first beat up this midget and I'll get to you, I really hate rude people, makes me wan-" Before he could finish he was interrupted again by me.

"Oy Oy, did you forget what I told you maru-chan, about what to do when strange men want to take you." Everyone turned towards us when they heard my voice, they were surprised to not notice us so close by, the surprise turned into disbelief when Kankuro and Temari saw how I was hanging off Gaara.

"NII-SAN, hehe sorry I forgot, I'll show him now" Konohamaru looked sheepish while hurriedly put on a grin and started doing handsigns. Kankuro was too distracted with looking at us to notice.

"GET READY FOR MY OYABUNS ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE, Oiroke no Jutsu" *Poof* Kankuro quickly recovered and tensed when he saw the smoke, preparing to attack. When the smoke cleared it showed a busty beauty wearing a bikini with fair skin, big blue innocent eyes and long curly black hair with bangs framing her hearshaped face, she had a voluptuous figure and big breast that would make a man aroused just by looking at her. Kankuro was currently holding the top of the bikini, stretching it and exposing alot of cleavage, while looking petrified. She looked up at him with upturned, watery eyes and with a pout said "Do you want to eat me, A-ni-ki *wink*".

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Kankuro was sent flying with a nosebleed when he saw this, Sasuke had turned his face towards the sky while pinching his nose to prevent the nosebleed, Temari was blushing while looking annoyed and the other two of Konohamarus friends had a starstruck face. Gaara meanwhile was looking at this with indifference. I also felt 2 of the 3 signatures falter for a bit.

*Poof* "Hehe did you see that Oyabun, it always works, kore"

Gaara dropped down the tree we were on and walked towards Temari, "Pick him up, he's a disgrace to the village, getting knocked out by a kid" She did as he asked while shivering from the bloodlust he released now that he left my presence. He turned towards Sasuke and asked for his name before walking away saying his mother will enjoy his blood.

"I'll see you later little bro tanuki" I called out to him before he disappeared, he slightly turned his face and nodded, not noticed by his sister. Sasuke turnd towards me.

"Dobe, who was that foreign shinobi and what are they doing here" I started walking away with Konohamaru and his gang while answering.

"Thats Sabaku no Gaara, your toughest opponent in the upcoming event, as for why they're here, I'll leave that to Kakashi to explain, see ya kid."

Timeline: 30th June Year 63 ME - Start of Chunin exam

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