Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 26: 26

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*giggle* "Ayane-san is naughty"

Kakashi was currently reading in the mission lounge while waiting for the reports about the missions they completed this week to be approved.

"Oh Kakashi, thanks for the reports, how is it working out for you in a team" Kakashi looked up to see Iruka handing him the approved paperwork, he took it and placed it inside his vest while answering.

"It's tiring, those kids can't let me rest for a second"

"Oh seems they're troubling you?, must be Naruto, he was the same in my classes, never paid attention and just did the bare minimum, still asking myself how he passed"

Kakashi shook his head, he started shivering when he remembered how his precious collection was confiscates. "It's not troubling, they are a pretty good team so far, the problem is they train too much and I had to join them and make training plans or else they would threaten me"

Irukas eyes widenes "It's normal to train them, that's the duty for you as their Jonin sensei. How did they manage to threaten you though, they're just new graduates."

"Don't mention it, I'll be leaving now since we're done, ja ne" He waved before disappearing not wanting to explain, he started heading towards the memorial. He was just about to arrive when he saw a white bird schreech in the air, he slouched his shoulders in disappointment and changed his direction towards the Hokage tower when he saw this. Meanwhile when all Jonin with teams and required personnel who had been notified beforehand saw this, they quickly finished what they were doing or dismissed their students and headed towards the Hokage tower. They soon all gathered inside the Hokages office before Hiruzen started addressing them.

"Good, all of you seem to have seen the summons, you've all been assembled for only one reason. All the countries and villages were already contacted and some foreign shinobi are already here, some of you have already guessed it. So I'll announce this officially, the Chunin exams will be held 7 days from now, on the first day of the seventh month"

"So it's finally time" Kakashi.

"What, so soon? I've already seen some of the shinobi coming though I didn't expect it to be in a week." The one who spoke was Genma Shiranui, one of the official members of the Hokage guard platoon. He has brown, shoulder length hair and brown eyes. He wears his forehead protector like a bandanna, and the standard jonin outfit with a senbon in his mouth. He alongside Might Gai and Ebisu were one of the few to have witnessed The Eternal Genin Might Dai (Gais Father) fight the previous generations 7 swordsmen of the Mist to save them, sacrificing himself by opening all the 8 inner gates and taking down 4 of them with him.

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"Now, we'll first hear from the new batch of recent gradutes, Asuma, Kakashi and Kurenai, since your students have completed the required 8 missions, are there any of them you want to nominate for the exam"

Kurenai was the first to step forward "Under the name of Kurenai Yuhi I nominate Team 8, consisting of Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Uzumaki, to take part in this Chunin exam"

Asuma directly walked up afterwards "Under the name of Asuma Sarutobi I nominate Team 10, consisting of Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi and Ino Yamanaka, to take part in this Chunin exam.

Kakashi just looked up" I'll be nominating Team 7, consisting of Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, to take part this time"

Hiruzen knowing the strength of these teams just nodded, he was about to continue when he was cut off.

"Wait a second Hokage-sama"

"What is it Iruka?"

"Please let me have a word Hokage-sama, I cant understand the Jonins reasoning. I don't think it's a good idea to nominate them, though most of them are talented but they're too inexperienced to join the Chunin exam and might get hurt or worse, die. All of them were my students and I can't just sit still and watch them get ruined."

"I became a Chunin at 6, and they've been complaining about missions being too easy, this should wake them up a bit"


Kakashi turned around and released some pressure "Ma ma I can understand your anger Chunin Iruka, but you have to understand that they are no longer your students, but our soldiers, so stay out of this since its no longer your business"

"Kakashi, Iruka is right, even my team waited 1 year to gain greater strength before signing up, let yours mature more at least." Gai came up with a rare serious face.

"Hey Gai, they may not be as mature as they can be, but I can already tell when my team is ready, and they'll take over yours quickly, so don't come complaining after it happens"

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Kakashi held out the nomination forms for the exam infront of his students while explaining to them about what the exam consists of and its implications.

"Those are just nomination forms, so you can still decide to not take part in the exam if you think you're not ready, but if you decided to join, then take these forms and deliver them to room 301 by 4pm tomorrow. That is all"

When Kakashi vanished Naruto turned to the other two while walking home. "This should be interesting. If one of you decide not to participate then inform the others, we can only do this as a team and it won't work if we go alone. I hope you reconsider it carefully and see if you're ready, there will be a lot of strong people, especially from our village and the ones we saw yesterday Sasuke"

"Hn dobe, don't be stupid, I'll definitely join"

We stopped walking when we saw Sakura looking unsure. Sasuke decided to talk, "Annoying, you shouldn't be so insecure Sakura"

Sakura looked up surprised, before answering with a quiet voice, "I can't even keep up with you two, I'm not sure if I'm ready for the Chunin exa-OUCH, WHAT WAS THAT FOR BAKA"

Before she could continue, Naruto flicked her forehead hard, making her shout out in surprise and pain while rubbing the spot. "Stop being stupid, aren't you supposed to be the smart one, you're already Chunin material, it's just that we are stronger than most normal people since we had trained for longer, so you can't showcase or compare your strength with us. You've worked hard kid, so be confident" Sasuke turned around and walked away in awkwardness when he saw her eyes mist over, while Naruto just smiled before disappearing. They didn't want to see her spill tears.

We gathered the next day before the venue amd entered it together. We entered and climbed the stairs towards the 2nd floor and were in time to see a group of people gathered infront of a door with the sign 301. Team Gai was at the front and Lee tried to enter but got punched in the face by one of two people who were blocking the entrance to the room, though we could feel it was a Genjutsu and this just the second floor. The two started rambling while Tenten went forward and tried to ask nicely for entrance.

The other guy tried to slap Tenten in the face but I decided to intervene and appeared beside him holding up his arm. He acted on reflex and twisted his body while sending a kick towards my face, I lowered myself casually before flipping him forward along his kicking path and sweeping his other leg backward, he landed on his stomach with my knee on his neck and his hands twisted on his back. Everyone was frozen from what happened, not many saw me move, his partner recovered almost instantly, but before he could react Sasuke appeared behind him with a kunai against his throat. "I won't move if I were you, my hands shake sometimes, dont want you to get hurt."

I ignored what Sasuke did before turning down and looking at my captive "Now, why'd you go and want to slap a lady that's asking nicely, that's rude you know"

Everyone soon recovered and had a surprised expression, the one I was holding instantly replying.

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"Che, this is me showing kindness to them by barring their way, Chunin exam isn't a joke, even we failed 3 times, many people die or get hurt causing them to retire due to this, I didn't want to make you brats go through with it, now release me"

I couldn't get in a reply when I heard Sasuke snort and start arrogantly talking "You're just trash then if you failed 3 times, I lost my interest already, why don't you guys drop the Genjutsu and scram, I'll be going ahead to the 3rd floor" He put back his kunai, put his hands in his pockets and smirked.

I looked at him incredulously, will he die if he didn't show off for once, I just shook my head at his stupidity and let the guy under me go, this was supposed to be a test and he just went and fucked it up. Everyone else reacted when they heard what Sasuke said.

"So you noticed it huh, fine you can go but don't say I didn't warn you guys." The two dispelled the Genjutsu and disappeared causing it to change to room 201, when the rest saw this they instantly reacted and left for the stairs. Meanwhile Lee instantly came up to Sakura to confess his love again, we had already met Team Gai before but only Lee and Gai interacted with us while the other two ignored us. I saw Neji and decided to play a prank on him. I made a clone henged into a old lady with a stick close by without them noticing. She came around the corner and with squinty eyes and a hunched back looked at Neji up and down before circling around him.

"Kami-sama be praised, I see before me a Child of Destiny, one born under the most auspicious stars" Everyone stopped and looked at her, she started praying while speaking towards the roof, Neji hurriedly turned around to walk away, she followed while speaking "Child, so many destinies lay before you, if only I could see the future and predict which path you'll take, you really are one to command fate" As soon as he heard the word fate he got triggered and hurriedly turned around to look at the old lady with a angry face while spitting out "What would you know about fate, my destiny was already decided on my birth"

"I know quite a bit child" she replied with a look of pity towards him. He instantly became enranged and pointed a finger at her. "YOUU, who are you!!"

"I am but a simple wandering priestess"

"A priestess of what"

"Now that would be telling, you can't ask a old lady for her secrets." I tried to stifle a laugh while he was ready to burst, Tenten seeing this instantly dragged him away. As soon as they were gone I started laughing hard while my clone dispelled. Sakura started to giggle and I saw Sasuke almost smile, his lips just slighty twitching, meanwhile Lee was confused before he turned around and pointed at Sasuke, ignoring what had happened.

"You, Sasuke Uchiha right? I want to challenge you to see how the genius from a clan fares against my techniques"

"Hn, Challenging me knowing I'm an Uchiha, you're really stupid, I'll show you what it means to be part of a elite clan"

"Yosh, Apprentice of Konohas Green Beast Rock Lee!, please advise, plus I want to let Sakura-chan see that I can protect her!"

Sakura shivered when she heard that. Sasuke left out the greeting and just prepared for the fight, they soon dashed towards eachother, but before they could clash, I appeared in the middle catching Lees kick and Sasukes punch casually and with a relaxed expression I threw them off.

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"Tchh, why are you interfering dobe" "That was really unyouthful Naruto-kun!!"

I looked at them both before sighing "are you two stupid, we're going to be late for the exam" The realization hit them at my mention, Lee instantly started dashing up to catch Neji and Tenten while we just started walking. When we arrived on the third floor and found room 301 Kakashi was standing there.

"Oh Sakura came too, that's good, now you can properly take the exam"

"What do you mean sensei, and why'd you doubt if I were coming"

"Oh you were looking down yesterday so I thought you might not come, you can only take the exam as a team so I stayed here incase any of you came without the others to stop you"

"Hn we already know that, dobe told us yesterday"

"Oh now did he, that's good, oh looks like it's getting lively inside, why dont you go in, good luck" We started hearing shouting from inside, so we nodded to Kakashi and entered the room.

We arrived in time to see Kiba confronting sound nin after they punched Kabuto while the other Konoha genin were behind him. Ino seemed to notice something before turning around, when she saw me she wanted to come over but a voice cut in. Everyone turned around and saw a cloud of smoke, when it disperesed it showed Ibiki with a bunch of Chunin behind him.

"QUIET DOWN YOU WORTHLESS BASTARDS AND TAKE A SEAT, and you 3 maggots from sound want to be disqaulified already? Stop doing as you please"

They quickly apologized while the rest hurriedly took a seat. I nodded towards both Ino and Hinata when they saw me and sat next to my team.

"Alright, Thanks for waiting, I'll be the examiner of the Chunin exams first test, my name is Ibiki Morino. This is a good opportunity to say this now before we start so make sure to listen, you are not allowed to fight without the examiners permission, if you do have permission from an examiner then make damn sure you don't kill the opponent, fatal blows will not be tolerated, any bastard that disobeys will fail, AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR ON THAT?!"

When he heard a loud chorused "Hai" he started explaining the first phase of the exam.

Timeline: 1st of July Year 63 ME - Chunin exam first test.

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