Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 27

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"We will now start the first test of the exam, instead of the seats you pigs are using, you will be given a number tab and sit where it indicated, we will then hand out the exam for all 153 of you"

Everyone immediately stood up and grumbled while trying to queue up. Sakura started freaking out when she realized it was a test paper, Sasuke also looked disgruntled, they were both worried about Naruto. Everyone soon took a tab and sat down in the indicated seats, Naruto found himself next to Hinata. They just stared at eachother, communicating with their eyes until Ibiki brought them back.

"You are not allowed to turn your papers yet, there are several rules you need to know before you can read, I will only say this once while writing on the board, so make sure to listen well, no questions are allowed. The first rule: you will all start with 10 points, you will have 10 questions corresponsing to each point, so get the question right and you'll keep the point, get a question wrong and you'll lose a point. Secons rule: This exam works on a team score, which means wether you pass or fail depends on the total points your team gain, which means each team will have to compete to see how many points they can keep from the 30 they initially have. Third rule: Anyone caught doing suspicious activities like cheating for example will be deducted 2 points everytime they get a offence, as a shinobi trying to become Chunin, you should be proud Ninjas. Fourth rule: Those who lose all their points from either offences or incorrect answers will be asked to leave the exam alongside their two team members. Those are all the rules you need to know about, the time limit is 1 hour, you can start now"

You could hear frantic people turning their question sheets to have a look, some felt perpelexed while others started sweating due to the pressure from the restrictions set, others had already figured it out while most were still concentrating on reading. This test emulated all the basic things a shinobi might face in a infiltration and information gathering mission. The psychological pressure put on them to quickly grasp a situation in a limited time to ensure their own safety while efficiently trying to gather information needed without being caught and make sure they won't drag their teammates with them knowing that it might be fatal, in this case fatal in passng the exam, in true missions it might be death or worse being caught.

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Naruto quickly read through the questions, finding them really easy he started to quickly answering them, completing the exam in less than 5 minutes, he flipped his paper, set down his pen, placed his feet on the desk and took a nap to wait for the 10th question. The other people saw this and were dumbfounded, why is he quitting already is what went through their collective minds and he had guts to take a nap in this situation. Ibiki was intrigued to see this but chose to ignore it, he was the only one to see the brat write down something quickly. Meanwhile Sasuke and Sakura were sweating when they saw Naruto do this, but they couldn't do anything to stop him. Sakura started glaring at him but he just turned around, gave her a good guy pose and went back to nap, making her gnash her teeth in anger. Many people started getting caught cheating and some even disqualified, more people started understanding the true meaning of this exam, which is to cheat without being caught. Soon all sorts of methods were used, ranged from mind body switch from a Yamanaka, to insects from the Aburame, Ninken from Inuzuka, 3rd eyes flying about, dojutsus activated, Shikamaru had to use his shadow possession to help Choji and even those less fortunate had to improvise and use stuff like puppets, Genjutsu, sound waves, mirrors tied to ninja wire and some even decided to use paralysis poisioned senbon while swapping test papers, It was utter chaos. There were many caught in this proccess if they were too obvious with cheating and deducted points, some tried to question Ibiki but he would either warn them or even kick them out directly, some tried to fight back but were quickly subdued and kicked out.

45 minutes later and it was finally time for Ibiki to tell them about the 10th question, the number has already been almost cut to only 30% remaining. Naruto opened his eyes when he hears something hit a table hard, he looked up and saw Ibiki.


"Alright, it's time to reveal the 10th question for you guys, but before that I'll tell you the additional rules associated with this. These are called the rules of desperation, you can decided not to take this 10th question, if you do decide not take the 10th question, you'll get your points deducted to 0 and you'll be disqualified with your team."

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Snorts where heard all over "Then of course we'll take it, what a stupid thing to say examiner-san" Ibiki just sported a evil smile, making those who interrupeted him shiver in fright.

"You brats will need patience, now if you do decide to take the 10th question then you'll have to make sure you get it right, or else you'll be barred from any Chunin exam, both now and in the future, making you stay Genin for the rest of you shinobi career"

People started causing a uproar when they heard that, Kiba couldn't hold it and shouted out "WHAT KIND OF STUPID RULE IS THAT, PEOPLE TAKING THE EXAM BEFORE ARE HERE AMONG US"

"Oh then you're unlucky to have me in this exam, this year its my rules. I'm giving you a chance too, you can withdraw willingly right now, this way you won't have the restriction set on you and you can try again next year."

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Everyone went quiet at that mention, some hesistated to give up but when the first person stepped up more people followed. Naruto was yawning while stretching lazily looking at this happening with a bored expression. His expression soon twisted into a grimace when he felt Sakuras confidence falter a bit, even if we trained her more, it didn't help her psychologically it seems, he has been watching out for her doing that since it's been in the show, as soon as he felt that hesitation take root he instantly spoke out lazily, though he spoke softly, his voice strangely reverberated over the whole room clearly.

"Ibiki-san, can we stop playing these mind games, it's getting boring watching your ugly mug trying to intimidate these brats. You don't even have the authority to make a decision to bar anyone from the next Chunin exams, so isn't it pointless"

Everyone was gobsmacked when they heard that and some had a face of realization. Ibiki was glaring at the brat before him for daring to adress him like that, he saw how he was lazily looking back. Ibiki instantly felt like he was being stared at by a beast, his instict told him something was wrong with the brat but he couldn't put his fingers around it, he narrowed his eyes before it struck him like a bolt of lightning, he couldn't feel a presence from him at all, he tried harder but nothing, he felt like he didnt exist if he wasn't looking at him, it was like he was one with the air arround him, he couldn't get a read on him from his body language too, which was surprising since in his line of work he had seen and interrogated tons of people, with his experience, it shouldn't be hard to figure something out from someone just be glancing at them, but all he felt was being dismissed as fake and wrong by his gut feeling, which he trusted. He needed to pull the file on this kid later on and see what's going on. He looked around and saw that noone was going to forfeit anymore.

"You're a brave little bastard, now since there isn't anyone else who wants to quit, TO THE 60 REMAINING PEOPLE, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ALL PASS THE FIRST TEST"

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Some started murmuring while others asked why they didn't get a 10th question.

He started grinning "There was never a question to begin with, the choice you got to make was the real last test" From then on he started explaining how the test worked and that it was supposed to actually test how they cope with pressure of failure, their resolve and individual information gathering. "The questions weren't meant to be for the average Genin, which meant that you'll have to cheat to get the answers required, the premise for this test was all about cheating, we even planted some Chunin among you with the answers on their sheets, if you succeeded then you got your answers, but those that did it poorly were disqualified. You have to understand that information is the lifeline of a shinobi, without correct information it might get you killed, this is why people risk their own lives to gain it, important information can even sometimes save the village and the people you care about or it can be a weapon used against your enemies, as for the 10th question, it was to test you resolve, sometimes there are missions that can be dangerous to you and your teammates due to insufficient information on hostiles or their surrounding, its unavoidable so you have to be resolved to walk on the line of life and death to complete it. Courage, resolve, leadership and the ability to survive any hardship thrown at them is the requirement for a Chunin leader. Those that don't have the resolve to do that dangerous mission won't make it with a halfassed mindset if they think they can do the test later, and those kind of people don't deserve to become Chunin. You, who chose to stay for the 10th question will have an easier time dealing with problems in the future as you already have one of the qualities to become a Chunin. The first test of the Chunin Exam is now finished. I wish you good luck wit-" he suddenly turned and looked towards the window to see a black blur heading towards it.

*CRASH* *Flap flap*


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