Naruto the Shadow

Chapter 28: 28

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"Welcome to training ground 44, also known as the Forest of Death, this will be where your second test is held"

We stood next to a fence facing Anko while looking at the dark forest behind her, the trees were humongous, with lush greenery spread around it and you could barely see inside from the lack of light due to the cover of the trees. Naruto could also feel the Mokuton chakra inside the trees, if he remembered correctly this was a prepared battlefield to help Hashirama in defending the village by using the trees created by himself as a medium to attack.

"These are forms that I will be handing out for you to sign, they are basically consent forms that says if you die in this round, Konoha won't be held responsible, if you choose not to sign then you'll have to be disqualified. You can hand in the forms to the Chunin at the desk after I finish the explanation"

She started ordering the Chunin that are there to assist her in handing out the forms, while starting to explain the terrain inside the forest as well as our objective, which is to survive and obtain scrolls of Heaven and Earth before heading to the tower in the centre. We are to survive inside the forest for a maximum of 5 days to track and find a team with the opposite scroll we are given. There are no rules set inside so even killing is allowed and we won't get supplies since it's survival. There are 60 people which means 20 teams, 10 will get Earth, 10 will get Heaven, the teams are required to arrive before the time limit and they can't have a member missing or else they won't pass, they also can't look inside the scrolls before reaching the tower. When everything was wrapped up and explained, we handed in the forms to exchange for the scrolls but some started hesitating when they heard about the threat of death and one team even forfeited

At this point, Naruto had discretely stolen the scroll his team needed from behind the Chunin and placed it in his sleeve without anyone noticing, they didn't say anything about not being able to do that, he also felt Hinata do the same with a well placed chakra string after she saw through him, while Ino chose to just gain one inside. We soon chose a gate and waited for the signal to start.

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"Alright brats, last piece of advice, make sure you stay alert and not die, the second round of the Chunin Exam officially starts now!" As soon as she said that the gates opened and everyone dashed inside. It didn't take 5 minutes before Anko started hearing a scream, she just smirked and went back to overlook the exam.

Naruto was currently with Sasuke and Sakura trying to find a place to stay for their temporary camp in this test, one hour in and he could already feel the snake stalking them with two other signatures, he could feel playfulness and bloodthirst from him. We didn't get much further before he felt a spike in the Sannins chakra followed by a huge gust coming at us. He allowed it to carry him away, landing him in a clearing and was soon followed by a huge snake.


"Annoying" He created a Rasengan and clenched his hand around it, compressing it into his fist, making it glow, before punching out towards the snake, creating a shockwave, all in a second like it was natural.


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The dust soon settled only leaving behind a straight dent in the earth. This was one of the techniques he created when he was trying to emulate the super strength aspect with chakra control, he failed due to bad control but managed to work around it with compressing the Rasengan into his fist, making a devastating punch that can annihilate anything it touches, if anyone else tried to do this then they would have their fist explode due to that much chakra, but since his foundation was strong and he was already used to big amounts, he could just do that to make the chakra in the Rasengan burst out when he punches. It soon started raining blood though nothing seemed to touch Naruto. (I'll call it Rasenken)

He soon turned around and went towards where Orochimaru was toying with Sasuke and Sakura, he also sent out a clone with his original looks to stop the examiners and Anko from interfering if they discover anything, they'll just die at Orochimarus hands. He was there in time to see the Sannin hit them with a concentrated dosage of killing intent making them shake in fright and causing them to see images of their death. Saskue recovered with a pale face while holding down the urge to vomit, he could still see Sakura frozen in fear from what happened, though she recovered fast when she felt Sasuke carry her off to hide after attacking the Sannin with Shuriken. It didn't buy them much time to think before a snake appeared and lunged at them, dodging to the side, Sasuke started making handsigns before breathing out a big fireball towards the snake, roasting it in the process.

"*Huff huff* We need to get out of here before that ninja comes back Sakura, we can't beat such a monster, we'll leave the scroll here as bait, we can always get them again when Naruto comes back" Sakura didn't get to respond before they heard a creepy laugh coming from the snake that sent them shivers.

"Kukukukuku, splendid plan Sasuke-kun, but I'm disappointed, who knew you'd be a coward, but you shouldn't be relaxed while I'm here, I'll just take the scroll from your body after I kill you" They saw her come out of the burned body of the snake before lunging at Sasuke. Sasuke was frantically trying to find a escape route while dodging the onslaught from the ninja. Sakura couldn't hold it anymore seeing him like that and snapped.


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Sasuke instantly stopped when he heard that like he was froze , he soon recovered and started laughing out loud while his eyes were shadowed. "Hahahahahahaha you're right, I didn't expect to be shaken up by a bastard like you, if I run from this then I won't even have the qualifications to face that man" He instantly looked up towards Orochimaru showing off his 3 tomoe sharingan.

He took out the tools and started his assault, he kept throwing knives and Kunai at the Sannins vital points by reading his movements while dodging away from his approach. He threw out a Shuriken at a cricitical movement making Orochimaru twist out of the way followed by a Kunai tied to a string, he noticed it too late before it tangled him up from the back, Sasuke gaining support from the tree started using handsigns before setting the line on fire and burning Orochimaru in the process. He didn't relax since he knew this won't end yet, though he was soon overwhelmed by pressure making him and Sakura unable to move their bodies, while getting soaked in cold sweat.

"Kukukuku enough playing, you're truly a Uchiha to be able to use the Sharingan to this stage when you are still stuck in the village, I can already see that you have the power to surpass Itachis eyes. I just want you more and more Kukukuku"

"Y-Y-YOU, W-who are you!" He had difficulty talking with this pressure but he needed to know who this person was to mention Itachi. He could see burned skin peeling off and her face was gone revealing a man behind it with snake like eyes.

"My name is Orochimaru, one of Konohas previous Sannin before I defected. I'll be giving you a gift before I leave to help your path of revenge, if you want more power, then I can give it to you instead of these pitiful pests in the village, I can make your dream come true and all you need to do is come with me, but if you want to see me again then survive this test or else I can't help you"

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He ignored Sakura and started making handsigns before his neck stretched out towards Sasuke and bit him on the back of his neck, leaving behind a bite mark that started forming into something. He informed Sasuke about the sound shinobi and disappeared when he saw him writhe in pain, though not before looking towards where Naruto was sent to with confusion.



Naruto instantly appeared behind Sakura and knocked her out, he sent out a clone to keep track of Orochimaru incase he targeted anyone else. He started inspecting Sasukes seal to see what it did, his eyes glowed before he made the seals compression mechanisms unlock itself and show markings all over Saskies body. It didn't take more than a minute to understand its formula completely and see what it does, though there are critical flaws in this design in his opinion. It basically has a part of Orochimarus consciousness inside that makes it passively absorb natural energy into the cursed mark and convert it into Orochimarus own Senjutsu chakra. When the seal is activated, it releases enzymes into a persons system and replaces their chakra with Orochimarus Senjutsu chakra while also corroding a persons state of mind, slowly boosting negative thoughts and making them loyal to Orochimaru over time.

Only reason Anko didn't get these effects is because she wasn't willing to use it, making it go dormant and was succesfully sealed using the Evil sealing method by Hiruzen, which stops the seal if the person is not willing to use it, that method won't work though if the user has thoughts to use the cursed mark. I could remove it now from Saskue but there won't be a point, so I started tweaking it a bit to leave a surprise for Orochimaru before I recompressed the seal into its 3 comma appearance. I then picked up both of them before running towards the tower to hand in the scrolls and complete this mission.

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