Chapter 10 Break Off

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After dispelling Mu Nan's idea of ​​staying in City B, Qin Huai placed an order for the few packages he had just selected in the group, and the rest just had to wait for the volunteers to deliver them, and the community online shopping was settled. 

Qin Huai began to make video connections with people. 

The small company he founded with others needs to be sold. 

In addition to the shares in his hand, he also has some projects that are laying eggs. 

He is a software developer and also the founder of the project. 

Although he left. 

Now he wants to transfer the project and sell the shares, the company's profit only accounts for a small part. But so many people want to buy it, because of the company channel.


Qin Huai didn't avoid Mu Nan when he operated these things. 

When Mu Nan knew that Qin Huai was going to pack and sell all these things in his hands to his partners, he was a little surprised: "When things get messy in the future, these things won't be worth much anymore. Will he hate you?"


Qin Huai looked at him and understood what he meant, so he smiled and said, "You think we are friends?"


Mu Nan was even more puzzled: "Not friends?" 


Qin Huai said: "He is a rich second generation of Chinese. He has money and I have technology. What I have is the cooperation that he lack. We are friends when it is profitable, and we can become enemies at any time when interests conflict."


Mu Nan is not an idiot who is ignorant of worldly affairs. 

When Qin Huai said this, he understood. 

Seeing that Qin Huai was bargaining with the other party without mercy, Mu Nan asked, "Then where are you, and do you have good friends?" 


Qin Huai's hand tapping the computer paused slightly, then he raised his hand and rubbed Mu Nan's head: "I wish I could break every minutes, how can I have time to make friends, and if I have you, don't you think that is enough?"


Mu Nan was a little happy when he heard this, but also a little unhappy. 

He was happy that Qin Huai's world still belonged to him and was not occupied by other people. 

He was unhappy because Qin Huai had been alone all these years, and he felt a little distressed.


Without waiting for him to say anything, Qin Huai pushed him into the bathroom: "It's getting late, you go take a shower."


Mu Nan said oh, and took the prepared clothes into the bathroom, Qin Huai's smile gradually faded away and cooled down.


He doesn’t have many friends abroad. 

When he regarded as a rich second generation, he has friends around him. 

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When he is nothing, he naturally has nothing around him. 

Moreover, in foreign countries, the prejudice caused by skin color. 

It is inevitable, and even more so, discrimination from compatriots is sometimes more direct.


But when it comes to friends, he used to think that he had. 

During those difficult days, his only way to resolve it was the news about Mu Nan passed by Jiang Xuan. 

During the communication, he would inevitably talk about his own situation, and the contact was frequent. 

Plus, with the friendship he had when he was a student, he still values ​​Jiang Xuan as a friend.


It's a pity that the friendship he thought was just getting closer with ulterior motives.


Qin Huai wanted to sell the projects and shares in his hand. 

Jiang Xuan, who had already joined Qin Huai Company to work, naturally also learned about these things. 

When he knew that Qin Huai had returned home, Jiang Xuan was not at peace for a moment. 

He even regretted it, regretted himself.

The innocence and stupidity of youth. 

At that time, he only wanted Qin Huai to stay away from Mu Nan forever. 

Now looking back at his childish handling at that time, it was ridiculous. 

What he should do is not to make Mu Nan unable to contact Qin Huai, but to become friends with Mu Nan. 

It's a pity that he was too young at that time, so young that he couldn't hide his malice towards Mu Nan.


With that little chance, Jiang Xuan contacted Qin Huai pretending nothing happened. 

Especially when he learned that Qin Huai was about to withdraw his shares, he was even more eager to inquire about him. But get no response.


After dialing the well-known number again, the phone was connected, and Jiang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and then he quickly forced himself to calm down, and tried to calm down: "Qin Huai? Are you here now? Where are you? You haven't replied to my messages or answered my calls during this time, and now you still want to sell your shares, what happened? If there is any difficulty..."


Qin Huai said coldly: "Jiang Xuan.”


Jiang Xuan's heart followed, and he even felt his voice trembling: "Huh? I, I'm here."


Qin Huai: "Nan Nan said he looked for you."


Jiang Xuan had already prepared for the worst, and he had predicted countless times in his heart that when Qin Huai came to question him, what reaction and excuse would he use to respond, 

so, when he heard Qin Huai's question, he immediately expressed surprise He said: "Have he looked for me? How is it possible! If he has looked for me, how could I not have told you!"

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Qin Huai smiled on the phone: "Who do you think I will trust, you or Nan Nan?"


Jiang Xuan's face turned pale: "Qin Huai, what happened? Are you at home now? You wait for me to come back and we'll have a face-to-face meeting. There must be some misunderstanding!" 


Qin Huai said, "No need, and Jiang Xuan, I told you But, is Nan Nan looking for you because he wants to look for me?"


Jiang Xuan, who was far away in City B, heard the sound of the phone hanging up, and his whole body became completely bloodless.


After hanging up the phone, Qin Huai stood by the window for a while, until Mu Nan came out of the shower, put down his phone, and walked over with a smile on his face again: 

"Blow it with a hair dryer before coming out, it's wet, be careful of catching a cold "


Mu Nan wiped it with a towel indifferently: "With such short hair, it will be dry after a few strokes, so hurry up and take a bath while the water is still hot."


Qin Huai didn't move, but took Mu Nan's hand.

The towel gently wiped the short hair: "Even your hair is short you can't be so casual, now is a special period, you can't be sick, come here, let me blow it for you first."

Mu Nan was pulled towards him.


Walking into the bathroom, he suddenly couldn't help laughing, feeling that Qin Huai was still the same Qin Huai, the same Qin Huai who even cared about what socks he wore in the morning.


In order to solve the problem of food and clothing for each family, this time the community delivery speed is very fast, 

the speed is fast, but the quality of some items may not be so easy to guarantee. 

Mu Nan and his family received the items. 

The damage was not serious, some of the dishes were cleaned up, and the rest were pretty good, but looking at the community groups, some of the dishes received by the family were not very good, and some of the dishes were even crushed. 

Although this is an inevitable problem, but after spending so much money and receiving something not very good, this make the person always has something in his mind.


Some people understand this, and they are very grateful to be able to get something to eat without going out in such a big environment, 

but some people are not forgiving for the problem of a la carte, even in the group there was a commotion there. 

One family received bad green vegetables, so they complained to the community. 

What they said was not pleasant, and they didn’t even communicate much, so they eagerly made all kinds of roaring voices in the group, and they didn’t know it was the period of epidemic. 

The pressure of life is high. With this little matter of green vegetables,theyI wish I could vent all their dissatisfaction.


The volunteers in the community were also wronged. 

They were working voluntarily at risk, but now they are too busy to get well. 

The bad food is not caused by them. 

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In addition, the situation outside is getting more and more serious. 

They are busy outside, their own family was a little too concerned, some were dragging their families, and the tired family members were worried, so they made such a fuss and quit.


If one quits, there will always be two or three who are affected and leave together. 

The community will lose a few volunteers, and the workload of others will become greater.


So, the family who was making trouble in the group was directly attacked by the group. 

At first, the family would resist and scold him back, but there were more people who scolded him. 

This family was kicked out. 

Since they are not satisfied, they will not help this family buy things in the future. 

In the end, that person didn't know whether he was worried that people would really ignore him, or that he was scolded too badly, but he didn't say anything in the group.


Mu Nan just watched the commotion in the group silently. 

Don't look at how miserable many people are now scolding the family who disliked the dishes. 

It seems that they have spoken out for the volunteers. 

When the family disliked them, but A lot of people came out to agree, didn't they just want to seek their own interests through other people's troubles. 

Now that the reaction is so big, it is also because they are afraid that in the end they will really be beaten and no one will serve them.


But the volunteers left and never came back. 

The community had nothing to do, and no one could be called to help at this time, so they could only ask in the group if anyone was willing to be a volunteer. 

Unfortunately, there were not many responses. 

It's dangerous to went out at this time, the weather is not considered cool, and I still wear that kind of airtight protective clothing every day, and there is no subsidy. 

Except for those who are really kind-hearted and want to help others, who would do such a thankless thing.


Qin Huai was a little hesitant. 

As soon as Qin Huai hesitated, Mu Nan could tell that even though they had been apart for a long time, the tacit understanding of growing up together was still there, so he immediately stopped him: "You can't go, I don't agree." 


Qin Huai knew Mu Nan's intentions.


Worried, in fact, he doesn't want to go out and take risks. 

Even if he has protective clothing, who can guarantee that he will not be infected by the mycelium in the smog, but he has his own considerations. 

It is safe to stay indoors, but the news is closed. 

What I learned from the Internet is only part of it after all.


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Qin Huai said: "It's safe in the building, I don't go out of the building, and now the volunteers just stay in the building to deliver some things, so it's not that dangerous."


Mu Nan shook his head: "Do you know that people who have this disease can’t be cured!”


Qin Huai frowned and said, “Can’t it be cured? Could it be that there will be problems after those who are cured?” 

Although the mortality rate of this disease is high, it is not absolute, at least half of the cure rate, and most of them are elderly people who are already in poor health. 

On the contrary, young people are recovering very quickly, and the number of cured people is increasing every day. 

If it were not for this, people would not stay at home and obey the government's arrangements.


Mu Nan nodded: "Yes, those who have recovered are only temporarily suppressed by some drugs, and then hibernate. 

When the virus becomes stronger and stronger in the human body, it will break out again. 

The infection rate of this disease is not high. 

At the beginning, because the smog was not obvious, and most of people were infected without protection. 

Later, the smog became more serious, and more people wore masks, and the infection rate plummeted. 


Mu Nan knew that if he was wearing protective clothing, as long as he was careful not to breathe in the air outside, the chance of infection would be very low. 

At this time in his last life, he didn't even have many masks, and he even went downstairs to get things, nothing happened in the end. 

But there is always a contingency in everything, Qin Huai never came back in the last life, that is the contingency that he dares not gamble on. 

He admires those who can step forward to serve the people at this time, but he dares not gamble with the people he cares about the most. 

He would rather be a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death. 

In this life, he just wants to get along well with Qin Huai. And don't have an accident.


Seeing that Mu Nan's anxious face turned pale, Qin Huai quickly said, "Okay, I won't go, I'll just stay at home and not go anywhere." 


He didn't want to be a volunteer because he wanted to help others, but because he wanted to prepare for the future, 

since the power of the country has always been there, then in the troubled times of the future, it must be dependent on the government. 

Both he and Nan Nan have no family background, so they can only fight on their own, but the premise is that, without affecting his and Nan Nan's own safety.


After dispelling this idea, neither of them mentioned it again, and several people in the group responded as volunteers. 

Because of what happened last time, the residents in the building no longer complained strongly that this is not good, that is not good. 

Well, if you really want to distribute a dish that is so bad that you can't eat it, try to discuss it in a negotiable tone.


Except for the still smog outside, the situation in their community was a little more harmonious for a while, 

but this period didn't last too long, because Mu Nan said before that the epidemic broke out for the second time.


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