Chapter 9 Buy

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The incident of smashing the windows made many people sigh, and those who lived on the lower floors were also alerted. 

Many homes had a special layer of quilts and blankets nailed near the glass, for fear that some people would do the same thing again. 

The community group also attaches great importance to this matter. 

In the group, they are constantly comforting everyone and asking those who are sick at home to report to them first. 

They will definitely find a way to arrange the hospital as soon as possible.


But no matter how much the group tried to guide them, the father who had lost his child still rushed out of the house as madly as Mu Nan remembered, and threw that kind of bone-chopping knife at the neighborhood committee.


It's just that this time the neighborhood committee took precautions, closed the iron gate early, and called the police immediately, and the police came very quickly. 

Although they struggled hard, they still suppressed the mad father. 

The process did not cause casualties.


Soon the residents on the lower floors could see the residents of the neighborhood committee from the windows, and posted the video to the group. 

Although this person is very poor, he just became a father, and his child was killed by a lunatic, but in this way the act of crazy revenge was still criticized by many people.


Seeing all kinds of words in the group blaming the father, Mu Nan closed the WeChat group, no one was involved, and no one could understand the despair of others.


In the evening, Mu Nan received a thank you from the community director. 

Mu Nan replied with a smiley emoji, expressing that this was also an accidental coincidence, and he was just being careful and making no big mistakes.


The director of the community was afraid for a while, if Mu Nan hadn't posted a few videos of smashing towards the community crazily because he couldn't enter the hospital for treatment, and reminded him that there was just a smashing incident in the community, he was afraid that someone would touch him. 

Sensitive nerves were driven to follow the trend of the newspaper, so that the community should be vigilant, so as to avoid another tragedy. 

It just so happened that after watching those videos, he still had lingering fears. 

When he saw the father, who had lost his child walking towards the community, he felt a shock in his heart, and he hurriedly let the iron gate down first. 

Fortunately, it was released in time. 

If he waited until the father reached the door and then took out the machete and smashed the glass and charged in, it was hard to imagine how many casualties would be caused.


Mu Nan is also very fortunate that the director has taken his reminder seriously. 

It is impossible for him to tell others directly that the child's father will come to retaliate, so he can only remind him from the side. 

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It is best to prevent a tragedy. 

He remembers that the current director, in the year when his parents passed away unexpectedly, was only a staff member in the community and had not yet become a director. 

Later, after he lived with Qin Huai's grandmother, he visited him several times, telling him that if he had any difficulties in life, he could go to the community to find him.


Although the director did not die in the previous life, it is said that he was seriously injured. 

In the future, if the injury is serious, I am afraid that he will not be able to survive for a long time. 

This time he can help him avoid a catastrophe, which can be regarded as repayment. 

He was kind enough to help his parents take care of the funeral.


Qin Huai saw Mu Nan's chat interface. 

Qin Huai also remembered this Director Li. 

He was a very kind uncle who smiled at everyone. 

When Mu Nan first lived in their house when he was a child, Director Li was still a staff member. 

He had seen it twice. 

At that time, he was always worried that this person would send Mu Nan back to his relatives forcibly when he saw that they were not Mu Nan's relatives. 

So, he was somewhat repulsed by this Director Li, so he still has an impression of this Director Li.


Seeing Mu Nan put down the phone, Qin Huai said: "Have you dreamed about this?"


Mu Nan was stunned for a moment before nodding, then looked at Qin Huai before saying: "Yeah, it's not a dream, but there is something wrong with it, I have a very clear impression, just in my dream, I was locked in the house and couldn’t get out, and then there seemed to be a few bad things happened in our community, such as the neighborhood committee being smashed, I have a little impression, so I subconsciously reminded him after a while, I didn't expect it to be this time."


Qin Huai just glanced at him, didn't say much, stretched out his arms to hug Mu Nan, 

he knew that Mu Nan had something to hide from him, even if they separated for these years, Mu Nan He was also brought up by him since he was a child. 

He knew Mu Nan well, he knew that he just knew, but he couldn't find out what happened. 

He just hoped that there would be a day when he and Mu Nan could return to their intimacy.


After being closed at home for almost a month, many people have run out of food in their homes. 

Just like in the previous life, the prices have risen to sky-high prices during this period, 

but even if the prices are sky-high, they still have to buy them, otherwise they will have nothing to eat.


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As for Mu Nan's two-house vegetables, he also had a little harvest. 

His vegetables were not planted when they were seeds, but the ready-made seedlings he bought, so they grew faster,

the vegetables might take a little longer, but the peppers have grown, 

but because there is no sun, the growth is not very good, and now it is still green with a little yellow, and it has not turned red.


Looking at the soil and vegetables in the room, Mu Nan looked at Qin Huai: "Our building seems to have a few families of lonely old people."


He said this not because he was kind-hearted, Mu Nan knew himself well, 

He has the selfishness and indifference that modern people generally have, but it is not to the extent of completely annihilating kindness. 

When something does not happen to him, he can ignore it indifferently. 

Even if it happens to him, he can only move by giving the injure people a little bit of compassion. 

But he was afraid, afraid that he had so much food, a whole space of food, but when he was indifferent to those old people who might not even have any food at home, Qin Huai would feel that he was cold-blooded. 

So, this question also meant to test Qin Huai's attitude.


Qin Huai didn't think much about it, when he heard what Mu Nan said, 

he just frowned disapprovingly: "Sheng Mi's kindness fights against Mi's hatred, the days will become more and more difficult in the future, and you will see more and more misery by then, so Nan Nan, I don't want you to start with this. What's more, the state order is still there. If those lonely old people really need it, the government will not leave them alone. At least now there are only people who die of illness and no one dies of starvation, Nan Nan, if you meet someone who needs help in the future, I hope you will do what you can. Just because you have a little more vitality than others do not mean that you need to carry something heavier. This little vitality is also having possibility becoming a crisis, so whether it’s starvation or dying and asking for help, I hope you will always put yourself first.”


Before going abroad, Qin Huai may still have some innocence and kindness, 

but after so many years, innocence and kindness cannot allow him to survive in that cannibalistic society to this day, 

and the little softness and warmth left are all given to Mu Nan, and only for Mu Nan.


Hearing what Qin Huai said, Mu Nan felt relieved. 

He himself experienced it once, and even died from the last trace of intolerance, 

So, this time he was able to calm down, but unexpectedly, Qin Huai was more than what he thinks, he adapts faster, but that's good, 

sometimes the most frustrating thing is not the chaos of order, nor the hopeless future, but the complicated human nature.


Although the smog has lightened a bit, it has not dissipated. 

The country has also issued an investigation notice, saying that there is a kind of toxic mycelium in the smog that is invisible to the naked eye. 

Some people can rely on their own antibodies to kill this hyphae and wiped it out, 

but some people are in poor health, like young or old, or have some underlying diseases, unable to resist the toxicity of the mycelium, and this will cause lung swelling and death, 

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but the viability of the mycelium is not high, so the infection rate is not high, 

but once it survives in the body, the fatality rate is extremely high, so as long as the protection is proper, the possibility of infection is very low, although this very low possibility is accompanied by almost 100% mortality.


After knowing where the source of the crisis sweeping the global epidemic is, everyone can stay at home without going out. 

There are not many people who dare to die to challenge their own antibodies due to the poison that can be seen everywhere outside, 

but people do not go out, and the food at home can't stand the consumption.


Regarding this point, the government has also begun to find a way to distribute that kind of biochemical protective clothing based on the community as a unit, and then divide the supplies so that the community can make overall arrangements. 

Each household can buy as much as possible for a week to half a month. 

The amount, and then let people in protective clothing deliver it door-to-door. 

Although this is troublesome and increases the workload of many people, it can comfort more people and avoid panic caused by food.


Fortunately, most people know that the current situation is very serious, and it is not easy for the government to do this, so everyone is still cooperative. 

Of course, no matter when, there will always be some superstars who can't recognize the status quo. At this is time, still pick and choose.


Mu Nan looked at the packages of some products posted in the group. 

It may be for the convenience of purchasing statistics. 

There is no single item selection, only various packages, but the packages are not limited.

 "Brother, do we want to buy? I have all these things in my space. The current price is several times higher than when I bought it."


Qin Huai directly looked at his mobile phone, thought for a while and said: "Buy a little, although no one may pay attention to every household. In this situation we should try to go with the flow.”


Mu Nan nodded, making various comparisons, and chose several sets of vegetable and meat set meals. 

If the quality of those dishes is not good, then smash them and add ingredients to make big buns, such meat buns and vegetable buns will never be wasted.


Mu Nan thought about staying at home and never going out. 

When the smog cleared, it would be extremely hot, and he couldn't go out, so he almost spent all his money before, and now there are only a few hundred yuan left in his phone. Right, but a few hundred yuan is not enough to buy two meat sets.


Fortunately, Qin Huai has money, and there is still a lot of money. 

Looking at the balance in Qin Huai's account, Mu Nan felt distressed: "If I can contact you, all the money can be used." 

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This is also in Qin Huai's heart. It is not a pity for the money, but if Nan Nan could be contacted at the beginning, then Nan Nan would not be alone these few months. 

Qin Huai patted Mu Nan's head: "Don't worry, you said everything. The money will be usable at least for a few months, so it won’t be wasted.” 

Mu Nan nodded, although there is still some time, after the smog of the previous life cleared up overnight, it took about half a month to a month to heat up, 

Once it warms up, the temperature rises very quickly, but there is still some time in the middle, but he is a little worried, Qin Huai has a lot of money left, and when they buy too much, will they be stared at? In the past, he remembered that in his last life, there were reports that his country and a few overseas rich people donated a lot of money to invest in the aviation industry. 

At that time point, it was another large donation. 

Now It always feels a little strange to think about it. 

Perhaps the country had already begun to integrate assets at that time, making preparations for future disasters.


So, if the purchase is too obvious at this time, Mu Nan doesn't know if it will be noticed. 

After all, in the era of big data, there are almost no secrets to speak of.


Qin Huai heard his worry and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know capital better than you. Even big data has loopholes to go. Don't worry, when the time comes, we will go to City B together and collect money. And come back as soon as we get our things.”


Mu Nan said: “Then why don’t we just stay in City B, it’s the capital after all.”


He will stay here because it’s his home, and because he’s going to stay here until he dies. 


He has never left, because there is a future that he knows and even experienced, so he feels more secure subconsciously. 

But no matter how much security there is, it doesn't seem to be as important as the capital of a country. 

What's more, he has waited for Qin Huai. As long as he is with Qinhuai, it doesn't matter where he is.


Qin Huai shook his head: "It's not suitable there. You said that we will experience extreme cold in the future. In terms of the environment, our side has an advantage."


Qin Huai didn't say anything, although there may not be locals and foreigners in the future. 

The distinction between people, after all, as the population is getting smaller and smaller, for the country, it doesn't matter which region the people are in, as long as they are alive. 

But for local survivors, that may not be the case. 

Furthermore, their cities are also first-tier cities with a population of tens of millions. 

Even if their homes are rebuilt, their side may not be worse than the capital of the country.


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