Chapter 8 Crazy

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Qin Huai came back and Mu Nan has become psychologically dependent. 

So, things like planting vegetables and watering and cleaning up the poo of the chickens naturally all fell on his head. 

At home, it is still a lot of fun.


Although the gap between the two has not completely dissipated, Qin Huai can clearly feel that Nan Nan is actively approaching him, but this approach is a plan for the future. 

Qin Huai knew that Nan Nan had his presence in each of Nan Nan's plans, but apart from that, Nan Nan didn't mention anything about his life alone in these years.


Thinking of Nan Nan when he was a child, he would share every detail with him. 

If he was wronged outside, he would even complain to him, and he had to coax him for a long time before he became happy again. 

But now, for these things. 

Years of suffering, he didn't say anything. 

Qin Huai knew that it would not take a short time to completely break the ice. 

Even though he was a little anxious, he also knew that there was no rush.


Qin Huai has been back for almost two days, and the epidemic outside has also reached its peak. 

Looking at various news on the Internet every day, Mu Nan is a little scared: "Fortunately, you came back early and your health is considered good, otherwise you will be trapped on the road. There is no way to ask for help."


Qin Huai was able to rush back, all relying on perseverance, although he is exercising every day, but this exercise is just a general physical fitness, if not for perseverance, he would not have the physical strength to ride a bicycle for several days, 

So. when I got home and had a night of rest, my hands and feet were sore and limp in the next two days that he had to support the wall even when he went to the bathroom.


Fortunately, Mu Nan prepared a lot of things, and bought a bunch of soothing plasters, and put them on Qin Huai's arms and legs every day, and massaged him with a massager. 

Looking at Qin Huai who was covered in plasters all over his body, Mu Nan sighed and said, "It seems that I have to catch the physical exercises again, otherwise I won't be able to run when I had to run for my life if something happens later." 


Qin Huai also felt that he can't relax in terms of physical fitness. 

Seeing the future scenes that Mu Nan dreamed about, even if you don't need to worry too much about food because having space, poor physical fitness will also hinder you, 

So, he said: "From tomorrow onwards, I will teach you Sanda. You can’t give up after only two days of learning, life will be so difficult in the future, there is no harm in learning a little kung fu."


Qin Huai practiced it when he was a child, and Mu Nan wanted to learn it because of Qin Huai. 

Unfortunately, he didn't have the perseverance, so he gave up before he even finished the basic skills, and went to the painting interest class instead. 

Qin Huai has learned it for quite a long time, even when he went abroad, he would practice it occasionally, but he never lost some skills.

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Qin Huai didn't want to teach him at first, Mu Nan is a person who has no perseverance and can't bear hardships, 

but now seeing that he insists on running for an hour every day, he has changed his mind, especially if it becomes more and more chaotic in the future, 

relying on space alone is the guarantee If he can't be safe, teach Mu Nan some ways to save his life, so that if something happens in the future, he can rest assured.


The life of the two of them staying at home gradually became more regular, running in the morning and learning Sanda at night, Qin Huai cooking at noon, and Mu Nan following some online tutorials to dump food in the afternoon, and stacking raw ingredients into finished products in the space, 

So, that getting along day and night every day, the two slowly regained a little of their childhood feelings. 

Although Mu Nan rarely mentioned his own life, Qin Huai would take the initiative to tell him about his life abroad these years.


At the beginning, his father insisted on taking him away because he was diagnosed with asthenospermia. 

Although asthenospermia is not as hopeless as dead sperm, the possibility of childbearing is very low. 

With the existence of a son, that man will naturally take him away no matter what he says. 

The difference is nothing more than being taken away forcefully and being taken away voluntarily. 

What Qin Huai didn't tell Mu Nan is that the biggest reason why he was willing to go with that man back then, it was the man who threatened him with Mu Nan, the world of adults is so dirty, and they will do anything to achieve their goals.


In the first few years, his life was not bad, and he was the only man who had one child, so he naturally devoted himself to cultivating it. 

Now that he has been separated from Mu Nan, there is no benefit in resisting stubbornly. 

It is better to work hard to become strong, so strong that no one can control his life in the future.


I just didn’t expect that the man had another child later on. 

Although it was a test-tube baby, it was still a success. 

One son who brought back halfway still hated him in his heart, and another one is a blank sheet of paper. 

It was obvious which one to choose, so Qin Huai, who hadn't even finished university was given up.


Mu Nan didn't expect Qin Huai to live such a life outside, and said angrily and distressed: "And then? He doesn't want you anymore, why don't you come back?"


Qin Huai looked at him and smiled, because at that time he had no money to come back, and the air ticket to return to China was 20,000 yuan, and Nan Nan had just entered university at that time, 

and was still in the art department, so it was very expensive, and there was not much he could give Nan Nan, since If he can't give him company, then try to give him enough food and clothing, 

but Qin Huai naturally won't say anything about it, he just said: "If I came back at that time, wouldn't it be a shame, you were crying and wanting to break up with me back then, Also said that man is not a good guy, don't regret it if you leave."


Mu Nan glared at him: "You know I didn't mean that! I..."


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Qin Huai hugged him and rubbed his head: "I know, it's just that I haven’t finished my studies yet, and there is a studio I just cooperated with my friend, and I also want to make some achievements. Why should he take me away? I can only go with him. If he doesn’t want me, I can only come back "


Mu Nan fell silent, thinking in his heart that fortunately he didn't tell Qin Huai about his rebirth, if Qin Huai knew that he didn't come back to look for him in his last life until he died, I don't know how guilty and sad he would be. 

Although Mu Nan still has doubts in his heart, since Qin Huai has been back for half a year, why didn't he come to look for him in the previous life? 

The end didn't come suddenly, and it didn't mean that the communication was cut off suddenly, and there was obviously a period of order before the chaos. 

It's a pity that this doubt can't be solved in this life.


While the two were talking, Qin Huai heard crying and howling from downstairs, so he stood on the balcony with a telescope and looked down. 

The thick fog in the city had already begun to dissipate, even though they were on the seventeenth floor, some silhouettes could be seen through the streetlight’s downstairs. 

It was half a month since he came back, and this was already the seventh car of the funeral home.


After a period of medical observation, the disease is not highly contagious, and the infectious activity is basically lost after death. 

Therefore, there is no need for special medical staff to protect and transport the dead, so the general funeral car is enough, but the dead are dragged away, and the people that remain have to grieve for their lost relatives and worry about whether they will be infected. 

This kind of wailing and crying is performed almost every day in desperation.


In the past half a month, Qin Huai was thankful more than once. 

Fortunately, the monitor of the high school contacted him and told that Nan Nan was looking for him. 

Fortunately, he was too worried when he saw that the account, he usually sent money to Mu Nan was empty. 

He come back and take a look, otherwise, if Mu Nan is left alone in this situation, and there is no way to contact him, I don't know how scared he will be.


A major event happened in the community where Mu Nan lived. 

There was a sick man who ran around for several days but couldn't even get in the hospital gate. 

He felt desperate and ran out of the house without thinking about anything. 

and then took a pile of stones and smashed the windows of more than a dozen low-rise buildings, two of which had a newborn baby at home.


Later, that person was smashed by the desperate resident who threw the flower pot, which stopped the other party's crazy behavior.


When the incident happened, the community was in chaos. 

Although the staff in the community had protective clothing, the other party like he was crazy. 

Even though they were wearing protective clothing, they dared not go out, for fear that the other party would scratch their clothes and expose them to the fog. 


At that time, Mu Nan was making steamed buns at home, and he was startled when a commotion broke out downstairs. 

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Since every household hadn't gone out, the whole community was extremely quiet, and the sudden riot made the whole community commotion.


Holding the binoculars, Mu Nan could just see the man smashing the windows in the building opposite him. 

Their side is an old community. How did many people move in at the beginning? 

It’s still the same now. 

Some of the doors and windows haven’t even been replaced.


a house from decades ago, the original windows were all single-layered, and they were so fragile that they would break if they were smashed. 

In many homes, the windows were broken so that their eyes were red, and they wanted to jump out and chop the crazy man with a knife, but there was no protection. 

He didn't even wear a mask, so he could only be dragged into another closed room by his family members in a panic.


In the end, the man was hit by the flower pot and fell to the ground. 

After making sure that the man was motionless and not aggressive, the community personnel came out and dragged him away.


It was only after the incident that Mu Nan remembered it. 

In his previous life, he also stayed at home. 

Although the outside became scary, with death and infectious diseases everywhere, but because the government was still maintaining the country, 

he had enough food, and there is no need to go out at all, so the sense of crisis is not deep, he still remembers that this crazy man should die in the end, 

there is a family with a very small child, because the window was smashed, and a little outside air was sucked in.

It may be because he was too young and did not have much immunity. 

He had a high fever that night, and the child died in the end. 

The father of the child hacked into the community committee with a knife, 

because at that time, all the people in the community were hiding in the hospital in fear of death. 

In the room, even though they were still wearing protective clothing, they didn't dare to come out to stop the mad man. 

If they had come out to stop him, his child might not have died. 

So, in a panic, the man directly vented his anger on the staff of the neighborhood committee.


Thinking of what happened in his previous life, Mu Nan couldn't help but said: "Fortunately, our house lives on a high floor."


Qin Huai glanced at the window that Mu Nan had replaced in advance: "Even if it's not high, you can't break this window with a stone. Even if it's broken, we can still live on the other side."


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The outside gradually quieted down, but the group was in a state of chaos, Mu Nan didn't watch the group, and even if he did, it was useless, the smashed window couldn't be restored, that It is possible that children who have been infected now cannot be saved.


He continued to bow his head and make steamed buns, and he would not think wildly while doing things. 

In the beginning, the steamed buns he made were either unkneaded and turned into lumps, or they were not round enough to be too ugly, but now he has gradually gained experience. 

Put the steamed buns away, and when you want to eat it, you can take it out at any time, and it will still look just out of the pan.


Qin Huai said from the side: "I've been making steamed buns for a few days, let's make steamed stuffed buns tomorrow." Even if you need to escape in the future, it's better to eat something contain oil and water.


After thinking for a while, he said, "Make the buns into the shape of steamed buns."


Mu Nan raised his head and glanced at Qin Huai: "In the future, when there is a shortage of food and you have to eat tree bark and grass, you will be very eye-catching whether it is steamed buns or buns." 

Although he said so, Mu Nan still listened to Qin Huai's words and changed the buns shape: "Just bring out an extra rib, tomorrow we can make sweet and sour pork ribs."


Qin Huai smiled and agreed.


In the middle of the night, a miserable cry suddenly resounded through the entire community. 

Even Mu Nan's house is on 17th floor, and the windows had been replaced with thicker double-layer soundproof glass, it could not resist the sound, and it directly scared him who was already asleep. 

A thrill.


Mu Nan subconsciously touched the phone, but was suppressed by Qin Huai who also woke up, and covered his ear with one hand: "Sleep, don't look at it."


Mu Nan didn't struggle, and knew in his heart what the crying thing is, everything is the same as the previous life, and the child is still gone.


The next day Mu Nan woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Qin Huai who was leaning against the bed and looking at his phone. 

Qin Huai rubbed his messy hair, put down his phone and said, "What do you want for breakfast? Toast or Egg noodles?"


Mu Nan said, "Toast. didn't there be a little bacon left yesterday."


Qin Huai said yes, and got up to make breakfast. 

Seeing that Mu Nan opened his phone and clicked on the WeChat group, he opened his mouth and said: " Last night, a window of a family was smashed, and there was a newborn baby in his house, and the baby was gone last night."


Mu Nan flicked his phone slightly, glanced at Qin Huai, and said oh. 

Qin Huai sighed silently, turned around and went into the kitchen, this kind of life filled with death every day, they need to get used to it as soon as possible.

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