Chapter 7 To Prepare

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Mu Nan was woken up by the knock on the door. 

When he turned around and saw that Qin Huai was in a deep sleep, he got up lightly. 

But when he moved, Qin Huai immediately opened his eyes. 

It took him a while to realize where he was. 

There was a knock on the door, and he grabbed Mu Nan who was about to get out of bed: "Lie down, I'll go and have a look." 


The knocker was from the community to register. 

After knocking for a long time, no one answered. 

I thought there was no one at home. 

When he was about to leave, the anti-theft door was opened. 

Someone passed a notebook to Qin Huai: "Write your name, contact information and house number on it, is there anyone living next door to you?"


Qin Huai nodded, first wrote down his own information, and then Mu Nan's information as well and filled it out. 

The community investigator took a look: "Is there only one family?"


Qin Huai hummed, and the investigator took out a piece of paper with a QR code: "This is a community group, divided by building, this is your building right, you add one, any news will be notified in the group in the future, try not to go out during this period, and contact us if you have any difficulties in life."


Qin Huai added a WeChat, thanked him, and then closed the door close.


Back inside, seeing Mu Nan looking at him, he said, "It's a visit to count the number of people, I've filled in all the information."


Mu Nan suddenly said, "Do you know my phone number?" 

Because the door was open, the registrant asked for a phone number. 

When he heard it, he wanted to say that Qin Huai would come in and ask him, but he actually filled it out directly.


Qin Huai nodded. Although he did not appear in Mu Nan's life these years, Mu Nan never disappeared from his life. 

He remembered the other party's phone number more clearly than his own.


Mu Nan lowered her head: "Know my phone number but never contact me, do you know that in the past few months, I have used all means to find you, and you have never called me,”

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If he knew his phone number in this life, he must have known it in his last life, but until his death, he never got a call from Qin Huai.


Qin Huai felt a pain in his heart: "I thought you still hated me for leaving with him, thought you didn't want to see me, I thought you were living a good life, Jiang Xuan has always had my contact information, didn't he keep in touch with you all the time?, I thought that if you were looking for me for something, as long as you found him, you would be able to contact me. Knowing that you were looking for me, I rushed back almost immediately, but I didn't expect continuous heavy rain first, followed by thick fog. I still can't drive the train, and I almost couldn't help calling you several times on the way back, but I was afraid that you would know that I was on the way back, and you would come out to find me in a hurry." 

In Qin Huai's memory, Mu Nan was still the same as before Mu Nan has a somewhat willful and stubborn temper. 

If he called before he came back, Mu Nan might not be able to wait for him, so he might really rush to find him. 

His car ran out of gas, and he didn't dare to ride all the way back. 

Guaranteed to have a place to charge, if Mu Nan can't contact him, wouldn't it be more anxious and afraid, and after thinking a lot, he held back and didn't call.


At the beginning, he went abroad with that person, and later left Mu Nan with his contact information, but at that time, Mu Nan broke up with him very angry. 

When he couldn't even control his own future life, besides asking someone to take care of him.


It was also because Mu Nan had never contacted him in these years, so even if he came back later, he would just secretly see if he was doing well. 

He was not ready yet, and he was afraid that Mu Nan would tell him that after all these years, when I grow up, I don't need my little brother anymore.


Although Mu Nan never used the living expenses he sent, the process of sending money for Mu Nan's living expenses every month made him feel that there was still a thread between him and Mu Nan.


Just like Mu Nan was afraid of facing Qin Huai who had become a stranger, Qin Huai was also afraid of facing Mu Nan who no longer needed him. 

Before they had the courage to face up to the changes brought about by these times, they always thought that there was still time to take their time.


Hearing Qin Huai's words, Mu Nan was even more puzzled: "Jiang Xuan? I haven't seen him since you left. Before, I... When I first started having those nightmares, I went to Jiang Xuan and wanted to ask Jiang Xuan what he knew. I don't know where you are, I wanted to find you, but he said he didn't contact you."


Jiang Xuan is Qin Huai's classmate and has a good relationship. 

He used to often go to Qin Huai's house to do homework together, so Mu Nan also knew each other, so I can't say unfamiliar, but not too familiar, he and Jiang Xuan know each other because of Qin Huai, when Qin Huai left, a former classmate of his brother, how can there be any contact. If it wasn't because Jiang Xuan didn't move, he probably wouldn't even know where Jiang Xuan was.


Qin Huai's eyes instantly turned cold.


Mu Nan looked at him: "So Jiang Xuan never told you that I was looking for you?"


Qin Huai shook his head, if he did, how could he hear about it from an unfamiliar former monitor, and how could he just come back now.


Mu Nan was silent for a while: "When did you return to China?"

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Qin Huai said: "Six months ago, in City B, I co-founded a company with someone from abroad, and the branch was set up in City B. I originally wanted to make arrangements first, and I will come to see you after you graduate from university, and see if you are willing to come with me."


Mu Nan: "If I don't want to."


Qin Huai smiled: "If you really don't want to and don't need me anymore, I will let you go and let you live the life you want. If you just ignore me because you are angry and lose your temper, I'll coax you well until you don't get angry and come with me."


After finishing speaking, Qin Huai gently rubbed Mu Nan's hair, sometimes because of time and distance, some things would always go in the direction that he didn't want to face he thought, 

but when things really happened, he found out that the result of things might not be as bad as expected, and there were even unexpected surprises.


They still have a lot to say, but they are not in a hurry. 

Seeing that it is getting late, Qin Huai said: "Are you hungry, have breakfast first, and I will tell you everything you want to know after breakfast.”


There are few ready-made things, and the refrigerator is full of all kinds of vegetables and fruits, which Mu Nan put in yesterday when Qin Huai was taking a bath. 

At that time, he hadn't figured out how to tell Qin Huai about the future, and there was still room full of things. 

He thought that it would take some time for him and Qin Huai to get along with each other, 

but he didn't expect that in just one night, many things had been discussed, and also the strangeness he felt when he suddenly saw Qin Huai yesterday, it also seems to dissipate.


Hearing the sound of fried eggs coming from the kitchen, Mu Nan felt that even though the sky was still shrouded in smog outside, his mood was much clearer.


After breakfast, Qin Huai handled some matters with his mobile phone and made a few phone calls. 

It seemed that he was making some work arrangements. 

After finishing the process, he turned off his mobile phone and moved away the small computer on the table in front of him. He looked at him face to face and said, "About those dreams you had, please tell me what's going on."


Mu Nan opened a small book next to the bed, and handed it to Qin Huai: "This is all my dream." 

After having a dream, it is recorded, and some of the things recorded on it will happen. “It recorded some approximate time and the environment at that time.” 

Qin Huai looked at it seriously, and the more he looked at it, the deeper his frown became. 

Turning the page back, what he sees is no longer about the future foreseen in the dream, but some food supplies. 

Thinking of the money that Mu Nan suddenly spent, Qin Huai said, "Did you use all that money to prepare supplies?"


Mu Nan nodded.

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Qin Huai turned back again: "Is it recorded on this that you are planning to buy, or have you already bought? Where are you going to put these things? Food is not easy to store, especially vegetables and fruits. If the environment in the future is so bad like your dream, these things can't be stored at all."


Mu Nan said: "This is the second thing I want to tell you." 


Qin Huai looked at him, Mu Nan stretched out his hand towards Qin Huai, in Qin Huai puzzled eyes, an apple suddenly appeared in Mu Nan's hand.


Mu Nan explained slowly: "In the year you left, I transferred to a boarding school. One day I had a fever in the dormitory. The teacher fed me medicine and left me in the dormitory to sleep. I felt so hot when I was burning, I felt that my whole body was going to be burned dry, and when the burning was blurry, I seemed to be able to touch something, like another dimension. After I woke up after the fever subsided, That feeling is still there, and then I have an extra space, but this space is empty, there is nothing, people can't get in, and living things can't fit in, but fortunately, everything will not change when it is put in, as if it was frozen in an instant."


It took Qin Huai a while to accept all this from Mu Nan's words, maybe Mu Nan would dream about what happened in the future, and it might also be related to space. 

But compared to space, Qin Huai cared more about Mu Nan being alone these years. 

When he was a child, whenever Mu Nan felt a little uncomfortable, he would make all kinds of troubles, and it took a long time to be coaxed to take medicine. 

Even though he had already anticipated these possible situations when he left, when he heard Mu Nan say that he was sleeping alone in the dormitory with a cold and fever, his heart was still throbbing with depression.


Qin Huai breathed out slightly, the past is irreversible, and he will not let Nan Nan bear it alone again, and repeatedly asked if the existence of space had any other bad influence on himself, 

According to what Mu Nan said except for an extra place to put things, there is no other abnormality, 

So, he said: "Who else knows about this besides me?"


Mu Nan said: "I'm not stupid."


Qin Huai smiled, looked Looking at Mu Nan, who was obviously livelier than the silent one yesterday, he felt relieved, and continued: "Have you written everything down in the notebook? Are there any details?" 

Mu Nan said: "Write down everything I can remember; I’ve bought everything on it.” 

As he spoke, he turned out another notebook: “It records the quantity I bought, but it’s a pity that I don’t have money, and I’m running out of time.” 

Qin Huai flipped through the pages, and there were several pages of paper. 

There are big ones, there are small bits and pieces, and he even bought a box of things like sewing boxes, which is really meticulous.


Qin Huai read it from the beginning: "In your dream, after this smog, it was extremely hot. Did it get chaotic as soon as it got hot, or was there a normal period in the middle?" 

Mu Nan said, "It slowly became chaotic, but It's not that kind of out-of-control chaos, the country's control has always been there, but later the weather became more and more extreme, and many things could not be produced, so it became more and more difficult." 


Qin Huai suddenly looked at Mu Nan: "Is your dream coherent? 

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Mu Nan lowered his head and scratched at his hands, avoiding Qin Huai's eyes: "No, it's quite fragmented, but it can be put together."


Qin Huai didn't think too much, just said: "Then there is still some time, I'll deal with my affairs, and get some money back."


Mu Nan raised his head suddenly: "You want to go back?"


Seeing Mu Nan's reaction was so strong, Qin Huai quickly said: "I won't go back, If I said I won't leave you again, I won’t leave, just operate online, Nan Nan, I won’t leave again, I promise.”


Mu Nan also felt that he had overreacted, but he would rather Qin Huai give up those assets. 

Anyway, the money is not as good as paper in the end, and he doesn't want Qin Huai to take the risk of leaving. 

His space is not enough for the two of them for a lifetime, at least these few days they won't starve to death, so there is no need to take risks for those external things.


When Qin Huai was sorting out his assets, he received a message from Jiang Xuan. 

He and Jiang Xuan were classmates from junior high school to high school, and they had never lost contact after going abroad, because he had to rely on Jiang Xuan to learn about Mu Nan's situation in China. 

The relationship has been very close over the years, and even after he returned to China, Jiang Xuan quit his original job and came to work in his company.


Because Jiang Xuan's home is here, he comes back frequently. 

He often asks Jiang Xuan to help him see Mu Nan, and he does know a lot about Mu Nan from Jiang Xuan, for example, he made new friends and the relationship is good. 

he is very popular in school, he often participates in some painting competitions, and even won prizes, he lives well and is very happy every day. 

Even Mu Nan's annual physical examination report, Jiang Xuan would send a copy for him to read. 

He thought that Nan Nan and Jiang Xuan had a good relationship these years, because of this relationship, he never thought that if something happened to Nan Nan.

Unexpectedly Nan Nan had never met Jiang Xuan, and Nan Nan even took the initiative to find Jiang Xuan, but Jiang Xuan said that he could not be contacted.


If Jiang Xuan had told Nan Nan where he was when Nan Nan was looking for Jiang Xuan three months ago, then Nan Nan would not have to bear these burdens alone in the past few months.


He remembered that Jiang Xuan once told him that when he met Mu Nan, when he was mentioned, Mu Nan said that he didn't want to mention him, and said that it was all over. 

Because of Mu Nan's attitude that he learned from Jiang Xuan, Qin Huai has been holding back his urgency to see Mu Nan in the past six months since returning to China, 

So, Jiang Xuan has been lying to him all along.


Looking at the word Jiang Xuan on WeChat, Qin Huai's eyes turned cold.


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