Chapter 6 Inform

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It has been more than a week since the smog. 

When Qin Huai left, the means of transportation had basically stopped. 

At the beginning, self-driving was fine, but later some expressways were closed. 

Qin Huai had no choice but to keep detours. 

He walked for more than a week with an hour-long plane distance. 

He was not very hungry all the way, but he was full of bread and biscuits. 

He hadn’t eaten warm food for so long. 

He quickly drank a bowl of noodles and even the soup.


Mu Nan, who was looking down at the phone, said when Qin Huai put down the bowl: "There is still in the kitchen."


Qin Huai said: "Enough, it's too late, don't need to eat too much."


Seeing that Qin Huai didn't eat, Mu Nan didn't eat anymore More to say, although he has been looking for Qin Huai since he was reborn, but now that Qin Huai is in front of him, he doesn't know how to face it. 

After all, he has been emptied for so many years. 

The first reaction may be to cry, or to scold, but it is more filled with joy and intimacy, rather than the current silence that is even a little helpless.


After all, it’s different. 

After a lifetime and a death, some things have been suppressed too deeply, and it’s not so easy to let them out.


Qin Huai saw that Mu Nan kept his back to him, so he simply sat on the bed, stretched out his hand and turned Mu Nan around: "Nan Nan, let's talk." 


Mu Nan couldn't help but pick the phone case with his fingers, and bowed his head in silence.


Qin Huai said: "Are you short of money?"


Mu Nan subconsciously looked up at Qin Huai, then quickly turned her head away without saying a word.


Qin Huai stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, because the cut was too short, it was not as fluffy as before, and it was a bit sticky, but this kind of substantive touch after many years still made Qin Huai feel a little bit happier, 

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because Mu Nan didn't resist his movements, probably seeing that Mu Nan didn't resist so much, 

Qin Huai's tense heart relaxed a little, and then he said: "Wang Xiaoli said you were looking for me, you were looking for me everywhere, what happened?"


Wang Xiaoli is the class monitor of Qin Huai High School, but the relationship is quite ordinary. 

After all, he went abroad before finishing high school, and the connection between them is only in the same high school group. 

Not long ago, Wang Xiaoli suddenly sent him a message, saying that Mu Nan was everywhere. 

When he was looking for him, he came back in a hurry, but he was stranded at the airport due to the thick fog. 

He waited anxiously all night. 

After the thick fog cleared, there was a smog that could not go away. 

He couldn't wait any longer and drove directly to return. 

At the end of the car, there was no place to refuel. 

He finally came back on his bicycle with his bag on his back.


Mu Nan looked up at him, although his expression was calm, but his eyes were a little red: "If I don't look for you, will you never come back in this life?"


Qin Huai's eyes gradually darkened: "I said that I will definitely come back. "


Mu Nan really wanted to say, you also said that you would not leave, but he has grown up, and he doesn't take things for granted like when he was a child, 

So, he swallowed this subconscious rebuttal, and asked calmly "If I don't look for you, when do you plan to come back?"


Qin Huai's eyes flashed a bit of struggle: "When I think you still need me."


Mu Nan took a deep breath, and his voice was cold: "Then you are not afraid that if you leave, one day I will die in a place you don't know, and even if you regret it, you will never have the chance to see me again?"


Qin Huai's face darkened: "Nonsense, don't curse yourself."


Mu Nan Pushing Qin Huai away, turning his back to him and laying down, he couldn't help but feel wronged in his heart, 

what does it mean when he still needs him, he obviously, since he was a child, he never needed him.


Qin Huai sat on the bed and watched him for a while, and he also knew that the knot would not be untied in a short while, 

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So, he pulled the blanket beside him and covered Mu Nan: "It's too late, go to sleep, I'll go back firs, I come back this time, and I won’t leave again, if there is anything, let’s talk tomorrow, Nan Nan, no matter what happens, this time, unless you don’t want me and drive me away, I will never leave again."


Mu Nan ignored him, but listened him getting up from the bed, put on his slippers, and thoughtfully went out to turn off the light for him.


However, when Qin Huai returned to his home, he was completely dumbfounded. 

One room was piled up with furniture, another room was piled up with earthen pots, and even the living room had only one path to walk on. 

It hasn't grown yet, but some are sprouting green shoots, and there's the sound of chickens crowing from the balcony.


Qin Huai couldn't laugh or cry at that moment, his house turned into a plantation farm, which probably only Nan Nan could do.


Reluctantly closing the door, Qin Huai returned to Mu Nan's house lightly. 

At his house, even the kitchen was full of things. 

And he didn't even have a place to nest for the night.


Although the layout of the house was different from what he remembered, the person sleeping next to him was still the one he was familiar with. 

Qin Huai, who had been exhausted all the way, fell asleep very quickly.


The curtains were drawn down, so the room with the lights turned off was completely dark, 

but after the eyes got used to the darkness, they could vaguely see the silhouettes of the people around them. 

Qin Huai slept soundly, probably because he was very tired from the journey. 

People who never snored when they were young are now snoring.


Mu Nan leaned closer to Qin Huai, and the hand under the quilt quietly pinched the corner of Qin Huai's clothes.


Mu Nan didn't know when he fell asleep. 

He was thinking about things in his heart, thinking about how to tell Qin Huai about the future. 

Rebirth must not be said, but space can be said. 

Qin Huai's strangeness was only due to the vacancy in these years, but the strangeness brought about by this time did not affect his trust in Qin Huai at all. 

Trusting Qin Huai was like trusting himself. 

Thinking about it, Mu Nan fell asleep unknowingly. 

After falling asleep, he fell into that terrible dream again. 

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In the dream, he returned to the previous life, and was blocked in the house by a group of murderers.


Although he also has a knife in his space, but there are a group of people on the opposite side, and even two of them are holding arrows and crossbows. 

How can they be defeated by a kitchen knife alone? 

After searching things away, those people found a few bottles of water and half a tortilla in his room. 

I don’t know if it was too little or they didn’t intend to let him go. 

During the fight, he didn’t even feel the knife pierced in. 

It wasn't until they kicked him away suddenly, and then ran away in a swarm, that he felt the pain, and the blood that couldn't be stopped no matter how much he covered it.


Mu Nan suddenly woke up from the dream, the suffocation and fear before death seemed to have not dissipated from him, especially where he was stabbed, there was still a hideous pain.


As soon as Mu Nan moved, Qin Huai woke up with a start. 

He stretched out his hand, and the people around him were drenched in sweat. 

He hurriedly got up and turned on the light. 

Seeing Mu Nan's face covered in cold sweat and his pale face, he covered his stomach with one hand, and immediately said nervously: "What's the matter, Nan Nan?" Have a nightmare, or is something uncomfortable? Does your stomach hurt?"


Mu Nan recovered from the suffocation of the nightmare after a while, his body was sticky with sweat, he shook his head towards Qin Huai, and said in a weak voice: "It's okay, I had a nightmare, I'm going to take a shower."


Qin Huai watched him walk into the bathroom weakly, fearing that something might happen to him, he stood at the door and shouted after a while, only to be relieved when he got a response.


Mu Nan took a shower, his head throbbed in pain after waking up from the dream, he looked at Qin Huai who couldn't hide his tiredness and said, "Go to sleep, I'm fine." Seeing him turn over and lie down, 


Qin Huai leaned over and touched Touching his cold palm: "What's the matter? scared by the nightmare." 

He reached out and touched his stomach as he spoke. 

He just saw that Mu Nan woke up from the nightmare, and he seemed to hold his stomach with uncomfortable expression for a while.


Mu Nan who was lying on the bed was silent for a long time before opening his mouth: "Do you believe in the end of the world?"


If Mu Nan asked this before, Qin Huai must have asked him on a whim when he saw something again, 

but seeing that he has just been scared like that by the nightmare, and thinking of Mu Nan looking for him everywhere and using up all the money he deposited into the account, his heart jumped suddenly: "Nan Nan, why do you ask that? What happened?" 

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Mu Nan fell silent, he had already thought about the explanation, and he never thought of hiding the space, 

and it was impossible to hide the goods from Qin Huai, so there must be a reason for everything: "From more than three months ago, I started to have nightmares, I dreamed about the heavy rain not long ago, I dreamed about the thick fog, and the smog, there are still many disasters behind, I don’t know if it will happen, but some of them have already come true, the dream was so real that I couldn't believe it was a dream."


The person he trusts the most in this world is Qin Huai. 

Qin Huai has been by his side since he was born and was still in the hospital's incubator. 

Before going to kindergarten, he almost grew up on Qin Huai's body. 

That is, he went to sleep at Qin Huai's house, but he had to sleep with Qin Huai, otherwise he would cry endlessly.


Although the two grew up later, the situation of being stuck together and unwilling to separate was much better, 

but they were still together almost every day, from when Qin Huai was doing homework, he played on the sidelines, to Qin Huai helped him with tutoring, before the day when he separated at the age of fifteen, 

Qin Huai had never been absent from his life. 

So, this trust is deeper than blood relationship. 

If he couldn't believe even Qin Huai, then tomorrow would be completely meaningless to him.


But rebirth has nothing to do with trust. 

The meaning behind rebirth is too heavy. 

He doesn't want Qin Huai to bear something that he shouldn't bear in this life.


Qin Huai said in a deep voice: "So the epidemic caused by the smog will kill a lot of people, and after the smog, there will be severe cold and heat, earthquakes and droughts, and various disasters?"


Mu Nan hummed, and Qin Huai put his hand on his head: "I believe you, as long as it is what you say, I will believe it." 

What's more, Mu Nan's state can't fool him, even if he has been separated for many years, he has never lacked understanding of Mu Nan, even if this matter sounds unbelievable, but he still chose to believe it without hesitation.


Qin Huai stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, and then pressed him to lie down: "Sleep with me for a while, after waking up I will hold it if the sky fall, don't be afraid, no matter what disasters happen in the future, I will accompany you, I'm looking at you, and I'll never leave again."


Mu Nan turned sideways, turned his back to Qin Huai, and muttered in a low voice: "Liar."


Qin Huai smiled: "I won't lie to you again, I swear."


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