Chapter 12 Strong

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Mu Nan learned about the wire cutting from the group the next day. 


In order to make it easier for people in the community to count residents’ information and deliver group-buying items, the community group was asked to change the name to the house number. 


In the afternoon, When Mu Nan was waiting for the oven, he swiped his phone, and saw a person from No. 2 on the 15th floor in the group praised the person who cut the wire in a complimenting tone: 


"It's so clever, the home appliances of those who are sick should be cut off." 


"Let them consciously live outside, so as not to infect more people, give praise to those who cut their wires!"


    22-09 Mimi's mother: "This is a bit wicked, people live in peace at their home, without running around, it feels a little too much."


    15-02: "You don't have the back pain like people who live upstairs, otherwise you can come and live on the 15th floor and say you don't go out."


"If they really don't go out, what do they eat?" 


"Why don’t you join us in group buying?, go downstairs to get food with us, and go out to throw household garbage every day, the air passing by is full of viruses, won’t you be afraid when you stay here!” 


08-07 Gou Xintong: “Okay, the person is gone, so just say a few words, although it is for the benefit of more people, but the family is indeed pitiful, the child is sick, and the parents don't want it, everyone, please be considerate." 


Many people followed to speak kind words.


It’s better to talk less than more. And forget about people who are already leaving.


Each of them seems to be more understanding and generous, as if they were not the ones who directed all kinds of bad words at others.


Seeing Qin Huai coming back with a shovel carrying dirt, Mu Nan told about the young couple, and finally guessed: 


"I think it might be No. 2 on the 15th floor, if he really cut it, then this person is too disgusting."


Qin Huai said: "If the owner of No. 2 on the 15th floor has not changed, you should know their family."


Mu Mu Nan lived in a dormitory when he was in high school.


Then just lived in the dormitory in the first year of college, and later for work he quietly drew at home. 


He just lived at the university dorm for a year because the university he studied at was not too far from home. 


If there was no traffic jam, the journey would only take half an hour, so he lived back home again, 


As a result he had to go to school and leave early and came home late. 


He stayed behind closed doors when he was resting, so even though he lived here all the time, he didn't know much about those upstairs and downstairs.


Hearing what Qin Huai said, Mu Nan asked curiously: "I know them, who is it?"


Qin Huai said: "Your elementary school classmate, surnamed Deng, seems to be called Deng Chuan."


"When you were in the third grade, your parents were called by school because of him, don't you remember?"


Mu Nan shook his head, he is the kind of student where his parents called a lot by school, so naturally he doesn't remember the reason why his parents were invited one time in the third grade.


Qin Huai smiled: "That time, you managed to win two yogurt-flavored Baiwei candies. You ate one yourself, and the remaining one was to be kept for me when you came back from school." 


"You put the drink on the desk, and someone ended up eating it." 


"Someone took a sip of the drink on the desk and it was gone at physical education class."


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"Someone told you that the surname Deng stole it."


"You poured a whole bottle of drink into the person's schoolbag, and then your parents were invited by school." 


As soon as Qin Huai said it, Mu Nan remembered that a kind of Baiwei candy was very popular in elementary school, which originated from the plot of a magic movie. 


There are many kinds of strange flavors in the box of candy, the most delicious is the yogurt flavor.


And whoever eats the yogurt flavor was like winning the lucky prize. 


if you give the yogurt candy to others, it is equivalent to giving away this luck to someone else.


So, when his yogurt candy was stolen, it meant that the luck he originally wanted to leave to Qin Huai was stolen.


No wonder he was so angry at that time. 


He still remembered that time when he cried aggrievedly.


At that time Qin Huai almost emptied his piggy stomach, bought a bunch of Baiwei candy, singled out all the yogurt flavors and held them in front of him. 


Only by doing it did he coax him. 


And he was so happy.


The daily life of elementary school students is so boring and childish.


Thinking of this, Mu Nan curled her lips: "Stealing candy when he was young, and it's not impossible for this guy to steal someone else's wires when he grows up."


Qin Huai put a few red peppers in the kitchen.


Then he took out another piece of pig snowflake from the refrigerator. 


When he was a child, Mu Nan had a picky mouth.


He didn’t eat meat that was too fat or too thin. 


He liked to eat meat between thin and fat, especially fried shredded pork with green peppers. 


And the meat used is this kind of pork neck.


Although now Mu Nan seems not to be as picky eater as when he is a child, Qin Huai still let Mu Nan eats the kind of food that he likes habitually.


Listening to Mu Nan's criticism of his elementary school classmates, Qin Huai said while cooking: 


"Actually, it's good to live outside. Isn't the hotel at the entrance of the community classified as a quarantine hotel?" 


"If the situation in the future becomes worse, it will be too late. And it is not guaranteed that some people lose control of their emotions and do any violent behavior." 


"Now at least they don't have to suffer malicious attacks from others."


Mu Nan leaned against the kitchen door and looked at Qin Huai who was cutting meat: 


"If we are the ones being treated like that, what will you do?"


Qin Huai turned his head and smiled at him: 


"I will release the information that I am not easy to mess with in advance, and when I start to be attacked in the group, I will fight back."


"There is a saying that barefoot feet are not afraid of those who wear shoes." 

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"all resistance and rejection are based on the virus. And to be honest, they are afraid of the virus, not me."


"It is best not to mess with me or they will bear the consequences."


After Qin Huai finished speaking, he went on to say, "Sometimes, blindly retreating and forbearance will not bring you peace. And not to be bullied as a soft persimmon."


Qin Huai saw that Mu Nan was listening seriously, and said with a smile: "But it's better to leave this kind of thing to me."


Mu Nan instantly understood Qin Huai's meaning, so he returned to the living room with a soft snort. 


Picking up the mobile phone with a black screen to take a picture of himself. 


Pinching the flesh of the cheek and pulling it lightly. 


He doesn't look big enough to act fierce.


And it seems that he will suffer more in the future.


If he looks more fierce in his last life, he doesn't have to be so afraid and won’t be surrounded by Block robbery and treated as a soft persimmon.



However, the exclusion in the community did not stop because the Li family couple left. 


They were just the beginning, and even because the beginning was so smooth, those who had nowhere to vent their depression accumulated in real life, on the contrary, got relief through these things.


Most of their old communities are old neighbors of more than ten years, or even decades. 


Although some of them are foreign tenants, when there are more mothers-in-law and mothers who know each other well in a place, the whole community can be said to be transparent. 


It’s not a secret who was sick before, who received an injection in the health center and never went to the hospital, and who recovered from the hospital. 


Although the information may not be as detailed as the community registration, but, you can know the general idea.


The second person to be targeted was a middle-aged couple whose surname was Zhu. 


The exact name was not very clear, because everyone always called them Lao Zhu, but their names were gradually forgotten. 


Lao Zhu's family belonged to the community. They have lived here for more than 20 years. 


When Lao Zhu was young, he opened a shop and started a business. 


After supporting a pair of children and their children starting their own families, he rented out the store and played cards every day with his pension and rent. 


Also dancing in the square, and his life can be called nourishing.


Lao Zhu just has to regularly go to the front shop to collect rent every month, and take a look at the situation of his own store. 


It has been like this all these years. 


He went out once, but the next day he had some cold symptoms. 


At the beginning the situation was fine so he carried it hard. 


When he started to have difficulty breathing, he went to the hospital together with his wife. 


As a result, both husband and wife did not come back from the hospital.


Lao Zhu’s wife’s symptoms were milder, so she was discharged from the hospital earlier. 

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Not long after, Lao Zhu was also discharged, but when Lao Zhu was discharged from the hospital, it was already full of smog. 


People stuck at home and unable to go out. 


At that time, some people mentioned Lao Zhu's family in some well-connected private groups, saying that they were lucky and went to the hospital earlier. 


If it was later, the hospital gate would not be able to squeeze in.


At that time when Lao Zhu had difficulty breathing, he had to wait to die.


However, the luck at that time, and then looking at the second outbreak now, really complied with the sentence that Hades wanted you to die on the third watch, he would not keep you until the fifth watch.


When someone announced in the group that Lao Zhu's family had been ill, yesterday things happened to the Li family.


Someone insisted that Lao Zhu's family also live in a hotel outside, with a tone of "I'm doing it for you".


Said that the hotel is an isolation point, and there are professional ambulance personnel on duty. If something really happens, it is safer than being at home.


Some people play the emotional card, saying that they are old neighbors for decades, so let Lao Zhu couple consider it for everyone.


These voices were also mixed with some nasty and harsh words, and their attitude was tough, as if if they didn't leave, everyone would be killed by them.


But Lao Zhu and his wife are not a young couple.


Lao Zhu directly took a small notebook and copied down all the house numbers of those who spoke viciously and asked them to leave with a strong attitude, and posted a photo in the group : 


"Go ahead and scold, you are all going to die anyway, when I am not happy with scolding, I will drag you to die together," 


"And those who cut the wires, if you have the ability, you can cut the wires in my house, if my house's electricity is off, don't think about it for any of you will have good results!"


"There are also those attacking text messages and private messages to persuade me. I advise you to be quiet."


"When I'm already hanging around outside, you fucking are still drinking at home." Grandma!"


Lao Zhu's series of counterattacks were not enough, he also recorded a video.


In the video, Lao Zhu scanned the phone and stood before the house of the person who was the most joyous and even cursed his family in the group.


He didn't say anything at the door, and just kicked the opponent's door several times: 


"Who dares to mention my family in the group, I will come to your door every day, I want to test whether your door is strong or not."


"Right, I just come and make trouble!"


Therefore, it is said that evil people are afraid of violence, and those who are violent are afraid of death. 


After this series of actions, the whole community was as quiet as a frightened chicken, and no one dared to speak out anymore.


Mu Nan looked at this reversal and sighed: "People really have to be a little bit more straightforward." 


But after sighing, he still couldn't help but feel a little sad. 


This Lao Zhu, he knew him, and sometimes when they met in the elevator, he would call Uncle Zhu. 


When his father was still there, they often played cards together. 


When he was a child, he also ate the snacks bought by Uncle Zhu. 


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That is to say, his father is gone, and he has grown up, so the relationship has gradually become estranged to the point where there is only a little nodding and greetings left.


In the last life, no one thought that this crisis would be followed by a more serious disaster. 


Everyone thought that the country would recover and the disaster would pass, so what they saw was the future instead of the present. 


The same was true for Mu Nan at that time.


because he was alone, with no relatives or friends, he had nothing to worry about except worrying about Qin Huai who didn't know where he was at the time.


So, he didn't care about what happened around him. 


Faced with life and death again this time, what he felt was naturally different.


At this time, Lao Zhu’s family was not saddened by the resistance and exclusion of decades-old neighbors, nor was he angry at being attacked maliciously. 


He would respond to such a big counterattack, because he just hoped to be quiet. 


He didn’t know if he would also be unable to escape death just like those who had a second outbreak, but when it really came to this time, his biggest feeling was not fear, but confusion.


Watching his wife tidy up the things at home, carefully write down the passwords corresponding to the passbook and the card one by one.


She recorded a video for their son and daughter, telling them where the valuable things in the house are put.


How much money is in the passbook, and where are they? 


One card is currently used, and which card is regular.


Then some gold jewelry and real estate certificates. And how to distribute those things.


She watched the video carefully after recording, because she is afraid that there is something they didn’t explain carefully. 


So, she will check for omissions and fill in the gaps. 


Then save it for later and send these to the kids when they are really dying.     


Looking at his wife who was watching the video while wiping tears, Lao Zhu wanted to smile, but he couldn't do it. 


He just sat beside her and asked as if chatting: "Are you afraid?"


The wife cried even more fiercely. 


After crying for a long time, she choked up and said, "Are you afraid "


Lao Zhu also had red eyes, yes, death is actually not terrible, and when it really comes to this point, there is nothing to be afraid of.


He just doesn't want to part with their children and grandchildren and just wants to be with them for a little longer, a little longer .



Biebie was sorry for the late update ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ.


Really sad cause biebie's lappy was broken. It was lent to someone and back broken.

(⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻. Haha


And all the reserve chapters can not be opened or uploaded and they have to re-edit from the start.


Thank you for your understanding(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~


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