Chapter 13 Cat Litter

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Because of Lao Zhu's strong counterattack, the residents of their building fell silent for the time being, and there was no word in the group that they wanted to exclude people who had been infected. 


With Lao Zhu's precedent, those who have never been infected are even more afraid of getting sick.


They are afraid that they will be retaliated against if they offend them.


Their building is quiet, but other places may not be able to have this quietness. 


People seem to be gradually divided into two types; normal people and infected people. 


Even if those infected people recover temporarily after treatment, experts and medical scientists have repeatedly emphasized that mycelium can only be transmitted through smog with mycelium, and the transmission between people is extremely low. 


Wearing a good mask can almost achieve more than 90% of the possibility of isolating human-to-human transmission. 


But even so, normal people will be afraid of contacting infected people, and they even turn this fear into exclusion and hostility.


Mu Nan has seen on the Internet more than once the news that a whole community or a whole village is hostile to the infected people.


They smash eggs at the gate of other houses, someone puts a seal on the door, and piles up garbage on the door of others.


And even worse, some tyrannical people gathered together and used force to drive those infected people who stayed at home peacefully out of their living territory.


Apart from constantly urging people to rationally and correctly view pulmonary swollen disease, and not to be blindly overreacted, the government has no effective way to improve the current situation unless a specific cure can be produced. 


But the medicine was not so easy to develop. 


It was not until the smog cleared overnight that all the infected people still failed to escape death.


And that prejudice was buried with the death of those people.


There are the coldness of human nature, but also the warmth of human nature.


The people in white really became angels this time. 


The power of unity, the great love of sacrifice and dedication are happening all the time. 


It is these powers that put themselves in a desperate situation that made some disheartened people feel the temperature of love again.


This society is like this, there is a reality that makes people feel cold, and there is also love and hope that makes people continue to move forward bravely. 


Love and hate are intertwined, but that's all.


These things happened in Mu Nan's life, but they were a little far away from his life.


When the pneumonia first broke out, the whole people were panicked and uneasy. 


Facing this unknown that would bring death, everyone instinctively scared. 


When the second outbreak occurred, it was only the despair of the infected people. 


While others were struggling in the despair of losing their life after finally gaining a new life.


Some people had already started a new life that had nothing to do with these things.


Lao Zhu still died. 


More than a week later, his wife contacted people in the community, saying that Lao Zhu was dying, and asked them to prepare the car and take people away at any time. 


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Naturally, this is not going to the hospital. 


They know that the disease will relapse again, and it is completely impossible to save him.


Moreover, the current situation in the hospital may be comparable to purgatory on earth, so they didn't even think about going to the hospital.


On the day when Lao Zhu was dragged away, the smog seemed to have dissipated. 


It was noon, although the sky was still gloomy and the visibility was not high, people on the lower floors could still see the vehicles entering and leaving the gate of the community.


Someone took a photo and posted it in the group. 


He didn't know if it’s a sigh or something else, and along with the photo, he sighed: “Another one left.” 


Residents on the same floor as Lao Zhu said in the group that the one who was carried away was Lao Zhu, and he walked well. 


Quiet, and her wife didn't cry too much. 


Except for the footsteps of the staff who came to carry the person, there were no other extraneous sounds in the corridor.


After the person left, some old neighbors said goodbye to the person again. 


Lao Zhu was in the food business when he was young, and often gave and shared to neighbors some delicious food. 


Lao Zhu’s wife also has a family tradition of making beef sauce and fermented bean curd. 


Among the neighbors of the older generation, almost all of them have eaten Lao Zhu’s beef sauce and fermented bean curd. 


Mu Nan also ate Aunt Zhu's food when he was a child. 


Aunt Zhu knew that he likes to eat beef. 


Every time he gave them beef sauce, there was a jar full of beef.


When he was a child, he hated his own mother because why no one wished to learn Aunt Zhu's exclusive formula.


His mother poked his forehead and said: "Its already good you can eat the food you like, but someone still hate his mother." 


Someone said good things and naturally there are also people who have grudges.


And the one who has grudges is the one whose gate was kicked by Lao Zhu. 


It is said that that person complained in a private group, saying that this kind of person deserves his death.


Mu Nan also added a few other WeChat groups, because as group buying has become a daily part of life, many merchants or businessmen have sensed business opportunities.


So they launched various group buying, no longer limited to meat and vegetables. 


With different products, Group buying groups are naturally scattered, and some groups have a good atmosphere. 


In addition to shopping, they occasionally exchange information and chat. 


Mu Nan learned about this through other people's chats.


The person who spoke was from No. 5 on the ninth floor, and he had nothing to do with Lao Zhu who lived on the thirteenth floor. 


If he hadn't said the most vicious words in the group, Lao Zhu would not have chosen his house to make an example to others. 


Now Lao Zhu is leaving and he has to be quick-talking.


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If he really has to be so capable, he wouldn't be afraid to come out when Lao Zhu kicked the door. 


This kind of person is a typical beep beep who is capable, and he is definitely the fastest one to counsel when something really happens.


Mu Nan took his mobile phone and complained to Qin Huai: 


"I really want to smash eggs in front of his house, this person is too disgusting." 


At least he had eaten Uncle Zhu's snacks and Aunt Zhu's beef sauce when he was a child, let alone the people who know Zhu's family.


Well, it was him, an outsider who only had a little friendship, looked angry.


Qin Huai said: "Food is so precious, it would be wasted if it was smashed at the door of his house."


"This kind of unscrupulous person should have his retribution sooner or later." 


After Qin Huai finished speaking, he took out Mu Nan's small notebook to record the purchases, pointing to a line of things above: 


"Why do you buy so much cat litter? If you want to raise a cat, I don't recommend it. If the living conditions in the future are as difficult as you dreamed, it would be too irrational to keep a pet."


"Unless it is a pet that you have raised since a child, it is natural that you can't give it up, but knowing that the future will be difficult, if we raise a pet at this time, it is not causing trouble for yourself."


Recently, Qin Huai has been sorting out the things that Mu Nan bought, to see if there is anything missing, or if some things have not been hoarded yet. 


Although it may not be possible to exchange all the funds he consolidated into supplies, it is possible to exchange as much as possible. 


Repeatedly, he noted what Mu Nan already had, only to find that there was quite a lot of cat litter in the pile of things.


Mu Nan said: "Cat litter has a great effect. Don't underestimate cat litter. Cat litter can not only shovel cat feces, but also human beings." 


Take a good look at the role of cat litter.


Although he was not short of water in his last life, he had accumulated a lot of water in space.


When he realized that the situation was not right earlier, but without knowing what will become of it in the future, he would not dare to use and waste it no matter how much water there is. 


So whenever he solved his daily physiology, he felt sorry for the water. 


At that time, he thought it would be great if he could solve the problem without wasting water.


 Probably the obsession was so strong that when he was reborn to buy things, the first thing on his shopping list was not food, but cat litter. 


When water is scarce, this thing is too useful. 


After all, they live in residential buildings, and they are not some mountainous suburbs that can bury the thing anywhere.


Qin Huai was amazed by Mu Nan's imaginative thinking. 


He really didn't expect that cat litter could be used in this way, but after thinking about it carefully, he really could use it in this way. 


After thinking about it for a while, he said: "If that's the case, do you want to stock up again?" 


"Food is now estimated to be more strictly controlled. If there is no normal distribution channel, it will be difficult for private individuals to buy too much,"


"but you can buy cat litter as much as you want." 


Mu Nan said: "Then buy it." 


"I buy less because I don’t have enough money."


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"If you can buy the things I listed, you can buy whatever you want." 


"You can’t have too much for those things. Who knows how long it will take to restore normal social order.” 


Maybe it will never be restored. So buy more and be prepared.


Qin Huai was opened to new thinking by Mu Nan's cat litter brain, thought for a while and said, "The pet snacks, can anyone eat them?"


Mu Nan shook his head: "It's edible, but they are not delicious, oh yes, milk, why did I forget about milk, is it better to buy liquid milk or powdered milk? Can I still buy it now?"


Qin Huai wrote down the milk separately: "Yes, I can buy both bottled and powdered milk. We can drink it by ourselves, or exchange something with someone later." 


"Think about what else is missing?"


Mu Nan said: "I bought everything I can think of, I will think about it again, maybe there is something missing."


After Mu Nan finished speaking, he heard the beeping sound of the steam pot in the kitchen, and quickly got up from the bed. 


He has been cooking corn for the past two days. 


It is also convenient to eat. 


As soon as the lid was lifted, the sweet smell of corn came to his face instantly. 


Even though he had smelled this smell for two or three days, Mu Nan still sniffed. 


The smell of food was so satisfying.


Before Mu Nan reached out to take out the corn from the pot, Qin Huai, who followed him into the kitchen, pushed him aside.


Picked up the chopsticks, picked out the corn one by one from the pot, and put the corn that he had prepared earlier in the food-grade sealed box on the stove.


And pour out all the corn water in the pot after cleaning the corn silk.


They have collected all the boiled corn water in the past few days. 


Some of them are cooled and kept in the refrigerator, and some of them are stored directly in hot water bottles in Mu Nan’s space. 


They added some white sugar when they boiled the corn, so the corn water also brings some sweetness, and it can add a little sugar when you drink it later.


 Smelling the sweet smell of corn, Mu Nan said: 


"Let's make more rock sugar stewed pears, add some lily and Chuanbei, and collect them like that."


"When the weather gets cold, you can drink them anytime you want. It can also moisten the lungs to protect against cold and to keep warm."


Qin Huai nodded: "Then let's stew it, this will be very fast, let the stove rest for a while." 


"For now take out the big hanging pot at night, stew the bones, and put it on a low fire to cook it slowly overnight, and drink soup tomorrow."


Mu Nan nodded repeatedly when he heard that, he has no cooking skills, if he wants to do it himself, he can only follow the online process and put it in a pressure cooker, and a pot of soup can be cooked in an hour or two


But that kind of soup is completely incomparable with the soup that has been simmered overnight.


Fortunately, Qin Huai is here, and Qin Huai's cooking skills are much better than his.


The two people here are happily planning to make soup, but the people next door are miserable.


A boy who looked about the same age as Mu Nan, with hair that seemed to have been chewed by a dog, tried hard to smell the smell of corn in the air, but couldn't help but swallow.

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He looked at the man on his side that looked bigger than him. 


The more mature boy looked at him with a smile, and joked: "Or I'll go to the next door and ask if their corn is sold, so that you won't be drooling all over the floor."


Jian Chu, who was being teased, didn't feel that he was being teased at all. 


Instead, he looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would put his words into practice.


Looking at the other party's wet and expectant eyes like a puppy, Yu Zibai couldn't stand it and looked away.


As he moved away, Jian Chu seemed to hear the voice of disillusioned hope. 


Although he didn't go to the point where he would die if he couldn't eat it. 


But he likes to eat corn.


Since he couldn't go out, he was locked up at home for many months.


It’s okay if he can’t smell it. 


When he can smell it but can’t eat it. 


The torment is comparable to that of a person who likes to eat shrimp. 


It smells like the next door is frying fried prawns but can’t eat it. 


The feeling is too disturbing.


Taking another deep breath of the sweetness in the air, Jian Chu leaned against the balcony door full of melancholy, looking at the empty road outside, with a sad face: 


"When will this day end?" 


Not going out is not the most difficult thing.


Yes, the difficulty is the wallet that can’t make ends meet for the rent, water, electricity, and the food that keeps rising in price. 


If you can’t go out, you can’t do part-time jobs. 


It turns out that there is no way to find a job. It is not only the smog outside that kills people, but also the wallet without a penny.


Yu Zibai, who knew what he was worried about, lowered his eyes slightly, and then smiled at him comfortingly: 


"Don't worry about the rent, this year's rent has already been paid, at least this year, you won't live on the streets."


"In the current environment, it's not just you who suffer."


"If this disaster can pass, the country will definitely have a subsidy policy, it is useless for you to worry until your hair is about to gray now."


"When you are still alive in safety and health is already the greatest blessing in this disaster time." 


Jian Chu snorted 'Hmph' indicating he was not comforted.


As a reminder sounded from the mobile phone sound, Yu Zibai laughed, and the whole clear eyebrows were extraordinarily gentle: 


"Dao Dao, do you want to eat corn?" 


Jian Chu, whose nickname is Dao Dao, turned to look at Yu Zibai, with a full face full of questions marks and expectations.


Yu Zibai smiled and raised his phone: "I added the WeChat next door."


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