Chapter 16 Itching

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Hearing the sound of the elevator outside, Mu Nan quickly ran out to peep by opening a crack from the anti-theft iron door. 


Seeing that it was indeed Qin Huai who came back, he quickly opened the door: 


"Why have you been down for so long? Are there many people?" 


A small cart was dragged up to Mu Nan, he was shocked: "Are ten catties of shrimps was this alot?"


Qin Huai smiled and said, "I saw no one at the vendor, and the boss just happened to bring a lot more shrimps, so I bought more." 


"I’ll take off the protective clothing first.”


Mu Nan picked up the disinfectant on the side and sprayed him back and forth, not even sparing the bag of shrimp. 


The two worked hard for a while before soaking the shrimp in a large wooden basin with salt, covering the surface with a net to prevent them from running away.


soaking for two hours and changing the water, and soaking for another two hours before cleaning it before the prawns are ready to cook.


Seeing a large basin full of live and alive shrimps, Mu Nan was satisfied but also had a headache: 


"It seems that we have a big project tonight, so many of it need to be cleaned one by one, it looks like my waist will break." 


Qin Huai washed his hands while washing his hands and said: "If you want to eat delicious food, you have to pay for it. If you feel tired, you can sit down and cheer me up."


Mu Nan said with a smile: "How could I be so cruel?"


"Salt can kill shrimps. Will it be dizzy after soaking, won’t you pinch your hands when you wash at night?” *(sorry biebie still can't understand the meaning of this sentence after translation)


Qin Huai: “No, they’re almost ready to clean after soaking for a while.”


Seeing Mu Nan squatting there poking shrimp, Qin Huai suddenly said: “Do you have stomach medicine at home?"


Mu Nan quickly stood up and looked at Qin Huai nervously: "What's the matter?"


"Are you feeling sick to your stomach?"


"I have medicines for pain relief, flatulence, and convulsions here." 


He took out the medicine box, squatted on the ground and rummaged through it to find a bunch of medicines: "For those with gastritis, for weishu, and..."


Qin Huai took Mu Nan hand that was nervously looking for medicine, pulled him up from the ground, and slightly Looking down at the pile of medicines on the ground: 


"Which ones do you often take?"


Mu Nan was puzzled for a moment: "Huh? What?"


Qin Huai said: "I just ran into Uncle Zhong from the nineteenth floor in the elevator. He used to raise a black and white border animal." 


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"He said that he once saw you getting an injection in the small clinic downstairs." 


"You seem to be in pain, it looked so painful that you couldn't sit still." 


"Did you go to the hospital to check it?" 


"When it hurts, did you take medicine indiscriminately or let the doctor prescribe it?"


Mu Nan was a little embarrassed by Qin Huai, because when he was a child, he once was in pain, and he was very delicate.


When he felt uncomfortable, Qin Huai wanted to bring the whole family together to coax him. 


Later, he lived alone, he got used to carrying it alone when he was sick and uncomfortable. 


After getting used to it for a long time, he didn't reveal much about his own private life. 


He will bear it if he can bear it. 


Even he feels a little ashamed to let outsiders know, as if being known would cause trouble to others.


Asked by Qin Huai at this moment, Mu Nan subconsciously wanted to be vague: "It's not that exaggerated, just, it's just I ruined my stomach." 


Qin Huai looked at him with a serious expression: "When you lie, you subconsciously lick your mouth first."


"Did you have to hide this from me?"


"We will live together for a long time in the future, and if you feel unwell someday, I don't even know what kind of medicine you are taking."


Mu Nan glanced at Qin Huai carefully, and saw that he seemed angry, so he pointed to the medicine in the box: 


"Just take the pills in that small box first, if you can't get relief after taking it, then take the painkiller in an hour or two, usually just after taking the painkiller the pain will be gone." 


After finishing speaking, he whispered: "Don't look at me so fiercely."


Qin Huai sighed lightly, picked up the medicine Mu Nan pointed to and looked at it carefully: "Is this prescribed by the doctor?"


Mu Nan nodded, Qin Huai took a picture of the medicine box with his mobile phone: "How much did you buy for this medicine, why didn't you write it down in the notebook?"


Mu Nan said: "This is a prescription medicine and it can only be prescribed by the hospital. A few boxes, not many, so I don’t remember.” 


It took him three months to prepare for his rebirth, he had a lot of things to buy, and he only remembered to go to the hospital to buy medicine once because he was busy and forgot to eat. 


How can he go to hospital more when he has time, because stomach disease is not a disease that will kill you if you don’t take medicine.


When the pain is unbearable just take medication and it will pass.


But he bought a lot of daily medicine that can be bought in other pharmacies, and there are all kinds of pain relievers.


Qin Huai looked at his skinny, skinny face, and continued to ask, "What's the problem? Does it often hurt?"

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Mu Nan shook his head: "Actually, it's okay. The last time I checked, I had some ulcers. Occasionally, I felt a little uncomfortable after eating, but it got better after a while."


"The time Uncle Zhong saw it was because I forgot to eat when I drew and I was hungry all day.


"And to save trouble, I ate some instant noodles." 


As he spoke, he glanced at Qin Huai's ugly face, and said quickly, "But after that time, I have a long memory, and I never forgot to eat again, really." 


Qin Huai hugged him tightly, this kind of helplessness in the face of what had happened made him hate that man even more, how much he wished that time could start again. 


Now Looking back at the past, there was no way to reject the man. 


Because unfortunately, at that time, his sky was only as big as the top of his head, and he had no strength to resist at all.


At this moment, he really felt the lack of these years, his Nan Nan, in these years of his absence, his life was not good, not good at all.


Mu Nan was a little overwhelmed by Qin Huai's hug. 


He didn't expect Qin Huai's reaction to be so strong. 


When he felt the wetness on his shoulders, his heart seemed to be pulled by a hand: "Brother?" 


Qin Huai hugged him tightly, feeling the warmth and heartbeat of the person in his arms, Qin Huai said with some difficulty: "I'm sorry, Nan Nan, I'm sorry..."


Mu Nan smiled, hugged Qin Huai back, and patted him on the back: "It's good that you come back, brother, I have no regrets when I see you again."


After what happened with Jiang Xuan before, Qin Huai could only be happy that he was back, 


And felt angry that he was deceived by Jiang Xuan. 



Mu Nan's dream about the future disrupted all his plans. 


Now, he was busy arranging assets and remotely dispatching people from City B to help him purchase supplies. 


He and Mu Nan try to pull the relationship that had been estranged over the years, so that he didn't have time to delve into My Nan's life too much.


Now that I think about it, Jiang Xuan has never seen Mu Nan in these years. 


Those photos were probably taken specially by someone.


The details of Mu Nan's life in these years may have been made up, and even the annual medical report may be fake. 


Yes, regarding the physical examination, he once thanked Jiang Xuan very much. 


Since childhood, Mu Nan hated going to the hospital, not to mention the annual physical examination. He might not be willing to do it once in a few years. 


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Later, he mentioned it to Jiang Xuan. 


If he has time, ask him to help coax Mu Nan to do a physical examination, and then, Jiang Xuan will take a copy of Mu Nan's physical examination report for him every year.


So he is very grateful to Jiang Xuan. 


If no one coaxes Mu Nan and watches him, Mu Nan definitely wouldn't do a medical checkup on his own initiative. 


He also thought that if Mu Nan was willing to listen to Jiang Xuan's advice and go for a physical examination, then they were quite close, and it should be because Jiang Xuan usually took care of Mu Nan more.


the attitude of resentment and resistance when mentioning him, how could he be willing to stay abroad for these years? 


If it weren't for the details of life that Mu Nan has a sunny life and healthy body.


I'm afraid he would have come back immediately when that man abandoned him.   


Mu Nan patted Qin Huai, who was in self-blame, trying to divert his attention and said, "I'm hungry, when will I have dinner?" 


Qin Huai slowly let go of Mu Nan, except for the red eyes, there were not much crying traces left. 


He ask Mu Nan to put away the medicine box on the ground, and remind him to put some emergency medicine outside, not all in the space, and then go into the kitchen to cook. 


In order to coax Mu Nan before, he cooked Mu Nan's favorite dishes during the time he came back. 


Now that he knows that his stomach is not good, he naturally has to change the recipes accordingly, and make more stomach nourishing ones.     


Mu Nan, who still doesn't know the indulgence for eating and drinking is about to go forever, so he obediently packed up the medicine box, put an emergency box outside, and then went to the kitchen door to look.


Watching Qin Huai cook, the days of waiting for food have the taste of home, except that the world is getting worse and worse, Mu Nan really hopes to be like this for the rest of his life.     


After the two had eaten, they were not in a hurry to clean up the shrimps. 


Qin Huai changed the water for the shrimps first, then opened the variety show Mu Nan was watching recently, pressed him on the bed and rubbed his stomach.


He asked the doctor, after the meal, gently kneading clockwise can help to empty the stomach and reduce postprandial discomfort of gastric ulcer.


It's just that when he touched it, Mu Nan couldn't help laughing, as if his laughing point had been tapped: 


"It's better to not do it, brother, my health is not so bad, really, I don't feel hurt now, it's okay." 


Qin Huai frowned : "Come here, get used to it, you felt ticklish when you were a child, why are you still ticklish when you grow up." 


When he was a child, he could not stop laughing when Qin Huai scratched his armpit. 


Now touching his stomach feels unbearable itchy when touched.


Seeing Qin Huai's attitude of not giving up until he rubbed him, Mu Nan had no choice but to lean closer.


But as soon as Qin Huai put his hand on him, Mu Nan felt like he was being electrocuted, and his whole body was itchy. 

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The kind that can numb from the soles of the feet to the top of the sky, the whole body is going to be wrong, he can't stand this feeling, it's really weird. 


Before Qin Huai could rub him for the second time, he hugged the pillow and rolled away from Qin Huai: 


"No, no, it's too itchy, so I don't want to rub anymore. I'm afraid that I won't hurt after eating, but I will hurt from laughing too much."     


Qin Huai saw that he was really felt itchy, not because he resisted his own contact, so he reluctantly let him go: 


"If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, you can't hide it from me, and you can't secretly take medicine and pretend to be fine."     


Mu Nan nodded quickly.


Qin Huai didn't give him any excuses, and reconfirmed: "You promise.".


Mu Nan raised his hand and said weakly: "I promise." 


Qin Huai let him go and let him lie on the bed and watch the computer for a while, and wait for half an hour. 


Then he walked on the treadmill to digest food. and then he took a brush and a small bench into the bathroom to brush the shrimps.


Seeing that Qin Huai was finally no longer in front of his eyes, Mu Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then put his hand on her stomach and touched it twice. 


He didn't know if it was because he touched himself, so it felt different, not itchy at all. 


Why did it change to Qin Huai, the itchy feeling made him want to tremble all over.


When he saw the private vendor in the group, Jian Chu knew that the torture from the crayfish was not far away, but he didn't expect that this torture came in the middle of the night.


The weather is getting hotter and hotter recently, the doors and windows are closed tightly, making the room stuffy and hot, so I can only turn on the air conditioner early.


In order to save electricity bills, when the air conditioner is turned on, Jian Chu asked Yu Zibai to move to his room to sleep. It can save a little electricity, so now I smell the spicy crayfish next door, and I really can't help but to swallow twice.


Yu Zibai next to him didn't fall asleep either. Hearing his movements, he couldn't help but smile, and asked, "Are you hungry?"


Jian Chu sighed, "You said that they are doing this kind of supper so late at home, is it right?"    


Yu Zibai: “Do you want to get up and eat? I’m going to cook noodles?”


Jian Chu is really hungry, and he hasn’t eaten much meat recently. 


He only eats vegetables, and he feels that there is not enough oil and water. 


The young man eats a lot, and if he does not include supper for three meals a day, he is really hungry, so he sat up without any hesitation, and looked at Yu Zibai next to him: 


"Cook the noodles, I'm so hungry." 


Yu Zibai smiled, got up in a good temper to cook the noodles, so the two sat on the ground, surrounded by a small round table, and ate a large bowl of noodles in the air of the smell of spicy crayfish coming from the next door.


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