Chapter 17 Promise

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"Brother, come quickly!"


As soon as Qin Huai came out of the shower, he saw Mu Nan sticking the sweet piece of watermelon in the middle of the watermelon with a spoon and holding it towards him.


So he walked over with a smile, and ate the watermelon in one gulp. 


It was sweet and refreshing. The watermelon almost instantly dispelled the heat left on his body after taking a shower. 


Seeing Mu Nan's expectant face, Qin Huai smiled and said, "It's very sweet, this melon is a good buy." 


Qin Huai didn't like fruits when he was a child, he doesn't like to eat any fruit. 


Mu Nan is different from him. He loves to eat all kinds of fruit. The sweeter the fruits, the more he likes it. 


Every time he eats watermelon, he cherishes the sweetest piece in the middle. 


His family knows that he loves it. But this piece will be given to him. 


Once when he came back from school, he saw Mu Nan sitting in the living room alone, holding a small wooden spoon and finally digging out the sweetest piece in the middle. 


Before Mu Nan could put the piece of watermelon into his mouth, Qin Huai ate it in one bite.


At that time, Mu Nan was still in kindergarten, so young, he thought that if he ate his favorite food, Mu Nan would definitely cry, but Mu Nan didn't cry.


He just laughed when he saw him ate it.


And then from a half watermelon Mu Nan will definitely leave half of the sweetest watermelon core for him.


Mu Nan smiled smugly: "I went to Shandong to buy it on purpose. There is a high output of watermelons there, and it is very cheap to buy without intermediate transportation costs." 


"When I bought it, the wholesale price was 90 cents a catty. I bought several trucks and bought a lot of rice noodles there, the rice noodles are also cheap and delicious."


Qin Huai said: "Eat less, watermelon is cold in nature, just eat some to quench the heat and thirst."


Mu Nan said yes. 


No objection, no need for Qin Huai to say, he actually couldn't eat much. 


When he was a child, he was actually able to eat half of the big watermelon that weighed six or seven catties by himself. 


Later, when he grew up he often stayed up late at night, almost every day. 


And after eating takeaway food for a long time, his body has indeed deteriorated a lot, and he feels a little full after eating half of it.


After eating a few more mouthfuls, seeing that Qin Huai had almost wiped his hair dry, he put the remaining watermelon into Qin Huai's hands: 


"You eat some too, after eating, put it in the refrigerator and I'll put it back in the space." 


"Broty, your hair is getting long. Isn't it time to cut it?"


Qin Huai took the watermelon and sat down by the bed, seeing Mu Nan's face eager to try, he said: "Tomorrow, you can cut it for me before I take a bath."


Mu Nan was immediately happy: "I'll go find the scissors first, I bought several pairs of scissors for cutting hair." 


Fortunately, they are boys, so they can be cut short, if it doesn't work, they will all be shaved and it will be quicker.


If it's a girl, that long hair can be difficult to style.


When Mu Nan was arranging the scissors, he was suddenly startled by the loud sound like a door being smashed or kicked down from downstairs. 


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He let go of his hand, and the scissors fell straight to the ground. 


Fortunately, Qin Huai who was beside him reacted quickly enough. 


If he doesn't scooped Mu Nan away fast enough, or the tip of the scissors might poke his foot.


Qin Huai picked up the scissors from the ground, and threw the few that were already on the table into the drawer. 


Mu Nan patted his chest with lingering fear: "I was shocked."


The noise should be from their side downstairs, probably hitting the door, the impact was so loud that even the iron door on their upstairs trembled slightly. 


Accompanied by the impact, there were also fierce abusive words, and I didn't know what kind of hatred or resentment the speaker had at this time.


If there were people making trouble like this in the past, the neighbors would have come out to watch the fun


But now, even if they are full of gossip, they dare not go out casually, and at most keep their ears open to listen to the movement outside. 


Because Mu Nan home faces two houses with only one door to another, and next to it is a sky-penetrating courtyard, so as long as you open your own door, you don't need to open the iron door outside, and you can hear the situation downstairs clearly.


Mu Nan was a little curious about what was going on downstairs, so he squatted at the door to listen to the commotion. 


Probably because Qin Huai came back, his mentality began to change a lot, and he became more interested in life and the surroundings than before. 


Just when there was a loud noise downstairs, Mu Nan remembered that this happened in his previous life. 


At that time, he was drawing pictures in the room, and he had no interest in the noise outside. 


He even put on earphones to isolate the noise from the outside, and he didn't have the curiosity to pay attention to the cause of the noise afterwards.


This time, he was a little curious, what could make people come out and make trouble at this time.


But Mu Nan listened to it for a long time and what he heard was all shouting to open the door and pay back the money.


Mix of Mandarin with a local accent


Mu Nan couldn't hear clearly when the speaker spoke excitedly.


But he could still understand some curses, what? Not a good death, retribution, the death of the whole family, etc., how ruthless it is.


There was also the sound of kicking the door, so loud that it almost seemed to be kicked through the door.


Qin Huai stretched out his hand, and brought in the gossiping person at the door: "Don't go out and squatting at the door after taking a shower."


Mu Nan asked: "Do you remember which house is downstairs?"


"Is it a teacher's family?"


Qin Huai said: "Well, it's the teacher's family."


Mu Nan felt strange: "The teacher's family is pretty good, who did he offend?"


Qin Huai motioned him to look at his phone. 


This incident had already started being talked about in the community group. 


In just a short while, the chat in the community group was 99+. 


Mu Nan directly clicked on the top and began to scroll down. 


It turned out that the origin of this incident was a group buy.


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As the time of being closed in the house is getting longer and longer, many people have to venture out to find a way to survive in order to make a living for three meals. 


Not everyone has savings in their hands. 


Some families support a large family. 


The pressure is no less life-threatening than a virus.


So even if there is no specific medicine yet, due to the protection in place, the number of infected people is constantly decreasing, and some people start to venture out. 


Therefore, in order to make a living, various private vendors are gathering more and more group purchases.


However, it is impossible for those private vendors to directly correspond to the residents one by one. 


Therefore, through some information channels, a group of commodities will be drawn. 


And the residents who can probably be within the delivery range will join the group to buy things. 


To deliver the goods. This kind of shopping can’t always be given by buying one or two items. 


So someone needs to lead the group purchase, gather the purchased items to a certain amount and place an order, and then they will deliver the goods.


The downstairs resident of Mu Nan's house is a teacher, but he has been retired for many years. 


His wife left early, and his son was born with a disability. 


In the early years, he found a woman who did not dislike his disabled son and got married with the conditions of local household registration.


Not long after the woman was pregnant and gave birth to a child, but the woman left, so the father and the disabled son brought up the newborn child together. 


The boy was one year older than Qin Huai, Mu Nan remembered that the little brother downstairs was a senior student when Qin Huai was still in first grade.


This is because the little brother downstairs made a lot of trouble with a group purchase. 


Now to meet the needs of the masses, various WeChat groups for private purchase have emerged as the times require. 


If you become the group leader, after the transaction is successful, there will be a few thousandths of the rebate.


Prices are soaring now. 


Rice, which used to cost two or three yuan a catty, has now risen to ten or twenty yuan, not to mention the vegetables and meat that consume more. 


If you order it in a group, you will receive less rebates for dozens and nearly a hundred yuan.


The brother No. 9 on the 16th floor who has tasted the sweetness is dedicated to helping people start a group as the group leader. 


He only needs to start a group, and others will choose the goods by themselves and pay for them. 


After the amount of the group is reached, he will wait for others to deliver the goods. 


When he comes to the door, all he needs to do is to wait downstairs when the goods arrive, and then distribute the items according to the house number. 


The money is easy to get.


As a result, the car overturned this time, and in the car there was a complete range of goods. 


The key is that a very cheap vendor had a limited-time event. 


He started a group. Because it was really cheap, he also placed an order and bought it out of good intentions. 


To benefit others, I took the initiative to recruit people in some large groups. 


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As a result, the mission was successful, the money was paid, and the items disappeared for several days. 


The link to the product provided by the vendor was taken off the shelf, and the mobile phone was turned off. 


At this moment, the fool knew he had been cheated.


The little brother on the 16th floor couldn’t get in touch with the vendor. 


Others bought things from him and didn’t see them. 


Naturally, he was the person who started the group, even though he didn't hold the money. But for this matter, he must find the vendor, or he will be responsible, and there must be an explanation.


But now the price is expensive, the total price of the group is tens of thousands.


And he has no savings. 


Although he does not have this money, the older generation has money in the passbook, but the money was not enough.


Even if he wants to pay, at this time, he can’t afford it and he can't come up with money.


He had already explained the situation to everyone, called the police, and sent the records of the police case to the people in the group. 


He himself was the cheated party, and he bought hundreds of things. 


He was also very anxious.


Although most people are angry, they also know that this matter cannot be entirely blamed on the brother on the 16th floor, and the loss of a few hundred yuan is not enough to fight with others. 


Naturally, the grudge is also the grudge against the scammer.


But among these people there is a man with a bit of mental abnormality. 


He is an old man living alone on the top floor. 


He is not considered old if he is an old man. 


He is only in his sixties. 


He has lived alone for many years. 


No matter how he talks to others, even if he is a little naughty, it is not harmful, so no one cares about him.


This time he also followed group buying, but he didn't understand this kind of online payment, so he traded cash with the neighbor downstairs and asked others to buy it for him. 


But the things he bought never arrived, so he went to the neighbor downstairs. 


The neighbor was just kind enough to help and didn't want to cause trouble, so he told him to go to the head of the group buying group, and then he found the small shop on the 16th floor.


After searching several times, the little brother on the 16th floor thought that he was a widowed old man, and he had some cash at home, so he planned to refund the money to him first.


But the man didn’t want the money, he wanted the things he originally wanted to buy for free. 


The problem is that the merchants have all run away, where can the little brother find the things he bought, it is not clear that he is looking for trouble. 


The little brother, who was already in a state of distress because of this incident, suddenly lost his temper. 


Once the money was lost, he immediately turned people away.


This time he got into trouble, the old man on the top floor knocked on the door every day according to three meals a day and asked for something.


But this time I didn't know why he was in a hurry, and started to slam the door and curse, making a scene aggressively, so there was this output today.

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The group is still discussing this matter hotly, most of it is a crusade against the old man on the top floor, thinking that there is such a psychopath living here, the harm is too great.


Naturally, it is impossible to let others smash the door downstairs, someone contacts the community and calls the police. 


First, people from the community came to persuade them, but they couldn't persuade them at all. 


The old man was able to communicate more or less before.


Now the old man seemed to be unable to understand what people were saying, so he clamored to smash the door. 


Fortunately, this person was also getting old, and the young people in several communities easily subdued him. 


He was about to smash the door, and he probably ran out when he was sent back, and he was finally taken away by the police.


After such a commotion in the middle of the night, the downstairs finally quieted down.


Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Mu Nan sighed while eating potato chips: "So people must have companions, otherwise after being alone for a long time, they will gradually become abnormal in the eyes of others."


Qin Huai looked at him amusedly: "I thought you would conclude that you can't be the first bird in life."


Mu Nan nodded: "This is also very important, don't stand out if you have nothing to do, most people hold grudges but not gratitude."


Qin Huai rubbed Mu Nan because he was old. And his hair grew so soft: "Go to sleep, it's late."


Mu Nan lay down on the bed, waited for Qin Huai to turn off the light and go to bed.


Then turned over to face him, and asked softly : "Brother, if I didn't spend all the money you gave me, and I didn't go to you, when the smog cleared and the epidemic was gone, would you come back to me?" 


Qin Huai said, "I won't wait until the epidemic is over." 


"I won't come to you after the epidemic, but I will come back immediately when the epidemic first started." 


"I want to make sure that you are well, not sick, and safe at home, otherwise, I won't be able to stay still for a day." 


Mu Nan listened. 


After a long silence, he said "If you didn't come back, what would be the reason?"


Qin Huai tilted his head, tracing the outline of the other party in the darkness, and said in a low voice, 


"If I didn't come back, it would be because I can't come back."


Hearing what Qin Huai said, Mu Nan's heart ached. 


He didn't dare to think about what happened to Qin Huai in his previous life. 


Thinking of the terrible possibility, it hurt even to take a breath, so he didn't dare to tell Qin Huai that he was reborn. 


He knew that Qin Huai was just like him, even if they were in front of each other now, the possibility that it might have happened was still unbearable.


Mu Nan leaned towards Qin Huai, stretched out his arms and hugged him like when he was a child, listened to his heartbeat, and gradually calmed down again, Mu Nan said: 


"Don't leave me alone anymore, I don't want to be alone for a long time." 


"Now, I have become a psychopath in the eyes of others. If there is no way out in the future, we will die together, okay?"


After a long time, in the silence, Qin Huai's agreed sound came softly. 


If there is really no way out in the future, he is not willing to let Mu Nan struggle alone. 


Death with company may be happier than living alone.


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