Chapter 18 Kill Chicken

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In a room with almost no light but only the blessing of fluorescent lamps, two people with little experience in growing vegetables finally grew vegetables that can be fried for at least one plate.


Holding a small basket of cabbage picked out of the pot, Qin Huai looked at Mu Nan who was still picking inside, looking for the ripe one to pick: 


"You don't like to eat cabbage, why would you grow this?" 


Mu Nan said : "This one grows fast. I want to see how long it takes to harvest a batch if you plant it this way."


Qin Huai smiled: "It only grows fast because you plant the seedlings not the seed." 


"If you start d from seed, it won't be so fast." 


Mu Nan, who was sure that no fish slipped through the net, stood up from a pile of soil pots, and put the two handfuls of cabbage in his hand into the small basket Qin Huai handed over: 


"Take your time, we didn't grow up in the village."


" We don’t know anyone who will go to the ground, and we don’t know who to ask if we want to ask someone about these things." 


"We can only rely on ourselves." 


"Apart from doing this, before social order is restored, how can we make a living? working on software?. I can’t think of the days to come."


"Food and clothing will become a problem for people. I paint for a living, because they don't need spiritual food like drawing."


Mu Nan said, "This is also a livelihood. If we really want to be successful. Anyway, we don't rely on this to make a living, we just make a superficial way of making a living."


Qin Huai: "After the earthquake, did the country start to rebuild soon?"


Mu Nan thought about it: "It's not too fast, I, I dreamed that many people went to the ruins after the earthquake. 


"There were a lot of people rummaging for things, food, and valuables inside and no one cared about them." 


"I also saw rescue teams, but most of them were self-help." 


"For a while, it was quite disorderly and chaotic. Later we started to have bases.”



At that time, private bases began to increase. 


Of course, those private bases were not for charity. 


If you want to live in a place with water and electricity supply, you have to provide corresponding supplies. 


It used to be money, but after the earthquake money is worthless, so gold, silver, jade, and food can be exchanged. 


Where did those things come from? Naturally, they were pulled out of the ruins.


At that time, Mu Nan, of course, followed the crowd to rummage through the ruins for a while.

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Otherwise he would eat and drink behind closed doors, which is too abnormal. 


It was not easy during that time, the weather was hot, and the earthquake shook him. 


There are many collapsed houses and buildings. 


Not to mention the heavy stones, you have to be careful under your feet. 


If you accidentally step on loose stones under your feet, you will fall. 


There are many people who fall into the pit and die.


Not to mention he often sees a decomposed corpse or broken limbs when he removes stones.


Those days can be regarded as an important turning point for Mu Nan to face the apocalypse, and it was also the first time he truly experienced the cruelty of death in the apocalypse. 


He still remembers that he clearly had a space of food at that time, but he was so skinny because he couldn't eat. 


Skinny and boneless, the whole person is as haggard as anyone else. 


After slowly adapting to the environment, he finally accepted the reality of the end of the world, and he didn't dare to squander the food stored in space.     


Alone and thin, he is easy to bully if he doesn't be careful. 


Maybe even if he didn't give the child some cornbread that day, he might not be able to escape the robbery of those people. 


Maybe they have been eyeing him long ago.     


Hearing Mu Nan's sigh, Qin Huai thought he was worried about the future: 


"Worrying about this now won't change anything, don't worry, when the time comes, I'll move bricks to support you, and rebuilding the base should require a lot of manpower." 


Mu Nan glanced at him, and said, "Let me grow vegetables for you."You can do some easy work, so why bother working hard."     


Qin Huai smiled, and handed the food in his hand to Mu Nan: "You take it, you can fry a plate later, I'll go and see the chicken coop." 


The balcony of Qin Huai's house is open, at first Mu Nan will kelt chickens outside because he is worried about chicken droppings, which will make the house smelly. 


Put the chicken outside on the balcony, wear a mask and wash the ground with a water hose, even if there is chicken droppings, it will not make the house dirty. 


Moreover, the mycelial virus does not seem to be able to live on animals, so Mu Nan felt relieved to keep the chickens outside.


But after Qin Huai came back, he put the chickens indoors, but he kept them in the room where the vegetables were grown, and built a nest.


Otherwise every time he fed the chickens or cleaned the balcony, he would have to be exposed to the smog, which would be too dangerous. 


The chickens Mu Nan bought consisted of males and females, and they were mixed and not separated.


So Qin Huai occasionally went to check on the eggs, and the fertilized eggs were left to wait for the chickens to nest, and the unfertilized eggs were collected and stored in Mu Nan's space.

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After Mu Nan finished washing the cabbage, he heard the sound of chicken clucking. 


Qin Huai walked in with the chicken in one hand and two eggs in the other. 


Seeing him, he said, "Get a rope, I'll tie this one up first." 


"Let’s go.”


Mu Nan hurriedly searched the drawer for a rope, he also had rope in his space, but he bought that kind of lifeline, and it was a bit too long to use that rope to tie up the chicken. 


But fortunately, he had the rope that was packaged by express delivery at home, so he cut it. 


Pass one to Qin Huai: "Why tie it up? Do you want to eat chicken?"


Qin Huai said: "Just keep the hen and one rooster. The chickens you bought, there are three roosters." 


"They were small before. And don’t have much meat. Now that it is grown up, we will eat it as soon as possible." 


"Uncastrated roosters are aggressive, eat a lot, like to crow, and are quite noisy." 


"In the past few days, I’ve seen people in the group asking who raised chickens, they said every day they were woken up by the crowing of the rooster in the morning."  


Mu Nan was a little surprised: "Does the rooster need to be castrated?" 


In his cognition, only pigs need to be castrated.     


Qin Huai saw his surprised expression, and said with a smile: "The chicken you eat is basically castrated." 


"The castrated chicken grows faster and the meat is more tender. The taste of uncastrated chicken is relatively mild."


"To put it mildly, it’s not easy to grow meat even its eat a lot, so raising hens is actually enough. If you want chicks, just keep a rooster.”


Mu Nan bought chickens because of the earthquake in his last life. 


Although there is a shock on their side, the houses are in good condition, he thought, then raise chickens and grow vegetables at home.


And when the government base is established in the future, he will move to the base with chickens and vegetables. 


So he bought a few roosters and hens in order to make a living by selling eggs or chicks in the future.     


But now Qin Huai said that there is no need to keep too much, so kill and eat it, but looking at the chicken flopping in Qin Huai's hands, Mu Nan was a little helpless: 


"Can you kill the chicken? Chicken blood should be harvested like pig blood. Is it?"


"Is it enough to cut off the chicken head?" 


"I'd better look it up online."


Qin Huai threw the bundled chicken to the porch: "Go and boil a pot of water first, and I'll go see the strategy."

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Seeing Qin Huai holding the chicken and saying calmly that he wanted to kill it, Mu Nan thought he had experience. 


There is also a strategy that needs to be checked online.


While waiting for the water to boil, Qin Huai found a few chicken-killing videos on the Internet.


So what about twisting the chicken’s head to the chicken’s buttocks and wiping its neck?.


It seemed a bit difficult for him as a novice, and he was a little afraid of being bitten by the chicken. 


It's better to cut off the chicken head directly with one stroke of a knife. 


Asking Mu Nan to get a clean bowl, Qin Huai took the chicken and the bowl back to his side, so as not to fill the room with blood.


Mu Nan followed behind, trying to watch from the sidelines, but Qin Huai habitually treated him as a child: "Go and watch over the water in the pot." 


Otherwise, he was afraid that Mu Nan would be affected and dream at night when he watched the scene of blood spraying. 


Although this is just a chicken, he grew up in the city, and he may have never even been to a traditional vegetable market. 


He has never seen someone kill a chicken. 


When the chicken is dead and the internal organs are cleaned up later, let Mu Nan get used to it slowly.


How can a person whose heart is numb even after touching the corpse be frightened by the scene of killing a chicken.


Mu Nan stepped forward and took the knife in Qin Huai's hand: "You hold the bowl to catch the blood, and I'll cut off the head."   


Before Qin Huai refused, Mu Nan took out a thick glove from the space, grabbed the chicken's head with his gloved hand, and stretched its neck: 


"I'm going to chop it up, you grab the chicken firmly."


Seeing that Mu Nan really wanted to do it himself, Qin Huai stopped talking and grabbed the chicken in his hand: "Chop it up." 


As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Nan's knife dropped, because he didn't know how hard the neck of a live chicken would be, Mu Nan's knife was a bit heavy. 


The knife almost fell into the cutting board, the chicken head fell off naturally, and the blood burst out as expected.


Qin Huai He hurriedly took the bowl to block it, picked up the whole chicken upside down, and let the blood out.


Mu Nan picked up the chicken head that had been chopped off, there was still meat to eat on the comb, and there was a piece of chicken neck attached to the head, what a waste to throw away.


When he picked up the chicken head, he squatted next to Qin Huai and watched the bloodletting: "How do we eat this chicken blood?" 


"It should be edible, right?"


"I have eaten pig blood and duck blood, but it seems that I have never eaten chicken blood."


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Qin Huai was a little surprised at his boldness. 


He glanced at him and saw that he was really fine and he was all about eating, so he said: "You can eat chicken blood, but let's not eat it." 


Mu Nan was puzzled: "Why?" 


If you can eat it, why not eat it? Although he has not experienced it himself, he has seen others dig up tree roots and cook bark. 


It is a waste of any edible thing, which makes people feel guilty.


Qin Huai: "You haven't heard anyone describe those who are too excited as if they have been injected with chicken blood." 


"The chicken blood is probably hotter, and now the summer itself is hot. If you eat this hot food, you will suffer." 


They are especially full of vitality. 


If they get dry again, it will be somewhat embarrassing.


Mu Nan didn't think too much about it. 


Hearing what Qin Huai said, he said, "It's fine if you can eat it, make it first, then put it in the space, and eat it when the weather is cold." 


Scald and pluck the hair with boiling water, and clean the internal organs.


Most of the afternoon passed after finishing these. 


Qin Huai didn't stew the rooster in soup. 


The chicken itself was kind of woody, and it would be even more unpalatable if it was stewed again. 


So he added the ingredients and made roast chicken directly. 


The chicken was soft and rotten. 


He poured the chopped potatoes into it and waited for the potatoes to cook. 


When the flour is glutinous, you can start the pot.


Looking at the continuously bubbling pot, Mu Nan smelled the aroma and kept sniffling: "It's still the same as before."


Qin Huai cooked by himself when he was very young. 


He and Qin Huai will not let grandma enter the kitchen, in case it is too dangerous to burn.


He really wants to learn, at least he can help Qin Huai, but Qin Huai never lets him touch the knife or fire.


So Qin Huai was the only one who did the cooking.


Being able to eat Qin Huai's cooking again in this life, Mu Nan couldn't help sighing every time, it's the taste, the taste of home.


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