Chapter 19 Buy Medicine

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Qin Huai did not let Mu Nan put the freshly cooked roast chicken into the space. 


Although what is put in the space will be in the original condition when taken out, people’s psychological state is not like this. 


This kind is freshly killed and cooked food is still hot. Qin Huai felt that it would be better to eat it while it was fresh.


Of course, Mu Nan has no objection to this. 


He hasn't eaten Qinhuai's roast chicken for a long time.


But it's a pity that the Qinhuai pepper is a little less, and there is only a little bit of spiciness. 


If there are more peppers, the taste will be even better. 


He felt that he could eat a bowl of rice in one sitting.


Qin Huai listened to his little dislike, and said without hesitation: "Giving such a little chili is just to enhance the taste." 


"And eat less of those heavy things in the future."


Mu Nan bit his chopsticks, and gave him a speechless look: "Eat less, it would be nice to have something to eat in the future." 


After Mu Nan finished speaking, Qin Huai put a chicken leg in the bowl. 


Qin Huai stopped him: "This is for you to eat at night. It's only five o'clock. You must be hungry again in a few hours. A chicken leg is just right."


Mu Nan didn't listen, and insisted on putting the chicken leg in Qin Huai's bowl: "Just one is enough, It's not delicious to eat two"


"It's delicious if you eat it separately, it's just right for you and me to eat one."


Looking at the chicken legs in the bowl, thinking about the way Mu Nan cut off the chicken head without hesitation. 


Qin Huai's emotions are a bit complicated, his heart feels a little uncomfortable, and he is slightly sour.


Seeing that Qin Huai still didn't put down his chopsticks, Mu Nan urged: "Eat quickly!" 


"Even when I was a child, I didn't have two chicken legs alone. Although I ate two last time, it's you who lied to me and told me that you don't like to eat it." 


"I really believed it when I was a child. At that time, I thought, chicken legs are so delicious, how could anyone not like to eat them?"


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Qin Huai said with a smile: "It's not because you have been skinny since you were a child, so you should eat more and grow more meat. You eat a lot of meat, but you just can’t grow it.”


Mu Nan chuckled lightly: “Then my physique will be my trump card in the future."


"If I'm easy to get fat, in the future environment, if I want to say that I am also living a hard life, I am afraid no one will believe it."


Seeing that Qin Huai finally eating the chicken leg, Mu Nan was satisfied, and picked up the one in his bowl and gnawed on it, saying as he gnawed, 


"Compared with this chicken leg meat, I prefer to eat chicken wings now, and there are small tips of the wings. The meat is less, but it is enjoyable to eat."


"Brother, you can marinate the chicken wings for me. I saw someone bought chicken wings yesterday, and today he posted a picture of fried chicken wings in the group. I asked him where he bought them. "


When he was young, Mu Nan liked to eat some lo-mei very much.


But one time he didn't know whether it was because he ate too much or the lo-mei he bought that time was not clean, he got enteritis. 


At that time, Mu Nan was already in junior high school, so he didn't tell him about my stomach discomfort. 


Early in the morning, he pretended to go to school as if nothing had happened, but before half the morning passed, Qin Huai received a call from the school teacher, scaring him and ran all the way to Mu Nan's school. 


At that time, Mu Nan received injections for several days in a row, and he suffered a lot, and he missed the exam because he played truant. 


Although it was excusable, he still read a self-criticism on the rostrum on Monday.


After that time, Qin Huai learned from others by himself, asked a few of their aunts who were good at cooking, and then combined the unique recipes of each family, and figured out a set of lo-mei recipes that Mu Nan liked.


Qin Huai said: "Buy more if you want, you don't seem to have prepared such things as chicken wings and chicken feet."


Mu Nan said: "Those are all bones and not a few bites of meat, the price is not cheap, and I don't know how to make them myself, so I just bought other things." 


"And I didn't buy it."


He did buy some of these cooked snacks, but he didn't buy the fresh ones.


He didn't know how to make them himself, and he didn't know when Qin Huai would come back.


If he would come back, he might not have bought those snacks.


If he had the opportunity to make it, he naturally wouldn't buy it. 


If he knew that Qin Huai would come back early this time, he would definitely buy a lot of all the ingredients he wanted to eat over the years and let Qin Huai make it for him.

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Now as long as you have money, you can still buy most things, such as small wing tips and chicken feet. 


Although they are a bit more expensive, there are still many people who buy them. 


He bought a lot of it. 


Seeing that he bought a lot, there may be elders like old neighbors in the group, who probably knew who they were, and worried that the young man would not live well. 


So they said: "Don't buy too much at one time, the quality of the meat will not be good if it is frozen for a long time. "


Qin Huai glanced at Mu Nan, who was watching a video and learning how to make chiffon cakes, smiled, and replied in the group: "I'm going to make lo-mei, children love it, so make more." 


Jian Chu, who was also in this group buying wailed.


He fell down on the bed with a sound, and Yu Zibai, who was trying to pick up work from the Internet, turned his head and glanced at him: "What's wrong?"


Jian Chu said sullenly, "Their family is going to make lo-mei."


Yu Zibai first wondered who their family was home, but quickly realized what Jian Chu was talking about, and said with a smile: 


"I remember when I went down to get things before, I saw someone buying lo-mei, otherwise you can look in various groups, where can I buy lo-mei, and buy some back." 


"That's it, if my order is completed, there will be a profit of two thousand yuan, and life will not be so tight."


Jian Chu just sighed, he is not so ignorant, besides, although they rent together, Now because of the virus, he is stuck at home.


Eating and drinking basically does not distinguish between you and me. 


But after all, most of the rent is borne by Yu Zibai, how can he spend it recklessly: "You haven't got the money yet, I just said it, you can save the money."


After Jian Chu finished speaking, his throat felt itchy, and he couldn't stop coughing several times. 


Yu Zibai frowned slightly, got up and poured him a cup of hot water. 


Two big boys, their lives are really not so meticulous, and they never thought that this kind of thing would happen before, so they didn’t stock up on some medicines at home. 


After all, if needed, they can buy them at any time, but now they have a cough, and they can’t even eat medicine.


He was coughing for a while before the cough subsided.


Jian Chu drank a couple of sips of hot water to moisten his throat, and then lay down on the bed again. 

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Seeing Yu Zibai returning to the small round table to start working again, Jian Chu said: "Otherwise, you can go back to your room and turn on the air conditioner on your side."


"I read that there will be no electricity bills for these few months, so use it." 


We are worried that there is no money to pay the electricity bill and the power will be cut off, so we don't have to save. 


"Let's talk about the bill later when we need to pay, lest I disturb you.” 


These words have been said to Yu Zibai more than once since Jian Chu started coughing.


But Yu Zibai just refused to listen. 


At first he was quite scared for fear that he would be infected, but these days, apart from the fact that there was no medicine and his cough became worse, he did not have any other symptoms, and Yu Zibai was not infected by him.


Jian Chu was a little relieved, but he still wanted to live separately from Yu Zibai. 


He knew that he shouldn't have let Yu Zibai live here just to save a little electricity bill. 


Even if it wasn't that disease, now he has a cold, and he can't even buy cold medicine, so he can only endure it by himself.


Yu Zibai didn't lift his head and said, "You said so much because you are afraid I'll be infected."


"Just continue on with your sleep."


"If I catch it, I'll catch it already. You just have a common cold. Just drink more hot water." 


After waiting for Jian Chu's voice to go away.


Yu Zibai picked up his mobile phone. 


Because the initial symptoms of infection with mycelia are similar to those of a cold, the sale of this type of medicine is almost banned. 


If necessary, he can only report to the community. 


Just in case, Anyone with these symptoms will be taken out for isolation, whether you have a common cold or an infection.


But even if you wear protective clothing, you will be exposed to the outside, and even because of some inspections, there is still a certain risk of exposure. 


The sick person’s own resistance is weak. 


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There was a cold at the beginning on the Internet, but because of the transfer and isolation, he went to the hospital. 


On the contrary, there is an example of being infected outside, Yu Zibai really dare not take this risk.


There is no cure for this disease once he gets it, so when he first determined that Jian Chu was just suffering from a common cold, he hoped to rely on Jian Chu's own resistance to heal himself. 


But seeing that it has been a few days, Jian Chu's cough is getting worse and worse. Without any improvement, he can't help feeling a little irritable.


When he received another WeChat message from a neighbor, Mu Nan was lying on the bed, and Qin Huai grabbed his feet and cut his nails. 


Mu Nan felt a little awkward and wanted to cut it by himself, but was slapped away by Qin Huai: "When you were young, you always kicked my hand directly and asked me to cut it for you." 


"If I don't cut it, you won't sit still. Now I take the initiative to cut it for you. Are you still not happy?"


Mu Nan said: "Then I've grown up and become an adult, so it feels weird to be so sticky."


Qin Huai smiled: "What's so strange, I am still your brother when you're a hundred years old."


Mu Nan said he couldn't stand him, so he could only go with him, and felt strange when he received the WeChat message from Yu Zibai: 


"Didn't you say that you can find the community if you need them?".


"Although the outside is closed now, the community should be able to get cold medicine, it doesn’t seem like you need to spend money in the community, but you need to spend money to buy it from neighbors, and they are not worried that we will report them.” 


Qin Huai glanced at his phone, and the neighbor asked his family Is there any cold medicine, willing to spend money to buy it? 


Qin Huai said: "Then sell them a box at the original price, and sell the anti-inflammatory and cough medicine. You tell them to tie the medicine to the fire hydrant in the corridor later, so that they can go and get it themselves."


Qin Huai understands the behavior of the neighbors. 


At this time, he can go to the community to buy cold medicine. 


The medicine is available, but there are a lot of problems that come with it. 


If it were him, he would rather spend more money to buy the medicine from neighbors.


Mu Nan took out a box of anti-inflammatory, antitussive, cough-clearing and heat-clearing medicines from the space.


Thinking that what the other party said should be effective in treating coughs: "That's it, it just so happens that the price is posted on it."


Although a box of medicine doesn't cost much now, you still have to take what is due, and you can't give others the feeling that they can give anything generously as long as they ask.


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