Chapter 20 Envious

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Soon the other party got the medicine. 


But what the neighbor transferred was a red envelope of 200 yuan. 


Mu Nan felt a little embarrassed to accept the 200 yuan directly. 


He is afraid he can't buy it for two thousand, but it's not that time yet. 


After a while, the smog will clear and the outside will return to normal for a while. 


Taking advantage of that time, he check the inventory of medicines and can still replenish it. 


So he feels that he is taking advantage of others if he charges more money at the moment.


"Brother, why don't we give another bottle of that loquat cream. I bought several boxes of loquat cream." 


"Loquat cream can be bought online, so I bought a lot of it. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to charge so much money." 


Qin Huai said : "I will make lo-mei tomorrow, and we will give them some. To thank them" 


"Now every house is closed. They are close to us. So, our family will definitely have some influence by making some things. And they haven't said anything."


Mu Nan said with a smile, "Is this to make them eat it?"


Qin Huai folded all the clothes that had been dried under the air conditioner and put them neatly into the closet, and said, 


"You decide, take out all the ingredients, I will make the brine first today, and I can just put it in the pot when the chicken wings arrive tomorrow, what else do you want to eat other than chicken wings?" 


"Do you want stewed beef?" 


Mu Nan shook his head : "No beef, the beef stewed meat is very dry, do you want to add some lotus root and kelp?"


Qin Huai nodded: "Okay, you can take them out first, today I will marinate the vegetarian meat first, and then bring some eggs, marinated eggs."


Mu Nan said hello, and happily took the ingredients out of the space one by one. 


As expected, it is good to have a brother, and you can eat whatever you want.


When Jian Chu saw Yu Zibai came back with the medicine from outside, he guessed that he must have bought it from a neighbor.

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Because if he asked for it from the community, he would be taken away to quarantine at this time. 


Jian Chu sighed helplessly: "I'll drink more hot water for two days and I'll be fine. It's so troublesome to buy cold medicine now, how much did it cost?"


Yu Zibai handed him the medicine box, and there were still price tags on it that hadn't been torn off. 


"See for yourself."


A box of cold medicine only costs more than 20 yuan, which is cheaper than a catty of radishes. 


He didn't know that Yu Zibai sent a red envelope to express his gratitude, and he couldn't help feeling: "At this time, I'm still willing to sell cold medicine to others. They are pretty good."


Yu Zibai picked out two medicines and handed them to him: "It says one at a time, three times a day, you have a bad cough, take two first." 


He bought the medicine, so of course eat it.


Jian Chu took the medicine and swallowed it with water. 


Because the cough was uncomfortable, he went to bed without even eating dinner. 


Until midnight, Yu Zibai didn't hear Jian Chu's cough again, and the heart that had been carrying these two days was finally relieved a little.


It is estimated that he took double the amount of medicine, so the effect was good. 


The next day, Jian Chu’s spirits improved a lot. 


When he smelled the smell of stewed meat coming from the next door, his appetite that had disappeared for several days began to brush up. 


And give a strong sense of presence. 


But with this condition at home, he didn't even dare to say casually, because he was afraid that Yu Zibai would take it seriously. 


Even saw that he was sick, so he wanted to buy something good to make up for him.


Unexpectedly, their cute neighbor gave them a bag of lo-mei and a bottle of loquat cream at night.


This gift made Jian Chu a little puzzled, so he looked at Yu Zibai: "Did you trade something in your house again?"


Yu Zibai smiled and said: "What else at home can be traded with others, just It can't be that the neighbors are kind, for the sake of sick people at home, send some homemade lo-mei."

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"After all, we make contact with each other along the way and they are young people, so it is easier to deal with than older people." 


Jian Chu lightly clicked his tongue, he said: "Who are you fooling, tell me, what's going on?"


"If it's just a lo-mei, it may be because the neighbors are kind and enthusiastic. There is also a bottle of loquat cream. You can't give you cold medicine yesterday, and give another today." 


"Because there is still loquat paste at home, so I sent it along with the lo-mei? Besides, why did they suddenly send food for no reason, let alone enthusiasm, we have not even greeted each other for three years." 


Yu Zibai looked calm. He replied: "If my younger brother is not enthusiastic, will the elder brother's more enthusiastic?."


Although he was wearing a mask when we met, he could feel the aura of a person even if he covered his face. 


If the neighbor's elder brother is a passionate person, Jian Chu felt that Yu Zibai was underestimating his IQ. 


Seeing that Yu Zibai didn't say anything, he didn't ask any more questions. 


The most important thing is to get well soon and find a way to share the pressure of life with Yu Zibai.


At this time, Mu Nan was quite surprised by the neighbor next door. 


He put the domestic garbage outside the iron gate, so that it would be convenient for Qin Huai to take it down when he went downstairs to pick up things tomorrow. 


Because of braised meat and loquat paste, so when they met each other, they probably worried that they would mind. 


After all, they have a patient in his family, so when he saw him putting out the garbage, the other party stood at the door and did not come out, and turned to the other side. 


He said thank you, and when he closed the door, the other party came out to get something.


To Mu Nan's surprise, he had met this neighbor once in his previous life, and to him, it was a very profound relationship.


At that time, the weather was extremely hot, and there was a lack of power and water, but there was an earthquake that almost disrupted the entire order. 


In addition, just after the epidemic, he has been closed at home for several months. 


Many people even went bankrupt and owed debts, and there were a lot of  people who could not make ends meet.


When encountering this kind of extreme weather, many people can’t bear the pressure of survival and commit suicide. 


Because the noise is too big, the government also knows that it is not easy for the masses, so they start to distribute supplies.


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Three bottles of one-liter mineral water plus one bag containing five small packets of instant noodles are three-day rations for each person, and they are collected every three days.


Although Mu Nan was not so short of food at that time, the environmental conditions at that time already made people feel flustered.


So of course he would not refuse to receive supplies for free, even if he didn't eat now, it would not take up space if he accumulated them in the space. 


Because the sun is too strong during the day, people who are too hot can’t go out at all, so they have to wait for the sun to get supplies at night. 


The place to get them is the supermarket, not the neighborhood committee in the community. 


The distance is at least five minutes away from their community.


Regardless of the fact that the journey is only five minutes, at night, with food in the bag, and in an environment where the ban has just been lifted and the environment is extremely hot and unable to go out during the day, it may not be safe for him to be alone.


At that time, he noticed that the two people in front of him were both tall and good-looking, which inevitably made people take a second look.


But what he really noticed was the interaction between the two, the taller one kept making the slightly shorter one next to him to put the water in his bag and asked the short man to carry the two packs of instant noodles. 


The short man seemed to be in poor health. 


Not let him carry heavy objects, and pay attention to the people in line next to him, protecting him with one hand.


Looking at the two of them, he was thinking at that time, if Qin Huai was here, he would also be the one being protected.


Seeing the moment when the two get along, the envy that someone can rely on, accompanied by longing and worry.


The confusion of facing the future, and the grievance of being alone, I really couldn't help but burst out all at once. 


After Qin Huai left, he never cried no matter how difficult his life was. 


At that moment, he couldn't even hold back his tears.


Later, on the way back, he felt that someone was following him, and when he turned his head to look, two hot people in shorts, dirty and looking like homeless people seemed to be sizing him up. 


Just when he was hesitating whether to run home, the two people he saw before came up, and the tall man took the initiative to say to him: "You are also from Jinglin Community, let's go together."


Seeing that there were two more people on his side, the two homeless men naturally stopped following him. 


He thanked them, but he rarely took the initiative to make friends with people these years, and he was not good at talking to strangers. 


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He didn't know what to say, so he went back to the community in silence all the way. 


After returning to the community, those two people seemed to have other things, so they took different paths with him. 


After that, he never met them again. 


He didn't even know that they actually lived next door to him.


Because of the sudden surge of emotions at that time, he was very impressed with them. 


Even if he was wearing a mask and could only see his eyes, he could still recognize this neighbor as the tall man who helped him in the previous life. 


In other words, the person who is sick in their family is probably the slightly shorter boy he saw in his last life. 


It seems that he is not in good health, but he can live until then, which proves that he has not been infected. 


Well, that's pretty lucky too.


Qin Huai saw that Mu Nan came back from putting out the garbage, and his expression was a bit wrong, so he stopped the mixer in his hand: "What's wrong?"


Mu Nan looked at Qin Huai who was wearing an apron and holding the mixer in his hand to beat the egg liquid, and couldn't help it. 


He stretched out his hand towards him: "Brother, come and give me a hug."


Qin Huai put down the blender in his hand and walked over with a smile, opened his arms and embraced Mu Nan in his arms: "What's the matter?" 


"What did you see?" Suddenly acting like a baby." 


Speaking of Mu Nan's sudden closeness, Qin Huai was even a little flattered, of course, the closer Mu Nan is to him, the better.


Mu Nan took a deep breath, smiled and sighed: "I just suddenly felt that it's nice to have a brother."


Qin Huai rubbed his hair: "Your mouth is so sweet, and you can talk so well."


Mu Nan said: "Then I'll wait for you." 


"Can I have another plate of chicken wings?"


Qin Huai let go of him ruthlessly, and refused indifferently: "No."


Mu Nan looked at him inexplicably, sometimes it's not so good to have an older brother.

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