It’s that time of the week again. The editing might still be delayed for the previous parts, but I still plan on releasing something weekly. With that, here’s the last part of chapter one a day early. I’m already done with chapter two as well, but since chapter three is insanely long (covers almost a third of the volume) with no parts, I’d like to work on that before editing the second one. Of course, I’ll still try my best to get part one of chapter two out next week.

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Anime viewers might have noticed that the only difference so far seems to be how the characters actually are (Unlike what the anime tried seemed to get across, it’s not just Ako that’s has a significantly warped way of thinking, but the rest of them as well). This should change in the upcoming chapters where the development of the plot was greatly changed (and this bit in the novel made a lot more sense too) but I’ll leave the spoilers to only that much. All I can say is, I wish they just followed the LN in the adaptation.

As always, please let me know if I missed any references so I can add them in or if you find any grammar or spelling errors. And if anyone is still interested in helping out with the project, please do let me know.


Chapter 1

Part 3

Translation: Yamaking


As I put down my bag and greeted the guys close to me, they happily smiled at me as they said.

“Yo Nishimura, your wife’s not here yet.”

“Good morning, Nishimura Rusian?”

“Please stop it, I’ll die.”

My heart is going to stop.

“That’s exactly what we’re telling you to do, get a hint already.”

“I won’t tell you to die, but at least, I hope you have a bad day.”

“Aren’t you guys being too honest?”

This is pretty cruel treatment. Also, the stares from my classmates are scary.

Actually, my place in class has been a little complicated as of late. I’ve always been treated as this harmless open otaku in class, but since Ako has been coming to visit me everyday…

“Hey Nishimura, what’s it feel like having a girlfriend?”

“Is your girlfriend not coming today—? Ru—si—a—n—kun?”

“Ah—, I bet you probably make her call you ‘Onii-chan ♡’ when it’s just the two of you, damn you—”

“He probably makes her wear a maid outfit and makes her call him ‘Dear Master ☆’. That girl looks like she suited for it after all.”

I’ve been on the receiving end of their harsh treatment.

Seriously, I don’t make Ako call me ‘onii-chan’. She also doesn’t call me ‘dear master’. She does call me her husband and dear from time to time though.

And so, to escape that unreasonable— I really don’t have any relationship with her with you know— that actually unreasonable— treatment of me, I’m presently working hard to that end.

In my mind, of course, I actually feel superior to them but not letting that show is one of the secrets to being successful in life.

“I’m telling you she’s really not my girlfriend. She’s just a friend.”

“That. I really want to be able to say that ‘she’s really not my girlfriend’ line just once.”

“Ah— I feel you—! I want to try it out too—!”

Damn it, they’re not listening.

“It’s really different from what you guys think. She’s just a friend who happens to share the same hobby. I don’t really treat her different from other girls—”


Just then, I heard a voice from the side that sounded like it was in a really bad mood.

Even though she struggled to get that little voice out, it was still plenty cute and was a voice that I was used to hearing.

As I looked towards the source of the sound, there stood Segawa who looked like she was intentionally carrying a disgusted look on her face. It was the person behind her bad warrior self, Schwein.

“Morning, Segawa.”

That partner of mine who I spent all of last night chatting with answered me back with,


Did she just click her tongue!?

Eh, not just that but she’s ignoring me too!?

“J, just now, did you just click your tongue while looking at me as if to say ‘Why is this guy still alive?’”

“It feels like our original Nishimura has finally returned to us.”

“Oh yeah, it definitely feels like that.”

Just who do you actually think I am?

Do I suddenly stop being myself just because I found a little bit of happiness?

As I was feeling a bit depressed, a girl’s face suddenly appeared in front of me.

“Sorry, Rusian. Akane was actually in a pretty good mood earlier but…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. This always happens.”

The female classmate that came with Segawa remarkably followed up after her.

Let’s see, she was with Segawa before too… That.. Err… A-san. I haven’t really remembered her name yet, but she’s definitely a good person.

But this is bad. I should have at least tried to learn her name.

“That aside, don’t you and Akane actually get along well?”

“……What were you looking at that made you think that?”

I was so nervous that I stuttered a bit.

Eh, what? Does it look that way?

“It’s because I often see you secretly talking in a corner of the hallway. Just yesterday it looked like the both of you were having fun talking near the school store.”

We were seen!

Before we knew it, we were already being watched!


“Nishimura-kun, you’re really meek aren’t you.”

A-san giggled as she laughed. Her laughing face is indeed cute, but to me, it just seems scary.

Ah, this person is really a normie—, or something like that, and also has this gal-like aura that I’m just not accustomed to. This in itself tells me that our playstyles just don’t match, or at least, that’s what I feel.

“Hey, do you have something going on with Akane? Even though you look like you already have a girlfriend, don’t tell me you’re cheating?”

“To start, if Segawa heard what you just said, she’ll be so disgusted she might blow her top. That much is true.”

“Hmm, hmm?”

What’s with that smile looks like you’ve figured everything out?

Please stop it. I just can’t calm down while those eyes, that look like they’re brimming with so much life experience that I can’t believe we’re the same age, are staring at me.

“Nanako, what are you doing? There’s no need for you to pay attention to someone like Nishimura.”

“Ah ok, ok. Nishimura-kun, if there is any sort of trouble regarding Akane make sure you help me out ok?”

“Sure, sure, if it’s something I can do.”

I have identified her first name. Though even if I knew that, it would’ve been of no use.

That’s not it, even I think it’s bad to not remember the names of the girls in class. Because you see, when the teacher would ask me something like ‘Nishimura, please return these printouts to everyone in the class—’ and it’s time to actually return them, I would be extremely troubled. I can’t match their faces and names after all.

There was that mess before where I thought ‘Who the heck is Akiyama-san? I don’t know her!’, and just went to ask a girl beside me ‘Hey, hey, where’s Akiyama-san’s seat?’ then proceeded to leave the printout on said desk after she pointed it out. I really should have just figured out who she was instead.

As I was worrying over here, one of the guys cast a glance toward Segawa’s group.

“Yep, if you think about our class, she’s pretty good too isn’t she? That Akiyama-san.”

So that girl was that Akiyama-san! I’m sorry for not handing you your printout directly!

But…pretty good, huh. If I was in front of a girl like that, I would be so ridiculously nervous that I would just tire myself out.

Actually, someone like Ako who I can just relax around with is more my type— No, this is not about that.

“Say, Akiyama-san talks to you from time to time, doesn’t she Nishimura?”

“And Akiyama-san just said it, but you’re actually getting along with Segawa pretty well aren’t you?”

“Oh? Three-timing? Is it three-timing? Ah damn you.”

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“Ah— I have to tell your wife. Your husband is three-timing.”

The guys grinned as they laughed and said this. You all, treating other people as joke…

Of course, I knew they didn’t really mean all that. The image of Segawa seriously clicking her tongue at me was still fresh in their memories after all. But the truth is, I’m really annoyed.

“Listen here all of you, do you really think I—”

As I began to say that, everybody’s expression suddenly froze.

And from my back, something that feels like it emanated from the depths of hell— saying it like that is taking it a bit lightly, but, a voice that was clearly coated in cold murderous intent could be heard.

“Rusian……Were you……cheating on me……?”

“O, oh Ako, good morning.”

As I slowly turned my head around, Ako softly spoke as she smiled.

“Ah but this is a bother. I have not prepared ‘that’ today.”

“Just what did you mean by ‘that’?”

“You use it like this. And swing it like this. It’s ‘that’.”

As Ako began swinging around some imaginary thing, she took ‘that’ and stabbed an unseen target, forcefully twisting ‘that’ and pulling ‘that’ out afterwards. She seemed awfully used to performing the scene she just acted out.

“Are you actually going to stab me after all?”

“Ah no. If I’m going to stab anyone, it’s that Akiyama-san.”

“That’s no good as well!”

That’s even worse! Don’t go around causing trouble for strangers!

“That story before was just a joke. I’m not that blessed with female relationships, right you guys?”

As I turned the flow of the conversation to my friends, they were all silent as they begin to nod one by one.

“Is that so. I’m glad… That this got settled without me having to unwillingly dirty my hands.”

Please stop it, you’re scaring me.

As if realizing the frightened gazes cast on her, Ako began to show a troubled smile as she shook her head.

“It was just a joke. More than having it end without stabbing anyone, I’m much happier that Rusian wasn’t actually cheating on me.”

That’s wasn’t the way I was hoping you would clear that up.

Also, it goes without saying, but Ako was included in that part where I said I’m just not blessed with female relationships.

Even if I include you, that doesn’t mean I’m blessed you know.

“Ah, hey, Ako-san?”


Just then, one of the guys I was talking to suddenly called out to Ako.

I mean, calling her out is fine but why did you use her first name? As if you’re someone that important.

Ah—, just what is this. I feel really irritated. I really feel frustrated..

“Ah, err, what…”

Ako was clearly disgusted as he smiled at her, not saying anything.

“Ah no, I don’t know your last name after all. Was it bad for me to use your first name?”

“No, err, if possible…”

To the guy going ‘Hahaha’, forcing out a laugh, Ako looked up as she said in small but audible voice.

“If possible, please don’t talk to me.”


Ah, he died.



“Takasaki just received a traumatic attack! Call for the combat medic!”

“Takasaki, hang in there! Takasaki!”

Looking as if he had fainted, the collapsed Takasaki— The one who called out to Ako— was being provided with relief by the surrounding males.

But that One Hit Kill Decisive Strike took no prisoners. Rather than just receiving a traumatic attack, you would just die instantly.

If I was on the receiving end of such words, it would have sent a chill down my spine. I’m already shivering just imagining it but, I feel a little—, just a tiny little bit relieved.

“H, hey Ako. I can understand you getting upset being suddenly called by your first name, but you could have at least phrased that sentence, that rejection better.”

“Eh, but, Rusian…”

Ako’s hands reached for my cheeks. I can feel the warmth of her hands through my skin.

She began to rub the area below my cheekbones, as if to confirm something. Just then Ako, with a bashful look on her face, smiled.

“Rusian, you look a bit delighted though?”

“That madam is simply not what’s going on here.”

“Why are you being so formal?”

“There is simply no reason for that.”


I told you it’s nothing, so it’s nothing!


A bit far from where we were talking was Segawa who gave us a disgusted look.

And, Akiyama-san, who was beside her, seemed to really enjoy this as she look at us and Segawa.

It may have probably been just a hallucination, but it felt like she just aimed her targeting cursor and clicked on me.

E, err, that was just my imagination right?


“Aight, let’s do our best with the club activities today, right Segawa?”

“Shut up. Your breath stinks of garlic so don’t come over here.”

What did you just say!

As a guy, being told you stink hurts more than I thought!

“If you have a complaint then say it to Ako. That girl seriously went ahead and made it.”

The contents of the lunch that I gratefully received was actually riddled with garlic. It wasn’t only in the side dish but in the main dish as well. What was up with that food you call garlic rice? Its fragrant aroma smelled like pepper and was really delicious you know?

“Even though I am like this, my future dream is still to be a housewife!”

Ako, who herself refused to eat the garlic meal, puffed out her chest in pride as she said that.

“You’re really making an effort towards that end aren’t you.”

“I’m the type that is able to work hard if it would make my life easier, so my cooking skill is pretty high!”

“Just what is with that effort? It seems to be lacking a sense of direction…”

That’s wrong Segawa, it has one.

To net game players, that’s pretty common.

From the bottom of my heart, I completely agree with that sentiment.

“To increase efficiency in leveling you would need to have certain equipment. And to obtain said equipment, you would need to farm. And to be able to farm, you would need to have skills or it would be inefficient. And to be able to use those skills, you need to promote your class. And to do that, you would need to create an alt character. Something like that is actually a thing.”


TL Note: In Ragnarok Online (what LA is supposedly based off of), promoting your class (job change) sometimes requires items which could be acquired easier by having another class get it (most prominent from memory for beginners would be hunting for trunks as a novice to become an archer or just buying them with a merchant). It is not exactly easier because of the requirement of an alt, but the method itself is the easier part (passively sitting down and buying them as opposed to actively farming for them).

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“If you have time to do all that, just go ahead and actually farm.”

“So you say, but to actually start farming, making a character first is what a net game player does.”

“That’s an endless cycle of greed…”

There is not a single net game player who does not experience this endless cycle. That’s one of my theories that I’m pretty interested in.

“Now then, everyone, I have a report.”

Master said that as she got our attention by slapping her hands together with a clap.

“I’ve received information from Ms Saitou regarding the meeting they had yesterday. It seems that we, the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club, was on their agenda.”

“So it’s about that huh.”

“Well, it’s sure to be on top of the list of the unresolved matters in the school right.”

Now that you say it, you may be right. Having the student council president, who was supposed to be an honor student, suddenly start something like a net game club in a peaceful school such as this would definitely not be overlooked..

“But, Ms Saitou was reliably on our side. It seems she had a proper counterargument to what they had to say. It went— Due to the establishment of the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club, a female first year student, who had a record of irregular attendance, is now regularly and properly coming to school. It has shown remarkable results in the most difficult part of a teacher’s duty— that is all.”

“O, oh…”

A female first year student who has a record of irregular attendance.

That was Ako. That was completely Ako.

“So it was Ako…”

“It was definitely Ako…”

Segawa was mixed with a feeling of melancholy.

She was completely treated as a problem child.

She was a problem child belonging to the same club as the student council president who just caused a huge problem. Since we also belong to that same club, are we still considered okay? I’m pretty worried about that.

“It seems Ako’s class adviser even said that the student in question has been coming to school properly and has been trying to adapt to the class in her own way. The credit for all this is undoubtedly due to Ako.”

“This is all thanks to me isn’t it!”

“Why do you look like you’re a bit proud of that?”

Why do you have that shit-eating grin that says ‘Why, I was useful to everyone wasn’t I?’?

“By the way, there was also another very huge factor that affected all of this.”

Master said that, as if the matter about Ako was just an introduction.

“From the student-in-question’s mother, they received a phone call that said, ‘This is the first time I’ve seen my daughter happily go to school ever since she enrolled here. I am very grateful.’. When she said that, none of the teachers could publicly express their complaints anymore.”

“Mom, why did you go and do something unnecessary?”

Ako’s shit-eating grin was suddenly warped by despair.

Even if you don’t look that disappointed, your mother would still be happy you know?

“Isn’t she a nice mother? She’s just worrying about her daughter.”

“That’s not the case at all—!”

“…Eh, do you not get along?”

Ako seemed to be serious when she said that.

Even though I thought that I might’ve asked something that I shouldn’t have, Ako unsteadily shook her head at my question.

“No, no, we actually get along pretty well. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s more like she doesn’t care about it that much that she would go out of her way to call the school just to say her thanks.”

Ako reassured herself saying that, as she looked like she was fumbling about in her memories.

“‘If you want to go to school, then go. But if you don’t want to, then not going is fine too, no?’, was my mother’s original stance on this. There was also something like, ‘If you still can’t get used to it, then transferring to a more adequate school is fine too’. But I didn’t feel like studying for the transfer admission exams so I just refused.”

What an irresponsible mother. Does a parent like that even exist?

“Did she really say all of that…?”

“I mean, she is my mom after all.”

“That statement has a pretty amazing convincing power.”

It felt like I was convinced just by saying that she was Ako’s mother. I could realistically imagine Ako’s mother giving her adolescent Ako a passionate speech on how it was fine not to attend something like school.

“So based on that, I presume something happened that made her want to call up the school right—. Really, doing something so unnecessary.”

“But if you just look at the results, didn’t she actually help you out?”

“That’s just how it came to be!”

Ako forcefully replied to Segawa, who was curiously asking that.

“Even assuming that it wouldn’t cause any problem, delivering an instant kill attack by having the teachers give me a tepid look while being told ‘We just received a phone call from your mom about how grateful she is.’ just like that, my mom is probably laughing her heart out just thinking about it!”

“There’s no way she planned for that, definitely.”

“But she’s my mom you know!”

“I feel like I’m going to just accept it if this keeps up so stop saying that.”

‘It really feels like she’s going to convince me…’ is what Segawa murmured. You too huh? You think so too?

“Well, it was acknowledged in the faculty room that the goal of this was to rectify Ako’s current disposition. So now, we can puff out our chests in pride and continue on with our club activities.”

“Ako-chan’s Epic Win! It’s okay to praise me you know?”

Do you even call that a win? Isn’t your standards for winning pretty strange? The world in general would brand you a loser in this case. Without a doubt.

“But Ako, you’ve tried to at least blend into your own class right?”

Segawa just said something like that. Come to think of it, I heard her say it earlier. That’s she’s trying her best.

“That’s, well… I think the difficulty of the quest is too advanced. In the first place, my level is not high enough to take that quest. Or maybe I still haven’t learned the required skill for it, or maybe I’m lacking some necessary event item…”

“In other words, our activities have had no effect at all.”

Segawa said that as she slightly empathized with Ako.

“I’m sure my life is just bugged. This is definitely an anomaly.”

“Ako, I’m sad to say this but when you find something in net games that make you think ‘This is a bug isn’t it?’, 90% of the time it is actually intended.”

“Patch fix, please come soon.”

Ako despondently said.

“Honestly, as long as we have the game it’s fine, is what I think.”

“I can’t deny that.”

“Deny it! If you don’t, then you’ll be no good as well.”

I understand what you mean, but this is just our same honest opinion.

For the greater half of my life, I’ve been living to play games.

“If we didn’t have club activities you probably wouldn’t even bother coming right, to something like school.”

“If you can say that you can still keep at it despite that, that would be nice.”

“Right. So do your best ok?”


You have a place to be with your friends. You a have place where you belong.

Even if all you have is just those things, you could surprisingly muster the will to do your best.

“Alright, let’s get started with our club activities. My ingame funds have fallen below my expected values, so I won’t be able to meet my quota at this rate!”

Segawa strongly said that as she started up LA. It was through the usual login screen that someone I’m familiar with, Schwein’s soul, resided. It was directly after logging that character in…

A knocking sound could be heard coming from the door.


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It was at that exact same moment that Segawa stopped moving.

Directly facing her seat was Ako, who was also fixed in her posture.

“Just now, did someone, just knock?”

“Someone did knock, right?”

With their frightened expressions clearly showing, Ako and Segawa exchanged glances.

When you think of people who would come here but are not in the club, there’s only Saitou-sensei (= Nekohime-san). But a club’s adviser wouldn’t go out of their way to knock on their own clubroom door. After all, there’s nothing that we do that would get us in trouble for if we were seen by her. Which means that, the person that just arrived was an outsider.

“Umu, so unusual events like this also happen.”

“It being unusual is not the problem here. What should we do? Pretend we’re out? Is it ok if we pretend we’re not here?”

“Pretending you’re not in the clubroom sounds weird. It’s weird but, I can’t allow myself to be seen here…… I guess our only option is to pretend?”

“Calm down, calm down.”

We can’t pretend we’re not here after all.

If it was another teacher what are we going to do? I don’t think they would especially allow us to let this incident be overlooked.

“Yes? Please come in.”

“Wai, don’t tell them to c…”

In response to my words, the door opened with a creak.

“Ah, I knew it was Akane~”

“Na, Nanako?”

It was a classmate, and someone Segawa frequently talks with. It’s, err, uhm—

“A, Akiyama-san!”

“Yaho, Nishimura-kun. …Why do you look like you just got a right answer in a quiz show?”


“Ah right, more importantly than that.”

Seeing the unthinkable happen before her eyes, Segawa’s expression stiffened and turned around to face Akiyama-san in the manner of a rusted robot.

“W, what are you doing Nanako? What did you come to a place like this for?”

“What else could it be but to look for Akane~”

“M, me?”

The sound of a slightly stuttering sound could be heard.

As her hands trembled with awkwards movements, Segawa pointed to herself.

“Yup. You were restlessly looking around before entering the room so I was kind of wondering what you were up to—”

“J, just when did you…”

“Rather, I knew that you were doing something with Nishimura-kun! What’s this, what’s this? A computer?”


As Akiyama-san began to the room without hesitation, Ako’s eyes opened wide as she froze up.

And then, Master skillfully said.

“It’s given that we use computers here, but that’s not our main thing. This is the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club’s clubroom— in short, the Net Game Club!”

“Why did say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!”

Segawa stood up with such a fierce vigor and grabbed Master’s neck and proceeded to shake her back and forth.

While she was being shaken fast enough that it left afterimages, Master cheerfully laughed.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! So it was your fear of others finding out that you played net games of all things. But Schwein, I wouldn’t mind if you proudly named yourself as one of the members of the Net Game Club, you know.”

“I already told you that I’ll pass on thaaaaaaaaaat!”

What should I do about this situation? It’s just full chaos or something. In the meantime, Segawa’s mental HP bar just hit the red zone.

“So, what do you do here Nishimura-kun? Akane, the president, Tamaki-san… Does everyone here play games together?”

“Well, that’s the gist of it.”


She then took a peek at the monitor Segawa was using. Seeing the image of the character Schwein being displayed, Akiyama-san began to nod as if she understood something.

Well, she wasn’t mistaken about the contents of our club activities. In essence, this was that sort of activity.

“Wait! Just what are you saying Rusian!”

“So Akane calls him Rusian too? Is that something like a nickname in the club?”




You, wait, you’re going to go that far!?

That damn Segawa. Going so far as to kick me in front Akiyama-san.

“You’re wrong, you’re wrong, you’re wroooong! That’s not it! I’m not in the club!”

Segawa, who just released her grip of Master, went to cling on to Akiyama-san. A stiff smile then showed on her face as she said.

“You see, I’m not involved in this. But I was told by Nekohime-sensei to look after them, so I couldn’t help but stay here.”


“Ah that was wrong, that’s her character name. You see, uh, it was Saitou-sensei!”


“I’m telling you you’re wrong, really! In other words, you see… So that normal people like you would not come and get tainted in a twisted place like this, I’m standing guard! So hurry up and get out! Hurry up, and, please, get, out! I told you to get out of heeeeeeeere!”

Just where did all that strength come from that small body? Segawa, whose body type was completely different from that of Akiyama-san’s large build, forcibly dragged the latter to the exit.

“Eh, wa, Akane, wai—”

“Well then, see you tomorrow! Take care on the way home!”

Bang! And the door closed with a tremendous noise.

Segawa forcibly shut the lock on the door and then sank down to the floor.

“It’s over… My high school life… is over…”

“Well, for now, good job today.”

“Don’t tell me that when you were the one that let her in…”

Segawa jeered at me without any enthusiasm. I guess she’s really depressed, that Segawa.

She looked like she turned into a pile of white ash as she exhaustedly plopped. If you sit like that I’m going to see your panties, was something that I couldn’t say. As a show of my warrior’s compassion, I’ll just take a little peek. Ah, white.


TL note: A show of warrior’s compassion could be used in the context of mercy by finishing an enemy. You could say in this event that having her panties be seen would be the finishing blow.


“…So then, what about you Ako? What’s the matter?”

“No, it’s just…”

As I went to check up on Ako, who remained frozen up until Akiyama-san left, she replied.

“Having some stranger suddenly show up in your own personal place… Is pretty scary isn’t it?”

“Ah, I get you.”

It’s like when you boldly declare, ‘This is my domain!’, and then someone just passes right through it, of course you’d freeze up. This is especially the case when your opponent is something like a normie. When that happens, it feels like the person that just passed through was the main character and you were just an extra.

“What’s more, dealing with that galgal-like person… is impossible. It’s really just impossible. That was a special Anti-Ako Weapon.”

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“So someone with your weakness has finally attacked…”

But just what was with that galgal-like adjective? I do understand what you mean though.

“Uuuu, Rusian, please comfort me.”

“Ah— there, there.”

I just proceeded to somewhat pet Ako who snuggled up to me.

Segawa, who just used up all of her strength, still managed to give us a gaze that was saying ‘These two are annoying.’ and that kind of hurt.

“But Schwein, do you really hate talking about net games with your friends that much? It’s just a hobby after all. It’s not that big of a deal, right?”

“That’s true. Even the number of girls who are interested in subculture seem to be somewhat numerous.”

“That’s what it may look like to you guys but to me it’s different.”

Segawa hit the floor with a bang. She then scowled at us.

“‘I just sort of have a hobby that’s considered a subculture’, if it was just that sort of thing I would talk about it too. How do I put it? ‘Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved games. There were a lot of times when all I’d do is play games all day. I even like games that are a bit too niche. If I have to say, my favorite games have to be the fantasy ones.’, is just how it is so talking about it is out of the question!”

I feel like I’ve already heard this somewhere before.

And then Segawa cried out ‘But that’s not it!’.

“Just saying that you play net games by itself has severe implications. Just this one factor could determine your very being. Saying you play net games is tantamount to saying you’re also into manga, anime, voice actors from the game, or even the deep web! And if you’re a female, this leads to you also automatically attaching yourself with the fujoshi element! It’s that deep of a hobby!”

“Is, is that so?”

“Don’t take the girls of this modern age lightly. They’ll one sidedly put labels on you that afterwards, could negatively affect your school life. To what extent however, is something I don’t even want to think about…”

Having the open otaku label attached to me camouflages me in a good way. But I guess having the net game otaku label attached to a female student would have a hard effect on her school life.

“But in reality, aren’t you actually into manga, anime, game voice actors, and internet topics?”

“That’s true but doesn’t that just make this even worse!?”

I, I am very sorry.

This was an even pressing matter than I thought. The world of females is something to feared.

“But well, that’s over now. Come, let’s proceed with our club activities.”

“There’s no way I’d be in the mood for that right now… Aah, my school life…”

“Uhm, in place of a purification ritual, is it okay to just scatter around salt?”


TL note: In Shinto, salt is used to purify things.


“Ako, that person was my classmate you know? And even though she might look like that, she’s not that bad of a person you know?”

This is just chaotic.

In the end, our club activities ended just like that, with us having barely played at all.

Segawa kept fiddling with her phone in her frightened state. Thankfully, it seems no messages making fun of her and her hobby arrived.


“That was the last boss.”

On the way home, Ako said that.

“Yeah, a big one has suddenly appeared.”

The issue of cheering up Segawa was important as well, but stopping Ako from seriously scattering salt in the clubroom was already a huge effort. It looks like I won’t be able to come to hate those types of brilliantly shining girls who seems like they’d go ‘Normie heading out ☆’. They’re kind of like Ako after all.

“But calling her last boss means you’ll have to go and defeat her someday right? I applaud your bravery, but I think Akiyama-san is probably a pretty powerful foe you know?”

“I understand. That brilliant aura, that atmosphere that seems to have fear no matter where she is, are all things high above my reach.”

But, after that Ako proudly said.

“This is the same issue as the uneven distribution of wealth. In our current society, the uneven distribution of normie levels is occuring. We can’t let those normietalists have their way with this kind of tyranny forever. There’s no choice but for us to revolt against the normiely wealthy. Let’s see, let’s call it the ‘Un-Real Revolution’.”

Wait, that sounds really good so stop it. It’s going to leave a mark in my head.

“So then, are the anti-normies going to bring down the normies during that revolution?”

“Yep. It’s about time we let those people get a taste of our grief.”

“…I’m sure the lower classes of that society would be the ones having fun then.”

“…Since we’re the ones who lord over them, they’ll have no choice but to feel sorry for us right.”

Your ‘system’ specifications are really precise huh? Yeah.

“You know, Master already said this, but are you trying hard to make friends in class?”

There was what that report that came from her adviser said after all.

Ako is trying her best in her own way. I can’t be any happier than that.

“You ask if I’m trying hard… For now, I’m still trying out replying to people.”

“You’re still at that stage huh…”

“I can properly talk with people in our guild though…”

You’ve been hanging out with us for a pretty long time now, after all.

But it seems like she’s actually working hard so I’m a bit relieved. To be honest, I was worried.

“Ako do you recall Takasaki… that guy that tried to talk to you this morning? It’s about the One Hit Kill Decisive Strike you pulled off on him. I thought that you treated your classmates all the same in the ‘It’s disgusting so please don’t call me by my name’ manner of rejecting them.”

“No way, I wouldn’t do such a thing, you know.”

Ako shook her head.

“If I had that kind of courage, I think I would be living my life more enjoyably.”

You have a point there.

“Then what was the matter with him before? You don’t mind us when we call you by your name, but if it’s someone else calling you Ako, you don’t like it?”

“I’m fine with Rusian and the others in the club calling me by name. It’s just that when others do it, it doesn’t feel pleasant.”

Ako seemed to be really pondering about this as she tilted her head.

“Err, uhm. It’s true that my name is Ako but I don’t really care if you call me that, was what I tried to say. It’s the same feeling as when they sell a downloadable version of a game and they go ‘I don’t really care if you tell me your country or not.’, that sort of thing.”

“Yo, stop saying that about your country.”

You’re going to hurt a lot of Japanese people with those words. They’re bothered by it after all. When they go to select a language all the other languages are available but for some reason, when they try to select Japanese, it turns out they still need to pay for it.

But that’s true. Even if it was me, having some strange guy call me by my first name would also give off a strange feeling.

To begin with, my experiences of being called by my first name is practically nil.

“Up until now, I’ve never been intimate with any other guy other than Rusian, so I think that no matter who it is that calls me that, it would still give me an uncomfortable feeling. I guess I really have to apologize to that person right?”

Just me huh.

It is an honor, or, how do I say it…

“I guess it’s still not late to address how I call you and use Tamaki-san instead.”

“Is it okay if I cry?”

“You don’t need to cry! I said you don’t need to cry!”

Before I even gave my permission, she already looked teary-eyed!

This affectionate manner of conveying ‘It’s no use arguing about it’ is really fearsome.

“By the way, I was really curious about what happened with Schew’s otaku secret being exposed. What about you Ako?”

“I wouldn’t talk about that, whether it got exposed or not.”

“…I see.”

So the only one troubled by this is Segawa.

Let’s see, I wonder if she’s okay?

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