Chapter 2

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How to Raise a Beginner

TL Note: Title is a most probably a reference to some kind of raising simulation game (e.g. Princess Maker, idol games, Monster Rancher, etc.) but I’m not sure which this is so I just made the title as is. If anyone knows the actual reference for this, please do let me know so I can correct it.

Part 1

Translation: Yamaking

Directly after that.

Schwein: Let’s do this, all of you! My bad self only has this world left so let’s go take over this world!

Schwein, who was swinging her sword around stronger than usual, was really fired up. She has already forsaken the real world for the world of LA and was placing all of her hopes on it.

I told you it would be fine. That gossip wouldn’t spread. Akiyama-san is probably not that kind of person. I don’t really know her though so I’m not sure about that.

Apricot: I, myself, am glad that Schwein is all fired up.

Rusian: Well if you’re that pumped up, then I might as well go with you.

But even if you say that, she’s still the same old net gamer Schew. If everyone was serious about going all out, then me and Master tagging along wouldn’t be the problem.

Ako: We’re both comrades that only have this world left but don’t you think it’s fine to not take it over— Eh?

Ako suddenly changed to direction of her glance to outside of the cafe. Right there was the sight of a player who seemed to aimlessly wandering about.

Hoo, this is pretty rare.

Our guild, Alley Cats, may have decided to monopolize usage of this cafe in town for our own ends, but few people actually make use of this convenient cafe we’re staying at. The healing you receive from it is pretty doubtful, you can’t even use it for quests, and the only thing they sell is a mysterious drink. This is also located far from the main road where most shops and players are located. It’s the kind of place that even a few people wouldn’t bother to go visit.

It was in this kind of place that a player mysteriously dropped by. But somehow, I don’t recognize their appearance.

They had a cute face with no particularly defining features, quite similar to the default one. Their hairstyle was a plain black ponytail and their attire was made from cloth with brown colored trousers. In addition, they also have a single knife,attached to their hip, which has a normal shape.

Ako: That’s a newbie isn’t it?

Apricot: Starter gear huh? That brings back memories.

That’s right, to put it short, that was starter gear. Their hairstyle and appearance doesn’t look like they’re premium. ‘If you just made a character for no reason at all, it would probably look like this’, was what she looked like that experienced players would probably sense a feeling of deja vu upon seeing it. That player kept moving aimlessly and then suddenly stopping. The way they move and stop was really like a beginner’s.

Ako: This is kind of like me when I first started out.

Rusian: You definitely gave off that feeling when I first met you Ako—. The way that you were waddling around aimlessly like that.

Schwein: Oh yeah, the first time my bad self started farming with you guys already came together as a two-piece set. How’d you two meet?

As Schew inquired about that, Ako gazed far into the distance and clasped both of her hands together as if saying a prayer.

Ako: That was a day I could recall like it were yesterday. It was our fated meeting. I was getting attacked by a monster and then Rusian, just like a prince—

Rusian: Hey, don’t go off embellishing that memory on your own.

Don’t go around spreading those lies. As if it was even that good of a story. It was not even the least bit interesting. You looked like you were aimlessly wandering around town that’s why I called out to you. I can remember it even now. That unreliable sight of, ‘dangerous, if left alone’, Ako-style beginner.

‘Hey, you okay?’, was what I said to her before she suddenly stopped moving. When I finally thought she could type, the first thing she typed out was ‘How do you end this game?’. Now that I remember it, it was a pretty terrible story.

Rusian: When I taught her how to logout, without even saying a word of thanks, she just disappeared. Then the next day, there was something flickering in and out on the edge of my screen, and thought that maybe something was about to appear and then I found out that was it was Ako.

Apricot: So in other words, a stalker.

Ako: Basically, it’s love.

Rusian: Don’t acknowledge your stalker tendencies by chalking it up to love!

You didn’t know what you should do, so the first thing on your mind was to find me, who just happened to help you out once. But you didn’t bother to call out even once, and just followed me around.

Ako: Uuu, the husband is doubtful of his wife’s love for him.

Rusian: If I could choose, I would rather have at least a little room for doubt. Your love is so heavy, it’s suffocating.

Apricot: You two are just that good of a pair. Ako, and you too Rusian.

Master strangely seemed happy as she said that. Is that how it is? Though, as I was thinking that, the beginner-like player approached us and suddenly came to a stop. As I happened to hover my cursor over the character, the name that was displayed next to it was ‘Sette’. I don’t remember that name. I guess it’s not someone I know.

But I’m a bit curious now that they’re this close. While she was us shooting glances as if to check up on us, a message appeared above Sette-san. It seems they typed out something. The contents of it was,

Sette: russian

Rusian: Oh?

Eh? Me? My name? Did you just call out my name?

But here I was just thinking that you were someone I didn’t know.

Apricot: What’s this Rusian? An acquaintance of yours?

Rusian: No, I’m not sure… Err, are you someone’s alt?

I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the case, but I thought I might as well ask.

Because if this was someone’s alt, they wouldn’t be using the starter gear and opt to change their weapon and armor at least. Doing that greatly affects the speed at which you level up in the beginning after all.

Sette: ?

Their reply was just a single question mark.

Ah, they’re really just like a beginner. I have to say, this is pretty annoying.

But I can’t just leave them alone. They may have come here looking for me knowing that I knew them from somewhere. Or even if that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t want to abandon a player who just started and have them lose all hope for this game.

Rusian: Ok, ok. Say it in a way I can understand. For starters, do you know me? Have we met somewhere?

Sette: When I am in trouble

That girl, Sette, just stopped talking midway. And after a little more time passed…

Sette: you’d go and help me out, is what you said.

Oh, she can finally type out her punctuation marks properly now.

But was there anyone that I said those words to?

Rusian: Mm, would I really go and say something like that?

Ako: You really look like you would, Rusian.

Apricot: You look like you would.

Schwein: And while pointlessly looking cool too. lol

Rusian: You really don’t trust me do you… Or wait, maybe you do?

Well whatever the case, that’s what the people around me said so I kind of started to doubt myself.

I can’t dismiss the possibility that maybe I’ve met her and talked with her a bit. But during that time, did I really go and say something unnecessary like that?

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Rusian: So, yeah, Sette-san? Did you just start playing this game?

Sette: Yep.

So it was a real beginner… Of course it would be one.

What should I do about this? Since it has come to this, I might as well look after her. But doing that would mean I have to drop out on today’s farming session.

A single tank, a single melee DPS, a single ranged DPS, and a single healer was our part composition, so if anyone drops out, the party would just cease to function properly.

As I took a quick glance in everyone’s direction, Schew lightheartedly laughed and said.

Schwein: Fine then. Just this once, my bad self will take especially good care of you, you hear?

‘How was that?’ was the feeling that she seemed to give as she said that. You actually have the nerve to still pull off that character.

And then, Sette-san,

Sette: Pff

Schwein: Huuuh?

For some reason, typed out that strange message.

Sette: Sorry, I’m still not used to the chat.

Apricot: Don’t mind it, everyone’s like that at first too. When I first started out, I wasn’t able to talk as I please as well. But before I knew it, I started memorizing where the WASD keys where. After that, I also memorized where the CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT keys were also located. When a year had already passed, I did not even need to look at the keyboard anymore. When you look at this, passing a certification exam for typing without having training prior is not something unheard of. Ah, just how useful are these net games for the future!

That was a rather extremely arbitrary way of putting it, but it would definitely ease you into the use of computers. After all, for the sake of playing the game, there are a ton of things you will have to memorize.

Ako: Uhm, I still look at the keyboard whenever I type though?

Schwein: You just lack practice lol. My bad self has already mastered touch typing ages ago!

Sette: Pffhaha

Schwein: Yo, what’s the matter?

Did something happen? Sette-san typed out a weird message again.

She then started moving around unsteadily. And, in what seems like an attempt to cover up what had just happened, she said.

Sette: I just spat out my coffee on my keyboard.

Rusian: That’s horrible. You alright?

Sette: I’m fine.

I’m serious. Make sure you properly dry it out.

Well at any rate, since she said she just started, we might as well properly mentor her.

If you’ve just started playing, then the first order of business has to be that.

Rusian: To start, let’s go with leveling. Let’s head on to the Metal Petite Map. And along the way, if you already know your combo, you can take on the Goblin King. Ako will be so focused on healing you whenever you receive damage, that she’ll have a nosebleed.

Schwein: Hey! Listen here punk.

Rusian: What?

Schew stopped me for some reason.

When you talk of Metal Petites, they’re the ones that only have 5 HP and have an insanely high amount of defense, but the EXP you get from them is pretty good. That’s the kind of monster a Metal Petite Dragon is. Even if you’re just a beginner, if you can just manage to land five hits then you’ll be able to defeat it. What’s more, if you also use your targeted skill on it while hitting it, this would be a pretty fast way of leveling up. As for the Goblin King, its attack speed is really slow and doesn’t use any offensive skills, so there’s no danger of instantly dying if you have someone who can keep topping you up and you’ll eventually defeat it this way. This is another staple monster to level at. If we’re talking about leveling, these two are pretty much the standard so just what about it are you not satisfied with.

Apricot: If you think about it normally, having someone who just started the game suddenly get power-leveled from the get go is no good, Rusian. Games are there to have fun. That’s what they’re made for.

Rusian: ……I guess you have a point there.

Now that you mention it, that would probably rob her half of the enjoyment of the game.

This is no good, I was about to taint her with the toxicity that’s so rampant in these net games.

Ako: Uhm, I don’t think I was treated that kindly though?

Rusian: Ako, you’re exactly like that now because I taught you like that. But you know, even I was aiming for you learn the basics of this game as well.

Ako: So you’re saying I’m something like a failed outcome!?

I can’t tell her that she got that correct.

I didn’t want Ako to be emotionally attached to me, I just wanted a competent healer.

Schwein: Leaving those idiots aside, the foundation of this game is beating monsters with your own strength. That said, my bad self will lend you a weapon. This is the +9 Hero’s Beginner Knife. Go ahead and kill those monsters on your own with a tap of this baby.

Rusian: Hey! Stop, stop, stop!

I stopped Schew who just blurted out something terrible.

Schwein: You have any complaints about my weapon punk?

Rusian: Of course I do. What’s with that overpowered weapon?

If you let her use such an OP weapon, she’s going to tear through the beginner monsters no joke, as if they were trash. And then she won’t learn anything in terms of player skill.

Schwein: Then what do you want to do?

Apricot: Just letting her use a normal weapon, letting her progress through the quests normally, and letting her level normally would be the best, no?

Master said that as if she was fed up with all of this.

But yeah, that’s right. As expected of Master, you really know what’s best.

Apricot: If I just give her an EXP booster premium item, that should be enough help for her leveling.

Rusian: I knew Master’s idea was going to be no good.

Apricot: Why do you say that!?

To be honest, I knew it was something like that. Suddenly making use of an EXP booster is something you’d probably do. And if you couple that with net cafe special event boosts, you could probably earn EXP three times faster.

While we were talking, Sette-san unsteadily approached us.

Sette: So, what should I do?

Rusian: Ah—, well let’s see.

What should you do. For starters, I think what Master said about fighting enemies normally, doing quests normally would do? But then, the four of us being there would be pointless, right?

Ako: Ooh! Ooh!

Ako said that as she raised her hand.

Ako: Since we have the chance, why don’t we have a bit more fun playing the game! I think we should take her to places like where I proposed to Rusian!

Rusian: Rejected.

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Ako: But why not!?

You only said that because wanted to go there right?

Generally, places that look like sightseeing spots have too much variance in monster types, plus, they’re pretty far and you’ll have to go through a lot of towns to get to them—

Rusian: Wait a minute. Doesn’t this actually seem like a good idea?

Apricot: Going around the towns as you go sightseeing huh? That seems reasonable enough.

Schwein: Come to think of it, not having towns registered as a warp point is pretty inconvenient. You end up like Ako saying ‘Help! I can’t teleport over there!’ lol.

What this—, this is strange—. Ako’s suggestion is actually the one that sounds the most reasonable—?

Rusian: To think that I would to lose to Ako’s suggestion…

Apricot: This is unbelievable.

Schwein: Man, if a rare event like this can happen, how about using those odds to give the magnificent me a rare item instead.

Ako: Shouldn’t you be rethinking from scratch on how you treat me instead!

No, no. This is fine. There’s nothing wrong about it.

Sette: You guys get along huh?

Sette-san said that as she looked over us.

Rusian: We’ve been hanging out for a pretty long time after all—

Schwein: This bunch is definitely an inseparable bad company lol.

Rusian: Though the only thing going bad here is your brain.

Schwein: I think you mean your personality.

Rusian: Huuh?

Schwein: What? You want a piece of this bro?

Sette: You really do get along lol.

Do you really think we do based on our conversation just now?

Rusian: For now, let’s settle on the sightseeing tour. Next up comes the route we’ll take. Sette-san, please wait a bit, I’ll come up it with soon. To begin with, the starting point would probably be to get on the Patrol Airship. And then from there we’ll jump off…

In LA, there are a lot of places you could call a sightseeing spot. A staple one would be the view from the airship which is pretty good. The shrine located deep in the seafloor is also not half bad. Como Como’s resort-like beach is also nothing to scoff at. And finally, the mechanized capital of August that gives off the feeling of being an sci-fi attraction is pretty fascinating as well.

Rusian: Alright, I’ve finished it. Sette-san, first, we’ll board the airship and then about halfway from there, we’ll jump off above the ocean. After diving underwater for about five minutes, we’ll arrive at a shrine. After visiting that, we can go to the nearby resort-like beach and dive into that. From there, we’ll ride the whirlings tides and get swallowed by the whale and get blown through its spout afterwards. Past that, we’ll pass through a dungeon deep in a graveyard and go through the warp gate in Hell’s town. Using that gate, we’ll arrive in the mechanized city where we’ll climb the highest cogwheel and from there dive—

Sette: Absolutely. No.

But why not!? This is undoubtedly going to be fun!

It’s not dangerous, it’s not dangerous at all! It’s fine, it’s fine!

This night ended soon after Sette-san shot down our plan to play with her, by showing her around, just like that.


“I knew it would turn out okay! My luck is starting to look up!”

The following day in the clubroom, Segawa said this with such high tension that anyone would be surprised.

Also, it may have been just me, but those twintails of hers seemed to be bouncing as they flapped.

“W, what’s up? Did something good happen?”

“Well, Nanako you see, said, ‘I wouldn’t go out of my way just to tell everyone—’, and she really kept quiet about it. Ah, really, I’m glad it was her. My school life would continue on for a little bit longer!”

Is ‘a little bit’ okay? Doesn’t that mean it’s going to end soon?

“But since you weren’t exposed, doesn’t that mean that if you’re not careful, someone else could potentially expose you as well? Like today for example. Someone could see you in here again you know?”

“I scoured the surroundings three times before I entered so it’s fine. Nanako also seemed like she was in a hurry to get home.”

‘Hmm, hmm’, hummed Segawa as she started up her PC, all the while playing with her mouse with a great mood.

“It’s about time I make up for all those recent setbacks. Where’s Ako and Master?”

“Who knows? Maybe they’re on cleaning duty today.”

Segawa, who just asked that, furrowed her brow as she let out her voice.

“…Ako on cleaning duty… Just thinking about it kind of scares me.”

“Well of course, she’s pretty out of it after all. And if she keeps making mistakes, it would probably turn off everyone from approaching her too.”

Is she even properly able to communicate with her classmates? I’m getting a bit worried. She wouldn’t be leisurely making idle talk while cleaning, right?

After talking about that for a few minutes, the door slowly opened.

“Pardon me for being late, I had a private matter to attend to.”

“Sorry for being late—”

A bit later after Master, Ako also entered the room.

For some reason, as soon as she entered the room, the teary-eyed Ako was looking at me with her eyes wide open.

“You know Rusian, they should just leave the cleaning to the people specialized in it, don’t you think!?”

Ah, my bad premonition was spot on.

“In the first place, it’s the others’ fault. Suddenly calling out to me, who has declared myself a loner. They really have no manners. It’s unthinkable. I mean, I may have forgotten that I was on cleaning duty, but still!”

“Ah, so did you blow off your top?”

“It was the first time in my life that I went, ‘Eeeep’.”

Hearing her say that made me I think, ‘Isn’t that pretty cute?’.

“Don’t worry about it. In my case, something like an ‘Is it okay if I go before you?’ DOT skill was inflicted on me as their way of showing consideration.”

It feels like the effects of that continuous damage still remained. It hurts doesn’t it?

But in Master’s case, it could have honestly been an act of consideration, is what I thought.

“Now then, let’s forget about all of this and get to playing, shall we?”

“That’s right. I still have LA.”

In any case, these two are completely motivated. I should go and do my best with them as well.

As I logged in thinking that, in the same old cafe was the sight of a player who was already waiting there beforehand.

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Sette: Hello.


As I spoke out loud without thinking, the other three looked at me.

“She’s here again huh.”

“That aside, was she really someone you knew after all?”

“No, I honestly don’t remember her.”

Even if it was someone I knew, I feel the mentoring we did yesterday should have been plenty enough.

Anyway, just talking with our mouths isn’t going to do anything, so I went to type in chat.

Rusian: Yo, hello.

Schwein: Yo.

Ako: Hello.

Apricot: Welcome to Guild Alley Cat’s tavern!

Rusian: It’s not a tavern. And it’s not ours either.

“That’s enough of that. What should we do?”

“Should we just leave her here and go farm?”

“That’s a bit… you know.”

What Ako just said was pretty extreme but I can’t say that’s not what I’d like to do as well.

I just want to play with everyone like always, but leaving her alone kind of feels bad.

“Just when I was getting in the mood to farm too… Should we accompany her for a bit?”

“The Net Game Club is a place that cares for its fellow net game players after all.”

Segawa and Master seems to have given in. I guess it’s fine.

“Then let’s hang with her for a bit.”

Rusian: You dropped by today too huh?

Sette: I don’t know what I should be doing.

Well, you were suddenly thrust into a different world after all. And we didn’t really do anything much ingame yesterday besides talking about taking you around for sightseeing.

Rusian: Hm, how about we go around practicing your controls? Come with me, we’re going to a place with an enemy suited for such a thing.

I took Sette-san to the outskirts of town. As soon as we exit town, we found ourselves in the grassy plains. This is where we found a wolf, which seems big enough to bite down one person, wandering around. But even this is just small fry.

Rusian: To get started, this wolf is going to be your partner as you practice your basic controls.


Ako in the real world seemed shaken up.

Hey, why are you the one being flustered?

“What is it? If it’s just basic controls then I’m sure you too Ako… Hey, you. Don’t tell me…”

Did you forget it? Even though I explained it to you that much? Did you just completely forget about the basics of combat?

“N, no. That’s not it at all. Yep.”

“Come to think of if, I’ve never seen Ako do combo healing even once.”

“Shhh! Shhh!”

“As the Guildmaster, it seems my guidance is not needed here…”

“Master—, please seriously accept our current reality.”

That aside, what about Sette-san?

Rusian: Err, Sette-san’s character is a melee type. The same as me and Schwein. The basics are to use normal attacks, guard, counter, and the smash skill. There’s also not many of it available to us, but there’s also some ranged skills for fighting too.


TL note: Although the game references Ragnarok Online in most aspects, this particular aspect of combat seems to reference Mabinogi instead (given the way that basic combat cycles and combos through normal attacks, guard, counter, and smash).


Sette-san nodded, as if she understood, while she listened.

Rusian: So then, what you have to do is pretty simple. Generally, just use normal attacks to hit the monster. If it retaliates, use guard. If it looks like it’s going to use a close-ranged skill, use counter. And if the monster is defenseless, use smash. If there are still mobs left but are far away from you, you can use your long ranged skills. That’s all.

“That’s all. Rusian, did you just say ‘That’s all’?”

“There’s a lot more stuff of course but in the meantime this should work fine.”

“I think what Ako means here is that she can’t possibly memorize all of that at once, don’t you think so?”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Ako vehemently said that. Why is it that you’re only so passionate when it comes to things you’re miserable at, Ako?

“Mm, but don’t you think stopping just at this point is bad? Isn’t it okay to try and see if she can do more, and if it seems like it’s no good, we can tone down the difficulty a little?”

If it worked out like that, it would be fine.

“Indeed. Even I only needed to read the wiki to understand the gist of things.”

Master is that type of person after all. Even Sette-san might actually be a fast learner if she tried that. Putting a restraint on how much people can learn like this might actually do more harm than good. After all, there are beginners who independently go deeper into what you’ve just taught even after teaching them. These fellows are generally the ones who hold a promising future.

“For me, I’m fine with doing it one step a day…”

For Ako, after a night has passed, the stuff she learned earlier in the day would be soon forgotten so it has always been hard to make progress.

Rusian: Do you know the controls? Like the button to use a skill for example. …A’ight, then to start, defeat that wolf over there.

Sette: Die—

With a knife in hand, the sight of a girl assaulting a wolf while saying ‘Die’ looked pretty dangerous. In addition, the counterattack of an aggressive wolf is also considerably dangerous.

Let’s see. As for Sette-san, her first move was to do a normal attack followed with another normal attack. And then a normal, and a normal, and a normal, she kept repeating this pattern. And then finally, as if to naturally match the timing of the counterattack, she finally tried to use her guard. The timing was still a bit off so she kept taking a lot of attacks, but seeing her starting to try out things on her own like this is wonderful.

“This person might have a better sense for this than Ako.”

“W, wait. It might be that there’s only just a little, tiny, on the molecular level chance that she’s  a slightly better than me.”

But Ako, not wanting to accept reality, approached a wolf close by. She swung her staff as if to squash the wolf, and with a ‘Twinkle ☆’ it died.

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“Well, your level gap is pretty high so it would actually die in one hit. Ako, make sure you keep up your healing too.”

And stop carrying around your Pink Star Twinkle Rod with you. There’s really no need for that staff whose only use is to have ‘Twinkle ☆ Twinkle ☆’ come out every time you hit something.

And so, I’ve trained her in the basics. She herself had good sense and was pretty enthused about it so she learned pretty quick.

Rusian: Attack, guard, and if you see an opening, use a skill. When the enemy is preparing something, counter it accordingly.

Schwein: If you upgrade your weapon, you could finish it with just one skill.

Apricot: If you pay premium, you can fire your skills off as soon as you load them.

Rusian: You guys just keep quiet.

A beginner is finally showing some promise so don’t go saying unnecessary things and just cheer her on instead.

Sette-san has already mastered basic combat and has, in that small amount time, gotten better at moving accordingly.

Rusian: After that, just keep following that pattern while trying to figure out the enemy’s movement. Also, when you get new skills, make sure you check their properties so you can build your combo based off of that. You’ve got a good sense for it so it probably won’t take you long to get it.

Sette: Thanks, Rusian-kun.

In that short span of time it seems she’s already accustomed to chatting and can somewhat properly talk now. And for some reason, she seems to add -kun only to my name.

Sette: Rusian-kun, you seem pretty good at this way of teaching, aren’t you?

Rusian: Why does it sound like you’re expecting otherwise?

Sette: It’s like you’re really doing it properly. It’s kind of cool.

I was being praised by a beginner in a condescending manner. Just what is with this vague feeling? Should I be happy about it or do I take offense in that?

Ako: Please don’t use your strange seduction techniques on Rusian.

“Don’t start unleashing your jealousy on all fronts.”

“Uuu, but…”

“If you mind it that much, how about you look after her?”

“Talking to someone I don’t know is scary…”

If you’re still bad at communicating ingame then I think there’s no saving you.

“That aside, isn’t it weird that she’s only getting attached to Rusian? Even though she has someone great like me here.”

Schwein: My bad self can also do this, if it’s just this much. Nay, this hunk will guide you even better. What say you we go on a little one on one?

Sette: Haha.

There goes Sette-san again.

Schwein: Hey punk, just what do you find funny every time I speak huh? Are you picking a fight? Because I have one right here ripe for the picking!

Sette: Y, you got it wrong. See…

Her character was nervously trembling. This guy’s reason for laughing too much is still unclear.

Sette: Rusian-kun is just fine after all. He’s kind and dependable.


Just next to me, a really loathsome clicking of the tongue could be heard.

“Ako, did you just click your tongue?”

“I didn’t do it.”

“…That so?”

Ako not having the nerve to voice out her thoughtless complaint and just bottling up her irritation deep inside is pretty scary.

Sette: Rusian-kun, will you teach me some more?

Rusian: I’m fine with it but I have to log out soon. Maybe later at night.

The bell signaling the end for club activities is going to ring soon. After that I’ll go home, eat dinner, take a shower, and do my homework. After I’m done with all that, we’ll meet up here again. It’s always the same pattern.

“Eh—, you’re going to accompany her tonight too?”

It seems she cannot stand hiding it anymore as Segawa started to show her irritation.

I get you. I mean I get you but…

“But turning her down here is kind of…”

“Haa. Are you the type that feels good by having beginners warm up to you?”

That’s not it. It’s just that ignoring her here is going to leave a bad aftertaste.

“Then do as you please. I’m going to farm on my own tonight.”

“You, are you really pissed off right now?”

“That girl’s annoying after all.”

Segawa just bickered like a student in grade school.

Did she hate being laughed at that bad? But well, I kind of understand.

“Then I suppose I will be doing that as well. If it’s been sometime since I’ve last fired my Great Magic, I start to feel sick.”

Master too?

“Aah. It’s not that I particularly dislike having fun with beginners…”

She cast her gaze a bit at the female character on her screen and said,

“It’s just that her attitude of wedging herself in the middle of group by way of flattery is something close to what the people I have difficulty in dealing with have.”


Master is a good person that has nothing to hide. But on the other hand, there’s no need to fuss about the person she just branded as someone that she has difficulty with. It’s just that she has the same characteristics as Master’s real self, which at the very least is pleasant to me but— at this time, it just caused us trouble.

“I’m going to stay with Rusian!”

“That so.”

Ako said that, but it was plain as day that she was still wary of Sette-san, who was reflected in the screen.

This is the second day that someone from outside the guild has appeared.

And, Alley Cats already seems like it was falling apart.
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