Chapter 2 Part 2

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Did you think it was an April Fools Joke? Jokes on you, it’s an actual update!

Joking aside, here’s the continuation to the second chapter of volume three. I could’ve just messed with the translation here as a joke, but I believe the best joke to make for a day like this is the unexpected one. I also didn’t really go through this part again after translating so if you see any errors, let me know so I can correct it.

I planned to also release this a bit earlier, but since I wanted to accommodate all time zones in the joke, I’ll just post it at midnight of the latest one I know (PST). I know I said the next part might take two weeks, but on rare cases where I get motivated like this, I sometimes end up finishing earlier than expected so I’ll just release it right away (without editing, because I still only have myself an editor).

The next part might actually take two weeks to be out (who knows?) as the MMO I’m currently playing (private server, since there aren’t really much interesting new ones) just recently got a huge update and there’s a lot of stuff to do.

And for everyone asking, I still plan to translate at least up to volume 5. It’s just that the date of the releases are not set in stone since I only work on this when I’m free (I’m not getting paid for this you know). I’m also still catching up on the volumes of the novel after all (the latest one I’m reading has them go on a raid which just reeks of Second Coil of Bahamut mechanics, that it’s just so fun to read having cleared that actual content unnerfed before).

Anyway, enjoy the part of the chapter below.



Chapter 2


Part 2

Translation: Yamaking


It was a little just before 6 AM that Friday.

Carrying my shoulderbag, I was staggering a bit while walking.


I mean, the call time is 6 AM you know? That means I had to wake up around 5 AM.

Never had I needed to wake up as early as 5 AM for these past few years. Actually, I consider it more of that time where I actually go to sleep.

And on top of all of this, I also have to confess to Ako again during this summer camp, so I could barely get any sleep.

I waddled towards our meetup spot, which was in front of the train station, and there I saw a huge van together with Nekohime-san. And Master was waiting there as well.

“Good morning…”

“Good morning Rusian.”

“You’re the second to arrive Nishimura-kun. Morning.”

Nekohime-san looks like she’s playing the role of an adviser properly, checking off something in her clipboard like that.

I just can’t feel any sense of slack in these two.

“You seem to be really energetic.”

“So you say, but it’s already morning you know? The sun is already high in the sky, see?”

“I was part of the wrestling club back in college, so something like this is pretty common for me you know?”

Nekohime-san took a pose showing off her biceps. Oh right, she mentioned that before.

I can’t say anything about her being the only in our club being FIT though.

After porting my luggage over to the vehicle, we waited for a few minutes. Afterwards, two small figures appeared, coming from the train station. Both of them were staggering as they lugged along their carry case.

Looking from afar, seeing the summer ready Segawa in sporty clothing alongside Ako, who was wearing a dress which completely says how she’s prepared not to do anything at all, made for a good contrast.


“Good moooornin.”

The two who just arrived were Segawa, who looked like she was in a really bad mood, and Ako, whose eyes were slowly shutting that it seems like she could go to sleep at any moment.

“Good morning Ako.”

“Good moooooorning Rusiaaaa—”

Just like that, she plopped on top of her carry case and went to sit down. A, Ako, are you okay?

“I got hit with a sleep debuff…”

“Then go drink a Panacea.”

“I didn’t bring one though—”

You’re the one in charge of healing around here so it’s a bad sign if you don’t bring one!


“Segawa, are you one of those people that have low blood pressure?”

“I’m just keeping quiet because I’m sleepy. It’s not like I’m mad or anything so leave me alone.”

She had a look like she could kill a person as she was saying that though.

Yep, I’ll just leave her be.

“All right, everyone’s arrived. There we go.”

After she checked off the two in her list, she then held the clipboard under her armpit.

“Now that everyone has arrived, let the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club’s summer camp commence!”

In response to our club president we…


“Yeah, whatever…”


…gave such a sad response that was devoid of any energy at all.

Actually, one of us is already sleeping.

“Hey, hello? Everyone? It’s the first day of your super fun summer camp you know? Why do you all look so unmotivated?”

“It’s because the call time is 6 AM and I’m still sleepy.”

“I want to go home and sleep already…”

“You all really…”

Sensei had this complicated look on her face where she didn’t know if she would get mad, be fed up, or just cry.

I feel sorry for her too, but I can’t help being sleepy.

“We’re all nocturnal here so they’ll get livelier once night comes.”

“…Goshouin-san, don’t you think the way you’re raising your club members is a bit warped?”

“Whatever could you mean? Our club is one you could very well classify as one of the elites.”

“Oh really.”

It seems Sensei just gave up as she shrugged her shoulders.

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“According to the school’s rulebook, the club members should properly keep themselves awake and provide directions to the club adviser while she is driving but… I don’t know how we’ll be able to do that like this.”

“We can bend the rules a little there.”

“I guess it can’t be helped.”

Without even being the least bit concerned about what the rulebook says, Nekohime-san proceeded to sit at the driver’s seat.

Master called shotgun, and I sat at the back.

“Rusian—… Gud niteee…”

As soon as she sat down beside me, Ako placed her head on my shoulders.

“Are you going to sleep?”

“Please… wake me up… when we get there…”


I could hear the sound of her sleeping peacefully close to my ear.

While I find Ako entrusting herself to me like this so naturally cute, it’s also vexing.

If you’re going to do that then at least… darn it. It’s useless even if I say that now.

“So then? In the end, I never got to hear anything specific about this plan.”

“I suppose I’ll explain it now then.”

Master flipped through the pages of her notebook.

I wonder what’s written in there?

“According to this, we should arrive at the prepared cottage a little bit past 9 as scheduled. The beach is right next to it. It’s our own private beach so feel free to use it as you’d like.”

Private… beach…? I won’t pry any further.

“To start with, we will be conducting stamina training from 10 AM onwards.”

“You mean playing at the beach right?”

“It’s stamina training.”

She’s insisting on that. I guess that’s what she’s going for appearance’s sake.

Putting it like that, I guess this is no different from what the other clubs are doing as well.

“For our lunch, it has to be at the beachside clubhouse. In this case, it’s the better option than fixing up some strange meal.”


“However, after eating, we shall carry out the watermelon splitting game. I won’t compromise on this one.”


“And once that is over, we return to beach to resume our stamina training. Personally, I would like to try riding on the banana boat.”

There’s not a trace of the facade you were going for that’s left. Is that okay?

“Once the sun sets, we will head back to the cottage. And alongside the setting sun, we shall perform a B—B—Q on the veranda.”

“Oh a barbeque huh?”

You really wanted to say BBQ didn’t you Master?

“And when that’s over, we’ll play with some fireworks. I also thought of getting ones that you shoot out into the sky, but I thought it would be too gaudy and well outside of what amateurs like us could work with.”

“…Uhm, Master—”

“From midnight onwards, we’ll do a test of courage. Right about here is where I’d like to pair Rusian and Ako together, but I believe we have to be fair about it.”


“What? What’s the matter?”

Master was getting too energetic talking about her plans so for now, I called for a quick break.

“This plan… isn’t it just full of stuff that you want to do, Master?”

“…Listen well Rusian.”

Master smiled and laughed as she said.

“Never, not once, have I had any friends.”

But the expression in her eyes were not smiling at all.

“So let’s have fun at camp then shall we?”

She held back the tears that were about to overflow..


When I accidentally looked to my side, I saw an image of Segawa sleeping while stuck to the window, with drool about to drip from her mouth before being pulled back in again.

Just in case, I took a look at my shoulder.

“…Rusian… more…”

With a lax smile on her face, drool overflowed from Ako’s mouth. My shoulder was a bit cold.


“Wake up everyone! We’ve safely arrived at our destination—”

“Good morning.”


“…Ah, yeah, morning you two.”

Ako and Segawa got off the vehicle, looking as if they slept well.

I can smell the nostalgic scent of seawater, and the ebb and flow of the sea could be heard nearby.

Standing right in front of our lodging, which was really right beside the beach, was unmistakably a beachside cottage.


“I know right—”

As we were spacing out while gazing over the cottage, the sun was mercilessly shining its rays on us. It’s already pretty high in the sky right about now.

“Uhm, according to the schedule, we should have arrived by 9, but it’s already half past 10…”

“Ah you got me there—, the rental car I got didn’t have any GPS so that was my miss.”

“Ah no, it was my fault for relying too much on the phone app. That was my bad.”

Err, isn’t this your villa? How could you not know how to get here? Just how many of these things do you even have?

“Well, don’t mind it. Come on everyone—, come get your stuff.”

“Nishimura, carry this for me.”

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“Don’t give me that crap.”

Why the heck would I carry your luggage for you?


“Hey, why are you clicking your tongue at me like that huh?”

This guy really… Though as I folded my arms while saying that, I could feel something tugging at my sleeve.

“Rusian, please help me out with this one—”

“Okay, okay.”

Ako sure is a handful.

“Hey wai—, what’s with that discrimination?”

“Tch, shaddup. I’m repenting for my actions earlier.”

“Wha!? You don’t look the least bit repentant though!”

It can’t be helped. This isn’t discrimination, it’s just differentiating how I treat her from others.

But that aside… This cottage is huge.

You have this large spacious living room, an extravagant looking kitchen, and there’s even this huge table in the dining area. It looks like there’s some kind of room specifically for recreation as well.

“When I told everyone that we had a villa, no one spoke up and said anything about wanting to come over and play… So you all are my first visitors here… Fufufufufu…”

“Hey, Goshouin-san, how much did this all cost? Hey, how much was it?”

“Uhm, don’t you think you should stop grilling your student over the price of her villa?”

“A, ah meow got that right…”

The petty bourgeois Nekohime-san just couldn’t hide how shaken up she was up until now.

“So then? What are we gonna do once we drop our luggage? Clean? Dry out the futon?”

“I let them know beforehand that we were coming today, so all that has been taken care of.”

“This feels just like a hotel right?”

“That’s pretty convenient—”

“Hey, that’s not how training camps work right? Cleaning, preparing the beds, and all that are supposed to be done by the students themselves right?”

Sensei fell even further into confusion.

Comparing her experience to the flexible training camps of this age must be a huge culture shock to her.

“Well there you have it… Let’s go swimming right away!”

“It’s stamina training remember?”

You have to properly play along with the facade you set up.

“Then it’s time for the highly anticipated Swimsuit Show. We’re going to change inside the cottage. Rusian, you go change in the van.”


I don’t have any particular objections to that.

As I was about to leave, Ako spoke out.

“But there’s a lot of rooms here right? Isn’t it fine to just change inside one of them?”

“You just don’t get it, do you Ako?”

‘Tsk, tsk, tsk’, Master said out loud while waving her index finger.

“If you go ahead and do that, you’ll just be showcasing your highly anticipated swimsuit indoors no? Even though we’ve come all the way out here, your swimsuit’s effectiveness would be effectively cut down in half. Amidst the rays of the shining sun… Along with the hot sandy beach… While listening to the sound of the waves… Add into that the sight of a glamorous female club member in her swimsuit. You just can’t beat that!”

“I understand!”

Ako clapped her hands together.

“As expected of Master! If I just prepare for it beforehand, then I would only need the first hit before capturing Rusian!”

“And if you use the STAB with the 4X weakness, you’ll really only need 1 hit in.”


TL note: Reference to Pokemon’s Same Type Attack Bonus and monsters that have 4x weakness modifiers because of their type. Taking advantage of both usually leads to 1 hit kills (or near 1 hit kills, which was what Ako was going for in this case so she can capture Rusian).


I think I’m going to faint with that much damage multipliers though.

And you don’t even need to do that anyway. I’ve already been entrapped by Ako.

“Well, since this is a rare chance anyway, I’ll be looking forward to that.”


Us men don’t really care where we get to change anyway. Not one bit.

As I was about to head back to the van, I caught Segawa glaring at me.

“Okay then Nishimura, make sure you don’t peek, got it?”

“Who would even peek at you?”

“Please let me know before you go peek okay?”

“I won’t! Ah no, I mean I won’t peek!”

“Someone call the police—”

“I told you I won’t be peeking!”

It’s just Ako keeps saying these weird things that even my replies get construed for something else!

“Seriously. I don’t plan on dying yet so I wouldn’t do something so suicidal.”

“Even I wouldn’t kill you you know? I’ll just give you one good punch.”

Segawa said that with a smug face.

“…You know, I think it’s pretty cool how you can be so large-hearted with that chest of yours.”


I could probably take a single hit from those slender arms of hers so maybe I should just go peek.

“Anyway, I’ll go change into my swimsuit first and wait for you guys at the beachside.”

“Okaaay, we’ll be right there afterwards—”

Before I even got out of the cottage, they’ve already somewhat began changing so I averted my eyes and just went on out. Though I can’t say I regret leaving right then and there though.


I looked around the perimeter.

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“I wonder if there’s any spot I can peek from…”

Ah no, it’s not like I’m actually going to peek or anything.

But you know? I just kind of want to see the sight of girls frolicking with each other while they change or something.

And I mean this in a pure, completely academic, this-has-peaked-my-scientific-curiosity kind of way.

And even if they catch me peeking, Ako probably won’t get mad at me anyway. If I can just endure one hit from Segawa then it’s all good. Master would probably just laugh her heart out too. And Nekohime-san would—.

“Guess I’ll go change then…”

—Probably perform a lariat that would send me flying towards the ocean rendering my body in a state I can’t even imagine possible, so I’ll just give up on that thought.

I’ll just hurry up and change behind the van. Oh, there’s even a beach parasol here too. I’ll take it.

And I have to say, the location of this cottage is just too perfect. Just go down one set of stairs and you’re at the beach already.

Since it’s summer, I was expecting it to be pretty crowded but there’s signs all over that say ‘Private Property’ so there’s not really anyone else around.

“…I didn’t even know there were private beaches in Japan…”

It may be just this one beach, but that’s still pretty amazing.

I then set up the beach parasol down and went to lie under it.

Ah—, I didn’t really get much sleep in the car so I’m feeling pretty sleepy right now…


“Rusian. Rusian.”

Recently, I’ve been getting more accustomed to people calling me that rather than my actual name. Thinking that, I sluggishly opened my eyes.

My vision is still quite blurry, but I can see something with the colors white, red and black right in front of me.


“Good morning.”

She sounds a bit embarrassed. I rubbed my eyes quite a bit before my vision began to clear up.

What came into view was the sight of Ako looking down on me. Her pale skin seems to be a bit flustered, but that’s not much of a problem. Also, her normally unkempt hair is tied up, and she’s wearing her swimsuit.

If I had to classify it, it’s probably that which you’d call a bikini. It’s that design where the top and bottom are separate from each other. Even though she’s usually shy and reserved around others except for me, she really went all out on this one. There’s a lot of frills on the swimsuit that’s enveloping her that it makes her body look even softer.

In the middle of her swimsuit was a ribbon. And continuing on, my gaze is drawn in by the valley formed just directly past that. My hands were unconsciously reaching out for it that I hurriedly stopped myself.

As I looked up at the figure of Ako, who was being illuminated by the sun shining behind her, I realized what Master meant by what she said earlier. This can definitely get me in one hit. It would be an instant capture.

“U, uhm… please don’t stare too much…”

“S, sorry.”

That was what she said so I suddenly put my gaze past her figure.

After hurriedly averting her gaze, Ako then sat down beside me.

“Err, so where are the others?”

“It looked like they were going to take some more time getting changed so I just went on ahead by myself. I thought it was kind of sad to make Rusian wait alone like this.”

She can be such a caring wife.

“Didn’t Master want to do that Swimsuit Show thing though?”

“Even if you tell me that, there’s no point in showcasing me though.”

‘Teehee—’, Ako blurted as she gave out a laugh devoid of any energy.

But I don’t think there’s a need to be so humble. Usually, her face would be hidden by her bangs, but I could clearly see it right now and that’s why I can say this with pride.

My wife is so darned cute.

Am I really going to be the one confessing to her? Seriously?

Isn’t that a bit too far fetched?

It’s completely natural and normal for me to be rejected at this point.

“…Though from my point of view, Ako is still the main heroine.”

Maybe I should do a dry run of my confession to her now— yeah no. As if I could even try saying that.

“I, I’m flattered, but embarrassed, but also flattered…”

Ako is unexpectedly getting flustered by what I just said.

How cute. Everything about her is just so cute.

“You said before that you wanted to show that to me but then you’re getting all embarrassed right now…”

“I didn’t think too much of it before I actually put it on! But you know, now that it’s come to this, I’m wondering to myself why I was all smug before and I’m regretting that now…”

Are you me? Ah wait no, I got that wrong. What are you? My wife?

“But you don’t have to worry about that. You look really cute. You can be proud of that fact.”

“…Thank you very much.”

‘Ehehehe’, Ako laughed as she hugged her knees.

I can see her swimsuit being messed up because of her pressing up her breast to her knees like that.

Ah man, I don’t even know where to look anymore.

“Nishimura—, did Ako come here?”

Just then, Segawa appeared, walking from the cottage.

Hearing the sound of her sandals flip flopping on the sand, I turn my gaze to see her carrying a snorkel and a pair of flippers in her arms. She’s raring to play around, isn’t she?

“Ah! I knew you’d be here. You made such a mess of Master’s plan that she was in shock.”

“Ahaha… Sorry.”

“I would be expecting Rusian to be holding in his nosebleed and running to the toilet right about now if you haven’t done that.”

Master, who arrived late, was grinding her teeth.

Just what does Master think of me in that head of hers? Does she think I’m a middle schooler or something? Ah no, I wouldn’t have that kind of reaction even if I was a middle schooler.

“In the end, everyone just came out with their swimsuits normally. But it’s not too late to get a do-over you know?”

“It can’t be helped, not now that the lead went out and showed herself before the supporting roles had a chance to come out.”

‘Good grief’, Mastered sighed as she put down her luggage.

As I would expect, she went out and picked a swimsuit that far exceeds what a normal high schooler could even wear. This person just has no reservations about showing off some skin, does she? Do you even see the side of that swimsuit? That’s a string you know? Just a string. I wonder if something incredible would happen if you just happen to tug a bit at it. If she wasn’t wearing a pareo down there, that would be pretty risque.

“You sure have an amazing figure Master.”

As I unintentionally said that out loud, Master replied.

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“With a healthy diet, regular exercise, along with adequate sleep, you too would be able to control your own figure to a certain degree.”

‘Fufun’, Master smugly said that as she puffed out her chest.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure it’s all because I eat unhealthy, don’t exercise, and lack sleep which is why I’m not growing after all.”

Segawa clicked her tongue.

True, her swimsuit doesn’t seem all that sexy, but it has this sort of cuteness that suits her. If you ask me, that isn’t bad in itself as well.

“Looking good Schwein.”

“What do mean?”

“You get points for not going out of way to actually wear a bikini instead of this.”

“…You making fun of me?”

As soon as I saw her shaking her fists in anger, I hurriedly waved my hands as if to say no.

“No, no! You got it wrong! I’m praising you! It suits you well and it looks cute too!”


She looked completely apathetic while saying that. But well, she’s not mad so I guess it’s fine.

“…Nishimura-kun, you’re pretty amazing aren’t you…”

Nekohime-san said that in wonder.

“Just what are you talking about? Don’t you mean your own swimsuit?”

I won’t go so far to say that it’s a competitive one, but her swimsuit is a neat and proper looking sporty one that it perfectly fits her status as a teacher. It feels as like she could wear it to swim class with no problems. There’s also some cats found in its design here and there— she must really like them.

“You got it wrong. I’m just normally praising what you did just now. When I was in high school, I couldn’t remember the guys calling any of the girls cute, you know?”

“You won’t catch me telling that to any of my classmates either.”

I think the best I can do would be to call someone cute, laughing it off then suddenly running away.

I don’t even want to think how they would communicate with me afterwards.

“Aren’t Tamaki-san and Segawa-san both in your grade though?”

“They’re guild members before they’re my schoolmates. I don’t really feel that embarrassed no matter what I talk about with Ako and Schwein.”

Back when I thought Schwein and Master were guys in real life, I would blurt out some dirty jokes every now and then. It’s a bit too late to be telling me to be embarrassed about anything now.

Just remembering about it now sends shivers down my spine!

“Is that really how it is?”

Nekohime-san looked at me with a bit of doubt in her eyes. Yes, that’s just how it is.

“That aside… Ako, you said you went ahead of us, but did you put some sunscreen on?”

“Uhm, I didn’t any so…”

Segawa asked Ako that while poking at her back, but since she really didn’t bring any, she just answered as such.

“Even if it wasn’t written in the mail, you should’ve at least thought of bringing one. If someone with that deathly pale skin of yours stays out in the sun for a whole day, it would hurt for a whole week you know?”

“A week long DOT you say?”

“Simply moving would do intense damage caused by sunburn.”


Ako’s body trembled in fear.

“I’m going to rub some on you so come on, keep still.”

Segawa poured out a white liquid from the container she was holding and started rubbing it all over Ako’s body.

“Hiuuuuu! That tickles!”

“Come on, settle down. Your body’s really squishy, isn’t it?”


Ooh, Ako’s getting plastered with that sticky white stuff all over. What a sight to behold.

How scandalous! Go on, do it more.

“Why are you suddenly praying Rusian!?”

“I thank ye—”

Is it okay if I cum and look?

I won’t actually do that though.

“Though it seems you don’t have any on as well, Rusian.”

Master tapped my shoulder as she said that.

Even if you tell me that…

“But it wasn’t included in that list you sent us.”

“These two are just two peas in a pod aren’t they… Alright, I’ll rub some on you.”


A cold, sticky white fluid is being plastered on my back!

“I’ll rub some on Rusian’s back!”

“Then let’s all go rub it on him together.”

“Wai— sto— would you please stop that—!?”

Thirty slender fingers are crawling around my whole body right now. Segawa’s proper application of the sunscreen aside, Master’s hand movements seem really erotic, and Ako seems to be rubbing me with her whole body!

“Alright, this should be enough—”

“I was defiled… I was…”

“You sure are making a big deal out of this, Rusian.”

After that was over, I feel like something precious of mine has been taken away.

If I just had a better build, then maybe I wouldn’t be so embarrassed…

“How about you go get a little bit of muscle?”

“I was just thinking about it! There’s no need to tell me that!”

I wonder if I’ll make it in time for next year if I start training now— Nah, I’ll definitely quit three days in.

“Well then, since were done with our preparations, it’s time to go for a dip in the sea!”

‘Yeah—!’ is what we all shouted out as our voices resounded in the air.

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