Chapter 2

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Part 3

Translation: Yamaking


The warm rays of the sun are shining down. Over there is the blue sea. And alongside all that, you can hear the peaceful swaying of the waves.

“It’s really the sea, isn’t it Rusian?”

“Yeah, Ako.”

Swaying, shaking…

“Hey you two there.”

Floating, drifting…

“It really makes you feel sleepy doesn’t it…”

“It feels really good—”

Swaying, drifting…

“Hello? Nishimura-kun? Tamaki-san?”


“What is i—t?”

I replied, still feeling a bit shaky.

For some reason, Nekohime-san was curiously looking over us.

“Don’t ‘what is it’ me. What the heck are you doing?”

“I’m floating—”

“And I’m hanging on to this too.”

Near the shore where the waves still hit but it was shallow enough for your feet to touch the ground, Ako was floating around in her swim ring with her butt completely sticking into it. And of course, also hanging on to that swim ring was me.

“That’s the first thing that comes into your mind when someone tells you to play around in the sea?”

“It’s very relaxing—”

“This is pretty fun by itself too.”

Like this, you can still feel the waves around you while you relax.

“And where are the other two?”

“It seems like Segawa’s been diving around since earlier, so she sometimes pops up every now and then.”

She would sometimes pull at my feet that it surprises me. Is she a sea monster or something?

“And Goshouin-san?”

“If you’re looking for Master, I saw her doing the front crawl over there earlier—”

She was swimming vigorously earlier. She seems pretty excited about being here.

“…Why are you all doing different things?”

“Is that strange?”

I tilted my head in reply to Nekohime-san, who asked this question in wonder.

“It’s not often that we can go to the beach so doesn’t it feel like a loss if you won’t get to do what you wanted to do?”

“Since you’re all here, doesn’t it feel more of a loss not doing stuff with everyone else?”

Ah—, I get what you mean. I get what you mean, but…

“You see…”

I wonder how I can put it so that she would understand.

“For example, imagine an instance in a netgame where a new map is implemented.”

“O, okay.”

Sensei was already looking at me with eyes full of doubt, but I continued on anyway.

“And then, we’re all going to that same new map. But when we get there, we immediately part ways with one another.”

“W, why would you do that?”

“The most important stuff to look out for in new maps is: the efficiency of how much EXP you get per hour solo leveling, the rare drop rates, and how often you’ll die in there. There’s all of that stuff. Generally, me and Ako would go in a pair, but the other two would just go about doing what they want.”

“…Huh, and then?”

It looks like Nekohime-san just remembered the headache she’s been having from before.

“Once we’ve done our once-over, we meet up with them and then try out our efficiency as a four man group. Do what you want on your own, and then meet up afterwards when you’re done. This is the pattern that we work with. So once they’ve had their fill with what they’re doing, they’ll probably head on back here.”

“Is that what’s normal for this day and age?”

“I’m not really sure for everyone else, but it’s what’s normal for us.”

Since we’re all doing our own thing, there’s no need to worry about anyone getting bored or mad.

Anyway, they’ll probably head back when they get bored.

“…Is that so.”

Nekohime-san could be heard murmuring, ‘I don’t really get meow at all…’ as she went to crouch down on the sand.

If you keep squatting there, you’ll get sunburnt you know?


“Come on, stop sleeping.”


I splashed some water on Ako, who thought she could go to sleep while floating.


“Man— That was some good diving. I didn’t expect to see fish around here.”

Segawa laid down on the beach as she said that.

“As expected, swimming underwater at full force is the best.”

Master also sat down beside her as she dried her wet body.

“You’re both really energetic aren’t you~ I didn’t even dive underwater once.”

“What did you even come out to the sea for?”

“But seawater is salty—”

Ako said that with a sour look on her face.

“Actually, I also prefer the pool more.”

I forced out a laugh as I agreed with her on that.

“But there’s no sandy beach like this in pools right?”

“Indeed. This is where the true charm of the sea lies.”

“You look all condescending saying that Master, but how many times have you been actually to the beach?”

“Do you want me to answer that?”

“I’m really sorry.”

The sound of laughter resonated all around.

“But man—, that sure was fun.”

“Yeah, choosing to go here for the camp was a great success.”

“Let’s come here again next time okay?”

“Yeah, when there’s a chance then, maybe next time.”

As we were talking about the memories of our summer…

“Hey, wait a minute. You guys?”

Sensei was looking down on us with a cold gaze.

“You’re making it sound like you’re all done here, but it’s still only past noon you know!”

Sensei made us look at the time.

It’s only been over an hour since we arrived at the beach.


“How can I say this… right?”



We were all at a loss for words.

“I was just thinking ‘Man, I’d really like to go play some netgames soon’.”

I tried saying what I actually had in mind.

“This is just my personal opinion, but I feel like I’ve played enough in the ocean for one day.”

“I want to go sleep in the cottage already.”

Segawa and Ako answered that as they averted their eyes from Sensei.

“I can’t even say you’ve played enough for the day with how little you did!”

“But it’s hot, and we’re tired…”

“And it’s salty, and I’m already bored of it…”

We’re more of indoor people you know? We’d get bored playing outside even if we had just stayed there for over an hour.

“Hold on a minute everyone. We still haven’t completed the quest ‘Eat yakisoba at a beachside clubhouse’.”

“Aah, I want to get a snowcone too.”

“Getting lunch is fine but that’s not what I’m talking about! Seriously!”

Nekohime-san let out a scream as she stamped her feet in frustration.

“I wonder what’s the matter with Nekohime-sensei?”

“Who knows…?”

Honestly, I feel kind of sorry for her.


“After a meal, there must definitely be watermelon splitting—!”


Master placed the watermelon she brought on top of a vinyl sheet.

All we need now is to bring out the bat and we’re all set.

“Those who want to try doing it, raise your hand!”



Everyone quickly looked away.

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“Then, those who want to be the ones giving out directions from the side, raise your hand!”

“Ooh, ooh, me!”

“I want to do that too!”

“Yeesh, this support role loving bunch! No matter, I shall do it!”

“You’re so cool Master!”

“As expected of Master!”

As she was basking in our applause, Master straightened the blindfold with a thud and firmly covered her eyes with it.

“I wonder if I’ll be able to slightly see through the blindfold if I pay premium for this game?”

“That would be cheating already.”

There she goes again, saying weird stuff like that.

“Goodness gracious. At least you’re finally doing something together now.”

“I think we’ll go do our own thing again once we get bored of this though.”

“You guys…”

It seems like Nekohime-san is still not convinced about the principle behind our actions.

“…That reminds me…”

She suddenly turned her gaze towards me and Ako, as if realizing something.

“Even though you say that, Nishimura-kun and Tamaki-san are generally always together right?”

Ako, who had just handed over the bat to Master, abruptly turned around towards us.

“That’s because we’re husband and wife!”

It was a statement brimming with confidence.

Well, I guess that’s how it is for Ako but…

“…Well, that’s how she is, so it’s no question that she would use the marriage system.”

“With that in mind, it’s not like meow and I were always together back then right?”

“Please don’t remind me that.”

Please stop rubbing salt into other people’s wounds.

“Then let the spinning begin!”

“Guoooooooh! The screen is shaking!”

What screen are you even talking about?!

You’re just feeling pretty dizzy aren’t you!

“It should stop shaking if you turn the effects off.”

“How do I go about doing that!?”

“You can’t do that!”


TL note: This is a reference to the Hallucination status effect in Ragnarok Online which caused the screen to turn wavy. This made the game really laggy that they just changed it to instead show random damage numbers now but this is what it looked like before: you do the /effect command to turn off effects, the screen goes back to normal.


While she was saying all this out loud, she was unsteadily heading towards to where the watermelon was at.

Ah—, she’s going a bit off.

“Go a bit left!”

“Is it here?”

“You went too far! A bit to the right!”


We tried to adjust her bearing, little by little.

“Left! To the left!”

“I told you right!”

“Isn’t it a bit further up?”

“Left, right… and, up you say? Which way is that?”

Master looks pretty cute being all confused like that.

“Go up, up then down, down!”

“And then left, right, left, right!”

“Once you’ve finished with that B, A!”

“Where the heck is B!? Which direction is A at!?”

Master was in complete chaos. It seems the Konami Code didn’t work at all.

Even so, she somehow made it towards the watermelon. That’s quite amazing.

“Speaking of which, hey Nishimura…”


Segawa moved closer as she whispered something to me.

“We’re just playing around right now, but when do you plan on confessing to Ako?”


Right as I said that, the sound of the watermelon getting squashed reverberated.

Segawa, who appeared flustered, suddenly ran off.

“Wait a minute Master! What are you doing breaking it on the first try!?”

“It’s alright. I’ve prepared enough watermelons for everyone!”

“We can’t eat that much!”

That reminds me, I wonder when I’ll actually say it…


“We’re going to play beach volleyball!”

Is what Saitou-sensei proposed to do after eating the watermelon. While everyone was contemplating about it, she went and brought the beachball.

For some reason, she seems needlessly hyped up about this.

“Even if you tell us you’d like to play that…”

“Go ahead and play if you’d like I guess?”

“You’ve got it wrong! You’re the ones who’re going to play!”

‘Eeeeeh?’, is what could be heard from our dejected voices.

“But I was planning on doing some sand sculptures in the afternoon…”

“I was planning on having some shaved ice while watching everyone as well.”

“I have plans on burying Ako in the sand as well.”

“I have plans on getting buried by Rusian in the sand too.”

“This is why I keep asking you! Why do you all do these things separately!? Come on!”

Since she suddenly served the ball, I instinctively received it. I wonder where she borrowed it from? It looks like a pretty legitimate beachball suited for this kind of thing.

“Come on now, here’s the line. It’s a two on two, so group yourselves up.”


Somehow, me and Ako were grouped together, with Segawa and Master on the other side.

“But isn’t volleyball pretty hard to play on sand?”

“It’s hard to move right?”

“Beach volleyball is that kind of sport! Alright, I’ll be the referee okay!”

Nekohime-san seems to be getting desperate. ‘Come on, do it!’, is what she kept saying as she urged us to play.

I guess it can’t be helped. I’ll at least try to do a serve.

“Here I go—”

As I bopped the ball from its underside, it went flying— and landed somewhere completely beyond my expectations.

“Eh what?”

“How lame—”

Segawa went to retrieve that ball as she laughing, and then proceeded to make the same serve pose as I did.

“Just leave it to my bad self… Here I go—”

A sharp sound of something being hit could be heard even on our side, but the ball flimsily flew in the air.

The ball flew diagonally in the air and after all that, landed in their own court.

“Eh? That’s strange.”


In comparison, Master hit the ball and sent it flying spectacularly.


Ako received the incoming ball and sent it flying directly to the side.

Hmm—, I wonder what’s up with this?

“This seems harder than I thought.”

“We can’t even get a rally started.”


Ako is already in tears. I guess she has a bad reputation for stuff like this.

“Indeed. Well then, let’s stop it at this.”

As the guildmaster, Master has passed her judgement.

Is what was supposed to happen, but…

“It’s no good if you stop right meoooooooooow!”

“Se, sensei!?”

Nekohime-san is crying!

We made her cry!

“What’s the matter Nekohime-san!?”

“Mwhy! Just what could meow achieve by giving up right away because you find it a little hard!! You should meow and give it a try! Meow can do it if you try! Mwhy, couldn’t meow all give it your beeeeeest!?”

“You tell us that Sensei, but in the game, when you find that the content we’re doing doesn’t seem to match our level, you just decide to move on to the other ones.”

“Reality and the game are different you meeeeeoooooooow!”

S, she stole my catchphrase!

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“That’s enough! Go do it! Go! This is an order from your adviser!”

“That’s pretty tyrannical, isn’t it…”

Though she’s also kind of a spoiled brat, Segawa still seems dumbfounded at this turn of events.

“She normally wouldn’t even order us around, so let’s just play along with her okay? Come on Ako.”

If you ask me, I really feel sorry for Nekohime-san right now, so I picked up the ball and handed it over to Ako.

“Then here I go… Ei!”

The ball that Ako just sent flying was carried by the wind and ended up landing back in our own court.




I was able to successfully stop Segawa’s serve at the base of my hands. Though maybe because of my bad footing, the way I sent the ball flying back into the enemy court was half-assed.

“That’s it! This shot is mine!”

Master magnificently flew into the air as she smashed the ball, sending it towards Ako’s feet.

“I can’t get thaat…”

Ako cried out. That’s impossible to receive, even for me.

‘Pii—’, the sound of a whistle could be heard.

“Team Goshouin, Segawa wins!”


“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!”

Master stood there with a smug face with Segawa laughing out loud for some reason. Looking all high and mighty like that…

“Uuu, just what is this? This senseless feeling of defeat?”

“I kind of regret only doing this half-hearted.”

It’s hard to move around in the sand, so everyone’s difference in skill wasn’t all that great. Even at the very end, I think the difference in points was three at most.

“If I’d just put a little more point into AGI, I think I could have won this event.”

“Me too. If I just had more DEX…”

“There’s a sandglass that allows you to reset this event for only 300 yen. Come on, go swipe now!”

“We won’t do that!”

It’s not like I’m aiming to get all As on my stats!

And even if we redo this again, I don’t have the stamina for it anymore!

A pleasant feeling of fatigue enveloped my body.

“But now that we’ve actually tried it, it was unexpectedly pretty fun.”

“Indeed. That was truly a heated battle.”

“I know right? It’s nice to experience something new right?”

Sensei was smiling from ear to ear.

She finally got these troublesome problem children to understand. She seemed to be overflowing with such a sense of accomplishment that she couldn’t help but smile.

“I guess so. I just got a bit too absorbed before I noticed. But… my feet hurts…”

“My whole body feels sore too…”

Ako was pressing down on her hips while she was groaning too. They do say that if you suddenly use muscles that you haven’t been using much before, it would really hurt. I guess it’s because we lack exercise after all.

“You really said it. I’m worn out.”

“That was some good exercise.”

Seriously, good grief. I then moved towards the underside of the beach parasol.

And then the others followed suit.


“Would you please stop trying taking a break after every little thing?”

Nekohime-san got mad as soon as we started taking our break.

Just what do you want us to do? Are you that much of a sports freak? Are you going to tell us not to drink water while exercising as well?

Oh please, we’re not made for that.

“Even if you tell us that…”

“We’re already tired you know?”

“And it’s hot too right?”

‘Uuuuuu’, Nekohime-san seemed to be getting mad again as she was half in tears.

“And one more thing!”

She suddenly pointed her finger at us and said,

“Stop that mannerism of yours where it looks like you’re trying to grab your cell phone!”


I just realized now that she pointed it out. My right hand suddenly started searching for my phone before I even realized it.

I left it at the lodge so there’s no way I would have it on me right now. That was completely me doing that unaware.

“That’s right! Didn’t you guys say you were not allowed from connecting to the net today?”

“How do I put this? I’m just so used to having it around that it’s become a habit to search for it when I’m not holding it.”

“It’s really something you just have to have on you at all times right?”

“Cell phone addiction…”

Nekohime-san said that with a grave look on her face.

Y, you got it wrong! It’s not something you have to worry about see?!

“It’s fine! It’s fine!”

“That’s right! It’s not that serious you know! It’s just that when I don’t get to look at my app every hour, my hands start shaking—”

“That’s cell phone addiction!”

That might actually be cell phone addiction Ako!

But even though I say that, I also get pretty uneasy when I don’t have my phone on me.

“True, even I get anxious when I don’t get to check my phone at set intervals.”

“Oh I also can’t calm down when I don’t get to open my favorite affiliate blogs too. It’s just unnerving right?”

“So you do go to those aggregator sites don’t you?! Guilty!”

Ako gets mad at the strangest things!

“That’s fine isn’t it? It’s not like I’m losing anything by doing that.”

“So you’re saying you don’t care just because it’s someone else’s problem?!”

“It’s not like I don’t get what you mean…”

To Ako, it seems like this conduct by aggregator sites is just unforgivable.

“And when I get to write something amazing on my blog, for some reason I just don’t get any hits! It’s all because they’re stealing my visitors from me!”

“So you’re just jealous of them huh!”

“They definitely have something against me!”

I’m 100% sure that this is just your jealousy at work.

But since we’re talking about Ako and her sense here, I guess this kind of outcome couldn’t be helped.

“Rusian, you’re not siding with those blogs are you?”

It seems Ako turned to me as her last resort, but I shook my head. That’s wrong Ako. I’m not against those kinds of sites.

“Weeell, I’m the type that just scrolls through the whole affiliate blog with my mouse evading all those affiliate links along the way. It just feels good browsing it like that, you know?”

“That’s so like you.”

I use these sites since they’re so convenient, but I don’t really bother clicking on any of the links there. I feel content just looking at what’s written there on those affiliate blogs, you know?

“What about you Master?”

“I have what you call an Adblocker installed in my plugins.”

“How very practical!”


TL note: This is a discussion about affiliate blogs (sites that just get info from other sites to display it on theirs for revenue from ads). I don’t really know what to call it as I barely talk about this with anyone else, but aggregator sites seem to be a fit for what Ako was going for anyway.


“T, that aside!”

Seeing us getting comfortable with ourselves again, Sensei waved both of her hands as she voiced out her complaints.

“You all understand what I’m talking about now after playing some sports right? Isn’t it fun playing with everyone else?”

“I guess so.”

She’s not wrong there. Everyone nodded in agreement.

I’m not really that fond of sports, but doing playing stuff with like-minded people like this doesn’t seem too bad. Actually, I might even say it’s pretty good.

Ah, but if you mix in people that are from actual sports clubs, it’s going to turn into a whole different game so that is still up for judgement.

“Aaanyway… as I’ve planned before, I guess I’ll do some sand sculptures.”

“Alright, I’ll go bury Ako, leave her there and just come back later.”

“Bury me just enough so I can still get out later please—”

“Then I suppose I’ll go buy some shaved ice.”

“Meow all did not understand a thing I just saaaaaaaaaid!”

Nekohime-san dejectedly genuflected.

“I’m losing confidence that I can actually do my job as meowr teacher…”

“I, it affected you that much?”

Our inconsiderate lifestyle has just driven another person to their wit’s end.

“I guess it can’t be helped. How about you bury me too?”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll be the one to bury you. Come now, Schwein. Go lay down over there.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Resigning to her fate, Segawa lay down on the sand.

“I’ll start pouring over the sand then.”


“Let’s make a Sandman! A Sandman!”

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TL note: Sandman from Ragnarok Online


“Don’t go making me a monster, you hear?”

Everyone kept scooping up and piling sand on top of her.

Master then began shaping all that sand and it eventually finished taking its form.

“How’s that? It’s a real life ‘Schwein’!”

“Uwah, that’s some muscles right there.”

“Hey wai, could you stop making my body that of a guy’s?”

Even if she tells us that, seeing Segawa’s face on that manly body is just such a perfect mismatch that it would be a shame to destroy it.

“Alright, I’ll add in that greatsword you usually use.”

“Is it okay to add a six pack to her stomach?”

“Could you all stop playing with me like tha… Hey, isn’t this sand a bit too heavy!? I can’t free myself you know?!”

“Well, I guess this is alright for meow.”

Nekohime-san gave out a big sigh.


The sun is setting in the horizon. With this, our day at the sea is coming to an end.

“I sure played my heart out.”

Sitting under the beach parasol, which had lost its purpose by now, was everyone, who tired themselves out.

“I can’t get on the banana boat anymore…”

With our backs facing one another, Ako wearily leaned back towards me.

“You did fall three times from the banana boat after all, didn’t you Ako?”

“I think I would rather call that being blown away rather than falling off though…”

And that one time she was sent flying, she actually landed face first in the water.

“If Rusian didn’t save me that time I probably would’ve died.”

“That’s because you were just floating there face down…”

It would really be a problem if you suddenly died before I get to confess.

Before I get to confess…


“Ah, what do I do?”


The sun is setting, and the sound of the waves could be heard while you could smell the seabreeze.

Me and Ako have our backs pressed onto each other. Taking only the current atmosphere into the equation, this doesn’t feel like a pretty bad timing at all.


“So there you have it Ms. Saito. How about we back into the lodge now?”

“It’s going to be a real problem if I don’t reply to people in LINE soon.”

“I want to browse the web too.”

“Normally this is where you would complain about not wanting to head back yet, you know…?”

Even though we were all individually contributing to the dampening of the mood, the one that seem to had it the worst was Sensei. This is definitely not the time to be confessing.

What should I do? I can’t just not do anything.

I spent the whole time walking back to the lodge thinking about it, but nothing would just come to mind.

“Aaah I’m tired. I want to hurry up and change—”

“Are we still not allowed to mess with our phones?”

The group of girls went to sit down while still in their swimsuits. Distancing myself a bit from them, I also went to take a seat.

No matter where I looked, all I could see were the girls in their swimsuits. And in the corner of the room, I saw a bag full of casual wear that seems to have been stuffed there right after they were taken off. It feels like I just snuck into the girls changing room so it made me think that I really shouldn’t be here.

“There’s only one bathroom here. You can wash off the sand first outside so we can just take turns using it.”

“Then Nishimura, you go first.”

‘After you’, is what Segawa said as she pointed towards the bathroom. No one else had any objections as they looked at me.

Why me? I’m fine with being last.

“I’m fine with going last you know?”

I, it’s not like I plan on doing anything with the leftover bathwater Ako and the others would get in. It’s that! Ladies first, you know?

I know she said that out of consideration for me, but then Segawa gave me a cold glare.

“I figured I should at least ask, but do you know just how much aftercare is needed for our hair and skin after spending a whole day out in the sun, and putting on all that sunscreen?”

“Gotcha, I’ll be going in first then—”

Girls are seriously scary. Just what is even aftercare?

“Uhm, I always finish my baths in ten minutes though.”

“You messing with me?”

Segawa was smiling, but you could see her popping a vein.

“Alright Ako, let’s take a bath together then shall we? Since I have this opportunity, I might as well drill the most basic of basics into that head of yours.”

“Schew-chan’s saying the stuff that the girls in my class are saying!”

“And they’re not wrong there! You can’t just finish washing that kind of long hair in just ten minutes!”

Don’t know, don’t care.

I hurriedly looked for my change of clothes and slipped into the bath.

I vigorously splashed hot water all over my slightly sticky body.


That stings! It feels like my skin is tearing apart! It hurts!

Just what would have become of me if I didn’t have any sunscreen on?

“I have to thank them later…”

I turned down the temperature of the shower a bit.

Ah—, this really cools down my head.

“Haaa… This is relaxing.”

How did I put this? It’s really the most relaxing when you’re alone, after all.

Ah, but no, being with them is also a lot of fun. It’s not like I hate it or anything.

But well, being alone is just the best time I could take it easy.

“…That makes me feel like a social misfit.”

Being the hopeless trash that I am, I unconsciously let out a sigh.

But Ako is different.

Ako’s the only one that, no matter how long, I can really relax hanging around with.

No matter what appearance I show to her, she’d probably always stay by my side.

It’s because of that that I want us to get even closer…



It’s because of that that I want us to get even closer…

“I’m coming in—”

“Ye… whaaat!?”

The bath door’s open! This is bad!

I vigorously ran towards the door leading to the bath to close it. This is really cutting it close.


Uwah, Ako got her hand in the corner of the door so I can’t close it! This is not some horror film you know!

What’s more, she’s peeking in on me when she’s only got a towel on!

“Why are you closing the door?!”

“Why the heck are you trying to come in here!?”

This conversation is unbelievably out of whack!

“Isn’t it just normal for married couples to get in the bath together?!”

“I keep telling you the game and reality are different!”

If you wanted to go ahead and do that, then you should’ve just accepted my confession earlier! You clueless girl!

Wait, is that me!? Am I the clueless one here?!

Ako was trying to get into the opening she made earlier, still wearing only her towel. And well, she’s showing off less skin compared to when she wore her swimsuit.

But, when I think that she’s not wearing anything down there, it’s actually harder for me to look.

And Ako’s face is even beet red at this point, so she shouldn’t be doing such—

Eh, beet red?

True, normally you would be embarrassed in a situation like this, but I’ve already seen it before. It’s a sight much better, and much more arousing than when you were in your swimsuit. So isn’t it strange for you to start getting embarrassed now? It’s not like you’re naked anyway—


It’s not Ako that’s naked, I am.

In an instant, all the blood probably rushed to my head making my face blush red.

“Y, you, Ako, did you see?”

“What ever cood yuu mean—?”

“Why are you replying in monotone like that!”

How can you even tell such a barefaced lie!

“Don’t ‘what’ me you peeping tom! Erase it! Erase it from your memory!”

“It’s fine! I was only able to see it for a second! Actually, if you would just let me check what I actually saw—”

“Stop trying to force your face in will you!”

Uwaaaaaaaah! Ako! She’s going to see me in the bath!

“S, save me—!”

I instinctively cried for help.

Anyone will do, just please save me!

As soon as I shouted that, a group of footsteps could be heard rushing towards here.

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“Just what the heck are you dooiiiiing!”


Ako’s head suddenly disappeared as if it were pulled by something.

A voice full of grief echoed in the bathroom.

“Nekohime-sensei, pass!”


And then, a loud thud could be heard. All sound then died out.


I’m actually worried now that Ako might be hurt.

No, it’s like I’m THAT worried you know?

Couldn’t you have just told her, ‘Come on now, stop that!’ and stopped her like that?

“It’s fine if you want to get along with Nishimura-kun, but be mindful of the time and place! If a licentious incident occurs while I’m here as your adviser, who knows how big of a problem that would be?! Go do that kind of thing in your own house!”

We won’t.

We won’t do it even if we were at Ako’s house.

“Well then Rusian, we’ll retrieve Ako for now, so enjoy your bath.”

“Ah no, I’ll be out in a little while, so that’s fine.”

Who knows what will happen if I spend more time in here.

I rigorously washed myself even though it hurt just to get it over with.


“I’m done— Oh.”

As soon as I came out of the bath, I came across Ako, looking all bitter.

“Uu… My bathtime with Rusian…”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go Ako.”

“I’m being dragged away—”

My wife was being pulled away, little by little.

It looked like she a pretty huge bump on her head there too. Was that just my imagination?

“Rusian, could I have a moment?”


I heard a voice coming from outside the window, in the direction of the balcony.

As I went outside, I could see Master, wearing a parka over her swimsuit, and Sensei wondering about something.

“We’ve already lit the charcoal, but we don’t have any definite proof yet that this is already alright.”

“I don’t think it’s like this though.”

Master just went and pulled a large gas burner out of nowhere so now they’re burning up some charcoal.

“What are you two doing?”

“It’s preparation for the BeeBeeKyu. I’ve already procured the ingredients, but I realized just now that I don’t actually know how to use any of the tools here. Even so, I already went to the trouble of burning up the charcoal.”

“Is that how you even use it?”

“I don’t know, but I figured it basically just needed fire added to it. Assuming that you normally use a lighter to light up these things, then with this premium item, the ‘Gas Burner’, which should have a higher firepower than that, we should have no problems.”

This is not LA, so don’t think everything can be resolved with higher firepower.

“Don’t you burn charcoal with something like those things used in electric stoves? There’s no need to directly burn them over fire like that is there?”

“But how would we know when it’s burned just right so we can start cooking?”

“Who knows…? Do you have any idea Nekohime-san?”

“I have totally meow idea— Ah, I mean I have no idea.”

Recently, Sensei’s been getting into character way more often.

But even with the three of us here, we still couldn’t figure out what to do. Also, the charcoal being scorched over the burner is now starting to turn pure black.

“Ah, it’s times like this that we should consult the internet. We’ll find out if we just google it.”

“You can’t! Accessing the internet is banned during this camp! Come on, we’re going to burn them! Premium items are invincible!”

“You don’t have to do that…”

If you really get into doing something you completely have no idea what you’re on about, then I can only see it ending in failure.

A short while after our hard struggles…

“It’s lit! It’s lit up!”

“It’s doing those crackling sounds! It’s charcoal! It’s actually charcoal!”

“…What are you all even doing?”

Up until Ako and Segawa got out of the bath, we were hard at work lighting the charcoal in the meantime.

Starting with that little piece of charcoal, we worked our way up lighting them up little by little until we got this huge fire started… I don’t want to ever do that again.

“Uuu… I just got out of the bath but I’m already getting dizzy again.”

“Yeah, I’m feeling pretty dizzy too.”

Ako and I both drooped our shoulders.

I’m just so tired, honestly.

“I had no idea that a BeeBeeKyu was this big of an ordeal. I’m amazed that those normies can actually enjoy an event like this.”

“If you’ve prepared for this beforehand then it wouldn’t be this big of a deal you know?”

Segawa look at us with contempt as she went to happily stare at the fire.

“Oh—, this really feels like a barb—”

Don’t shorten it like that, it’s annoying.

“Are we all done with preparations here? All that’s left is eating right?”

“Indeed. I’ve procured a mountain load of ingredients as well. There’s meat, and vegetables as well. There’s also shrimp, squid, and other seafood mixed in. This is going to be an extravagant BeeBeeKyu!”

Ah, I’m already hungry.

We just need Master and Sensei to finish taking a bath and we can finally have a barbeque huh? I want to eat already.


Ako suddenly looked a bit worried as she raised her hand.

“Have those ingredients already been prepped?”


Master would usually give out a well-thought out answer to questions, but strangely enough, this time she’s just parroting what Ako is saying.

Even someone like me thought to myself that something’s really wrong here, so it’s no question that everyone’s anxiety about the current situation seems to be increasing.

Ako’s smile twitched for a bit there as she rephrased her question.

“Are the meat, veggies, shrimp and other stuff cut up and prepared already?”



Ako’s smile turned even more grim.

Master seems to have a hard time answering Ako.

“I put them all in the fridge after buying… and left them as is.”


Ako looks as if she had given up on everything as she gently laughed and said,

“Master, when you go out to buy ingredients, you can’t just eat them as is, right?”


“In the first place, do you even cook?”


“Do you at least know how long it would at least take to prepare a single meal?”

I could see cold sweat running down on Master’s face.

Master froze in place for a while, and then turned her back towards us shortly after.

“W, well then, I guess I’ll go take a shower…”

“I, it’s getting late so maybe I should also go in with you—”

T, they ran away! They both ran away!

“What do we do about this…”

“For now, I guess I’ll look at what we have…”

Ako dejectedly slumped her shoulders as she headed towards the kitchen.

“She really left them as is!”

And just a few seconds later, her shrieking could be heard.

“Do you think you can do something about it?”

“I could but, it would take some time… There’s a knife and a cutting board, but there’s no peeler… and there’s not plastic wrap either…”

Ako was rummaging around in the kitchen.

Just what is this? Ako’s really got it together. We’re depending on her for something that’s actually important.

“I’ll hurry up with this for now, so please wait for a while.”

“Uhm, Ako, can I help out too?”

Segawa asked that while she was timidly peeking into the kitchen. Ako then replied without even turning to face her.

“Sorry, but we don’t have time.”

“I got snubbed by Ako! She implied that I would just get in the way!”

“But it can’t be helped if you don’t know how to do it right…”

Segawa returned to the balcony, crestfallen. She squatted down there and hugged her knees even though she had just finished taking a shower.

“Normally it would be the other way around… This is just like when Ako forgets an important item when we’re doing a quest and I tell her, ‘Stay put! I’ll go get it for you!’… That’s how she’s treating me right now…’”

“It’s at situations like this that you can really measure how feminine a woman is—”

I could hear Ako, who specializes in this sort of thing, saying that from this far away that it made Segawa droop her shoulders even further.

“I can’t believe I’m losing in a battle of femininity to someone who uses soap to wash their hair… Just what have I been working for all this time…”

This all seems like a big shock for her.

Oh right, if this is going to take longer, then I have to make sure to get the charcoal fire going.

Ah, this is such a pain. Can’t we just put all this stuff in a microwave oven and heat them up?

If you think about it, getting a group like ours, which consists only of indoor people, to do outdoor activities like this was bound to be chaotic, right from the very start.

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