Volume 3 Epilogue and Afterword

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 Yamaking  Netoge no Yome  May 17, 2019 8 Minutes

Hello everyone. I know I told you I would probably have the epilogue and afterword after the weekend, but I worked on it early yet again. Having watched the Nintendo Direct trailer for Mario Maker 2, I just wasn’t in the mood to play anything. Four player Mario Maker looks really fun! (though I don’t really have a Switch yet)

But I digress, this wraps up the entirety of volume 3. So how was it? It didn’t really feel like a true end unlike how episode 8 of the anime portrayed it right? That’s usually the opinions I see when someone talks about the anime’s ending. ‘It should’ve ended there’ is the usual opinion, but that’s because the anime didn’t put this epilogue scene in. There’s also the Noob Ako and Rusian Teach Me! corner that starts in this volume, but since I don’t have anyone to clean/typeset, I’ll just skip on that for now (if you’re interested in helping, then I can translate it as well).

Also, last time I said there was a part in volume 4 that was really nostalgic that it made me binge through the other volumes as well. It was that part where the author referenced Armored Core. I only got to play Project Phantasma, Master of Arena, and the one that was on the PS2, but seeing Karasawa suddenly show up out of nowhere was a pleasant surprise. These days, people only know From for their Dark Souls franchise, but for me, AC is still the thing I know them best for. Seeing the author also reference MUGEN (not sure if it was during the guild war volume or the Nekohime cup one) really made me think, ‘Ah, this person really plays a lot of games’. True enough, I came across a lot of stuff I haven’t even seen before because of the LN. Most notable was the use of AC’s Operator Mode for the raid volume. I have to say, that was pure genius and I kind of wish MMO raids really had a system like that.

Anyway, that was a huge wall of nostalgia talking so please excuse me. The next volume is the Guild War and Maid Cafe arc, so if you were a fan of prepping for sieges in RO, I’m sure you would enjoy it. After I’m done translating that, I can finally start treading into the stuff past the anime which is the Player Housing and Schew’s huge disaster arc.

For now, since I’m done with this volume, I’ll go back to reading for a bit. People can contact me via Discord to know when I’m starting up on volume 4 again (since as you can see, I don’t really post anything if I don’t have new translations up), but for now I can’t really promise a date yet.

Well then, please enjoy the epilogue and the afterword.




Translation: Yamaking

TL note: This is a reference to ECO (Emil Chronicle Online).


Me and Ako’s wedding ceremony in LA took place three days after that.

During the account hacking incident, I had to ask friends of my friends of my friends to help me out on the search. As a result, word about my character’s restoration and ‘Lon’ getting permanently banned spread far and wide, well within out of my reach.

And because of all that, the visitor turnout for our wedding ceremony went way beyond than the number we had when we did it for the first time.

Naturally, all members of the Alley Cats were there, but members of †Black Magician†-san’s guild, my old friends from Nekohime’s Elite Guard, and heck, even people who got scammed by ‘Lon’ before showed up. Generally speaking, all sorts of people just showed up.

And in front of all those people, Ako declared with a radiant smile,


Ako: I’m going to continue on being Rusian’s wife!


Even though the audience received her declaration with a thunderous applause, I didn’t feel any burden on my shoulders.

In any case, it felt like I was returned back to where I truly belong, so I have no qualms with it.

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The real burden lies elsewhere.

Rusian: …It’s really hard to pull off being a tank with just this gear.

Schwein: With the way you are now, even my bad self is a whole lot tankier than you, y’know?

Ako: I can’t keep up with the heals—

You’re always like that though, aren’t you Ako?

That’s right, the real burden right now is that my, that is, Rusian’s, gear is just not good enough.

Originally, as a tank, I had gear sets that I used for each type of dungeon and each kind of monster. Since I got hacked, I lost over half of that gear.

I managed to buy back a part of it but it’s just not enough.

Apricot: There’s no way around it I suppose…

Master said that in a serious tone.

Rusian: No way around what? Just what do you plan on doing?

Apricot: Isn’t it obvious!

After letting out fireworks that went ‘Boom!’, a chat message, in huge characters, appeared.

Apricot: The Rusian Restoration Project! It’s a plan where all the members of the Modern Electronics Communication Game Club will conduct club activities during the summer five days a week!

Nekohime: Please nyeeeeooooooooooow!

Seriously…? …Five days a week…?

Nekohime-san seems to hate the idea but this person would probably just force it on her anyway.

“Good grief. This is turning out to be quite the busy summer.”

As I took my gaze off the monitor when I said that, I heard a voice that sounded like it was in high spirits beside me.

“It’s fine right? We’ll be together all the time after all.”

“I guess so.”

It’s not that big of a deal you know?

I’m only playing net games with Ako in her home.

It’s not as if we’re doing things here that we can’t tell anyone else. I’m being honest here, really.

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…Though I should probably return this laptop to Master sometime soon.

“I guess it’s better than spending the summer break in boredom, but five days a week is a bit too much.”

“I’d like a little bit more time alone with Rusian too after all, right?”

There you go saying those cute things again.

Looking at her cheeks getting flushed, it just came to mind that Ako always seems to narrow her eyes in delight whenever she speaks fondly about stuff like this.

“I guess so huh. I’d like to have time to the two of us after all.”

We’re a couple now after all.

“We’re a married couple after all.”

“I’m generally with you even when there’s no club activities anyway.”

“We’re married after all.”

“…Hey, Ako.”


Just what is it? This feels weird.

It’s clear that we’re not talking on the same wavelength here.

What’s more, it has a very nostalgic feeling, yet this feeling of being off seems very familiar to me.

“H, hey Ako. What’s… our relationship again?”

“It’s husband and wife, you know?”

“……That’s a bit different from how I see it.”

How did it turn out like this? Just how did it turn out like this?

“Hey, Ako, you remember that I confessed to you in that chapel right? That I asked you if we could start going out right?”

I thought that I might’ve been misunderstanding stuff from that time, but Ako softly smiled as she answered in delight.

“Yup. I was really happy that time.”

Of course right? I couldn’t have misunderstood that right?

“So, that means that we’re a couple right now, right?”

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“Eh? But we properly got married afterwards right?”


Oh, we did that right. Certainly, we did that.

With a lot of people’s blessings, we got married again.

But, isn’t that in the game— wait—.

“…Don’t tell me… did I overwrite it with that!?”

“What do you mean ‘overwrite’? We started out by going out together, and now we’re properly married. We’re a full-fledged couple right now right?”

“I, I know what you mean but!”


I faileeeeeeeeeed!

Ako looked a bit uneasy not seeing ‘Rusian’ and ‘Ako’ married, and stuff like the EXP bonus and partner summon skills were so convenient that I didn’t put any thought into it and just married her again!

Well of course this would happen if I married Ako again!

I just want to spend my youthful days normally!

To do that while also having a wife at this age is just impossible!

“E, err, Ako, -san.”


Ako cheerfully replied as I began asking her in dread.

“Err— won’t you please become my girlfriend?”

My wife flashed me a smile, enough to captivate my heart, as she answered,


“No way, not ever~!”



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Translation: Yamaking


I’ll be borrowing the trade chat for a bit.

It has been a while, or if this is not the case, then nice to meet you.

This is Kineko Shibai.

The ‘Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko Janai to Omotta’ series has finally reached its third volume.

The reason why it has been able to continue for this long was truly, truly, please take this not as a joke or flattery, TRULY thanks to everyone’s help. I’m really grateful.

Well then, about this series, if it were a net game, this would be around the time where you start venturing out into the field and begin getting enough experience to get to level 3. You would’ve pretty much used up all your available skill points, and your equipment may or may not have updated around this time. It’s a very fun period of the MMO cycle.

Since this volume is now at Lv. 3, if everyone has carried on reading through the book whilst enjoying it, then I could ask for nothing more. Although, it would also be nice if the author could also enjoy it with the readers as well.


By the way, this is another personal story of mine, but I’ve also been through the miserable experience of getting a divorce in-game.

Even though I married a female character in-game, she cheated on me with another female character and divorced me. Although, she did come back to my side at one point.

According to her, ‘The real person behind the character I cheated on you with was an old fart’, or so she says. Though I didn’t really care whether she told me that or not.

Also, the question ‘So what about the real you then?’ was something that I didn’t have the courage to ask.

Thank you for letting me use the trade chat.


Now for the credits.

For the illustrator, Hisasi-san, I truly thank you for making these illustrations that firmly takes hold of the male instincts. As they say, leave it up to the experts, so I’ll be counting on you! Though I’m really sorry for just wholly delegating everything to you like that. Thank you, thank you.

To my editor, who has been slowly getting used to reading a novel riddled with jokes and references, your directions are always really helpful. I look forward to working with you from here on as well. Also, isn’t it about time you started playing net games as well?

And to all the players I’ve played with in these online games that I got my jokes from, and to all the players that I may meet somewhere in the future included, I am very grateful.

Well then, if we could happen to meet again like this, it would truly be a blessing.

This was Kineko Shibai.

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