When you’ve played net games for a long time, you end up with a lot of things that you regret or reflect on.

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No, no, I’m not talking about the incident with Nekohime-san here. It’s a lot of other stuff.

For example— let’s see, this was a story from way back…

I think it was a bit after we formed the guild Alley Cats.

During those times, I sometimes wouldn’t have people to farm with so I would join groups who are recruiting.

With a large party size of about 12 people, the party I joined planned on taking on a pretty difficult dungeon.

But the problem was, our party only had one healer in it.

And that healer was a person called Isana-san. When the party leader asked ‘We have quite the large group, but do you think we can do it with one healer?’, they said this in reply,

Isana: It’s fine.

They replied as simple as that.

Though I was thinking ‘It’s not fine at all’.

I mean, one person healing for 12 people is considerably difficult by itself, but there’s also the fact that the dungeon we were going to was difficult as well.

Let’s see, ah that’s right! Even if there were three of Ako healing, it would still prove to be quite the challenge.

And sure enough…

Without even lasting for an hour, the party disbanded.

With the heals looking to be pretty horrible, it got disbanded right away.

Isana: I’m sorry. I really am.

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Even though Isana-san kept bowing down and apologizing, that person wasn’t at fault.

It was an impossible party composition from the start after all.

Since that was the case, I should have at least said something as well. That is, ‘A single healer would be difficult for this’.

If I understood what it entailed, then I should have followed up on that thought properly.

I told Isana-san that they weren’t at fault at all for what had happened, but I guess it still bothered them.

I prayed that that person wouldn’t quit the game over this.

Yeah, I really regretted that.

I was really curious as to what became of them after that.


And, a few months later…

When I joined another PUG, they were there.

That’s right, it was Isana-san. They didn’t quit and kept on playing.

And well, the party was pretty much the same composition again. Even though we had a 12-man party, Isana-san was the only healer.

And to add to that, we’re tackling a dungeon that’s much harder than the one we did last time.

And the party leader asked yet again if we would be fine with just a single healer.

To that, the person replied with the same,

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Isana: It’s fine.

It was the same calm response.

Yeah, this time I’ll be sure to say it. I have to properly say it.

Rusian: It’s going to be hard with just one healer so make sure everyone takes care not to become a burden.

Sure, I should have probably just minded my own business seeing as how Isana-san said that it’s fine and that this person probably doesn’t remember me from that time before, but I wanted to say it anyway.

After that, Isana-san said one word to me in private chat.

Isana: Thanks.

And that’s how it went.

It’s been bothering me ever since that time after all.

And with the person saying this, I felt a huge relief.

I’m glad I said it. From now on, I’ll be sure to help out someone who’s forcing themselves by stating my opinion. At least, that’s what I thought…

Eh? Ah, no… The run actually went well.

Yeah, it ended without there being any problems at all.

Isana-san had become so good that even solo healing was a piece of cake.

That’s why, well, I really should have just minded my own business there.

…Yeah that’s right! It was really embarrassing!

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Me voicing out my opinion like that only proved to be a bother!


Rusian: S, so that aside Ako, do you get what I mean?

Ako: So basically, you’re bragging about your ex-girlfriend.

Rusian: How do you get that out of it?!

Ako asked ‘Am I wrong?’, as she looked at me strangely.

What’s more, it didn’t look like she was joking at all.

The aura that she’s giving off is really scaring me.

Rusian: I’ll just put this out here, but Isana-san is a male in real life you know.

Ako: But Rusian has a previous offence of loving someone even though they were a male in real life though.

Rusian: But Nekohime-san turned out to be a female after all!

That’s enough of that already, alright?!

Rusian: What I’m trying to say here is that, the moment that you think you want to help someone is the time you should start on it right away.

Ako: Haa…

Put a bit more energy into your response will you?

I’m trying to talk about something important here after all.

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Rusian: The people asking for help are not the only ones who are having trouble. You understand that well, don’t you Ako? That even though someone looks like they’re having fun, they’re actually carrying a heavy burden behind the scenes.

Ako: Yes, I do.

That’s good.

If you understand that, then you should be able to understand how I feel as well.

Rusian: And so, you see… It may look like I’m having fun spending my high school life as is, but I’ve actually had just about enough of you messing with me.

In other words, what I’m trying to say is…

Rusian: Summer vacation is about to come to an end and school is about to start up again— but can I please get you to tell everyone in school that we’re not married but just in a regular relationship?

Ako: There you go again Rusian— Saying silly things like that—

What’s with that reaction that says ‘There he goes blurting out strange things again—’!?

I’m telling you, my point of view is more reasonable here!

Rusian: Summer vacation is ending you know! Having jokes about us being a married couple turn up when we’re talking about our experiences this summer is going to be really hard on me!

Ako: Oh that’s right! Since we already have a summer’s worth of experiences together, we have to look a bit more mature!

Rusian: No we didn’t! We have no experiences like that whatsoever!

Ako: Then it’s not too late to start now!

Rusian: I— Will— NOT! Darn it, it wouldn’t kill you to at least do something for me here would it?!

What’s troubling me here is that, my wife hasn’t changed at all.

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