Chapter 2

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Part 2

Translation: Yamaking


It would be easy enough if we only needed to prepare for the cultural festival in the Net Game Club, but there’s still the class exhibit that we need to keep in mind.

After the end of summer vacation, there’s still some time left before the next upcoming tests. During this period, a considerably large portion of time is spent preparing for the cultural festival. Well, I think this is much better than preparing for exams.

And so with that, I was also hard at work writing something on a large piece of cardboard paper.

“Listen up everyone! For the ones in charge of the Saki High History panel part, make sure you completely copy it as is up to the second line! But make sure you definitely change how the third line is written, alright? And for those working on the map of the school, if you can just change the placement and shapes of the trees then tracing it is A-OK!”

“A’right, gotcha!”

“A full copy is easy peasy.”

In contrast to how unethused she is about this, Akiyama-san is properly taking charge of the situation. Everyone responded to her from all over inside the classroom.

It’s fine if you want to act all smug like that but please also help us out with the work, Akiyama-san.

“Make sure you do it properly okay? If you just completely copy the book we borrowed from the library then we won’t be able to present it, okay?”


“I’m doing thaaaat.”

“…You’re not lying to me about that right?”

The replies directed towards our adviser, Saitou-sensei, lacked any enthusiasm as well.

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Sensei then approached where the huge cardboard paper was and dejectedly sat down beside me.

“Rusian… It’s tough being a teacher you meow…”

“Tough enough for you to turn into Nekohime-san in the classroom?”

Well I’m sure it’s a considerably tough job.

“I wonder if everymeowne would work on it properly… Setting aside those students who are just waiting for instructions, I meownder how I should treat the ones who independently decide when they will work or skip…”

“Isn’t it fine to just normally scold them?”

“Their meowsterpiece is at already at a level that no one could get mad at them for it. It would be wrong if I admeownish them for that.”

“This is all too complicated isn’t it?”

It seems Nekohime-san has her own convictions when it comes to teaching.

“Everymeowne in my class is a good student. There’s a feeling of solidarity, everyone gets along, and no one gets bullied. But meowtivation seems to be the one thing they all lack.”

“The one entrusted with the role of a leader is fully set on ditching work after all.”

The one in charge of leading, that is to say Akiyama-san’s— and Segawa’s— group.

The actions of the class all change greatly based on the policies enacted by the top group. In this sense, it’s not much different from guilds in the game. It simply cannot be helped.

Though for what it’s worth, they seem to be pretty excited about the sports festival. The class, that is.

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I wonder why, but it seems that one of the conditions for an event to be considered something ‘enjoyed by normies’ is that it has nothing to do with studies. I don’t fully understand their reason for it either.

“But for meow and the others, Rusian, seem to be working very seriously towards our objective here. Meow all are working as one for a common cause. Nekohime-san is cheering meow on with all her might!”

“You’re our adviser after all so please make sure you do that. Actually Sensei, if you don’t have anything to do, then how about helping us out here?”

“Neow way! If the students don’t do it themselves then there’s no point to it, is there?”

Her expression then quickly changed as Sensei looked at how everyone else was doing with a smile.

Darn it! She just goes back to acting like a teacher whenever she feels like it! That’s no fair Nekohime-san!

“Hey, that idiot over there— I’m talking to you Nishimura, come here for a sec—”

“Do you really have to abuse me verbally like that just to get my attention?!”

Just call me normally Segawa!

There’s nobody else here that would say such cruel things besides you!

“Here, look at this. It’s a map of the area around the school, but we’re thinking of making it easier to see by enlarging it. Do you think you could do the editing for that?”

“I won’t! Do that thing by hand!”

“Now see here, I’m asking you nicely, alright? Since this is about the only thing you could do, if you let this one slide then you’ll be pretty much useless to the class right? See?”

“‘See?’ doesn’t cut it.”

Look, that girl looks a bit distressed. She looking at me with such a kind face that says ‘I’m not reluctant about what you just said but putting it so bluntly like that is just…’. See?

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Thank you, classmate-whose-name-I-don’t-know. Thanks to your kind gaze, I was able to prevent my heart from breaking.

“Actually, aren’t you able to do this much on your own?”

“There’s no way I can do something like that.”

“Why you little… Grr…”

“Whaddya want?”

There’s no way someone like you who can edit videos can’t do this kind of simple thing.

Using the ‘I’m hiding the fact I’m an otaku’ card to push work on to others is unfair Schwein!

“If you have to go that far, then fine. Then in exchange I’ll have you work on the card—”

“I, I don’t want to!”

Just then, I heard a familiar voice cry out from somewhere far.

“Hey Nishimura…”

“No, it’s probably just your imagination…”

“The only one I’ll call ‘Master’ is Rusian! I can’t call anyone else that!”


“Just now, that was…”

Yeah, I heard it.

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“I told you ‘Master’ is no good! I have a husband you know!”

Why are you shouting so loudly that even other classes can hear you, Ako?

While I was feeling exhausted from this, Segawa looked at me with pity as she said,

“There’s just no helping that girl at this point…”

“But I don’t feel like getting angry at her this time.”

“…Why’s that?”

“Just imagining Ako calling other guys ‘Master’ is pissing me off.”

“You two really are peas in a pod, aren’t you?!”

I know right? You don’t have to praise us like that.

“U, uhm, Nishimura-kun? Shouldn’t you be going there?”

“I guess so. Sorry, something more urgent just came up.”

“Yeah, yeah. See you later.”

As Segawa waved her hand to chase me off, I ran towards Ako’s classroom.

Due to my wife being there, Ako’s class seems to have started getting used to seeing me there as well. For some reason, I had to help them out for a while.

And then my own job got delayed even further.

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