Chapter 2

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Part 3

Translation: Yamaking


“Well then. I’m sorry for making you gather all here even though you’re working on your class exhibits.”

Looking over us, the gathered members of Modern Electronic Communications Game Club, Master said,

“On Sunday, the day after tomorrow, would be our guild’s second attempt at the Castle Siege. Our last chance comes the week after that, however, we will still go into the upcoming siege with full intent to win. For that reason, I thought for us to have a strategy meeting today.”


Akiyama-san looked really happy saying that as she sat in front of the brand new computer desk.

Why are you sitting there?

“Uuu, I’m scared Rusian.”

“Akiyama-san isn’t going to bite so it’s fine.”

“I’m not a dog you know?”

It seems like just being around Akiyama-san caused Ako to take damage over time that she cowered in fear.

I understand that you’re scared, but you should stop clinging on to me like that. We’re in our summer uniforms after all, so that feels really soft. Actually, I can really feel it jiggling.

And, the one who was making the most unpleasant face here was Segawa.

“…Why does Nanako have a desk prepared here?”

“That’s because we’re getting help from mob characters this time. I’ve set up provisional workstations for her and Ms. Saitou to use.”

“Let’s all get along—”

“I wish you could count me-owt of this…”

What do you mean provisional? Are you going to get rid of it later?

Isn’t that even more of a hassle?

“Look here Nanako, you don’t really have to help out this silly thing you know?”

“Eeh? It looks fun though? I’ll do my best too you know?”

“……Why won’t meow direct some of that enthusiasm towards your class exhibit I wonder…”

Please don’t cry Nekohime-san.

Also, this is pretty unrelated to all of this but…

“Why do you suddenly have 10 PM windows open as soon as you log into Nekohime-san?”

“Everyone just sends mew a PM right away. Mew replying a bit to all of them is really a chore.”

“H, huh…”

As expected of a goddess. That title isn’t just for show.

“Then let’s start the meeting.”

Master clapped both of her hands together to get our attention.

Well then, what strategy are we going with?

“In order to accommodate our new members here, I’ll briefly go over our objectives.”

Master wrote ‘Occupying the Fort’ in large characters.

“The mission involves occupying one of the forts that are constructed in each town and holding it until the end of the Castle Siege. The Castle Siege’s schedule is on Sunday from 12 noon to 2 PM in the afternoon, a siege lasting two hours. During that time, we are to destroy the crystal of the occupying guild which is located deep in the fort. We will then replace it with our own crystal and protect it from there on. It’s plain and simple as that.”

“Listening to Master say it like that makes it sound very simple, right Rusian?”

“Though it’s simple enough only when put into words.”

The difficult part is actually doing it.

“We were previously able to learn a lot going to the Templar Fortress of Ray Sword before, but this time, we’re going to be targeting the one aimed for small scale groups, Fort Cantor.”

Oh, our objective looks somewhat more realistic now.

“Since Cantor is a town for beginners, the items being sold there quite low-leveled and the tax you can get from it isn’t much. The reward item for being a lord is also pretty low level, so it’s known as the fort that could only incur loss if you aim to become its lords. The current owners, ‘Emperor Sword’, are of a guild size much smaller than the guild ‘Cleaning Crew’. Their guild consists of twenty people at the most. With this, even we have a chance at victory.”

“Can we really win against them?”

“It’s fine, I tell you. Twenty people is easy peasy—”

I wonder where all this confidence Akiyama-san has is coming from.

You can’t even count as a suitable fighting force even if there were a hundred of you.

I wonder if it’s because she felt that look of doubt, but Akiyama-san cheerfully raised her hand.

“I mean, if we could start befriending that guild now, then we could ask them to let us borrow the fort for a week right? Pretty simple right?”

“We’re not doing that kind of plan!”

So you were planning on attacking that way?!

Are you saying that it’s easy befriending them since they’re just about twenty people?!

“In the worst case scenario, if we could get the one with the highest position to fight with maybe two or three of them then it should be no problem!”

“Seriously, stop that! This is for the cultural festival! It’s supposed to be a fun and peaceful event!”

“S, she’s not saying that it was just a joke…”

“If it’s Nanako, she can probably do it, I think?”

Of course right. It really feels like she can make that happen that it’s scary!

They didn’t do anything wrong, so please don’t try being a guild crusher!

“Then what do we do? Do we gather friends and let them join the guild?”

That might be plausible. If you’re going to be fighting, then numbers are important. As a plan, I think this is the correct choice. It’s correct but…

“I really don’t want more people joining Alley Cats after all.”

“Same goes for me. I don’t want people I don’t know joining us.”

“Is that so? Isn’t it better to have more allies?”

Akiyama-san said that, looking puzzled.

“Ha Ha Ha, you amateur.”

“What are you saying now?”

“This little girl really says some strange things.”

Seeing us cheerfully diss her like that, Akiyama-san tilted her head in confusion.

“…Am I the odd one out here?”

“You’re not strange at all Akiyama-san. It’s all these other guys here that are strange.”

Sensei looks as if she had already given up on us.

“Then let’s discuss our plans for the day of the actual siege. First, have a look at this data.”

Master distributed a number of printouts to all of us.

Uwa, amazing. There’s stuff about the layout of the fort and an explanation regarding that as well. There’s even info about what kind of guild setup would be the most viable in occupying the fort written on it. Just how did she manage to research all of these?

And another thing. There’s also something about reinforcements listed here.

“I’m sure she already made it clear earlier, but it would certainly be tough occupying that fort without relying on scheming. However, I do not want to do anything despicable. And so the plan I came up with was that we would hire a mercenary. There are more details about this in the first page of the material I gave you.”

“Uhm, so for our reinforcements, we’re hiring the mercenary guild ‘Wallenstein’. ‘With their overwhelming fighting force as a pivot, we will carry out our siege’ is what it says here! We gained more allies! Let’s do it Rusian!”

“Wait! Hold it! …I mean, mercenary? By mercenary, Master you don’t mean…”

“It’s as the name implies. They’re soldiers hired with money. In order to make up for our lack of numbers, we could just hire others! A good plan, don’t you think so as well?”

“Ma, Master… So in the end, you were planning on resolving this with money…?”

Segawa looked worn out as she grasped her head.

Well, we figured it would turn in to something like this anyway. Yep.

“Now don’t say that. This guild, ‘Wallenstein’, is made up of only five members.”

“Oh, huh. So it was a small scale guild huh?”

‘Then that should be fine’ is how Segawa reacted. In response to that, Master…

“But rest assured. Starting with their leader, Mr. Batz, the guild is a famous top class powerhouse in the server. They can defeat fifty people with just the five of them.”

“This is what I keep telling you! Bringing that outrageous group with us is just going to make what we’re doing meaningless right?!”

“Sensei wishes that meow all would power through this with everyone’s hard work…”

“We’re just calling for their back up. Because if you look at our numbers, comparatively, we’re still more than them after all.”

Though I think their side overwhelmingly beats us in terms of strength.

“On the day of, we will assemble ten minutes before the siege. We will carry out a short meeting with ‘Wallenstein’ and then we’ll adjust our strategy accordingly during the first hour of the siege. And for the last hour, we will be going with an all-out attack.”

“Since they’re that strong, they probably decided to just leave the trivial stuff to us, right?”

“Indeed. They’ve also received offers from other guilds, but I enticed them with a huge reward. Now then, don’t you think they’ll actively participate in this?”

Master said that with a face full of pride.

Yeah, it just became this kind of plan.

“…Lend me your ear for a sec, Nishimura.”

Segawa approached me, showing a difficult expression on her face as she said,

“In the end, Master just did something about it again using her money…”

“She’s hiring them with her in-game money and not the real one right? Then isn’t this just fine?”

“And even though she’s using money, I don’t think she’s using an absurd amount of it. That guild probably just wants compensation for their time and the consumables they’ll be using. And most of all, they’re probably just looking for a chance to go all out.”

“I get what you mean but…”

I understand your worry over this Segawa, but I’m sorry.

“This was also in one of my plans as well.”

“Haa?! You too?!”

“I mean, it can’t be helped right? We just really lack people after all.”

I was thinking of calling out to guilds I were familiar with that seemed free and pay for whatever consumables they use so long as they can run wild in there. So yeah, I was thinking of making that kind of request to them as well.

Thinking of it like that, Master really is something.

Even though we’re just a puny fighting force, her being able to drag along the server’s strongest class of mercenary with us is of course amazing.

Amazing. It’s amazing sure, but…

“Those kinds of people tend to be a bit special right? Will Master really be able to handle those people?”

“It’s not as if Master lacks the charisma to do that you know.”

“Uhm, I’m a bit scared fighting with those strong people but… You’ll protect me, won’t you Rusian? Please?”

No, no you got it all wrong. Those people are our allies.

“Hey, hey Sensei, is this guild ‘Secret Society Alpaca Ranch’ cute?”

“If you look at them closely, alpacas have a pretty scary face you know?”

“It looks like their official guild name is ‘Secret Society Alpaca Ranch ~Cutting Edge Materials of the Future~’. They’re really hardcore about wearing the Alpaca gear that’s highly resistant to ice elemental damage. If we were to face off with them, then we should use fire elemental attacks.”


TL note: The part here may be a shoutout to MAITE, a Japanese company who specializes in this stuff (


“Ooh, it’s really an alpaca.”

I wonder if the conversation between those three are matching up at all.

“Is this really going to be alright?”

“…Well, whatever will be, will be.”

With this, the Modern Electronic Communications Game Club’s second battle is close at hand.


And then, at noon on Sunday, we all gathered up in the club room.

There’s still a bit of time left before the festival, but it looks like there were a lot of students that came to school on a Sunday eagerly preparing for it.

“Now see, unlike all you students here, Sensei also has work tomorrow you know?”

“But Sensei’s workplace and the school we’re attending is the same anyway.”

“Isn’t supervising students on a day off also the work of a club adviser?”

“A club adviser’s work is unpaid meow knooooooooooooow?!”

The truth we didn’t want to know about this issue has been brought to light!

“If you have issues regarding this then I could bring it up with the board of directors.”

“No, no, that’s fine. This is what it means to be an educator after all. You don’t have to read too much into it.”

In response to Master, who seriously took what she said head on, Sensei was quite flustered.

Being a teacher seems to be pretty troublesome, yep.

“Well then, it’s almost time for the Castle Siege.”

“It’s nerve wracking isn’t it?”

Ako’s expression looks a bit stiff.

She seems really despondent about fighting with other people.

“Argh, I don’t want to dream about getting wrecked by AOEs anymore.”

“So you even dream about it…”

I’ve had quite a few dreams about the game, but that kind of dream just feels like torture.

“There were also times when it was at the part when I was shouting ‘We did it! We won! We got the fort!’ and then I wake up. Just what do you expect me to do about all that excitement before I woke up?”

“That morning, Akane was completely mad at me for no reason. Don’t you think that’s mean?”

“It can’t be helped after all. It’s like when you get a rare drop in one of those dreams and then waking up later to realize it didn’t really happen— It just makes you feel like destroying everything that comes into sight.”

“Dreams and reality are different you know?!”

“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I’m pissed that the rare item I just got isn’t here.”

“I’m pissed that the fort still isn’t ours.”

“Let’s stop getting mad at others for no reason, okay?”

For some reason, we were venting our anger at Akiyama-san.

Since she can let that all pass with a forced smile, she really is extremely tolerant for someone who’s a normie.

“Well then, it’s about time for our meetup in Legendary Age.”

“Those pro PVP players huh… I wonder what kind of people they are?”

“In other words, they’re people who likes beating up everyone that they just can’t help themselves right?”

Saying it like that makes them sound like a dangerous person so stop it.

“There are people who just want to prove to everyone that they’re strong or people who finds fun in just wrecking everything after all.”

“So aren’t they just weird people after all?”

“There are plenty of them that aren’t weird but I guess the weird ones are the ones that stand out.”

There’s someone like that in every industry.

And, that small scale strongest guild, with that alias stuck on to them— is generally, well, a weird guild.

“Mu, they have arrived.”

I looked at my screen as she said that and saw a group of players coming into the town square at Cantor.

A group of five covered in dazzlingly shiny full gear walked towards us.

Their emblem is a crest of an eagle that looks like it would fly off at any moment.

It was the guild that was ‘famous’ in more ways than one, ‘Wallenstein’.

Batz: Yo.

Korou: Hi there—

Mizuka: Hello ^^

The one at their forefront who approached us was, if I recall, their leader Batz-san. Korou-san, the same Armor Knight as me, and Mizuka-san, their healer, greeted us.

Apricot: Forgive me for making you come all the way here.

Rusian: We’re looking forward to playing with you.

Ako: We’re looking forward to playing with ypi.

“Are you seriously messing up your chat right now?”


Schwein: Hey.

Sette: Nice meeting you.

Nekohime: Meow!

Nekohime-san is pretty steadfast considering she can wrap that all up with a ‘meow’.

Those two behind them… One is carrying a bow and the other is a mage class like Master. The way they just quietly stood there and looked over us is pretty scary.

Batz: Sorry about this. We can’t form alliances near the forts, so we thought of doing it here even though it’s far away.

A notice appeared in the chat window.

[Formed an alliance with guild ‘Wallenstein’]

Ah, the actual feeling of having an alliance fight alongside you is pretty strange.

Apricot: I don’t mind. We don’t plan on fighting right away as soon the Castle Siege starts anyway.

Batz: Oh really? I was thinking of going all out as soon as it started though. lol

Looking at Batz’s gear as he laughed like that… Yeah, that’s ridiculous.

I know just by looking at it. This is a serious PVP player.

“They look quite strong…”

“Really? They don’t look that strong to me though?”

“No, no. There’s no way they’re not that ridiculously strong.”

You could see players with gear upgraded for mob grinding just about anywhere.

But for these people, their gears gives off an aura that feels like they upgraded their armor to give more MDEF foregoing more ATK in place of that— their helms, only upgrading it for more PVP damage reduction— and their weapons causing status effects with just a swing, one you would never find use in normal mob grinding.

“Upgrading all that gear without hesitation even though it’s only for PVP… These people really are hardcore.”

“I really don’t want to call someone who went with that route strong.”

You think so? I think the fact that they can reconcile with themselves into doing just that is pretty cool by itself.

Sure it may look like lightweight armor but… It really feels like gear that’s made for killing other players.

Apricot: Then let’s briefly go over about how we’re going to coordinate.

Batz: Yeah, guess so.

Korou: Then, you the tank there, should we decide on the timing for the tank swap?

Rusian: Eh… You do tank swaps in PVP too?

Korou: Ah. Then it’s fine.

Eh. No wait, explain it! Please explain!

A tank swap is that thing right? Where you have to switch out tanks for huge bosses since skill and pot cooldowns won’t make it right?! I know that!

But how the heck do you do that swap in PVP?! Huh?!

Mizuka: Ako-san, for the split of who maintains which buff, I’ll keep up Consec okay ^^?

Ako: E, eh?

Rusian: Sorry, she can’t use Consec yet so…

Mizuka: Ah, then I guess I’ll leave Sacra up to you then ^^;

“What does she mean by split who maintains what?!”

Calm down, calm down. There’s stuff like that in raid parties too.

“Having the two of you throw out the same buffs would be a huge mess so she means you’ll be splitting up who gets to buff what.”

“Then it’s fine if I just cast Sacrament right?”

“On everyone, that is.”

“……One, two, three…”

“We’re an eleven person party after all.”

Good luck healer! Yours is an important role after all.

Mizuka: I’ll be taking care of Recover for the five of us so I’ll be counting on Ako-san and Nekohime-san for your side okay? ^^

Ako: Y, yes.

Nekohime: Meow got it. Well then Ako-chan, I’ll be leaving everything up to meow!

“You’re making me do Recovery All too?!”

“I think that normally, even in parties greater than ten, only a single healer does that.”

“It’s impossibleeeeee!”

“Sensei here is basically just supposed to be spectating after all.”

“You don’t have to start acting like a teacher now of all times!”

Let’s just put Ako’s whining aside for now and proceed with our preparations.

Batz: So Sette, you’re still a low level? Your gear is pretty meh too. Then, I’ll be giving you specific orders so make sure to follow it as I say alright?

Sette: Okaaay.

Schwein: What about my bad self?

Batz: You’re a greatsword user right? Just get in there and Ran-Ran your way in.

Schwein: Ran-Ran…


TL note: Ran-Ran here is a reference to (´・ω・`)らん豚 which originated in one of the FEZ (Fantasy Earth Zero) live play threads in 2ch long ago. The first person sighted to act like this called themselves ‘Ranran’, greeted others with a ‘RanRan’, and since they were a pig, was referred to as ‘Ranbuta’ – buta meaning pig. Ranbuta basically came about due to imbalanced game settings prompting players to just spam the best thing available until they go full retard and devolve into pigs, namely, a Ranbuta. As such, the term Ran-Ran is a verb which basically means running in and using whatever game-breaking imbalanced strategy there is. Though it may be a bit similar to Leeroy, there are a lot of other implications to the word that is lost with that and it would also defeat the purpose of the pig reference, so I’ll just use it as is.


She just received an order to perform a Ranbuta, a technique from an era where games struggled back and forth from becoming a shitty game. It’s basically diving straight into the middle of enemies and just spamming around Rampage Sword.

A, are you okay Segawa? Is she not mad?

I took a peek at her and saw her hitting the keys with her unamused gaze fixed to the screen.

“So I just have to do a Ran-Ran is it? Oh I see, I get you. I get what you mean!”

“Are you okay Segawa?”

“Fine then. I’ll perform that Ran-Ran. Don’t you underestimate the might of my greatsword!”

“Y, yeah. Go get them.”

Since she’s completely only focused on her DPS, the strength of her attacks isn’t something you can just shrug off. If it’s Schew, I believe she can definitely achieve something with this.

Batz: Afterwards, you can just generally follow behind us.

Apricot: Is that vague of a plan really going to work out?

Batz: It’s fine, I’m telling you. Cantor is easy pickings. lol

Apricot: …Is that so.

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The mood seems to have turned sour.

Their attitude is really different from ours which is really, completely and utterly serious about winning this.

These people from Wallenstein are just so aloof, vague and not serious at all.

But since they know a lot more stuff that we don’t, I’m sure that they’re still much better than us even in this state.

I have a bad feeling about this dischord between us.

“Hey, hey, Rusian-kun.”

“What is it that troubles you?”

As I replied to Akiyama-san, who sat far on my side, she showed a somewhat difficult expression as she said,

“…Uhm, this isn’t what I wanted to ask, but why are you speaking so polite to me?”

“Force of habit.”

‘What do you mean habit?’, she wondered as she tilted her head. As she did that, Akiyama-san then pointed to Batz-san in the monitor.

“You know, I kind of have a bad feeling about this guy.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

True, it feels like he’s too carefree, rather, lax about this as if he’s mocking us.

I actually feel the same way you do as well.

However, it’s true that we’re all weak compared to them. Since it can’t be helped, I just try not to think about it.

“Mmm, it’s hard to explain but… He’s just giving off such a bad vibe that it feels like he’s someone you should just unfollow immediately on Twitter. Something like that?”

“And what kind of vibe is that?! What’s going to happen if you don’t unfollow him?!”

“He’s going to end up stirring up a storm online and end up dragging you with him.”

It’s not like I didn’t understand that, but!

This guy really seems like a friend that would just cause you trouble down the line if you ever get acquainted with him!

“Now, now, don’t think that poorly of someone you just met. They’re are allies after all.”

“Mmm, I think my intuition is pretty accurate though.”

[The Castle Siege will now commence]

As we tried to calm down the dissatisfied Akiyama-san, it got me thinking.

That this person’s intuition might really be accurate.


And then, we arrived at Fort Cantor.

Since it was an unpopular fort, there were no guilds attacking it.

The enemy’s numbers aren’t that great either. You can see a small number of their lookout on top of the outer walls.

Rusian: I wonder if they noticed us? They seem to be forming a defensive line at the entrance.

Batz: Then you, low-levels… Sette and Ako, run separately along the side of the walls with one going north and one south.

Ako: Eh

Sette: Whyyy?

Batz: It’s fine, just do it. Make one lap around it and then come back here.

The two of them wondered what to do as they directed their gaze towards me.

No, no, even if you look at me, I’m not the commander you know?

“For now, just do as he says and let’s see what happens.”


“Is it okay to just run around the fort? There’s people there right?”

And so, off the two went, running.

Since they were running around close to the fort, the players above the outer walls naturally bombarded them with offensive spells. Arrows, swords and spears came flying down as well.

Ako: We’re under attack!

Nekohime: Run away meow two!

Batz: Ok, ok. Run! But make sure you run along the fort walls.

Ako and Sette-san gradually kept getting farther and farther from us.

A number of the defenders then came running after them as if they were bait.

Some time after checking up on their frontline, Batz-san readied his sword.

Batz: Alright. That took some people off their frontlines. Let’s go!

You made them run around for that purpose?!

So you were seriously just treating them as some kind of bait.

Ako: Are we just a decoy?!

Sette: Eeh, isn’t that kinda mean?

Batz: You can die any time you’d like but just keep dragging them around like that for now! lol

“What the heck is that? If you wanted a decoy then just go do that yourselves.”

Segawa moved her mouse around wildly as she said that.

Using the very employers who hired them as decoy is just unacceptable.

“You may call it cruel if you want… but as a tactic, it’s the correct choice to make. Only in that regard though.”

This is especially true for the low-leveled Sette-san who would otherwise be useless.

Having her pull away a number of them may very well be making very efficient use of her.

If you’re only aiming to win, using a number of strategies like this may be the correct option but—

“…This isn’t how I’d like to fight.”

Taking in what I have just said, Master also frowned.

Of course right. Even now when Schwein isn’t is of much use to the siege, or even when Ako keeps messing up, Master has never forsaken any of her friends. That’s what our guild, Alley Cats is.

It was simply not the kind of guild that would order you to lure people around asking you to die.

Batz: Let’s keep up this pace and break their formation.

“We can say what we want, but it can’t be helped. Let’s go.”

“I’ll let off this steam on these guys instead!”

“Eei, let’s do this!”

We left Ako and Sette-san behind and I went with Schwein to rush their line of defense.

Even I had some practice you know! If it’s just a twenty man guild then I should be able to slip past through them!

“Alright, let’s go!”

“I’ll stick you all like pigs!”

Even though it was clearing up a bit, they’re still firing off their barrage of long range attacks. But just as we practiced, we went to slip through the cracks.

I even received gear from Schew which raises my MDEF. And, as we intended, we slipped past the magic circles, evaded their archers and made it up close!

Right as we somehow made it in front of their defense line, the enemy vanguards stood in our way.

An Armor Knight wielding a shield and a spear faced off against me.

“The enemy’s vanguard has come up to the front! You can hit them now!”

“If you come up to the front like that then its you who will be in range of our magic spells! Smash them!”

In a face off between two tanks, it becomes a battle of who can trust their backline DPS more.

I block one of his attacks and then proceeded to stun him afterwards. If we can dwindle down their numbers one by one like this then—

As I was in the middle of thinking that, a silhouette passed by my field of vision.

Batz: You don’t have to stop here lol.

With movement that looked like he just slipped in from the side, Batz-san sliced with his dual wield swords in a flash.

The enemy who was right in front me suddenly had their HP drop down to half.

The enemy, thinking of retaliating on him with the spear, was easily evaded and he slipped past their back.

He swung his dual wield swords yet again. With that, the enemy knight’s HP dropped to zero.

Uh, err, what am I supposed to, if you…

“…Huh? What was that just now?”

“Now that’s a lotta damage.”

“Sure there’s the damage but…”

What’s amazing here isn’t just the damage.

He was able to keep his focus on me, the Armor Knight who charged in while the barrage was letting up, and was able to precisely single out the closest enemy and make their way towards them.

And when I was about to attack, he even beat me to it. With full understanding of his skill’s delay, he then cancelled it to magnificently evade a counterattack by the enemy whom he already had a full read on from the start.

As another attack from behind slaughtered the said vanguard, he immediately went and rushed right in the middle of the enemy lines. Since his opponents are all lightweights in comparison, he completely destroyed them all— That move was something I could never emulate in a lifetime.

As if I can even attempt something like this.


TL note: As this is a reference to RO, Batz’s move is most likely a reference to how you can cancel Sonic Blow’s animation delay by ‘dancing’. This is a move where you perform Sonic Blow, tap another grid to move and then quickly perform Sonic Blow on said target again. 


“Just when I thought their barrage was weakening, the archers on their backline are dropping likes flies.”

“These guys really gave them no quarter.”

“Uuu, I still haven’t done a single lap—”

“I— am— so— bored—”

Ako and Sette-san were still running around the fort.

Sorry you two. I’m really sorry.

“…We didn’t even need to do anything.”


While we basically did nothing, the people from ‘Wallenstein’ broke down the enemy’s defensive line.

And there wasn’t even any clean up to do. They completely destroyed it.

They wiped them so clean it all seemed like a joke.

Korou: This is the easiest point to defend so all that’s left is just menial work. We’re pushing.

Rusian: Okay.

Korou-san of the same tank job, stood shoulder to shoulder with me and advanced further into the fort.

Even the two defensive lines in the courtyard were no match. With a speed comparatively better than mine, Korou-san charged into the edge of that line and swung his shield around. The members of ‘Emperor Sword’ couldn’t even resist as they all went down.

“What the heck is this?”

“This cannot be.”

I couldn’t do anything but be disheartened as I watched.

Ako: Please wait for me Rusian—

Rusian: Oh, Ako, you finally caught up?

Ako finally caught up to our group’s tail end. It seems that the ones chasing her have also come back.

I waited for Ako who was being chased by that formation from quite the distance.

I guess I really can’t get motivated without her around.

As I heard the tap, tap, tapping of Ako’s footsteps— I also heard the soft sounds of another set of footsteps nearby.


This is the sound of an Assassin moving around with Stealth!

“Ako, this is bad! There’s an Assassin hiding somewhere!”

“Eeeh? W, where is it?!”

Shaken, Ako completely stopped in her tracks!

Wait, that’s the worst thing you could do! You shouldn’t stop moving!

Loki • F: Hyaaa!

The assassin’s dagger was closing in on Ako from behind as she stopped moving.

This is bad! Her back is completely open! With Ako’s gear, she could instantly die!


With a smack,

Ako recklessly swung her staff and beat Loki-san down.

But the unrelenting Loki-san tried swinging his dagger again. However.

“Something was there! Something came out of there! Kyaa! Kyaaaaa!”

Due to Ako’s random swinging of her staff, Loki-san’s attack motions kept getting interrupted.

Loki • F: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Whether it was her hand or her legs, any attack that aimed for her was met with a ‘Twinkle ☆’. Even if he saw an opening, it would be blocked with a ‘Twinkle ☆’.

“U, uwah…”

“Kyaa, kyaaaa! Rusian, help!”

“Y, yeah.”

I could only feel pity for Loki-san who kept getting staggered by normal attacks, but this was not the time for that.

Anyway, I have to go and save Ako!

Batz: You’re a pest!

Loki • F: Uwaaaaaaaa!

Batz-san, who suddenly came back from nowhere, defeated Loki-san with one hit.

Batz: Let’s get going already.

Rusian: A, ah yeah.

How pitiful, that Loki-san.

Though it’s nice that they don’t officially drop skulls here…


TL note: In normal PVP in RO, players drop skulls with their name on them upon death. It’s usually used to just shame other people.


The main force had already pushed without us.

I had also thought that the final defense line of the current lords should be pretty tough but,

Batz: We’re all going in so you guys can just watch over here.

Mizuka: I’m also charging in so we’ll leave the back to you ^^

Rusian: All of you? Hey, wai—

Just as he said, the caster and the archer that were previously at the backlines went diving in with them without any hesitation. And they all went wild in there.

“Aren’t they doing just fine with the five of them…”

“As regrettable as it may be, we must stop ourselves from thinking that.”

As we saw the mercenary guild ‘Wallenstein’ easily break the crystal of the current lords, we all felt our motivation get sucked away from us.

Apricot: In any case, if we can place our crystal here then it should be fine.

Batz: Yeah, that’s right.

Master firmly placed our crystal on top.

An azure glow enveloped the lord’s room and an announcement came out in the chat window.

[‘Alley Cats’ has occupied ‘Fort Cantor’]

“…There’s no sense of any accomplishment is there…”

“I didn’t wish for meow to clear this challenge like this.”

“That’s not something you have the luxury of saying…”

Even though Master chided her for that, you’re the one who looks the most dissatisfied about this you know?

Batz: Well then, go and defend that place where we just destroyed their defense line. We’ll hide in the back and attack any incoming enemies from behind.

Rusian: Roger that.

Command has already been completely taken from us, the Alley Cats and we formed a defense line in the courtyard as ordered.

Sette: A group in the distance is making its way here—

Rusian: Roger… Wait, Sette-san, where were you at?

Sette: There’s no sense even if I came back so I was just watching from up above.

Ah, she really has a knack for this. That was a great decision.

That’s pretty rare to find in the people around me so it feels really refreshing.

Batz: Looks like it’s Emperor Sword again. We’ll get it over with in a jiffy so just keep them stranded there with AOEs.

Apricot: I understand.

The ones who came over again were none other than the ones who just got their fort taken, ‘Emperor Sword’.

It seems that they let their anger take over as they tried to push inside the fort, but they were easily stopped by Master’s large AOE magic.

Batz: A’right, let’s go!

With that signal, ‘Wallenstein’ attacked them from behind.

I really don’t want to be on the receiving end of this attack.

“Uwa, they’re getting knocked back into the AOE. And he got three of them with just that one swing.”

“Mu, it seems my Meteor hit them.”

As long as it can hit them, Master’s damage is not just for show.

The three who received a direct hit of the meteor got completely erased.

“I’ve attached two Strike Damage: Flame on my gear in preparation for today. My damage should be even higher!”

“Using another one of those special enchants…”

Before the enemy could counterattack, Batz-san and the others dragged them into a melee, allowing Master to hide the activation of her Meteor. They then slid them right into it and launch another attack.

And so ‘Emperor Sword’, numbering about 25 people, was defeated again without being able to put up any resistance.

Batz: Ah, they’re seriously all scrubs.

As someone who is able to defeat 50 people with just the 5 of them, he easily blurted that out.


The current time is 1:50PM.

“Only ten minutes left huh.”

“Guess so.”

In response to Master who was looking at the clock, Segawa let out a dull reply.

“This is no fuuun.”


Akiyama-san had already taken her hands off of her keyboard and even Ako doesn’t look like she’s having any fun.

Even though ‘Emperor Sword’ kept coming back a bunch of times, along with some other guilds we haven’t seen before, ‘Wallenstein’ just completely massacred them all.

Is this really how strong a small number of elite yet well coordinated guilds are?

I mean, I knew about it but this was even more than I had imagined.

Batz: Aaah it’s all just a bunch of scrubs. Boooriiing—

Mizuka: It’s Cantor after all ^^;

Korou: It’s because we’re just too strong.

I know you’re just bragging, but could you not do it in front of us who were actually struggling to get that fort?

“Hey Nishimura-kun.”

Akiyama-san poked at my shoulder.

Whatever might be troubling you? Also please don’t stick your face so close to me, it’s scaring me.

“Aren’t these people dangerous after all?”

“Well yeah, they’re dangerously strong.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

As if agreeing to what Akiyama-san said, Ako looked uneasy as she also shook her head.

“Me too… I have a bad feeling about them.”

“Ah, you get what I’m saying Ako-chan? It’s like, they just really give off a bad vibe right? These kinds of people.”

“Bad vibes is not really…”

Their conversation is just so abstract that I can’t really follow.

“What do you think Segawa?”

I asked the opinion of my partner who was silently staring at the screen.


But my dependable partner was making this kind of face → (´・ω・`) as she said,




“Schwein is just a piggy so she can’t understand big words.”

“Get a hold of yourself Segawa!”

She went full retard!

Relying on others in this shitty game did a complete Ran-Ran on her mind and completely broke her down!


“(´・ω・`) Boink Boink?”


TL note: This is still related to the Ranbuta from before. It’s the emoticon associated with them. Also, the phrase here is also another one usually used by these people which roughly means ‘You want a piece of me?’


“I’m not doing that! I’m seriously going to have you shipped off.”

Since she’s actually a pig it’s hard to take a jab at her!

“…Well, I don’t really care. If we can have our school’s seal up there and take that SS then our preparations with the cultural festival is done right? It’s good that we have it easy.”

With a look of resignation, Segawa stretched out her back as Master shrugged.

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“Don’t let your guard down. It’s not over yet.”

Nekohime: She’s absomeowtly right. It’s an excursion until meow get home!

“That really sounds like something a teacher would say right?”


Nekohime: Meow are so mean ><


TL note: The line ‘It’s an excursion until you get home’ is one said by teachers to younger students upon going home to make sure they take caution until they do get home (meaning you’re not really safe yet unless you’ve made it back home).


And just like she said, a message came from Batz-san.

Batz: Well then, we’ll go back back to town and resupply to prepare for the last round. We’ll be right back.

Apricot: I understand.

The members of Wallenstein returned to town using their recall items.

“It’s dangerous to idle around while they’re not here. Until they get back, let’s concentrate on our defenses and—”

It was exactly at that moment when Master issued that order.

A system message appeared in our chat window.

[Alliance with ‘Wallenstein’ has been dissolved]


What? What the heck is happening?

The alliance was dissolved? Our alliance with those people?

“Eh? You can dissolve alliances during the siege?”

“As long as all the members of the guild are in town, then it’s possible.”

“T, then… That means… Uhm…”

Ako fearfully said that.

“What happens now that they dissolved the alliance like this?”

“That means that their attacks will be able to hit us from now on.”

“That’s the worst thing that could happen now right?!”

Yeah, it sure is.

“Hey, I told you before right? That they were a dangerous bunch.”

I really should’ve believed in this person’s intuition.

“We still don’t know if they’ll do anything.”

Is what Master said, but I can’t really expect much from those words.

Nekohime: They did say to everymeow that they’d be right back.


And then, Batz appeared in front us, who were trying to defend our crystal.

None of his allies are here.

It was only a single, yet also the most powerful— ‘enemy’.

Apricot: What is the meaning of this Batz?

Batz: Sorry for tricking but it’s all just business. I’ll have you die here.

Batz was grinning and laughing as he took up his sword.

Apricot: Was this… a trap?! That can’t be!

Master looked surprised as she suddenly spread out her arms while saying that.

Why is she so needlessly in high spirits about that?!

Batz: Your opponent is me alone. See if you can stop me. lol

Apricot: Intercept him!

“That’s not as simple as it sounds!”

I don’t think we can actually stop him.

Even though numbers are an overwhelming force in PVP, the solitary strongest fighting force can also be just as overwhelming.

I have to say, this person isn’t really someone a group of scrubs like us can defeat even if we group up on him.

“If he gets through us then he’ll be able to turn this around… Darn it!”

I thought of getting at least a stun in so I threw my Bash around but he speedily evaded it and proceeded to cut down Sette-san in one hit.

Sette: You’re mean Bat-tsun.

Akiyama-san let out an ‘Oh no!’ as she raised both of her hands.

“At this rate…”

Segawa swung her greatsword around but he completely saw through that skill’s activation and motion.

In order for Schew to throw a huge move like that, she had to take several steps. During that motion, he used a gap closer.

Nekohime: Me-owch!

With Nekohime-san’s healing, she could top us up right away. However, Batz moved diagonally from us and put Nekohime-san in between us to act as a wall so we couldn’t get any attacks in. Just like that, Nekohime-san fell.

Nekohime: How meowrtifying…

“Let’s attack him together!”

“I’ll match you!”

I understand what Schew’s trying to do.

She’s not going to use a small move this time either. She’ll definitely cancel her gap closer and use a big AOE move here.

“I’ll do a Ran-Ran just like you said so eat this!”

Schwein shot from the hip and swung her greatsword in a large arc.

The AOE of this skill is huge so he shouldn’t be able to avoid it. Or so we thought…

Counter! Counter! Counter!

“You’re kidding me right?!”

“You can actually counter that?!”

That attack that swings the greatsword around is supposed to hit you three times.

But to think you can actually do something like that… I haven’t even heard of such a thing in the generals you know?!


TL note: Generals are short for general threads which are what you call a thread dedicated to a specific topic in imageboards (2ch, 4ch)


“This is impossible—”

He was even able to make use of Schwein’s very own DPS against her. Just like that, she was defeated by her very own three-hit consecutive attack.

“Darn it!”

Bash is still on CD so I can’t get a stun in.

No, even if I do get one in, my damage alone is not enough to…

“This— is— impossible—!”

No matter how many hits or slashes I do, he just evades them all.

In a situation I could only describe as merciless, he got me too.

Batz: Here’s the last one.

Apricot: Kuh!

Before Master could even fire off the spell she was casting, Batz closed in on her.

She took one, two, three, four hits.

This was all about a mage who is built for PVE can endure.

Needless to say— That was it.

Apricot: T, this can’t beeeeeeeeeeeee!

“Master, your death cry sounds like that of a villain.”

“This sounds like something that a king would scream after getting stabbed in a back by a knight he couldn’t keep in check right?”

Our crystal got shattered into pieces.

[‘Wallenstein’ has occupied ‘Fort Cantor’]

Batz: Easy win. lol

Apricot: Kuh, why Batz? Why would you betray us? I was sure the reward I promised you should’ve been enough! It was worth much more than what you could gain from occupying this fort right?!

Batz: I don’t really care about the money. lol

Batz said that as he looked down on us.

Batz: It’s clear as day that betraying you here would be more amusing right? lol

‘This is seriously funny!’, said Batz. And true to his words, he was laughing his heart out.

[The Castle Siege has just concluded]

Along with a message signaling the end of the Castle Siege, an announcement mentioning the new owners of the castles are also displayed.

Of course, Alley Cats was nowhere to be found there.

Damn it, this is a tragedy resulting in not being able to defend for just the last ten minutes of the siege.

Apricot: …I understand. If you feel that way then it can’t be helped.

The Castle Siege has ended so the players who died inside the fort are now automatically resurrected.

Master, who struggled a bit as she got up, raised her head and said,

Apricot: If you’re saying that you betrayed us simply for your own pleasure, then it was due to my own lack of capacity that I was not able to see through your true disposition. That was unexpectedly immature of me.

Batz: Eh, ah, oh?

Apricot: If you’re also saying that this betrayal was amusing, then perhaps our paths will cross again. That is, if you would continue on chasing after these shallow pleasures of yours. Later then, guild ‘Wallenstein’.

Master said that as she walked away without even looking back. She then magnificently headed out of the fort.

Batz: …Well that ended plainly. Here I was thinking she would’ve raged more.

Rusian: Our Master is an ikemen after all.

Batz: It feels like I just lost this one. lol

‘Well, that’s fine’, said Batz as he stored away his sword and went to sit on the lord’s throne.

Batz: Well, this is my fort now.

Schwein: …You little shit.

Schwein left that one statement as she violently stormed out of the lord’s room.

Aah, she’s pretty mad.

Batz: Ah, people acting like that is much more relaxing.

Rusian: You’re quite the difficult fellow as well…

He’s strong, but annoying so I guess just a strange person over all. Not to mention he’s also quite the pro.

Good grief. Thinking that, I shrugged as I turned my back on this place.

Rusian: Well, I’m going too. Come on Ako, let’s go back.

Ako came out of hiding from a corner when I called out to her.

Ako: …Yes.

Don’t look so down. We couldn’t help it after all.

The Modern Electronic Communications Game Club’s second Castle Siege ended after a lot of things had happened.


“Nyeoooooow! Just like that, I’ve added another bad memory for meow students!”

The first one to grasp their head in despair was Sensei.

Though it’s true that we added another useless experience on to our list.

“Isn’t this just another lesson learned for us?”

“‘Believing in others will cause you to fail’ is not something I would want meow to learn at school!”

Though I think it would cause even more trouble if I didn’t learn that now while at school.

“Besides, I feel pretty refreshed. Leeching off someone we don’t know and winning like that is just boring and meaningless.”

“I guess. That’s really not our style at all. It’s just that… I’m really pissed off that they got us like that.”

“I suppose I should have also told you the moment we met them that I felt something like that was going to happen.”

You already realized it that time too? As expected of a genius normie.

So she can tell such things just by meeting someone for the first time huh. That’s an amazing sense for danger you have there.

“We don’t need a meeting for what happened this time no? We got betrayed and lost. That’s simply it.”

“Aah darn it. That was such a waste of time. Nanako, let’s go home.”

“Hmm… This result just feels unsatisfying right?”

“There’s still next week. I don’t intend on giving up.”

Master said that as she looked like her usual confident self.

At least, that’s how she appeared.


Metallic sounds of hitting nails, as well as the sound of a band playing a piece for what seems to be a dance on the stage could be heard everywhere in school during this period before the festival.

Contrary to the lively mood surrounding us, Ako and I were silent.

“It looks like everyone’s progressing pretty well—”

“…I guess so.”

“We’ll have to do our best as well.”

“…I guess so.”

“You think so?”

“I guess so.”


Why is she ignoring me?!

Did I say something wrong?!

I’m normally the one treats her like this, but her doing that to me is rare.

I’m just surprised, somewhat depressed and quite shaken up by this.

Don’t tell me this is another one of Ako’s tactics?

Like if someone who always approaches you for everything suddenly stops doing that, you’d be curious right?

O, or don’t tell me… She thinks I’m too weak in-game that she wants to break up with me…?!

I can’t say that’s not the case. After all, I was helpless against those players from Wallenstein.


While I trembling at those thoughts, I snuck a glance at Ako. She looked straight down on the ground while muttering a few words.

“Rusian, I’m sorry.”

“Wai, what are you apologizing for this time?!”

Is she really going to break up with me?! That’s scaring me!

“I, wasn’t able to do anything…”


Err, what are we talking about again?

“I’m talking about when that scary person attacked us at the end.”

When Ako finally raised her head up, my eyes met with hers.

She doesn’t look that depressed about it. It looks more like she just thinks a bit ill of Batz.

“Ah, that last part when Batz arrived huh?”

“Yup… I was only able to watch…”

True, Ako was just hiding in the corner as she watched everything unfold.

While it’s true that she didn’t do anything, that wasn’t a situation where we could’ve won if she tried to do anything.

If she got in range for her heals, I think she would’ve been the one slashed by him in place of Sette-san.

“Even Nekohime-san died without being able to do anything so I don’t think anything would’ve changed that outcome.”

“That might be so but…”

Even though I followed her up saying it couldn’t be helped, she still doesn’t seem to be convinced about it.

“You didn’t do anything wrong Ako. You don’t have to feel responsible about this you know?”

“I think… it’s different from responsibility.”

It looked kind of, like— she was staring straight into my eyes, looking for the words to describe it.

“I think this is probably a feeling of regret. At least, that’s how I feel.”

Regret huh?

True, it was a battle that was riddled with regrets.

“I’ve regretted a lot of things before. Like when I said something strange which made everyone hate me, or when I messed up and got scolded… Or when I did something uncalled for and just ended up causing trouble for everyone…”

As Ako’s pale cheeks bathed in the rays of the setting sun, a single line of liquid ran across it.

“But those were all mostly because of the unwanted stuff that I did. Everything I do just ends up being useless… so I thought that I should live without doing anything.”


“That’s why, it’s been such a long time since I’ve thought ‘Why didn’t I do anything?’. Seeing our crystal get destroyed so awfully like that while I just stood aimlessly made me really, really regret it.”

So that’s what Ako was thinking.

She regrets her powerless self that couldn’t do anything— but more than that, she regrets herself for not having attempted to even do anything.

That’s— that’s… just great!

“That’s wonderful progress!”

I pat Ako on the back.

Yeah. This is a good thing!

“W, what?”

“This is good progress Ako! No. To me, I think this is great progress! It feels like you’ve leveled up.”

“E, eeh? Is that so?”

“That is so! You’re much more amazing than me!”


Running away from things that you don’t like.

Running away from bothersome things.

Running away from things that basically don’t fall under your responsibility.

Me and Ako are those kinds of miserable creatures, but being able to regret running away from something is huge progress!

“I mean, I’m someone who keeps thinking everyday that it would’ve been better if I didn’t do anything after all!”

“Everyday you say?!”

“Every time I talk to someone, I keep thinking afterwards that ‘Ah! I really shouldn’t have said that!’ or something like that.”

Except for Ako that is. Though, I really should have mentioned that first.

“So Rusian too huh…”

“I won’t mess up if I just keep my mouth shut after all. Even though I keep thinking that it’s better to just keep quiet and not do anything, I still regret it quite a lot.”

In that sense, the feeling of regret over not having done anything before is important.

“Anyway, it’s a good thing. ‘It’s better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven’t’ is a famous saying after all. And sayings like that are usually right about those things.”

“Please wait Rusian.”

As I nodded to that thought, Ako pulled at my sleeve while she raised her hand, as if she to say ‘Me, me!’.

“But for that saying, I think it’s usually the opposite that applies in net games you know?”

“That’s not something you should point out.”

I would like not to hear any opinions about that.

Even though I tried covering up my ears, Ako was persistent about what she had to say.

“Didn’t you just say it yesterday Rusian? Remember? That time when you were enchanting your gear with the PVP-focused enchant ‘Prophecy of Izanagi’ that raises max HP. You said ‘Just one more success in a row and I’ll still be net 5M positive!’ as you forcibly went with the upgrade.”

“Stop talking about me breaking my gear!”

Stooooooooooop! I don’t want to hear it!

“After that, you said ‘If I had just stopped before that last upgrade… I did something I shouldn’t and it resulted in such a…'”

“I did say that! I did say it, but!”

“There’s that thing with Schew too who got roped by Master into rolling the gacha last month. She said ‘I won’t stop until I get at least one rare!’ as she rolled. But then afterwards she said ‘I shouldn’t have done that! I will never roll on gachas ever again!’ and declared three times that month that she will never gacha again.”

“I told you I don’t want to hear any of it!”

The reason why she wants to cure Master of her P2W habits is probably because she doesn’t want anyone pointing out her weakness for such things.

In the first place, the cause of all that was due to Master making her try it out just once.

“It’s fine. It’s just in the game after all, so it’s fine to give it a try. You might regret it later, but at least it was fun the moment you tried it. Probably.”

“That seems to really appeal to only living for the moment. Is that really alright?”

Ako is even getting worried too.

“But… next time, I’d like to do the best I can as well. I may regret it later, but I’ll regret it after having done my best.”

“Good, good.”

Ako is quite positive about this.

That’s a good thing you know.

Ako putting forth her best foot forward is a pretty rare scenario but it’s somewhat cute.

She’s clenched her fist tightly saying ‘I’ll do my best!’.

“That’s why, I’ll do my best and win! Since it has come to this, I wouldn’t want to regret it after all!”


We both firmly agreed with that sentiment.


That’s all fine and dandy but…

“Besides Ako saying that she wanted to win, we didn’t really work out a plan.”

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A man who easily breaks a promise he made to his wife will be deserted right away— is something I may or may not have heard from somewhere before.

Anyway, for the next Castle Siege, Master will be taking the initiative. I suppose I’ll hear out what she has planned.

And so, it was the lunch break of the next day. I’ve arrived at the student council’s room.

In this period where every student seems to be devoted to preparing for the cultural festival, this room alone seems to be in a state of business as usual that it stands out.

The student council seems to be busy about a lot of things so I guess they don’t really have to leeway to put anything out.

“Excuse me—”

I tried knocking on the door.

“Come on in.”

An elegant voice replied to my call. There didn’t seem to be other replies other than that so I’m a bit relieved.

“Pardon me for intruding—”

“…Oh, if it isn’t Rusian.”

In the student council’s room, Master was sitting in front of the table alone.

Alone. That’s right, completely alone.

Uhm, there are other members in the student council besides Master right?

Aren’t they making her do all the work? Is this really alright?

“Err, good work today Pres.”

Master looked a bit tired so I tried saying that.

“Would you please stop that? It feels unpleasant.”


I got told off for saying a simple thing. Though, I’m not that vexed about it.

I just thought that it would nice to say it from time to time.

“I mean, if there were others around I normally call you Pres right?”

“What’s with you acting like a total stranger? I don’t mind if you just call me ‘Kyou’, full of respect and affection you know?”

She grinned and laughed.

Ah, she’s messing with me right now.

And knowing that,

“Alright I understand, Kyou.”

I tried calling her simply that.



“…Could you please not blush while you sit in silence there?!”

You’re red up to your ears Master!

Even though you were fine with that much skinship before, this is the thing that embarrasses you?!

“Forgive me, it’s the first time that any male besides my father has called me by name so that made my heart skip a little.”

“I’m fine with that not happening!”

So she’s the type that gets her heart pounding due to a mental attack like this rather than physical contact huh?

Though I’m sorry but I have my hands full with just the flags from my other bothersome girl.

“So then, did you need something? Did something happen with Ako-kun again?”

“For starters, could you stop assuming that it’s always about Ako?”

For mine and Ako’s sake as well.

“It’s about the Castle Siege. The next is going to be the last one so I figured we really needed to work out a plan. But if you’re in the middle of something right now, I can just come by later.”

“Ah no, I was about to think about the plan for that as well.”

I took at what Master held in her hand as she said that and found her holding a map of Fort Cantor printed on a piece of paper.

There’s a bunch of notes written everywhere.

I knew Master still hasn’t given up yet.

“Then that’s perfect. Have you decided on what we’ll do for the next one? Do you think it’ll work out?”

“…To be completely honest, it’s tough.”

Master straightened her back a little as she fixed her gaze unto the ceiling.

“If I look for another mercenary guild again, we should be able to do the same strategy that we did last time. We might even be able to occupy the fort eventually. —However, the hard part comes after that.”

Master tapped her pen on the desk.

This is quite the rare behavior from someone who’s usually as calm and composed as Master.

“The reason why we were barely able to defend the fort last time was wholly due the efforts of the guild ‘Wallenstein’. And due to not being able to lift even a finger against the overwhelming might of these mercenaries, that huge army’s pride must’ve suffered quite a bit. It was entirely due to them that the other small and medium scale guilds couldn’t even participate in that siege.”

“They were ridiculously strong after all. They probably would’ve won if they brought in more people, but that would put them too far into the red.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve experienced the disparity in player skill in MMORPGs. Their ideology aside, I have to give them merit for their ability.”

Master then made the pen dance around in her hand.

“I have to hasten with my strengthening of ‘Apricot’ as well. I’ve prepared gear that allows me to continue casting even if I get hit but…”

“So you bought that?”

The prices for that thing have soared ever since the Castle Sieges started right? Just how many millions did you pay for it?

“But even so, if I get in range of a melee DPS, I won’t be able to do anything. That is where I’ll need to come up with a breakthrough solution. Do you have any ideas?”

“Hmm, there’s stuff like Reflect Potions too. It’s a potion that lets you activate the same effect as an Armor Knight’s Reflect Damage for a very short period of time. You’ll be burning a lot of millions in that instant, but there seem to be people who use it as a last resort.”

“Umu, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Make sure you don’t use it too much. It’ll put you in the red after all.

“However… These stopgap solutions of ours won’t match up to an ace like theirs.”

“But there’s not much people who are like that.”

“That there is the problem.”

Master was seriously pondering about it as she said,

“If I were to hire normal mercenaries instead of a small elite group like them, then it would simply turn into a battle of numbers. That is not acceptable. After we take the fort, a large scale guild could drop by and beat our numbers down just to kill time.”

“…That could happen.”

Diplomatic relations between guilds is such a complicated and bizarre thing.

There are cases of these large guilds attacking a fort because it’s occupied by a small guild, but then they get attacked behind by a famous guild’s reinforcements.

It’s not difficult to take a fort down once and occupy it.

The method on how you’ll defend it is the much harder part.

“It seems that the guild we fought last time, ‘Emperor Sword’, has entered into an treaty with a large guild. It may only look like a non-aggression pact in paper, but that large guild may drop by and help them in the event that their fort gets taken.”

“A practical alliance huh…”

Nekohime’s Elite Guard lost to something like that too right?

If they keep chipping away at something without giving it a break, then it’ll be sure to fall this time around.

“In a normal war, it’s usually the defending side who has it easy, but I guess this is not the case for the game.”

“It doesn’t matter no matter how many times you die after all.”

If everyone only has one life, then the one defending would have it easier. But in cases where the number of deaths don’t matter, a scenario where getting breached even once would spell defeat is not impossible. As such, defending is not a simple task for the defending group.

“In the first place, even if we do end up hiring mercenaries again, we still need to carry our own weight. There’s no meaning to it if we take the castle without everyone there like last time. We are not that kind of guild.”

“Yeah. I feel bad for Sette-san.”

Ako’s also pumped up about it this time, so I’d like for her to come with us.

‘I want to do my best with everyone’.

Even if we don’t win, I don’t want Ako to regret not having done anything.

“Well then, ‘What shall we do about it?’— is the problem we have right now.”


I have a few ideas.

How to break out of this deadlock, and also how to make it fun for everyone.

“How about for example—”

Just as I was about to give out my idea, Master stopped me with her hand.

“No. You don’t have to say it.”


“I know you must have some ideas too Rusian, but just leave this one to me. This was something I originally came up with after all. I intend on seeing it through to the end. There’s no need for you to shoulder this burden with me.”

“It’s not a burden at all.”

Though there are things that are too heavy of a burden that it would be better to rely on your friends or others.

“This is your first cultural festival, is it not Rusian? You need not think about unnecessary things and just enjoy what lies ahead. You can rely on me for those trivial matters.”

This is the first time I’ve heard Master say the words ‘rely on me’ with such a hesitant face.

“But you know…”

“Ah, more importantly, it’s about today’s club activities. I requested Ako to do it, but we have something interesting prepared for today. So, could you arrive later than usual?”

“A, ah… yeah.”

Master quickly changed the topic.

Since something regarding Ako popped out, I instinctively nodded to it.

“Then, I’ll be counting on you.”


I didn’t have any time to refuse.

I left the student council’s room, dissatisfied.

“Come on, isn’t this the thing I was talking about?”

Shouldn’t we have talked about it more? Maybe I could’ve worded things differently? Or maybe I should’ve just kept quiet and listened to what Master had to say? —these were all the regrets that I had.


I went to the club room late like I was told to.

While having mixed feelings about this, I open the door to the club room.


“Welcome back, master!”

Ako, wearing a maid outfit, welcomed me with a dazzling smile as she held a silver tray.


I think I’ve somewhat matured for not reflexively closing the door on her.

Inside the usual Modern Electronic Communications Game Club room was one of its usual members.

But her outfit is completely different from the usual. She was wearing a maid outfit which emphasized on the color black.

And it wasn’t just Ako.

Master, the one who took the position of head maid and was looking over here—

Segawa, who was grinning as she watched—

And Akiyama-san, who for some unexplained reason was also mixed into the bunch—

Are all wearing maid outfits.

And it’s not those cheap maid cosplay stuff either. It’s a gothic maid outfit made out of fine fabric.

Now this is what you call a proper maid.

“Is something the matter, master?”

“No, uhh…”

Not to mention, even Ako’s hair is in a ponytail.

This is much more effective than usual!

Her nape, ears, and her face from the side… Seeing all these parts of her that I don’t usually get to see has struck a critical hit in my heart!

“Look, look! How is it? It fits her right?”

So the one who fixed up Ako’s hair was Akiyama-san huh! Darn it, I can’t even complain!

And actually, she’s not even an otaku or anything, but why does that maid outfit look good on Akiyama-san? Did she change something about her hair or makeup to match the outfit?

“Please have a seat master.”

“Y, yeah.”

Even though I can see she’s a little embarrassed about it, Segawa is unexpectedly going along with all of this as she led me to my seat.

Just like she said, I sat myself down on the chair.

“Please call on us once you have decided on your order.”


Segawa looks like she’s used to this.

But even if she asks me that, I don’t know what it is I can order. And, I was thinking about that, Ako walked towards me with a glass of water placed on top of a tray.

“Here is your water master… Kyaa—”

“That’s cold!?”

She completely splashed it all over me!

“Wai— Ako, so you’re taking the role of a clumsy maid are you?!”

She picked out another niche trope again!

“I, I’m so sorry! Just what horrible thing have I done to my master?”

“I can’t see a single hint of repentance on that face of yours though?!”

Aren’t you a little bit too excited about this Ako?

“No master, that’s not the case at all.”

Ako went a bit over the top with her acting as she shook her head.

“You may do anything as you please with me, so I beg you please forgive me.”

“Did you just say anything?”

That’s not it.

“Yes, anything… Ah, master, wouldn’t you please punish this useless maid of yours?”

Ako, who made herself tear up, was kneeling and fidgeting at my feet as she said this.

Eh, what? Are you really okay with that? Are you sure?

—I keep telling you, this is not the time for that!

“What shop is this? Hey, tell me what the heck kind of shop is this?”

“You… Just what do you normally do to Ako?”

“It’s a glimpse into the dark side of Rusian-kun!”

“Those are false accusations! This is just Ako getting carried away! Come on Ako, it’s fine already just stand up!”

Everyone’s back to acting how they usually are so I think their little play is over.

I helped Ako, who was looking up at me while kneeling, get back on to her feet.

Ah, that surprised me. Now I’m drenched in both that spilled water and my cold sweat.

“Geez. This is all Master’s doing, isn’t it?”

“Ako-kun asked me for help with maid outfits after all. And while I was at it, I’ve prepared something for everyone as well.”

“That’s— a very good job!”

Master smiled and gave me a thumbs up as I commended her.

It’s not strange at all for me to praise for her for a job well done.

“Ako, could you let me hug you for a bit later while you’re wearing that outfit?”

“Yes? I mean, yes please go ahead.”

I happy that she agreed to it in no time.

It’s seriously been one of my dreams to get hugged by a maid.

That’s one of my dreams granted then.

“You don’t hold back do you…”

“Will that be one Hug-Hug then?”

“Yes, I’ll take one Hug-Hug please!”


TL note: This is a reference to Dragon Quest’s Puff-Puff, which according to the DQ wiki, is a sacred technique bestowed upon mortal-kind by the Goddess on High. It’s basically sexually suggestive in nature, but if you want to know more about it, this video goes into great length about what it is (


Ako looks happy about it too so it’s fine. This sense of security is all because of my waifu.

“But what am I going to do about these clothes? It’s all soaking wet.”

“You need not worry. I have prepared a butler uniform as well.”

“……You did?”


That’s not the answer I was looking for.

Why do you have a butler’s uniform?

“As for the size, I’ve of course prepared it to fit Rusian.”

“Could you explain exactly how you know about my size? Keep it to about an hour.”

“You see, it has to do with the data on the body measurements taken by the school and…”

“Ah I don’t want to hear about it after all!”

I don’t want to hear about the reality of a student council president abusing their power.

“And so there you have it. Here it is.”

‘Go on!’, she said as she handed it over to me.

‘Go on’ you tell me… This is quite troubling for me you know?

“…So in short, you’re telling me to put this on.”


So these bastards planned that from the start and had Ako spill all that water over me.

Putting aside the smug Master, I’m also irritated at Segawa who was looking at me while grinning.

If that’s what you guys want then bring it on!

“…I understand, I’ll put it on!”

“Aren’t you giving up a bit too easily?!”

“I’m not the same loser I was before! I’ll do it. I’ll show you exactly what an open otaku who has no dignity all can do!”

“This is the first time I’ve heard of such a lame declaration.”

Shaddup. Leave me alone.

In first place, you’re not even in the position to say that.

“Anyway, I’m going to get changed so get out.”

Segawa seemed startled as her shoulders shook.


“It’s cold so I want to get changed quick. What? Do you plan on watching me the whole time while I get changed?”

“I, I mean, are you telling me to wait outside looking like this?”

“So you’ve finally realized it huh? That you’ve been hoist by your own petard!”

“Wait, wait! Ako! Ako is going to be waiting outside looking like this too you know?”

She looked at me, smiling as she pointed at Ako.

“I’m fine with Ako staying here.”

“That’s unreasonable!”

“Do you really think that we’d be flustered over something as simple changing clothes by now?”

“We’re in a relationship where we have nothing to hide from each other!”

Though I said that, if Ako started changing right in front of me, I’ll be heading out of this room right away at full force.

“Aah, you’re seriously a pain. It’s been some time since I felt like wanting to kill you Nishimura.”

“Why are you saying that like you’re implying that you wanted to kill me before?”

My partner’s intent to kill me has finally come to light.

It was a fact that I didn’t want to find out about.

“If you keep provoking Akane like this, she’s going to ‘Pow!’ beat you up you know?”

Akiyama-san said that as she shivered. Yep, it really looks like she’s going to do that to me.

“—Anyway, that’s enough of that joke. I’ll be going outside a bit so you three just get change back to your uniforms.”


“I’m fine like this—”

“Do what you want. Call me back when you’re done.”

I went out and shut the door behind me.

For some reason, the butler uniform I was holding in both my hands seemed a bit heavy.

Do I really have to wear it? This butler uniform.

What did butlers say again?


“Are you done changing?”

“Yeah, come on in.”

I replied to Ako while I tightened my necktie. That girl sounds glad even though I was trying to get them to be repentant by making them wait in the hallway in their maid outfit.

Well then, it’s time for their reception. Come at me!

“How does it feel Rusian?”


“Ho, this suits you quite well doesn’t it?”

The four of them said that as they came in. I put forth a dazzling smile and faced them.

“Welcome back, mistresses!”

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I tried saying that with a bright smile and a nice voice.





She laughed! Master just laughed! She burst into laughter!

“You! I went along with your little play earlier without laughing right?! Isn’t it unfair for you to be laughing at me right now?!”

“M, my apologies. This is just too… this is just too fitting you see…”

Could you stop attacking me with remarks that border between flattery and sarcasm?!

“Ru, Rusian…”

And then here, someone’s eyes seems to be sparkling in delight though?!

“U, uhm, uhm uhm! I think you should call me my lady instead of mistress instead!”

She’s really into this!

That’s pretty bothersome in itself as well!

“Hey, hey. Are butlers really like that?”

“Stop! Please stop looking at me with those eyes brimming with pure unadulterated curiosity!”

“Come on, come on. How about you call me mistress some more?”


The stare of Akiyama-san, who doesn’t seem to know about the existence of butler cafes, really hurts!

And lastly, Segawa…


“What’s with that face you’re making?”

“…Ah no, it’s just… I’m mad at myself for being a bit happy about seeing this or something…”

That reaction is the most infuriating one of all!

What’s with you? Seriously!

But since I got some reaction out of them, I think that trying it out was worth it. I guess I might be an extremely petty person for thinking that.

“So, those maid outfits are going to be used by Ako’s class right? Did you prepare stuff for them too?”

“Indeed. However, the ones besides ours are all free size.”

There were a lot of similar maid outfits in the cardboard box Master brought out.

Oh, looking at them like this makes me see just how well made they are.

Now I can understand why Segawa went along with this without any thought into it.

The people in Ako’s class might be happy about this too.

“Aren’t you glad Ako? You got the most annoying thing out of the way so your job is pretty much over now.”

“……I, I guess so right.”

When Ako quietly averted her gaze, I realized it.

This is when Ako lies about something. There’s no doubt about it.

“…Hey, Ms. Ako-san?”

“What is it Rusian?”

After putting on a stiff smile, Ako still wouldn’t look me in the eye.

“You’re properly working on your class’ preparations right? You’re the head maid after all right?”

“…Y, yes… of course am I you know?”

Ako was talking in broken speech as she said that.

However, I continued on.

“—Is what you told your classmates right?”

Ako’s body trembled.

“So, what’s the real status of it?”

“That’s uhm, see…”

“How’s the progress?”

“It’s not progressing at alllllllllllllllll!”

Ako broke down and fell to the ground.

She admitted to it! She just admitted to abandoning her job! It’s just as I expected!

“Ah geez, all that’s left is deciding on the shifts and the serving manual right? Just do the bare minimum and get it over with!”

“But! But!”

Ako gripped the hem of her maid outfit as she shook her head.

“Making the shifts is impossible isn’t it? Even when I mustered the courage to ask my classmates, they just said selfish things like ‘Pair me up with Sakai-san’, or ‘It would be nice if I’m with Matsuda-san’ or ‘If you have any complaints bring it up with Tamaki-san’! How am I supposed to decide on the shifts then?!”

“Well that sounds annoying.”

“Of course it is. It’s school work after all.”

As Segawa let out a bitter smile, Ako filled up with vigor yet again.

“In the first place, I didn’t want to do any of this and yet everyone forced it on me! Why do I have to do this?!”

Ako vigorously stood up and firmly raised her clenched fist.

“I’ll just keep feigning ignorance until before the festival and back out on the actual day! Then it’ll be an epic win for me! It’s not my fault at all!”

“Y, you… You’ll be shunned by your class again you know? Stop that.”

“It’s fine! If they’re going to force me to do something I can’t then being alone is much better!”

“Ako-chan, Ako-chan. I’m sure everyone will help out if you just talk it out with everyone.”

“Just what do you want me to say to who?”

‘Waaaaa!’, Ako cried out. Segawa shrugged her shoulders in grief.

“Do something about this Nishimura.”

“Kuh… But I understand where’s she coming from so I can’t really convince her.”

“You do?!”

It’s like using the Convince command on a monster that it doesn’t work on.


TL note: This is a reference to the Convince command in Super Robot Wars that turns foes into allies given the right conditions.


“I mean, that thing happens after all. Someone would give me cheap flattery saying ‘Nishimura, do this for me—’ as they push their work on to me. If I do choose to ignore that, they’ll just say ‘Eh? You won’t you do it Nishimura?!’ and get mad at me. It’s really unreasonable right? Look, I’m sorry that you can’t do what you were assigned with, but why make me out as the bad guy there?”

“That’s right! If you’re going to be that condescending about it then you should take responsibility yourself when you can’t do it! That’s what it means to be someone in the higher-ups!”


“These guys are a lost cause aren’t they…”

“Y, yeah…”

The two of them gave us a look of resignation.

That’s extremely rude, you group of normies over there.

“Ako-kun’s classmates were the ones who originally pushed it on to her despite knowing that she is not good at dealing with these things. Then they should have no problem taking responsibility for whatever happens no?”

Even Master easily took our side on this one.

“Eeh? Not you too Master?”

“Those who refuse to take responsibility are in no position to complain in the case of failure. And taking responsibility means taking all matters into your hands. Am I wrong?”

“…Hmm. Well, we’re talking about other people here so I guess that’s fine.”

“Is that really so…”

Well that quieted them down so we safely got rid of everyone against Ako.

“…It’s not my fault at all.”

For some reason, Ako repeated those words that sound like an excuse again even though no one was blaming her.

“Yeah, it’s not your fault. Not at all.”

I agree with Ako. I agree with her but…

“But, you look like you’re feeling guilty about that.”


Don’t make that kind of pained expression.

Though even I’m not in a position to say something that grand.

“Didn’t you just tell me yesterday Ako? That thing about regrets.”

“…? The thing about the fort?”

“Yeah. It’s the same as that. …Though I guess saying that is going against my principle.”

The game and reality is still different after all.

But even so, this time is definitely…

“This is just a guess, but I think you’ll regret this too.”

I said that lightly while laughing, trying to make it seem that I didn’t think too much about it.

“Spacing out in a corner of the classroom on the day of the festival looking at the huge failure the class presentation has become… Wouldn’t you feel pretty bad about it?”

“……But, then, what should I…”

“Just going about it as you normally would is fine right?”


A question mark appeared above her head.

Do you really not get it?

Even though you usually clump the game and reality together, do you only think about it differently during times like this, Ako?

“Whenever you feel troubled, you always do that right? You would cling on to me and ask ‘Rusian, what should I do?’.”

“But, this is my problem…”

“Even though you keep saying that your failures is also mine?”


Ako took a peek at Segawa, and then Master. The two of them both gave her a look that just says ‘Good grief’ and then quite surprisingly— she turned her gaze on to me.

“……Rusian, please do something about this!”

“Well said!”

If you can say just that one sentence then there’s no problem.

“Alright, the faster the better. We’re going to work on it right now!”

I grasped Ako’s hand and took her with me outside of the club room.

A girl in a maid outfit was walking around being dragged by a guy in a butler uniform.

I could hear chuckles coming from all around us, but I don’t really care about that.

“Where are we goiiiing?!”

“We’re going to your class obviously!”

“I don’t wannaaaaaaaaaa!”

Give it up. Do you think I’ll let you escape?

“But what will we do once we get there?”

In response to Segawa, who was a bit embarrassed as she followed behind us, I laughed out and said,

“What else of course? We’re going to give them a piece of our mind!”


“Excuse us!”

I opened the door to Ako’s classroom with a bang.

It’s that time after school where everyone would usually be doing club activities, but a lot of Ako’s classmates remained here to work on their exhibit and maid cafe. Yeah, this is quite convenient. It’s a real lifesaver.

“Huh, Tamaki-san? What’s that? A maid outfit?”

“You got them made already?! Kyaa—  it’s so cute!”

“U, uhm, uhm…”

“Ah, I knew you’d look better with your hair up—”

“I know right? It’s really better this way right?”

This is not the kind of thing that we came here for.

“Yeah, the maid outfits were finished so we tried them out. There’s more where it came from as well.”

“Thank goodness— I was thinking about what we’d do if we didn’t have any maid outfits even though we’ve already finished making the sign.”

“This one suits Tamaki-san alright, but do you girls think it’ll suit you as well?”

“Haaa? Do you want to go wear a butler uniform like Rusian-kun then?”

“Nah, there’s no way I can dress up like a butler you know? And what the heck’s a Rusian-kun?”

I guess this kind of thing can’t be helped since it’s Ako’s class, but it seems like they don’t even know my real name.

So then, while everyone was looking at Ako in her maid outfit, I clapped both of my hands together.

“—However, we’re sorry! But we haven’t prepared anything else besides that!”


“Nothing else besides that, you mean…”

“We haven’t started anything about the shift schedules and serving manuals that Ako was supposed to be in charge of!”

The whole class suddenly went into full silence after I said that.

And then right after,

“Eh, wait, there’s only one week left you know?!”

“What were you doing all this time?!”

“Net games!”

“Are you stupid?!”

It was cruel verbal abuse.

“What do we do? We don’t have time!”

“U, uhm…”

As a number of students drew closer around her, Ako looked like she was about to cry.

You don’t have to make that kind of face, just bow your head and say sorry.

“Sorry, but please help us out!”

“Eeeh! But it’s already too late!”

“Erase the board here for a sec, hurry! I’ll write up time intervals there so write on the times which wouldn’t work out for you! All you boys as well!”

“Matsui-san, you work part time right? Don’t you have manuals there?”

“But they’ll get mad at me for that— …Ah, but I think if I say it’s for the school then it would be fine?”

A fuss started up as they started consulting each other.

“H, huh…?”

Alright. This is fine.

It’s not a strange thing at all. I figured it would turn out like this.

I expected that there were at least a several people in this class that would take on the task, regardless of how the class decided on dividing the labor, if the situation called for it.

I also knew that this would be the time that identity of a student who does her best to work part time gets known and that she would make her move.

It’s important for someone to take up the role of an open otaku. We happen to specialize in these sorts of things.

“Alright, this is OK then. It should work just fine if you leave it up to everyone.”

“R, really?”

“No, no. You still have to wrap it all up you know, Tamaki-san?”

“You heard her.”

That someone pushed Ako from the back, which caused me to get out of that circle they made.

“It’s the Special Technique, ‘Sorry, it’s impossible for me so someone help me out tactic’!”

“Just which part of that is special?”

Segawa, who was watching from the outside, looked astounded as she said that.

“Even if no one would come to help, everyone would feel a sense of guilt upon knowing beforehand that I couldn’t do it alone. That’s why they won’t be able to get mad at me. That’s what makes it decisive.”

“What a pitiful special technique.”

Segawa said that as she gave out a sigh.

How rude. It’s a really important technique you know?

Just like that time with Isana-san, if she had just said ‘I’m not confident doing it by myself’, then no one would’ve had to take responsibility for what happened.

It’s because people don’t say out loud that they can’t do certain things that people get mad at them.

If you can’t do it then you should just say so in the first place.

“That’s what I learned from net games.”

I don’t really get it but it’s not really that convincing is it?

Isn’t that pretty cruel?

“But it’s fine when I always leave everything else to others you know?”

“Akiyama-san, if you say that out loud then you’ll be on the receiving end of unnecessary backlash.”

Putting aside the fact that you’re using it on the outset, but if you keep brandishing your borrowed authority about, that would sooner make people hate you.

Though there are also times where’s it better to have someone of the same rank as those people looking after them.

“But in the end, you were still able to do something about it. You’re really good at looking after others aren’t you?”

It’s not that great of a thing.

“It’s not just me you know.”

I pointed to Ako, who was flustering about in the middle of that circle, and said,

“If, for some reason, I ever get into the same situation, Ako would probably come to my rescue as well. She’ll say ‘Someone please help out my Rusian!’, and get my class to help me.”


Segawa’s face looks like it’s saying ‘She looks like she’d say that’ as she kept quiet.

“That’s why there’s no problem. From the start, it wasn’t really that huge of a deal if you look at it from an outsider’s perspective.”

“So you dragged out Ako-kun in a maid outfit, explained that you got the most difficult maid outfits out of the way to garner a positive reaction, and on top of all that, you even showed them Ako-kun in that outfit that would entice a far joyous mood, slighly different from that of the cultural festival. And lastly, you asked from help from all the people around you. If you have a husband like that, then it really isn’t a big deal.”

“Could you please stop with that weird analysis?”

I only wanted to show off my wife to everybody that’s why I came here.

She’s just seriously so cute in that maid outfit.

“Ah, Rusian-kun, a guy is touching Ako-chan.”

“Are you serious?!”

I’ll beat you down you bastard! —Ah, Ako is staring him down and now he’s shaking.

She really doesn’t plan on getting along with any of the guys does she?

“Anyway, if you just honestly ask for help then stuff would basically get resolved. For people like me and Ako, the fact that we don’t like relying on others even though we don’t have any pride only makes things worse.”

“That sounds annoying huh.”

“Hearing that from someone like yourself really hurts though!”

We’re being a bother to all of you normies after all!

“‘Not relying on others only makes things worse’, is it?”

Is what Master said as she turned her gaze to the sky.


“…It’s nothing. Ah, that’s right. Rusian, I have one thing to ask of you.”

“You too Master? What is it?”

“I want to win this week’s Castle Siege, no matter what. Please help me out.”


That surprised me a little.

I thought Master could do something about it alone, since she’s well, Master.

But suddenly hearing something like that from her, really stirred me up.

“Alright, leave it to me!”

I said that with the same level of confidence that Master usually has.

Let’s do this!

“Then, the plan?”

“I still haven’t a design for it.”

“…That’s what I thought.”

‘Oh dear’, Segawa muttered as she let out a laugh.

I don’t even have to mention it, but I’ll be having all of you help me out.

And then, we left Ako there and returned to the club room to find…

“Welcome back meowster!”





Our cat-ears wearing maid adviser, Nekohime-san, welcoming us back.

All of us, without any sound, proceeded to shut the door.

“…Let’s help out with our class shall we?”

“I guess so.”

“Let’s take a look at how it’s going and head back home.”

“W, what’s the meowter with you aaaaaaaaaalll?!”

A miserable cry resounded all throughout the grassy area of the school grounds.

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