Never Forget Me

Chapter 128

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They were both into BDSM, Sun Xi Zhao didn't know about Zu Ming but he knew that he had been into it for a long time. It was how they became friends, they had met at a party for Su Jin Wei's grandfather. This was before Modesty, Zu Ming and Su Jin Wei were already friends, Sun Xi Zhao was only there to represent his family. They both found themselves bored in a corner and started talking. Then they ran into each other on the third floor of Taboo, both looking for a submissive to play with. After that they became good friends, then when Modesty married Su Jin Wei he and Su Jin Wei began a somewhat tenuous friendship that was starting to become better as time passed.

Zu Ming walked up to Sun Xi Zhao

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"Hey Boy what are you doing here? You never come here this much."

Sun Xi Zhao smiled, Zu Ming always addressed his friends in this manner and wanted you to say it back.

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"Hey Boy. Yeah, I know I'm looking for this lady."

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Sun Xi Zhao held up his handphone and showed the secret picture he had taken of his little kitten.

"I'm hoping to catch her here."

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Zu Ming nodded.

"Okay, if she comes in when you're not here I'll call you."

Sun Xi Zhao smiled and it shocked Zu Ming his stoic friend didn't smile like this when he was pursuing Modesty. Even though he and Modesty didn't pan out. Zu Ming hopes that this new woman that has entered his friends' mind would be the one to capture his heart. Then maybe he would also be lucky enough to find love.

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