Never Forget Me

Chapter 129

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Qi Kai Long walked up with his girlfriend Shayla. Zu Ming and Sun Xi Zhao hated the way their friend Qi Kai Long treated his girlfriend Shayla. They knew he did it out of jealousy and possessiveness, but no matter what happened or Qi Kai Long did, Shayla would just take it and not say anything. She was a sweet and brilliant woman. She and Sun Xi Zhao had many conversations much to the ire of Qi Kai Long. Sun Xi Zhao had warned Kai Long multiple time to treat Shayla better or she would leave him and then he would really be hurt. Qi Kai Long just scoffed at Sun Xi Zhao and Kai Long walked off telling him that Shayla would never leave him.

Sun Xi Zhao just shook his head, then pulled out his phone and called Modesty.

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Sun Xi Zhao smiled at the sleepy voice.

"Hey girl I'm sorry to wake you but I need some advice."

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Modesty sat up and moved Su Jin Wei's heavy arm off of her.

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"What's going on?"

Modesty looked down at Su Jin Wei trying to be quiet so as not to wake him.

"I may have met someone, but I don't want to bomb like I did with you. I can't go to Zu Ming or Qi Kai Long because well you understand."

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Modesty did understand.

"Well if I were you I would be patient and tell her about your little fetish. Let the relationship take it's course, if she likes you it won't matter about your fetish. With me, we could never work because I loved Jin Jin too much and you were in a competition.

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