Never Forget Me

Chapter 135

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Over the next few weeks, Sun Xi Zhao and Celeste began dating and seeing each other regularly. Plus, Celeste spent every weekend over his house, and she was currently crawling into his bed to go to sleep. She started to wonder if something was wrong with her because the whole time she was at his house a couple of times she fell asleep in bed with him and he never tried anything. She wasn't upset that he was being a gentleman or that he was respecting her wishes. He was just different from the men in her country who would have tried to jump her bones day one.

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Sun Xi Zhao was praying to whatever God could hear him right now to give him strength. If Celeste rubbed her butt against him one more time while she was asleep, he wasn't so sure that he was going to have the willpower to maintain. Every time she came over his self-control slipped more and more to the point that he was doing everything that he could not to ravish her.

The next morning Celeste was in the shower getting ready for their trip to the mall. Sun Xi Zhao's sister Sun Xi Zhen was in town and had begged her brother to take her shopping. When he told her that he was with his new girlfriend his sister squealed with excitement and told him that he would have to bring her along. Then Sun Xi Zhen screamed about how he had to buy them all sorts of matching outfits and that they could be sisters and get manicures and pedicures together. Sun Xi Zhao just rolled his eyes and agreed to everything if it would get him off of the phone.

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