Never Forget Me

Chapter 136

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Sun Xi Zhao went into his closet and reached onto the top shelf for a shirt that Celeste had mentioned that she liked. As he was grabbing it he knocked over a box that he had put there with some "special stuff" that he had bought but never used. He was hoping to talk to Celeste and ease her into his world but wasn't sure how to broach the subject with her yet. He thought he grabbed everything and shoved the box in a corner when he heard Celeste come out of the bathroom. She was in a thick terry cloth robe and he could see the line of her collarbone and her beautiful brown legs. His mouth instantly began to water but he pulled himself under control enough to run into the bathroom to take a shower.

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Celeste walked into the closet to grab her clothes when she noticed she had knocked a box onto the floor. She noticed all of the stuff that was scattered around that had fallen out of the box and her eyes glazed over. There were handcuffs, whips, paddles, and all sorts of bondage equipment. Celeste's heart started to beat faster and faster as she realized that Sun Xi Zhao's secrets were possibly the same as hers. Now she wondered how she was going to find out whether he was a dominant or submissive. She couldn't see him as anything but dominant, especially with that oppressive aura that he had. She also wondered how she was going to broach the subject with him and let him know that she was into BDSM as well.

Celeste actually prayed that he was dominant, then she could finally be free to be the submissive she always wanted to be. She hoped that this was really his stuff and he wasn't holding it for someone else. She also hoped that when she told him about her proclivities he didn't call her a nasty, sick, freak like Benny called her once before. Celeste hurried and put the stuff away and got dressed, she was going to meet Sun Xi Zhao's sister for the first time and wanted to make a good impression.

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