Never Forget Me

Chapter 137


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Fei Fei Liu walked through the mall glad to finally be free from that wretched home that her family had put her in. She was ecstatic to finally get to walk around where she wanted and when she wanted. They tried to say that she was crazy and that her husband was dead and that he was not walking around alive. But, she knew that they were wrong she knew that her Song Chin was alive and just waiting for her to come home and be with him again. He wasn't dead he was at work and as soon as he gets out of work and finds her home he will run up to her and hug her and love her again.

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Sun Xi Zhao, Celeste, and Sun Xi Zhen walked into the mall. So far two out of his three favorite ladies were getting along and he was glad that they were. He was so happy that he didn't mind following them from store to store as they oohed and ahhed at clothes and shoes. It had surprised Celeste that Sun Xi Zhen wasn't using a personal shopper. She said it was because she liked the look and feel of clothes and she liked to walk around because that's what most people did overseas. Celeste nodded, it was true in her country even many of the rich people went out to the mall and shopped for their own stuff. Some did have personal shoppers but for the most part, they went shopping themselves.

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Fei Fei Liu froze, she saw her Song Chin sitting down with two other women. Fei Fei Liu screamed out Song Chin, and she immediately ran over to ask him why he wasn't at work, and why he was with these women. But, before she could get over to him her bodyguards surrounded her and asked her where did she think she was going. Fei Fei Liu shouted for them to move out of the way that she saw her husband Song Chin, but they wouldn't move. Fei Fei Liu started to cry when she noticed that Song Chin and the women had left. @@

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