Never Forget Me

Chapter 149

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Zu Ming started driving.

"Do you come here a lot?"

Celeste shook her head.

"No, but I didn't want to go through sub frenzy.[1]"

Zu Ming nodded his head, he didn't let it show but he was happy for Sun Xi Zhao he found himself an LTR [2]

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"Why, isn't it your scene?"

Celeste took a deep breath.

"The dominants there get mad when you refuse to have sex with them. I would never just sleep with a random person, I'm not that type"

Celeste looked scared.

"Are you going to tell him?"

Zu Ming shook his head.

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"It's not my place to tell him, but I think you need to tell him."

Silent tears started to roll down her face.

"I don't want to be like this, what if he finds me disgusting?"

Zu Ming wasn't surprised, none of them wanted to be like this it was just how they were.

"You won't know until you talk to him."

Celeste nodded her head and wiped her eyes.

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"That's true but I don't want to see our relationship end so quickly. I really like him."

Zu Ming's mouth flattened, he had to figure out how to get these two to talk. Neither realized that their future happiness was just a talk away. Zu Ming parked his car and Celeste realized that it was in front of Sun Xi Zhao's office building. She had only been here once, she still remembered riding here with Sun Xi Zhao to pick up some papers. She thought that it was a very imposing building and it scared her a little. Zu Ming came around the car and let her down, then he walked with her into the building.

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"I guess I have no choice huh?"

Celeste fidgeted with her clothes, hoping that they looked decent. Zu Ming waved to the receptionist and led Celeste over to Zu Ming's private elevator.

"It's better to get it over with now than to let it fester too long between the both of you. Don't worry I'll be here to support the both of you."

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Celeste looked wide-eyed at Zu Ming.

"Why would you do that, you barely know me?"

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Sun Xi Zhao."

Before Celeste could respond the elevator doors opened and Zu Ming led her to Sun Xi Zhao's office. Celeste froze, she read on the door Chairman Sun Xi Zhao. She was shocked, she knew that Sun Xi Zhao was an executive she just didn't know that he was the Chairman. Celeste just shook her head, she couldn't be mad she never asked him what he did, and he never told her. Zu Ming knocked on the door.


Sun Xi Zhao barked.

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