Never Forget Me

Chapter 150

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Zu Ming opened the door then waited for Celeste to precede him in. She was nervous, how do you tell someone you like that you're into BDSM. Especially in a country where things like that were extremely frowned upon. On top of that, she didn't want him to end things with her. She finally found someone she liked and who treated her well and now this. What if he started to treat her like Benny? What if he called her names and looked at her with disgust in his eyes. Celeste didn't think that she could stand it, but here she was and Zu Ming wasn't going to let her go without telling him.

Sun Xi Zhao was staring at some papers, he thought that it was his assistant that knocked on the door.

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"Hey boy."

Zu Ming said to get Sun Xi Zhao's attention.

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"Hey bo-."

The words froze mid-sentence when Sun Xi Zhao looked up to see a very nervous Celeste standing next to his best friend. A whole myriad of thoughts went through his head and none of them were good. Sun Xi Zhao stood up and was about to come around his desk when Zu Ming's words froze him in his spot.

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"So, I was at Taboo when guess who I saw standing at the front door scared to go in?"

Zu Ming looked at Celeste who was staring a hole in the floor wishing it would magically open and swallow her up. Zu Ming's words started to penetrate Sun Xi Zhao's brain. Taboo was in a secluded location, it wasn't a place you could say that "you were just in the neighborhood." A person could only get to Taboo if they were specifically going to the fetish club. So, this meant that Celeste was going to Taboo for a reason.

"Celeste, do you frequent Taboo?"

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Celeste wouldn't even look at him she just shook her head no. Sun Xi Zhao walked around the desk and tipped Celeste's chin up but, she still wouldn't look at him.

"So, why were you there?"

Celeste didn't respond, she was too scared too. She really liked Sun Xi Zhao and hoped that they could have a good relationship and then she could eventually ease him into what she liked. Zu Ming nudged Celeste a little bit, and she looked at him. Zu Ming nodded his head and Celeste made to open her mouth but nothing came out. Sun Xi Zhao started to become upset, the temperature in the room felt like it was freezing. He didn't want to think that his Celeste was actually with his best friend at Taboo doing God knows what.

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