Never Forget Me

Chapter 30

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Modesty and Su Jin Wei left the mall with a lot of bags. So many that not only was Su Jin Wei carrying some so were both bodyguards, and Su Jin Wei had to have the rest delivered to his home. Modesty was so upset with him that she didn't know what to do with herself. Every time she looked at something and or said that it was pretty he bought it in not only her size but in every color.

She begged him after the third store to stop But, he wouldn't listen to her, It was as if he had a point to prove. After store number five she had just given up trying to make him listen and just made sure that she picked out stuff that she really liked. He even went as far as buying her almost five bags of nothing but lingerie, purses, and shoes. She had never had this many shoes in her life, and let's not talk about accessories. She was drowning in scarfs, sunglasses, and enough jewelry to feed a third world country off of not even a third of what he bought her.

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As soon as they all got into the car Modesty was fuming and began to yell at Su Jin Wei.

"I am so angry at you."

Su Jin Wei looked up from his phone at Modesty

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He sat there with a genuinely confused look on his face. This irritated Modesty even more.

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"Because you blatantly disregarded my feelings and anything that I had to say. We had a conversation this morning about communication, you told me you understood. Yet, you still didn't listen to me."

Modesty was irate and Song Lei and Sun Ming both looked at each other. No one had ever spoken to the boss like this, not even his parents.

"You are right and I apologize. I am not used to having a woman around, I was told women like men to buy them a lot of expensive things."

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This stripped some of the wind out of Modesty's sails, she remembered HuaHua saying that Su Jin Wei had never been seen with a woman and that people thought he disliked women. Some were starting to believe that he only liked men. So, it was understandable to her that he couldn't change overnight. Modesty sighed,

"I understand JinJin but please can we discuss things? And, can you honestly listen to me and take what I say under consideration?"

Su Jin Wei sighed.

"Yes, I will remember."

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