Never Forget Me

Chapter 32

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Modesty and Su Jin Wei fell into a sort of routine. They would have breakfast together, Su Jin Wei would drop her off at work and then pick her up in the evenings. They would then either go out to dinner or stay in and have his housekeeper fix them something. They even shared a room, even though Modesty kept insisting on having a separate room. Somehow in the morning, she would wake up in Su Jin Wei's room. She would fuss at him about it, even yell and scream. Then she would wake up in his bed all over again, it had gotten to the point where she just went to sleep in his bed. They had all the actions of a relationship without sex or affection, not even a smile.

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It was driving Modesty crazy, she wanted kisses, and hugs, and to walk around holding hands. She was fine without the sex because she had never had sex before. She was saving that for marriage, but still, she needed some kind of affection. She almost wished that she had taken Sun Xi Zhao up on his offer of going out for coffee that day at the mall. She was still thinking of having HuaHua look him up and ask him if he was still up for at least tea since Modesty hated coffee.

Su Jin Wei stood on the other side of the door listening to Modesty tell Chu Hua Huan over speakerphone. Telling Chu Hua Huan all this, he grew angrier and angrier hearing her say that she was missing affection. And, maybe she needed to go out on a date, to find a boyfriend because she needed some old fashioned hugs and cuddles.

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"Well have you talked to your boyfriend about it? Maybe if you talk to Su Jin Wei he will change."

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Modesty sighed.

"He's not my boyfriend. I don't even know if he likes me like that. He's never said anything to me about wanting to be with him."

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Su Jin Wei's eyes froze over.

'Didn't Modesty know how he felt about her. She was in his house, and in his bed for God sakes. Why didn't that tell her how he felt?'

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