Never Forget Me

Chapter 5

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There was a desk to the right for her assistant but being that it was seven o'clock in the morning and business didn't start until eight. She had not expected anyone to be there, plus she had just promoted Chu Hua Huan to her assistant. She was surprised earlier that Chu Hua Huan was at the office early, but remembered that she stated she was coming in early to finish some work.

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Modesty walked into her office and closed the door. Then she immediately walked into her personal bathroom, she looked in the mirror. Did she really look bad? She thought her bright blue shirt and khaki pants were nice. Then she remembered that she wasn't supposed to wear such bright colors, something her uncle had told her about.

Modesty was glad that she always packed a secondary outfit. So, she went back into the office and pulled out her white shirt with a black vest and black slacks. She hurried back into the bathroom to change. She didn't want Assistant Chu to walk in on her barely dressed.

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When Chu Hua Huan finally arrived, she was grinning from ear to ear. "Haha, Modesty I'm so glad you're here. I'm also glad that you finally got rid of that b*****, I have complained about how she treats people for far too long but no one would listen to a lowly secretary. Now that she angered the wrong person, she is finally gone."

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Modesty sat at her desk and let Chu Hua chatter on. She had met Chu Hua, while she was at Duke University as part of a student exchange program. Because Modesty could speak fluent Mandarin, they assigned her to show Chu Hua around.

They became fast friends, but HuaHua had to leave halfway through. Her father had gotten sick and all of their money went to his medical bills. So, she could only find a job as a secretary instead of finishing her degree in business as she dreamed.

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Modesty kept in touch with her through Skype, emails, and phone calls. HuaHua had always told her how happy she was that Modesty never looked down on her due to her sudden poverty. Modesty reminded her that once a friend always a friend.

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