Never Forget Me

Chapter 6

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It had taken a few weeks but Modesty had finally gotten acclimated to the office. She had spoken to CEO Bao and Director Bao, and they had a meeting scheduled for later that afternoon. Then she asked Assistant Chu to find her a place to live while she was here. She planned on staying here for a few months and she couldn't live in a hotel for all of that time. She would want a place of her own where she could relax, cook, and just be herself. Modesty ordered lunch in and decided to call her uncle but then realized that it was midnight in New York and he and her auntie were asleep.

Modesty finished up her lunch and was getting ready for the meeting with the Bao brothers as she had nicknamed them. Just as she was preparing to leave Chu Hua walked in.

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"Where are you going? Have you eaten?" Modesty gathered up her papers, "I'm heading to the meeting I told you about earlier, and yes I've eaten."

Assistant Chu nodded and grabbed her tablet as well as a pen and notepad just in case. She was really taking her position seriously, Modesty was glad that she did. She liked HuaHua and trusted her, especially in a country that she knew nothing and no one. Having a friend and someone you could trust was very important.


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Su Jin Wei finished his last report when assistant Zhang walked in, "I have sent the Dinner invitation off to Miss Cameron. Is there anything else that you require concerning her?"

Su Jin Wei shook his head. "Okay, then I will give you the rest of the report from country F." Su Jin Wei's mind drifted away from what Assistant Zhang was saying.

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"Come on JinJin stop looking so mean. You're going to scare any girl that tries to be with you." Su Jin Wei looked at the girls smiling face and felt his heart flutter. "Then why aren't you scared?" The girl laughed.

"Because silly."

"That will be the last of the things that they require." Su Jin Wei was brought back to the present, Assistant Zhang was about to start on the next report when the phone on his desk rang. Assistant Zhang hurried and answered it.

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"Hello." Su Jin Wei started to tune him out again when he heard what was said next. "You're Vice President Cameron's assistant."

Assistant Zhang nodded his head while listening to the other person. "Okay, great we will see Vice President Cameron at the restaurant at seven o'clock."

Assistant Zhang hung up the phone. Su Jin Wei looked at his watch, it was five o'clock he needed to get ready.

"Let's go." Su Jin Wei stood up, "Boss where are we going." Zhang Yong hurried after Su Jin Wei. "Change clothes." Assistant Zhang almost fainted, his boss really did like this woman.

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