There was an awkward silence in the room. With his head down, Li YaoZu didn’t notice Li JinCheng’s abnormality, and said, “Although it embarrassed you, that plastic factory was the painstaking effort of me and your mother. I don’t want to see it disappear just like this.....”

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“I’ll go see him!”

Rudely dropping these words, Li JinCheng had already gone upstairs.

Looking at his back, Li YaoZu only felt that today’s Li JinCheng gave him a sense of unfamiliarity and alienation, cold and indifferent in a strong degree, and he(LJC) didn’t even seem to respect him enough, but when he thought of finally achieving what he wanted, he couldn’t help feeling a little excited. After saying a few times of ‘good, good’ himself, he raised his voice and said: “I will make an appointment for you!”

On the bedside table in the room was Sister Fang’s warmed milk for him. Seeing that she was pulling the curtains, Li JinCheng closed the door and said, “Sister Fang, do you know how my mother died back then?”

Sister Fang stopped. When she turned around, Li JinCheng realized that her face was pale. After hesitating for a moment, she said embarrassedly: “JinCheng, I came here after your mother passed away...”

“No, Sister Fang, you must have heard of something. At this house, only you treat me sincerely. So, even if it’s you taking pity on me, could you tell me what you know? OK?”

Through her good friend, Wei ChunFang knew that the Li family was hiring new servants. After an interview, she became Li JinCheng’s nanny.

However, for some reason, she chose to hide it from Li YaoZu and Song WanRu.

Wei ChunFang watched Li JinCheng grow up since he was a child, and she had always sympathized with him. So, after hearing him say this, she just walked to him and sat down beside him without saying a word.

She believed in Buddhism. Over the years, she had always hoped that Li JinCheng would know about these things, but subconsciously, she felt that these things would cause great harm to Li JinCheng. Therefore, as early as many years ago, she secretly made up her mind that unless one day Li JinCheng first asked what happened she would never tell him ever in her life.

Her thoughts were relatively simple, and she felt that this kind of thing was better for her to tell than hearing it from other people.

“JinCheng, my good friend told me these things. Although she was a servant at your house before, I don’t know if what she said is true...”

“Don’t worry, Sister Fang. I will let someone investigate this matter.”

Li JinCheng didn’t want his mother to die in vain, and he also didn’t want to wrong a good person.

Perhaps, in his heart, there was still a glimmer of hope, thinking that his father would not be so cruel to his mother.

“Before I came, your dad fired all the servants in your house...... It was just shortly after that your mother passed away... My good friend told me that less than three months after your mother gave birth to you; Song WanRu once came here and looked for her once. At that time Song WanRu was already pregnant, and according to her words, that child belonged to your father...”

Seeing Li JinCheng not speaking, Wei ChunFang continued: “They were arguing very badly at the time. Your mother asked all the servants in the house to go out. When they heard Song WanRu’s screams and rushed in, Song WanRu had fallen in a pool of blood on the first floor. Your mother....... at that time, she was standing on the second floor looking at her......”

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“They believed that it was my mother who pushed Song WanRu down?”

“More than that. Song WanRu also said the same after she woke up.”

In the past, Li JinCheng only thought that Song WanRu was a strong woman, but now it seemed that she was very cruel. In order to marry Li YaoZu, she did not hesitate to sacrifice the fetus in her belly.

After squeezing Sister Fang’s hand harder, Li JinCheng only asked, “What about my dad’s attitude?”

“He believed Song WanRu’s words....... Since then, your dad often didn’t return home. Even if he returned home, he just quarreled with your mother. Later, he found out that your mother has self-inflicted injury. Then he sent her to the hospital. At that time...... My good friend told me that if your dad sent her to a special mental hospital, your mother might not have passed away so early.......”

Thinking of what happened to his mother; Li JinCheng finally couldn’t help but shed tears.

Wasn’t it just about meeting the wrong person, why should she even suffer so much humiliation and pain?

Not to mention being driven mad by them, but also had to take her own life in the end!

And there was still him, who recognized the thief as the father and was in vain as the son of that man, so he deserved to die in that way in his previous life!

At that time, his mother must be blaming him for having completely forgotten herself.....

Seeing him in tears, Wei ChunFang felt even more distressed and said, “JinCheng, I don’t know if I should tell you these words. That friend of mine told me that your mother was the kind of typical spoiled young lady who was kind to others and cultivated well. So even if your dad did something like this and Song WanRu came to provoke her, she wouldn’t be able to push her downstairs, especially when Song WanRu was pregnant......”

Li JinCheng’s tears flowed more fiercely, but there was no sound.

Wei ChunFang clearly knew the stubbornness in this person’s bones and hugged him, feeling sorry and helplessly, she then said: “Your mother has passed away. I told you this hoping that you can live better in the future......”

“I know.”

After more than ten minutes, Li JinCheng finally recovered his calm. When sending Sister Fang to the door, he said: “Sister Fang, don’t tell anyone about this.”

Wei ChunFang looked at him hesitantly, but in the end, she just nodded and left.

After sitting in the room for a long time and going to the bathroom to wash his face, Li JinCheng turned on the computer and searched for a suitable detective agency on the Internet.

Hong Kong had a sound legal system. When Li JinCheng was unwilling to disclose his personal information, many detective agencies refused to accept his commission for fear of assuming legal responsibility. Li JinCheng was not discouraged. After dozens of phone calls, he finally found a suitable one. He and the detective agency negotiated the price, and he quickly transferred the money to the other’s account.

  The school still had three days left to start. The next day, Li JinCheng was buying materials in the bookstore, and he saw the incoming call from Li YaoZu.

That man had driven his mother mad and indirectly killed her. Li JinCheng set his mobile phone to mute, he was unmoved and continued picking up the books in the bookstore.

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By the time he walked out of the bookstore, Li YaoZu had already called him nearly 20 times.

“Where are you? Why didn’t you answer my calls?!”

“What’s the matter?”

Li YaoZu was stunned by his indifferent tone. After a while, he lowered his voice and said, “The He family has sent someone to pick you up. Quickly come home!”

“What happened?”

Li YaoZu stared at his mobile phone in amazement when he heard Si KaiLin’s question.

Just now, Li JinCheng hung up his phone without saying a word!

He was startled and angry, but Li YaoZu had to laugh when thinking that Si KaiLin was He ZongTong’s special assistant, and said, “There is a traffic jam on the road, JinCheng will be back soon!”

It was already two hours later when Li JinCheng arrived home. In the living room, Li YaoZu and Song WanRu sat with ugly faces, and there was also a middle-aged man who looked very elite.

“Hello, JinCheng. I am Si KaiLin, the special assistant of RongSheng’s Chairman He ZongTong. I am glad to meet you.”

Li JinCheng put down the books in his hand and shook hands with him. Hearing Si KaiLin explain his intentions, he just turned sideways and said, “Let’s go.”

From the beginning to the end, he had not faced Li YaoZu and Song WanRu directly. Thinking that the relationship between the family did not seem to be very good, Si KaiLin followed him out quietly.

After more than an hour, the two arrived at He mansion in Repulse Bay.

*(E/N: googled Repulse Bay in Hong Kong and the view looked gorgeous, though there are too many buildings haha. I heard it’s expensive living there.)

This mansion was very famous in Hong Kong Island. Li JinCheng had seen it in a magazine before. Its color was mainly blue and white, and the whole area was surrounded and shaded by lines of green trees. Rather than calling it a residential house, it was more like a holiday resort.

The interior decoration of the room was similar to its appearance, simple, clean and tidy. There was not much furniture inside, but each piece must be of great value.

After entering the door, he walked behind Si KaiLin for more than ten minutes, then the two people entered the formal living room.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room were two elderly people of the same age. One was wearing a white blouse and his temples were white, looking slightly majestic.

The other was wearing light-colored sportswear, a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a smile on his face, and he felt very kind and genial.

Li JinCheng felt that the old man in the white blouse looked familiar. After a while, he remembered that the man was Huang YiQing, a famous Feng Shui Master in Hong Kong.

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He was good at divination and fortune telling. The reason why Li JinCheng knew him was because his photos often appeared in newspapers and magazines.

In addition to having a close relationship with a few big bosses in the business world, several well-known acting agencies in Hong Kong would ask him to give the newcomers a stage name before their debut.

These people had already been among the first line of the entertainment circle, so Li JinCheng thought that Huang YiQing should have a certain amount of strength.

The other one was He ZongTong, but if Li JinCheng didn’t know Huang YiQing, he would probably have mistaken the identities of the two.

“Are you Li JinCheng?”

Seeing He ZongTong got up, Li JinCheng smiled and shook hands with him, saying: “Yes, I am, Grandpa He. Nice to meet you.”

He was neither humble nor overbearing. He ZongTong looked at him with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

He ZongTong had read the information of Li JinCheng before, and after politely exchanging a few words with him, he asked someone to take Li JinCheng to the study to meet He ZhenXuan first.

“How is it? He’s very suitable, right?”

Huang YiQing nodded and said: “Bazi is the most important thing in preventing the misfortune. You can rest assured in the future.”

*(T/N: Bazi (八字) - birthdate characters used in fortune-telling (from Pleco), one’s birthday horoscope)

* Preventing / ward off the misfortune (中和) - in here, it means fighting back or more like transfering one’s bad luck, even death, in life to another person so that one can stay healthy, wealthy and have all good things in life. You will see more about it in the upcoming chapters.)

He ZongTong originally did not believe in ghosts and gods or supernatural things, but in the past few years, Huang YiQing had gradually changed his view.

At the beginning of this year, everything went wrong for He ZhenXuan. Later, He ZongTong asked Huang YiQing to do some calculations for He ZhenXuan, only to find out that he had a great catastrophe this year.

If one has to suffer calamity, you just have to find someone to ward it off. It just happened that Li JinCheng was suitable, so He ZongTong would abandon the concept of family and wanted to let He ZhenXuan marry him.

The He family’s house was too big. Turning to the right from the living room, and walking behind the steward for more than ten minutes, did Li JinCheng saw him stop in front of a door.

“ZhenXuan, Young master JinCheng has come to see you.”

“Come in.”

As soon as the door was opened, there was a dazzling golden light in front of Li JinCheng’s eyes. He took a half step back with some discomfort, thinking ‘What’s this? Did the God of Wealth come to the world?’

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After the steward in front of him stepped aside, the light gradually weakened, only then was Li JinCheng able to see the person’s appearance clearly.

It was just that He ZhenXuan’s handsomeness was beyond his imagination, and his facial features were perfect and exquisite, even if there was no expression on his face, he would still give others a warm and reliable feeling.

Li JinCheng looked down and saw He ZhenXuan sitting in a wheelchair. He finally understood why He ZongTong was so enthusiastic about him.

“I am not disabled. I just suffered a car accident before.”

Hearing He ZhenXuan explained his own doubts and thoughts, Li JinCheng said a few words apologetically, and then bowed his head.

There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth when he lowered his head, he looked like he was a little embarrassed.

Looking at Li JinCheng standing at the door, He ZhenXuan only felt that he was like a white lotus in the gentle breeze, carrying a sense of modesty yet very alluring.

There might be a way to connect these two sentences and express them more clearly. It was a pity that He ZhenXuan’s Chinese level was average, and he didn’t know anything about idioms. He thought of the light beating in his heart when he saw Li JinCheng’s photo, and the expression on He ZhenXuan’s face also relaxed quickly.

“Is it serious?”

“I have entered the rehabilitation period, and I should be able to walk normally after one month.”

Li JinCheng nodded, and the two chatted casually like friends. Li JinCheng was again called into the living room by someone sent by He ZongTong.

Looking at the closed door, He ZhenXuan only felt that Li JinCheng’s personality was different from what he had imagined. He (LJC) was cheerful and easy-going, and he would not feel any pressure or discomfort when he was with him.

Although he disagreed with his grandfather’s decision at first, after seeing Li JinCheng in person, He ZhenXuan could not help but have certain expectations about it.

*(E/N: yiieeeeee he likes him…….)

When Li JinCheng arrived in the living room, Huang YiQing had already left. Seeing Li JinCheng, He ZongTong motioned for him to sit next to him.

“How is it? Isn’t ZhenXuan handsome?”

He ZongTong’s words seemed a bit childish, but Li JinCheng nodded with a smile.

“Then, do you want to try dating him?”

“Yes......” After hesitating for a moment, Li JinCheng said again: “But Grandpa He, I have a request.”

“Just call me Grandpa.” He ZongTong asked, “What’s your request?”

“I want a pure relationship, no matter whether I will develop with Mr. He to that stage in the future, I hope you can refuse all the requests of my family.”.

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