Chapter 04: The He Family

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Editor: Scarlette Heart

He ZongTong originally thought Li JinCheng was going to ask for help to save their plastic factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and he was prepared accordingly, so after hearing Li JinCheng say this, he couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.


He had read all of Li JinCheng’s information, and he also knew what happened to his family. He didn’t know whether Li JinCheng knew it or not, but the person he wanted first was Li JinCheng. As for the others, it was just helping casually.

He ZongTong sincerely cared about the only two things in his life, He ZhenXuan and RongSheng.

Although this matter was a bit of a deal at first, since it was Li JinCheng’s wishes, and in He ZongTong’s heart, Li YaoZu was just a nasty and unimportant person, so he only hesitated for a while before he said: “I respect your decision.”

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

He ZongTong nodded his head with a smile on his face when he heard Li JinCheng call him grandfather naturally and obediently.

Due to He ZongTong’s enthusiasm, Li JinCheng stayed at their home for dinner that evening.

At dinner, all the He family members were present.

He ZhenXuan’s father was the eldest at home. When He ZhenXuan was second year in high school, he (HZX’s father) and his wife died in a car accident. He had two younger brothers and one younger sister.

He ZhenXuan’s second uncle seemed to be about the same age as Li YaoZu, exuding an aura of majesty all over his body. His wife was a typical upper-class lady with a generous manner and a subtle smile.

They had a son and a daughter who had already grown up, and they were now working in RongSheng.

He ZhenXuan’s third uncle should have been a very romantic person when he was young, even though he was now middle-aged, he still had the shadow of that time.

His wife was much younger than him. Li JinCheng recognized her, Xiao PeiTing, once the most popular female star in Hong Kong, but because she was also from an extraordinary background, she was the most cheerful and confident of a group of people.

The two had a daughter who was still in kindergarten.

Compared to them, He ZhenXuan’s aunt made people feel strange. She wore all black, regardless of her look and expression or the feeling of her whole person giving out, somehow, she seemed a little on edge or neurotic.

Her husband was also working in RongSheng.

“Are you Li JinCheng?”

After He ZongTong introduced everyone one by one, Xiao PeiTing, who was sitting diagonally across from Li JinCheng, quickly asked.


“Ah! Then you are the one who is going to block off the misfortune for ZhenXuan?”

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Seeing Li JinCheng not speaking, she said: “From now on, our ZhenXuan will be relying on you! You don’t know how bad he’s luch is this year. It was another car accident, another operation, and he was almost kidnapped......”

She was interrupted by He ZongTong’s soft cough before she finished speaking. It seemed that only at this time, Xiao PeiTing realized that she had said the wrong thing, stuck out her tongue, and lowered her head to concentrate on eating.

However, it could be seen that she was not so afraid of He ZongTong.

Li JinCheng didn’t know what she meant by saying these words, either she was really naive or just saying it deliberately, but anyway, Xiao PeiTing’s words finally solved his doubts.

        He once saw such things in books. In ancient times, such wealthy families had asked people to calculate their descendants’ fortune and destiny because they were afraid that their descendants would die early. Then, they bought people in the names of their descendants, and at the same time, they hoped that those disasters which their descendants would suffer, would transfer and happen to those people they bought.

Li JinCheng didn’t know if it was true or not, but thinking of Huang YiQing who appeared here this afternoon, he was a little bewildered that people like He ZongTong would actually be so superstitious.

The atmosphere on the table was a bit stagnant, but Li JinCheng just ate quietly. 

He would not take these things to heart. No matter what, there were more important things waiting for him to do now, and in the final analysis, this was his only shortcut at the moment.

Li JinCheng’s reaction was somewhat beyond the expectations of the He family. He ZhenXuan looked at him intentionally or unintentionally. Thinking of the contents of the information, he could not help but sympathize with Li JinCheng.

“My third aunt is always like that. I hope you don’t take those words to heart.”

Hearing He ZhenXuan, who had sent him out, said in a low voice, Li JinCheng was a little surprised at his mindfulness. He turned around and said a few good and polite words, and then he asked He ZhenXuan to hurriedly go back in.

“Tomorrow...... are you free?”

“Is this inviting me to a date?”

Li JinCheng couldn’t understand He ZhenXuan’s thoughts. He didn’t know if he really had a good impression of him, or just listened to his grandfather.

But when he saw the focused look on He ZhenXuan’s face, he couldn’t help but say: “I guess I’m free.”

At that time, he regretted a little, thinking that he should have met He ZhenXuan at least once in his previous life before making a decision.

Li JinCheng stood in a position facing the light, and the ray of light from the room fell on him, making the lines of his face very soft, with a slight smile on his face. He ZhenXuan looked up at him, and inadvertently thought of a line: ‘Washed by the waves of clear water, yet never swayed’.* Perhaps, after meeting Li JinCheng, he became a little poetic. 

*(T/N: 出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖 - Grow out of the silt but not stained; Washed by the waves of clear water, yet never swayed.

It is a line from the poem ‘爱莲说’ which is about the lotus flower. Here, it is to admire a person who grows up in terrible environment but he never sways and is still good in character.)

“ZhenXuan, do you like him that much? 

The car carrying Li JinCheng had driven out of the He family’s door, but He ZhenXuan had never taken back his sight.

Uncle Shao was He ZhenXuan’s favorite person besides his grandfather. Hearing the kind ridicule in his tone, He ZhenXuan just responded, “I like him.”

“Should I push you in?”


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When entering the house, the mood of the two people changed to varying degrees. Uncle Shao felt that every decision made by the old master seemed so wise and brilliant. As for He ZhenXuan, he thought that if Li JinCheng could continue to be always like this, he would be sincere in the future and treat him (LJC) well.

When he got home, Li YaoZu was waiting in the living room as expected.

“How was it?”

“I will try dating him.”

Li JinCheng’s smile looked a bit sullen, but at this time Li YaoZu had been dazzled by ecstasy. After saying a few words of ‘good child’, he said: “I knew you could do it!”

Li JinCheng glanced at him blankly, then turned upstairs.


Seeing Song WanRu coming out in her pajamas, Li YaoZu excitedly pulled her to his side and said, “Of course, I am his dad! Would he dare not listen to what I said?!”

There was complacency in his tone, but Song WanRu seemed a little disapproving.

In her heart, homosexuality is disgusting, and Li JinCheng was a useless waste, but she couldn’t help feeling a little excited when she thought of the benefits they could get after he married into the He family.

“He ZongTong will really inject capital into our plastic factory, right?”

“Nonsense! He asked JinCheng to marry in because JinCheng’s good destiny can prevent He ZhenXuan from the calamity! If he does not fulfill his promise by then, I will immediately let JinCheng return home!”

“Is he so superstitious?”

“I don’t know, maybe he is getting old and confused?”

“Dad, Mom, what are you talking about? What He family? And, who does brother want to marry?”

Li JiaJun, who came back from socializing, has actually been standing in the living room for a long time, and he clearly heard the conversation between his parents, it was just, he couldn’t believe it!

He ZhenXuan was his own, how could a trash like Li JinCheng be worthy of him?!

Seeing Li JiaJun’s face pale and his hands clenched, Li YaoZu and Song WanRu looked at each other in some unknown way.

*(E/N: Really?!! Who is the real trash here?!! HMPH!!)

Although Li JinCheng’s marriage into the He family could indeed bring them many benefits, their behavior was no different from selling their sons.

They didn’t care what outsiders think, but they didn’t want to destroy their image in their son’s heart.


Seeing Li YaoZu’s embarrassed face, Li JiaJun looked at him coldly and said, “You want brother to marry He ZhenXuan?”

 “Your brother likes men, and He ZhenXuan’s conditions are good. We do this...... It is also for his own good.”

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“Fart! You guys just want to benefit from the He family!”

After saying this, Li JiaJun rushed upstairs, leaving behind the embarrassed Li YaoZu and Song WanRu. After a while, Li YaoZu took Song WanRu’s hand and said: “JiaJun is too simple and kind.”

“Yes, he is always thinking and caring about his brother.”

As soon as Li JinCheng came out of the shower, he heard the loud banging on his door, and also heard Li JiaJun’s voice outside the door; the expression on his face could not help but become colder.

Just now, he received the investigation result from that detective agency.

Li YaoZu and Song WanRu were university classmates. After Li YaoZu got married and established the plastic factory with Li JinCheng’s mother, she looked for Li YaoZu again.

There was no impermeable wall in the world, plus there were other annoying things. Soon after giving birth to him, Li JinCheng’s mother suffered from mild postpartum depression.

What happened after that was the same as what that friend of Sister Fang said.

Through the name provided by Sister Fang, the people in that detective agency have found her good friend back then, and then through her, the detective agency has found more people who used to work as servants in the Li house.

Several people also said the same, so Li JinCheng could affirm that Song WanRu planted the blame and collaborated with Li YaoZu to drive his mother crazy.

In that case, no matter how he treats them later, it would not be too much, right?

“What’s up?”

The look on Li JinCheng’s face was very cold, thinking that he might also oppose his parents’ decision in his heart, Li JiaJun felt relieved.

“Brother, Dad and Mom asked you to marry He ZhenXuan?”

Li JiaJun in front of him showed obvious worry in his expression.

If he didn’t know Li JiaJun’s true thoughts, Li JinCheng felt that he might have misunderstood it again as Li JiaJun’s affection for him. He sneered in his heart and said, “Yes.”

“They are too much! Brother, you can’t marry He ZhenXuan!”


“You and He ZhenXuan didn’t really love each other. Our parents did that, but it is because they wanted to get a little benefit from the He family.” After a pause, he continued: “Brother......I can’t bear to see you being wronged, we grow up together..........The best person in my family is you.......”

Li JiaJun, with his head down, seemed to be very sad. Li JinCheng looked at him expressionlessly, only to think that this man had outstanding acting skills and it was a pity that he was not an actor. 

“What do you want me to do?”

“Leave here! Find someone who loves you and spend your life with him!”

Li JiaJun had also said this to him in his previous life. At that time, in Li JinCheng’s heart, Li JiaJun was pure and kind-hearted, and he was the one who cared about him most besides Sister Fang.

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It was not that his true character was like this, but rather, he was very good at pretending and acting.

Just as he said these words at this time, with a little childish innocence, and did not hide his anger, besides, he was the only person in the family who was always honest with him.

So at that time, it was no wonder Li JinCheng thought Li JiaJun was really considerate and cared about him.

He just didn’t know what other kind of personality or expression Li JiaJun would have or show in front of his friends and classmates?

“You want me to give up everything here?”

Seeing Li JinCheng looking at him with a smile but not a smile, Li JiaJun was a little uneasy, but at this moment what was all in his mind was that Li JinCheng could not marry He ZhenXuan.

If Li JinCheng married a good-for-nothing man and could also bring benefits to their family, he would be happy to see it happen, but He ZhenXuan was involved in this matter.

That was the secret he hid in the deepest place of his heart, and even for himself, that person was the god he could only look up to.


The black mist around Li JiaJun still didn’t disappear. Realizing that Li JiaJun wanted to come and pull his hand, Li JinCheng avoided it with disgust, saying, “There’s nothing I can do in this matter.” After speaking, he glanced outside the door and said: “You should ask them.”

Since Li JinCheng was reborn, he had never called Li YaoZu and Song WanRu ‘Dad’ and ‘Mom’. Fortunately, Li JiaJun was smart enough to immediately understand what he meant.

“Don’t worry, brother. As long as you don’t like He ZhenXuan, I will definitely intercede for you!”

He had to die once just to understand the true meaning of this sentence. Li JinCheng locked the door and then called Zou Junkai.

Zou Junkai was his colleague, the two were the same age, and they had a lot in common, so their relationship was pretty good.


“Are you back?”

“Well, I just arrived today, what’s the matter?”

“Can I move to your place?”


“The family members are too strict, and I want to change my environment.”

Zou Junkai’s parents immigrated abroad two years ago, so every winter and summer vacation, he would fly to Vancouver to visit them. After hearing Li JinCheng say this, Zou Junkai smirked and said, “I thought you really enjoy that kind of familial warmth very much.”

That kind of thing, did he really have it?

Li JinCheng’s smile was actually a bit more like mocking, and Zou Junkai over the phone said again: “Okay! You can move in tomorrow, but Li JinCheng, you will have to share half of the utility bill for me in the future!”

“That is what it should be.”

After hanging up the phone, Li JinCheng laid in bed and let out a sigh of relief.

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