New World New Life

Chapter 181: 181

Vy left the podium and walked over to where Coral was seated, the witness's stand. Vy never once broke her gaze from Coral.

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"Mrs Cloverfield. You said that I had kidnapped your daughter, Elette Cloverfield, and brought her to Timbretune. Is that right?"

"Yes… Yes! That's right! You stole her from me at the camp and I gave chase!"

"Interesting… From what I recalled based on the accounts of people who had been present, they share a different account. Didn't a skull creature appear at your camp, causing a commotion? Which resulted in a man named Dex being stabbed in the abdomen and the death of a man named Larry?"

"Hah! No! It was Markus who got stabbed!" as soon as those words left her mouth, the courtroom gasped in shock.

"My apologies, it was Markus. In fact, he's still in Timbretune. Perhaps we should get him to make a statement on what truly happened that night," Vy continued with a grin, "Because it would seem like you're not very clear on what actually happened that night."

Coral slammed her fists on the table and stood up, pointing straight at Vy, "You… you lying bitch!"

The entire courtroom erupted in an uproar, everyone was stunned by Coral's outburst and the information that had been revealed. As the situation unravelled, Vy could see the Baron sweating in his seat. He was seething in anger by what Vy had done.

-Who asked you to pick an incompetent witness?- Vy chuckled.

"Order! Order!" the judge roared as he slammed the gavel on the sound block repeatedly.

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Since they were not getting the conclusion they wanted, the judge decided to speed things up and move on to the next crime on the list. The Baron handed an envelope of documents to Old Chon who brought it up to the judge for his review.

"I have here, hospital records Lycster Blackfire, the boy she now claims to be her brother. I have proof that he had been abused and brainwashed by Vyrena. This resulted in the poor boy losing his arm!" the Baron said as he appealed to the hearts of the jury members.

The jury gasped in shock as they too were presented with a copy of the document.

"May I also have a copy of the hospital records you've found?" Vy asked.

The Baron shot her a nasty look, "You want to review your own handiwork? Sure."

He signalled Old Chon who handed Vyrena a copy of the documents. Old Chon refused to meet Vy's eyes throughout their entire exchange. She understood the fact that he was but a servant to the Baron, but could he live with his conscience knowing what was happening?

Despite being handcuffed, she was still able to get the documents out of the envelope to read through them. While the rest of the court was discussing her 'crimes', Vy scrutinised the document from beginning till end.

When Lycster and her had been released from the hospital in the Alterra Sector, they were given official documents too. Based on her memory, these documents that the Baron had presented were indeed genuine.

They had simply cherry-picked what they would like to present to the judge and jury as the file was all about Lycster and the loss of his arm. As she continued to flip through the document, she noticed a page right at the end of it, pertaining specifically to the fact that Vy had brainwashed Lycster.

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She sniggered as she read the content on the page. Every word of it was a lie, through and through. As she traced the words on the page with her finger, she was surprised to see a familiar-looking symbol at the bottom corner of the page.

It was the symbol of an open eye enclosed in a triangle.

"... not to mention, she has a demon attached to her!" the Baron accused as he pointed at Vy.

His accusation drew her out of her thoughts and back to the present as she looked up.

"A demon attached to me?" Vy repeated his words.

"That's right!" the Baron shouted.

Vy lifted her hands, revealing Aether who was coiled on her arm.

"Are you referring to Aether? My Familiar?" Vy asked.

"See! What did I tell you? It's her Familiar! Is that not clear enough evidence that she is a witch?"

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Vy rolled her eyes. She lifted her hands up to massage her temples. This Courtroom session was getting more and more ridiculous with each passing second. Not to mention, it was not a fair fight, to begin with.

She couldn't take it anymore.

"Judge Tres, allow me to speed things up for you," Vy announced to the entire courtroom.

No one was paying attention to Vy as they were transfixed on the Baron and his presentation on the evidence of the supposed crimes that she had committed.

"Aether, could you kindly get rid of these handcuffs off for me please?" Vy asked.

Aether slithered off her wrist and coiled his body around the cuffs. Within seconds, the handcuffs were off and they fell onto the ground with a clunk. This immediately got the attention of some of the people in the Courtroom.

The guards, who stood on each side of Vy were shocked but they realised soon enough that they were unable to move at all. It was not just their fear that immobilised them. Their shoes were frozen to the ground by ice. They could not move their arms either.

"Apologies for that, you're both doing great. I just need you to continue standing and not move," Vy said with a grin to both of the guards.

One of the members of the jury noticed what was going on and shouted, "She's… she's out of her handcuffs!"

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Everyone turned to look. They were mostly flabbergasted. The Baron was sweating. The cuffs were supposed to nullify all of Vy's magic! Those cuffs were made to nullify otherworlder's magic sources.

At least, that was what he was told.

Vy did not leave the podium. She knew that as soon as she did, they would send the guards on her. Hence, she decided to speak from where she stood. At least she now had all of their attention on her.

She held up the document that Baron had provided, "While this document you have from the hospital in the Alterra Sector is fairly accurate, the last page seems to be forged."

"What happened in Arkwing Castle that night was a tragedy." Vy continued, "But my brother was not the only one who was injured. I was too, which is why there is a wound across my eye."

"Not to mention, it was also the night I lost my youngest sister, Elette," saying it now still pained Vy.

The truth must be said.

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