New World New Life

Chapter 182: 182

"None of you were there to witness it. But indeed, I was there on the night of Elette's death. It was my dagger that ultimately caused her death," as soon as she admitted it, everyone was whispering and talking about it.

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"BUT," Vy shouted to get all of their attention back. Her voice echoed throughout the room.

"It was all an accident. Everything happened so fast. Princess Viviana used Elette to block my attack. Which resulted in the tragedy."

Saying it out loud only brought back painful memories of what happened that night. But it also made Vy feel lighter. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her chest. She placed her hand over her heart as she confidently looked at the people before her.

"I take full responsibility for my actions. But every crime you've listed is false," Vy said to them.

She turned to the Baron and asked, "You mentioned that I sold counterfeit goods?"

"Yes! That is correct!" the Baron replied.

"What items, in particular, were you referring to? Cause if you're going to bring up about the goods you used to purchase from Timbretune when you were still allowed in," Vy said with a grin.

She continued, "All we need to do is to cross-check all of the contracts that were drafted. I am sure there will be some surprising finds in there. Not to mention your other questionable behaviour and actions."

"Hah! Like what?"the Baron egged her on.

Vy looked him directly in the eye.

Was the Baron courting his own death?

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Or was he so confident that he could turn everyone against her despite the truth?

Vy wondered if all of this was even worth it in the first place.

"You've used your status to pressure the merchants in Timbretune to sell you goods at rock bottom prices. Have you forgotten that?"

"That's just wild accusations from a criminal!" the Baron scoffed.

"What about the time you arrested and tortured my brother, Lycster Blackfire? All the townsfolk at the market square who witnessed your actions would gladly give their statement on that."

The Baron wanted to rebut but Vy was not letting him have his way. He had spoken enough already.

"What about your failed assassination attempt? When you tried to kill me with poisonous snakes?"

"Those are lies!" the Baron shouted.

Vy rubbed her temples as she prepared for her final nail in the coffin, "Not to mention, the judge isn't even the real Lord Tres."

The quick change in the Baron's haughty expression made Vy grin.


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The judge slammed the gavel down on the sound block. With the amount of force he was using, Vy wondered how on earth the sound block still remained intact.

"Miss Blackfire, what nonsense are you spouting!" the judge shouted.

Vy shook her head as she laughed.

This was such a fiasco.

"Oh Baron, you thought you could fool me? I've met Lord Rhoden of House Tres at Arkwing Castle. I did not just see him from across the hall. I exchanged a few words with him as well."

She could see the loss of colour on Baron Koufer's face.

The entire courtroom was in chaos. Even the judge did not know what to say. After all, he was only following the orders of the Baron. This was not a situation they had prepared for either.

"Judge, do you know what is the penalty for impersonating someone else?" Vy asked with fake concern in her tone of voice?

She placed her hand on her mouth with a faked shock expression, "Oh my, not to mention, you're impersonating a Lord of the Arkwing Kingdom! That's a pretty severe crime if I did not know any better."

The judge had sweat trickling down his brow as he swallowed down hard. His hand began to shake as he dropped the gavel onto the ground. The jury and all of the people who had come to the hearing were shocked by the statements Vy had made.

Who would they believe?

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The Baron slammed his hands down on the table. He stood up, face all red in anger.

"You're a liar, Vyrena Blackfire! A liar!" he screamed at her.

Vy's heart was racing. She could feel her face heating up. Vy knew the importance of keeping her emotions in check.

In a calm and collected voice, she said, "If you think I'm lying. Why don't we escalate this to King Olwin and see what he has to say?"

Vy turned back to the judge, "You might not live very long if we raise this matter up to his Majesty. I recommend saying your goodbyes now while you still have the time."

With that, Vy walked off the podium and headed towards the exit. Unsurprisingly, there were guards blocking her way.

"Where do you think you're going! Court is still in session!" the Baron shouted as he left the plaintiff's table.

She now looked at him in the face. His eyes were burning with anger. He reached over to grab hold of Vy's arm. She swiftly swatted his hand away.

"Does it look like I care?" Vy asked in a cold tone of voice.

The temperature in the entire Courtroom dropped almost instantly. Everyone could feel the chill down their spines. Vy froze the Baron's feet so that he could not move. The guards all knew of what happened in the dungeon.

They were unable to find one of their fellow guards and they had an inkling of what might have happened to him. Seeing Vy without the handcuffs, coupled with the chill in the air was enough to weaken their resolve to stand in her way.

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"May I leave?" Vy asked nicely with a smile as Aether slithered around her neck, eying each of the guards that stood in their way.

"I don't really like repeating myself," she said again, maintaining a nice sweet tone.

The guards immediately moved aside. Vy thanked them and pushed open the doors to exit the Courtroom. Leaving on foot would just cause more unnecessary trouble for herself. Hence, Vy decided to take the easier way out.

As soon as she was out in the open space, Vy was ready to take to her sky form. But before she could do so, Aether slithered off her wrist. Vy could hear the guards coming towards their direction but she was not anxious.

Aether increased his size until he towered over Vy, casting her in his shadow. His scales glistened under the sunlight, shimmering in shades of dark purple and blue. Aether sprouted a pair of feathered wings on his back.

-Would you like to try a different mode of travel?- Aether asked Vy.

She smiled. He knew she was low on energy. She had not eaten much of anything during their time in the dungeon. Vy's stomach was growling through the night at times, which contributed to her insomnia.

Vy climbed on board Aether, just as the guards reached them. Aether began to flap his wings, creating strong winds as he lifted off the ground. Some the guards were equipped with bows and arrows but they were in shock by what they were witnessing to do anything.

After taking one last look at the Koufer Estate, Aether flew high up into the sky. He flew them back in the direction of Timbretune. Vy thought for a while. She whispered to Aether. Upon hearing her words, he simply nodded and flew them over to a nearby forest.

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