New World New Life

Chapter 184: 184

It was a moonless night.

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The wolves in the forest howled through the night, yearning for their moon to appear. In the Koufer Estate, the Baron was still in his study room looking over some documents with Old Chon by his side.

He slammed his hands down on the table, stood up and walked towards the window.

"She slipped through my hands yet again!" he cursed, tightening his fists as he recalled what had happened during the recent Courtroom trials.

After Vyrena Blackfire's exit, the Courtroom erupted into chaos. Members of the jury and those who came to listen to the hearing requested confirmation of the judge's identity as Lord Rhoden of House Tres.

As it quickly got out of hand, the Baron took matters into his own hands. No one can find out about his misdeeds. He had sent his men out to find Vyrena, but all of them came back empty-handed. They did not even have any leads on where she might have gone.

For the last three days, the Baron felt as if he was being watched; especially when he was alone. But when he turned around to see who or what it was, there was nothing there. This led on to sleepless nights as he tossed and turned in bed.

"Baron, maybe it's time you turned in for the night," Old Chon suggested to his master.

Old Chon knew that the Baron had not had a good night's sleep since the courtroom hearing. But no matter what he tried, nothing worked. The paranoia that brewed in the Baron's mind had led him to make questionable decisions in the recent few days.

Most of the staff in the estate were fearful of coming into direct contact with the Baron. They feared for their lives.

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"You're right. But it's not like I would be able to sleep anyways." Baron Koufer sighed.

"Perhaps a glass of whiskey before bed might help," Old Chon suggested.

"That does sound like it could work," Baron Koufer pondered over his butler's words, "Have one brought to my room."

With that, Baron Koufer left to return to his bedroom. As he walked down the hallway, the assigned guards followed closely behind him. It was late in the night. No one apart from them was using the corridors.

The silence only fueled the countless thoughts that plagued Baron Koufer's mind. Just then, the wolves started to howl again. This time, they sounded like they were nearer. Koufer felt as if he was losing his mind.

"Have I not instructed those imbeciles to kill all the wolves?!" Baron Koufer shouted at the guards.

All of them jolted in shock.

Only one of them was brave enough to answer.

"Ye… yes... Sir. They've done so, as per your request."

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The Baron gritted his teeth. His face was red in anger, but the guards could not tell under the cover of the night. But they could definitely hear it in his voice.

"Then why the hell can I still hear the howling?! Do I have to do everything myself?! All you good for nothing trash!" the Baron raged.

No one dared to say anything after that.

The Baron slammed shut his room door, leaving the guards to keep watch outside. . Seeing the bottle of whiskey and glass cups of ice prepared for him on the table, he went over to it immediately.

Instead of picking up the glass, he uncorked the bottle and drank from it directly without a care. As the alcohol flowed down his throat, the burning sensation caused him to choke on it. He slams the glass bottle on to the table.

Much to his surprise, it shatters instantly. Glass shared flew across the room in different directions. Without sufficient time to react, Koufer slams his hand onto the broken shards of glass.

"Damn it!" he shouted as fresh blood seeped out of the wounds.

Hearing the shattering of glass, the guards jolted too.

"Baron, is everything alright?" one of them daringly shouted into the room.

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"Does it sound like I am alright?! Go and get the butler and tell him to bring bandages!" he barked.

Within a matter of seconds, Baron Koufer's hand was covered in blood. He could see smaller shards of glass still stuck to the palm of his hand. As the blood dripped on to the carpet, Baron Koufer cursed under his breath.

The alcohol he had drunk began to take effect upon him. His mind started to spin while his senses were dulled. He could barely see clearly now as everything was a blur. He raised his other hand to his forehead.

He tried to rub his forehead and blink his eyes to hopefully regain his vision but it was not working.

-What is taking Old Chon so long?- he wondered to himself.

Koufer tried hard to concentrate on his bleeding hand. He could see the small shards of glass that were jutting out of his palm. Looking around the room, he opened one of the drawers and fumbled around until he found a roll of bandages.

He brought his injured hand up close to his eyes for a better view. Squinting his eyes for clearer vision, Koufer held onto a piece of the glass shard. He took in a deep breath and pulled the shard out.

The pain caused him to wince as more blood poured out of the wound.

"Damn it!" he cursed as his other hand curled up into a fist.

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He repeatedly slammed his fist on his thigh as the pain only got worse. Sweat rolled down his forehead. Koufer could see that there were still three pieces of glass shards stuck in his palm. He did not want to wait any longer.

Gritting his teeth, he squinted his eyes once more and took note of where each shard was on his bleeding hand. In quick succession, he plucked out each of the glass shards before continuing to shout out a string of expletives as the pain intensified.

He turned to the table and noticed that there was still some whiskey left in the broken base of the glass bottle. Carefully, he picked it up with his other hand and quickly poured it all over his wound to disinfect it.

"When I see that Chon again, he's going to get it," Baron Koufer muttered to himself as quickly wrapped the bandage around the wound.

The alcohol might have helped to disinfect the wound, but having it wash over the open wounds also intensified the pain. Koufer's hands were shaking as he cursed and wrapped the bandage around the wound tightly.

Finally, when it was done, his injured hand was almost twice the size of what it was before. Fatigue washed over him like a wave crashing into the shore. Baron Koufer used a chair to support himself as he walked over to his bed.

When his legs felt the side of his bed, he laid down on it immediately. He kicked off his shoes and struggled as he pushed himself into a comfortable position. Within seconds, his eyelids grew heavy.

"At least I'm getting a good night's sleep," he muttered to himself.

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