New World New Life

Chapter 185: 185

As soon as she had her eyes set on the prey, Vy leapt forward in her wolf form. She unhinged her jaw and swiftly bit down onto the neck of her prey. Blood sprayed from the wound that formed on the neck of her meal as it squealed.

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Vy did not waste any time. She bit down hard. Within seconds, the prey stopped moving. It only twitched a little. Using her paw, she held down her meal as she used her sharpened teeth to tear the meat apart as she ate.

Within minutes, she was done. But she was still hungry.

-There's another one over there.- Aether whispered to her.

Vy took in a deep breath. The blood from her most recent kill dulled her sense of smell a little. But she was able to catch the scent of her next prey. After licking her mouth and paws, she headed off in the direction of her next hunt.

As she moved swiftly through the forest, Vy closed her eyes. She tried to rely on her other senses for a clearer view of where she was headed. The forest was extremely dark at night and she could hardly see without a light source nearby.

Vy lost the scent of her prey. She stopped dead in her tracks and lifted her head towards the sky. Her eyes were still closed. Just then, her ears flicked. Vy turned to the direction of the sound.

In her mind, she mapped out the path she would take to get there. When she was ready, she leapt into action and arrived before her prey within a matter of seconds. With one quick swipe, she held the scurrying rabbit in place.

Her sharpened claws dug into the flesh of the prey but it was still squirming to get out of her grasp. Without a second to spare, Vy went in for the kill and savoured her meal. With her hunger satisfied, she searched for a nearby river to drink some water.

As she lapped the water from the moving river, the blood on her fur was washed away. Taking her nose out of the water, she was hit by a strong scent of blood. It was not the blood from her meal. It was coming from somewhere else.

"Do you smell it?" Vy asked.

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Aether nodded in response.

As he slithered off to find the source, Vy followed closely behind. She remained in her wolf form, just in case they needed to fight their way out of it. When they arrived at a clearing, they stopped.

Vy could hardly believe it.

If it was not for the heavy stench of blood that led her here, she would not believe that the Baron would do such a thing.

"All this, just to keep a lie?" she said in disbelief.

Aether looked into the dark pit before them.

-You'll be surprised by what some people are willing to do to spin a lie into the truth.- he hissed in reply.

"But… but…" Vy was almost out of words to justify the situation she was looking at, "He does realise that the real Lord Tres is out there, alive and well, right?"

She turned away and closed her eyes. Trying to forget what she had just seen in hopes of clearing her mind, even if it was just for a second.

"All it takes is for someone to and find Lord Tres and ask him. Ask him if he ever entered Koufer Estate," she said as she rubbed her temple with her thumb and index finger.

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She knew Baron Koufer was not the smartest, but she never took him for the dumbest. Going so far as to silence the majority of people in attendance at the trial? She never expected the Baron to be this desperate.

After taking a moment to clear her mind, Vy turned back to look at all the corpses in the pit. The man with the birthmark over his face was decapitated for following the orders of the Baron.

"So much for loyalty I guess," she sighed.

Under the cover of darkness, without the light of the moon, it was difficult to see who else was in the pit. Vy raised her hand and summoned a small sphere of light to give her a better view. She was secretly glad that Lycster was not here with her.

She would not want him to see what she was looking at now. It was just plain horrible. As much as these people had formed their negative opinions about her during the court hearing, they did not deserve to die.

Not like this.

Aether looked up at Vy and asked. -So, what do you intend to do?-

Vy was not paying attention to Aether at that moment, for she realised there was a familiar face in the pit of corpses. It was Coral. Vy walked over and took a closer look. She grimaced as she saw the red marks around her neck.

Her face was in a state of eternal shock, her eyes wide open. Vy leaned in and closed Coral's eyes. Even though Coral had not been nice to her, not even once, she did not have to die.

"None of these people needed to die," Vy muttered to herself.

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Neither did they deserve to be thrown in this pit, left to rot. The stench of the corpses had not begun to spread. But when it does, it would be almost impossible to get rid of.

-At the very least, they should have a proper burial.- Vy said to herself.

After taking one last look at the pit, Vy got out of it and dusted her clothes. She would come back to give them a proper burial. But right now, she has more urgent matters to take care off. As Vy walked away, Aether remained still, looking into the pit of corpses.

He was hovering above the ground, his body was coiling as he remained afloat

When she noticed that he had not followed her, she turned back to check on him.

-What's wrong Aether?- she asked him.

Aether turned to look at Vy, then back at the pit.

-They can't rest in peace like this.- he sighed.

Aether could see the dark aura that surrounded each of the bodies. They had been massacred without reason, the souls could not rest. Vy looked back into the pit. Using the power of her Kyu form, she could see small spheres of red flames on each corpse.

"Is that what you see?" Vy asked.

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Aether nodded.

The spheres of flames were all bright red in colour, burning with cries of vengeance and unjust. Vy tightened her fists, her nails were already digging into her palm. She had wanted to let the matter rest after a quick scare. Just to scare him in place.

But this… she could not let this go.

Within the blink of an eye, Vy took to her Kyu form. Under the moonless sky, her fur was black, making it difficult for her to be seen. Aether slithered next to her as they made their way to Koufer Estate.

Once they were at the walls, Vy leapt into the air and landed lightly within the grounds of the estate. As soon as her paws touched the ground, her entire form sunk into the shadows. Aether followed suit and within a matter of seconds, they were nowhere to be seen.

In the cover of the shadow, they made their way towards the Baron's quarters.

-Are you sure you're able to control it?- Aether asked Vy.

-I won't know until I try.- she replied.

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