New World New Life

Chapter 231: 231

"It's an artifact we needed for lifting a curse," he replied after much thought. 

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"A curse? What curse?" Lycster asked out of curiosity.

"Lycster!" Vy snapped at him, "Don't pry into other people's affairs."

But curiosity did overwhelm her, "If you don't mind sharing, please do."

Dygo explained how this form that he had, was not how he used to look like. At the very least that was what he had assumed. Something happened a long time ago. It not only wiped out his memories, but it also gave him this look. 

"So you were cursed to look like this?" Vy asked. 

Vy never really looked Dygo in the eye or took into consideration how he looked from head to toe. His head resembled that of the skull of a deer-like creature but his body was muscular, like the body of a lumberjack.

The robes he wore did not do justice to the structure of his body. She knew that, especially when she had slept next to him…

The memory of it made her more embarrassed than ever. Aether, who could read her emotions and her mind sniggered as he saw her look away in an attempt to hide her blushing face. 

"I guess you could say that," Dygo replied, "Although I don't remember what I was supposed to look like before the curse. Nor do I have any memory of my life before it."

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Apart from the fish that they had grilled, Vy also heated up a kettle of water and used it to brew some tea. With a hot cup of tea in each of their hands, it helped them to keep warmth a little longer. 

Aether curled up on Vy's lap as she sat cross-legged by the fire, covered in furs. Lycster huddled close to his sister as well for additional warmth. As he blew air into his glove covered hands, a mist of air escaped his mouth. 

When the boy turned over to look at Dygo, he noticed that Dygo was wearing a thick fur-lined cloak of his own. However, he still seemed to be shivering, even if it was just a little. It looked as if he was trying to pretend that he was not as cold as he looked. 

As the boy stared at him for a longer period of time, he noticed that Dygo was shivering a little from the cold. 

"Dygo, do you want to come over and huddle with us?" Lycster asked innocently. 

Dygo looked over to the boy and looked up at Vy. 

'Huddle?" he asked. 

"Yeah, for warmth. Aren't you cold?" the boy asked. 

They did look warm and toasty to him, swaddled in the fur blankets they had. Dygo could not deny that during his time in the Bleak Lands, the weather ever only seemed to grow colder with each passing day. 

"There isn't going to be enough space for all of us," Vy laughed as she stood up. 

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To ensure everyone could keep warm, Vy transformed into her snowy white fur Kyu form and settled down by the fire. Lycster buried himself in his sister's warm and toasty fur. Aether laid down on Vy's fur as well and Dygo did the same. 

Vy covered all of them with her tails, acting as a blanket substitute. The warmth and soft fur quickly put Aether and Lycster to sleep. Aether had helped keep watch the night before. While he did not usually require sleep, he did enjoy a good nap from time to time. 

Vy noticed that Dygo was resting. His breath was steady, but he was still awake. When he felt her looking at him, he turned to the side and looked at her. 

-Is something wrong?- Dygo asked her through telepathy so as to not awaken the rest. 

Caught off guard, she did not know what to say. -Oh, nothing. -

As they watched the fire burn brightly before them, silence accompanied them for some time. When Vy finally mustered the courage to speak, she said -I'm sorry.-

Dygo turned to look at her. If he could make a quizzed expression, he would. 

-Sorry for?- 

Vy bit her lip as she looked on at the fire. -I didn't properly apologize for what happened that night. I drank too much and went into your room by accident.- 

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Dygo recalled that night with fond memories. That was also the last night of a good night's sleep he's had in a long time. Ever since then, he felt lonely when he turned in for the night. His bed felt empty and cold. Something was missing. 

-You do not need to apologize- Dygo replied as he leaned back on Vy's fur and looked up at the ceiling of the cave. 

-What, why?- Vy asked, confused. 

-It was nice.- 

Vy did not know how to respond to him, she could feel her cheeks burning with heat. What she did not realise, was that she was also smiling. She tries to play off the situation to avoid any more attention to her. 

-Do you flirt with other women like this?- she asked him. 

-Flirt? Women don't find me attractive.- he replied with a sigh. 

He did not have time for romance and he knew for certain he would not stand a chance against others. Despite all that, Dygo felt as if there was someone out there waiting for him. Although he did not know who it was, or even if the person was a she or a he, he knew that the person was out there. 

-Why not? I thought women always liked the dark and mysterious type of guy.- Vy teased him with a grin.

-Dark and mysterious? That does not describe me at all.- Dygo rebutted. 

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She turned to look at him. -You're kidding, right?-

Dygo shook his head. 

-Your entire outfit screams dark and mysterious! Not to mention the mysterious mission you're on. I'm sure lots of women would fawn over you at the pub.- 

It was at this point that Dygo confessed. He had never been to a pub. 

-Never? Not even once?- Vy asked in disbelief. 

-Not even once.- he echoed her words. 

His appearance did not allow him to blend in well with humans, and beyond that, he had never traversed into any other non-human settlements. 

-Let's go together sometime.- Vy suggested. 

-A pub?- 

-Yeah, it'll be fun.- 

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