New World New Life

Chapter 232: 232

With the weather cleared, it was time for them to make haste on their journey. Although there wasn't a time limit for them to get to Trilantis, they were off schedule. Vy took to her raven form and flew up into the sky with Aether by her side to survey the surrounding area. 

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Once she knew where they needed to head to next, she flew back down to ground-level to inform Lycster. Dygo was not going in the same direction as them, so this was where they bid farewell to one another. 

"I guess this is goodbye," Vy said with a smile. 

"Yes, it is. Farewell, Vyrena. Till we meet again," he replied. 

"Till we meet again," she echoed his words. 

To speed things up, Vy took to her Kyu form and had Lycster ride on her back while Aether followed them along. With that form, she was able to cover more ground in a shorter time frame. But the road ahead of them was not one without danger. 

They would not get attacked from above, or from the sides. At the very least if it was indeed from the sides, they would be able to catch on to it immediately. There were no places for them to hide around them. 

What they soon realised, was that trouble was brewing beneath their feet. It all began with vibrations beneath their feet. The snow-covered grounds did a great job of muffling the sound of predators that lived beneath. 

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It was only seconds before it happened, that Vy and Aether realised that they were deep in enemy territory. They were effectively surrounded and they could not see their enemy. Vy could sense that there were indeed life forms coming up from beneath them. 

But she could not tell what they were. Lycster held on tight to his sister's fur as they moved swifter and quicker with each passing second. There were times he felt as if he was about to fly off her back. 

-Aether, are you able to tell what they are?- Vy asked. 

Aether thought for a moment before he replied. - I think so. Let me try.-

Aether used his enhanced senses to map out the surrounding area. They were moving too quickly for him to get an accurate image of what was chasing them. However, one thing was for certain. 

-Whatever is chasing us, have long snake-like bodies.-

Just then, Vy's ears picked up on a sound. It was the sound of snow crumpling. Something was breaking through the snow-covered ground on her left. Before Vy could say anything, large creatures burrowed out. 

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Lycster caught a glimpse of their sharpened claws. They were covered in greyish-white fur, with small bead-like eyes. These moles were twice the size of regular horses. Vy stood her ground defensively, barring her sharpened teeth to them. Her nine fur tails danced behind her. 

-Lycster, get off my back. Aether, protect my brother.- Vy instructed. 

-As you wish.- Aether replied. 

Lycster climbed onto Aether's back and they flew to the side. The moles did not care about Lycster and Aether. They were fixated on Vy. 

"Back away and I will not harm any of you," Vy said in a cold dark tone. 

She projected her voice to ensure that the moles could hear her. 

"Come at me, and you will not be spared." she continued. 

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The blue flames intensified around her. Small spheres of blue flames danced around her, increasing in number with each passing second. Vy even had blue flames ready to come out of her mouth. She would blow torch all of them if needed. 

The moles did not seem bothered by Vy's display of flames. It was more likely that they were not able to see it. However, they could feel the intense heat of the flames. 

Just then, something emerged from the ground and launched itself straight at Vy. 

"Sis! Look out!" Lycster exclaimed. 

Vy was taken aback by the surprise attack. She took a step back, leaning her weight against her hind legs. But, she remained firm in the spot she stood. Without any hesitation, Vy unleashed a stream of blue flame at the creature. 

As soon as the flames hit the mole, it cried out in agony. As the mole struggled, it clawed in any direction it could. Vy tried to avoid the attack, but she was too slow. The mole clawed at her face. Three distinct claw marks stretched across the right side of Vy's face. 

Taking the opportunity, the other moles prepared to attack. 

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"Vy! No!" Lycster called out. 

He tried to get off Aether. He was ready to jump in to join the fight. But Aether did not allow him to do so. Vy had given him a task. To protect Lycster. He was not going to let her down. 

"What are you doing Aether! Let me go!' Lycster struggled. 

He turned to look at the boy. -You'll only hinder her. Watch and learn.- 

Vy gritted her teeth as the pain of the claw marks grew more intense. But she was not about to let this distract her. The mole that had clawed her was still crying out in agony from being burnt by her flames. 

The flames continued to burn bright blue as it devoured the mole. The ear-piercing cries did not seem to affect the other moles. They were too fixated on Vy to care about their comrade who was suffering. 

Vy picked up the mole with her teeth and clamped down on its neck. The squealing stopped instantly as she dropped the carcass of the mole onto the snow beneath her. The flames subsided. But the remaining moles could not care less. 

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