New World New Life

Chapter 341: 341

Queen Willow already had all of her spider beasts gathered together. The elder spider beasts were discussing a plan of action. With it, they launched their attack. First, they climbed up the side of the building to get closer. 

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Red Silk was amongst them as they scaled the building. Using their silk, they attempted to bind the creature to prevent it from moving. The creature was initially able to easily destroy their silk threads. 

But over time, the silk threads toughened and kept its prey tightly bound. The creature let out a guttural cry as it tried to loosen the restraints. Queen Willow climbed up the side of the building.

She whispered beneath her breath a series of spells. As she placed her hand on the silk threads, all of them were set ablaze instantly. A burning fiery fire spread throughout the entire body of the creature, causing it to writhe in agony. 

The flames were burning the skin and flesh of the creature, much to the joy of the other survivors and the spider beasts. The creature was screeching in agony from the pain, violently twisting and turning its body. 

It swiped its tail across, causing some of the spider beasts to be thrown into the air. During one such movement, Queen Willow was flung into the air. Red Silk went forward immediately and caught her safely in his arms before landing on solid ground. 

"Thank you, Red Silk," she thanked him as they landed. 

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"It is my duty, my Queen,"

When they turned to see the horrid creature, they realised the flames had simmered down. The burnt skin and flesh of the creature were healing at a rapid rate! Queen Willow tried using the same tactic as she had done before. 

The spider beasts, on her command, bind the creature once more with their silk threads. The creature seemed to be adapting, becoming more resistant to their efforts to ensnare it. For a moment, Red Silk even noticed its muscles gaining mass as it increased its strength and movement in a matter of seconds. 

The creature was able to move at a quicker speed, using its jaw and sharpened teeth to devour some of the spider beasts. Queen Willow send more of her spider beasts up to help, finally, after much effort, they were able to subdue the creature once more. 

With Red Silk by her side, she ascended the building once more. She cast an even stronger series of spells, causing the flames to burn blue instead of red this time around. The spider beasts backed away from the flames, due to its intensity.

The creature was once again engulfed in flames. The flames were so hot, it caused blisters to pop and its skin to peel. The flesh was cooked and seared, causing it great agony. 

However, before any of them could celebrate, the wounds rapidly healed. The flames remained on the creature, as it moved with ease. 

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The creature had its eyes locked on her. 

The creature roared into the sky, letting out an ear-piercing cry. At that moment, the flames on its body grew in size, setting its nearby surroundings in ablaze. Any spider beast caught within its flames were instantly incinerated. 

Red Silk's heart sank. 

His instincts kicked in. 

He needed to protect his Queen! He lunged forward immediately towards Queen Willow. Red Silk used his body to shield her from the flames. The flames grazed past his back, instantly burning off the clothes on his back and burnt the skin on his back. 

Despite the pain, he was still able to move swiftly. Red Silk carried Queen Willow back down to ground level, landing heavily on the ground. The adrenaline wore off swiftly as the pain on his back caused him to constrict his body. 

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"Red Silk!" Queen Willow called out as she rushed to his side. 

Seeing the extent of the injury only brought her more pain. His skin and exoskeleton had been burnt off, leaving behind a red patch of blistered flesh. She hovered her hands over the injury immediately. A warm glow of light emanated from the palm of her hand. 

The light soon covered the entire wound that was spread across Red Silk's back. However, no matter how much she tried, Queen Willow was only able to get the bleeding to stop. She could not heal the wound. 

This left her extremely distraught, it had never happened before. Looking back at the creature, sweat trickled down her forehead. What on earth was this creature?! How could it be so powerful that she could not even heal the injuries it caused?

"My… My Queen," Red Silk called out. 

Queen Willow held Red Silk's hand, "I am here, Red Silk. You protected me, I am safe," 

Red Silk nodded, he was delirious, "As long as you're safe, my Queen," 

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He tried to get up, but he could only take a few steps before he collapsed back onto the ground. The injury on his back was too much to bear. 

"Don't move, Red Silk! You need rest," Queen Willow urged. 

Looking back at the creature, it had its eyes on all of them. None of the humans or the hybrids knew what to do. Even the spider beasts were not able to leave a dent on the creature. None of them stood a chance. 

Sorren looked down at the red bands that were around his wrists. He had heard before that the red bands inhibit their abilities. Amongst the survivors, a number of them had the same red bands around their wrists. 

If only they had some way of removing it. That way, maybe one of their abilities could be useful against their fight with the creature. The spider beasts on the side of the building were quickly incinerated, crushed or eaten by the creature. 

Queen Willow called for all of them to retreat back to her side for safety. The creature noticed this immediately. It quickly turned its attention to where the survivors were. It climbed off the side of the building. 

In a rapid pace, it made its way towards them.

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