New World New Life

Chapter 342: 342

The bloodstains from their previous meal were still prominent, dying some of their fur in shades of red. 

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However, Vy did not give them a chance to decide what to do next. She lunged at them at top speed, closing the gap between them in the blink of an eye. Vy unhinged her jaw and clamped down on her first victim. 

The skull of the drake crushed and splintered by the strength of her jaw and sharpened teeth. Blood and brain mass splattered all across in all directions as Vy decapitated the drake with just one bite. 

Hanging by its spine in her mouth, she flung the limp body of the creature to the side before turning her attention to the rest. Vy's eyes were ruby red, filled with the desire to kill and destroy. 

Though the emotions were overwhelming, she did not resist. She allowed it to fuel her strength, she allowed it to take control. The drakes did not fear her. They collectively continued to attack.

Two drakes decided to attack her head on, launching themselves at her. Vy did not dodge. With one swipe of her paw, flames slashed down upon her enemies. Her sharpened claws easily ripped through the body of the drakes with one swipe. 

The wounds she inflicted were deep and now impossible to heal as flames increased the amount of damage done. The two drakes had Vy's claw marks across their face and ribs. 

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Before they could even regain their footing, she came down upon them. Vy used her body weight to crush their bodies. As they squealed and squirmed to escape her grasp, she crushed their skulls with the force of front paws. 

The remaining drakes took advantage of the situation, attacking Vy in all directions without warning. Together, they clobbered her, attempting to not only crush her with their collective weight and to keep her from moving. 

Though their attack came as a surprise, she still had the upper hand. Vy breathed in deeply through her mouth, taking in as much air as she could into her lungs. Heat warmed up her lungs as her dark flames around each of her paws continued to burn, 

The heat intensified and a stream of flame burst forth from Vy's open jaws. None of the drakes were able to escape the fiery blaze. Vy's nine tails also became covered in flames, setting everything around it on fire. 

The drakes squealed and screeched in agony as they desperately tried to put out the sinister flames. Some rolled on the ground in an effort to put it out but were unsuccessful. Not even water would have been able to extinguish these flames. 

"Pathetic," she grunted beneath her breath as she watched the creatures burn in agony. 

With the enemies taken care of, Vy turned her attention to the wall. Despite her newfound strength and powers, she was uncertain if it would be enough to break through the wall. 

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"Maybe I can scale it," she muttered to herself. 

She protracted her sharpened claws and made a running start. As soon as she got close to the wall, she leapt upwards as high as she could. Vy used her hind legs like a spring to help propel her further up. 

While in the air, she quickly secured herself to the wall by digging her claws into the stone. She found her footing. Step by step, Vy carefully scaled the wall. 

"Don't look down, don't look down," she chanted to herself as she took another step up. 

Her paws were beginning to ache and sore. But Vy did not give up. She looked up, she could almost see the edge of the wall. Calculating the trajectory in her mind, she made a decision. 

She leapt upwards. 

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She could almost touch the edge of the wall but Vy fell short!

Moments later, she was losing the momentum of the leap. Gravity claimed her as Vy felt her body falling. Swiftly, she clawed deep into the side of the wall to maintain balance. 

Falling from this height would be a regrettable death. 

Once she regained her grip on the wall, she continued to make her way up. When Vy finally reached the top of the wall, she heaved a sigh of relief. But it was short-lived. She could sense that there were enemies coming from all around. 

When she looked up, she realised it was the monkey beasts they had encountered earlier when the wall was breached. More than sixty of them were glaring and hissing at her from both sides. 

Vy laughed, "You think y'all can scare me?"

Her tails flared as flames covered her entire body. Vy let out a howl into the sky as the flames spread out its range. Spheres of flames surrounded her. The monkey beasts were fearful of the flames.

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They were intelligent enough to steer clear of it whenever a sphere of flame came close. Perhaps they had witnessed her battle with the drakes and learnt to avoid it. The monkey beasts were smaller compared to the drakes and had weaker defences. 

But they made up for it in numbers. 

"Come at me! I'm not afraid of any of you," Vy roared at them. 

As if on cue, the monkey beasts charged forward at her. Vy unleashed a stream of flames at the incoming attack. Her nine tails had a mind of their own, they could fight off the attacks of the monkey beasts that came from the back. 

The monkey beasts instantly burnt by the flames. Since their bodies were smaller, the fire spread at a much quicker pace. As they squealed in agony, desperately trying to put it out, they ran back towards their comrades. 

This caused the fire to spread amongst the monkey beasts, spreading pain and agony as they went. 

Vy chuckled, "Looks like they're not so smart after all."

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