Nine Tailed System

Chapter 80

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Everything stood silent, there was no wind, and everyone held their breath, except for Marco. He glared at the party of 4 people in front of him and waited for their answers.

Plot Armor, party with 1 boy and the rest are girls, dreams to be the strongest swordsman, probably the other 3 girls love him, boost from the monster blood, learned from a strong monster, absence of parents…

Now he just need a secret power, and here is the cliche protagonist. The thought about it almost made him smile from amusement.

The lion, named Leone, was getting a bit angry and stomped towards him, but the lizard named Miranda stopped her by laying her free hand on her shoulder.

Leone stopped on her tracks and turned towards Miranda, who had a serious expression.

Miranda: Don't go kill yourself, he looks strong, we need a pla-

Paul: HA!

Paul cried and rushed at Marco with his katana unsheathed, he jumped in air and tried to slash vertically at Marco, he sighed and sidestepped on the right, the blade was only a centimeter away from his left shoulder, then he backed away.

Since he wasn't using Chakra Gate now, even if he could see the impending attack, he was unable to dodge this time, and received a punch on his stomach from Leone, Marco spit blood and heard some bones cracking, then he shot behind, crashing against a nearby tree.

The tree effortlessly resisted the impact, and Marco was dragged down from the gravity and sat with his ass at the base of the tree.

Marco: Fuck…

Then Papi, the rainbow colored Harpy, flew down at an incredible speed, and raised one of her armed talons, trying to pierce Marco and finishing him.

It was just like the situation with Erubetie, a unmoving Marco, an attack that could pierce his body, the attacker was a monster… But there was one big difference between those two…

This time Marco is fully conscious of his situation…

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Before Papi reached Marco, a golden big claw caught her and stopped her from flying.

Papi: ARGH!!

Paul/Leone/Miranda: PAPI!!

Paul: Let her go!

Marco slowly stood in his feet and used his other hand to clean the trail of blood coming from his mouth while his injury was regenerating from the Chakra Gate.

Marco: Tell me why should I let her go when you tried to kill me… 'I got careless before… I should stop playing like that...'

Now Marco started to squeeze her body, Miranda's eyes widened and let go any thoughts before charging with her scimitar at Marco, but he blocked it with only 1 hand while he used Gnome's powers in his body.

While he had both of his arms busy, Leone and Paul charged at him and attacked him from the sides, Paul with his trusted katana covered in something that looked like a trail of sword intent and Leone with her mouth, trying to bite Marco really hard.

But neither of the two expected that two other limbs made of chakra came out from Marco's sides, one stopped Paul by grabbing his wrist, avoiding the sword intent, while the other grabbed Leone's head, blinding her. and then the arm got longer and slammed her in the ground.

Miranda let go of her scimitar and tried to use her claws to pierce Marco, but a third chakra limb appeared from his chest and pushed Miranda away, who fell in the ground with her ass.

Marco: So you decided death… *Sigh* 'Wow, if someone would see me right now they would think I'm the evil one…' Huh?

Marco noticed something moving a bit away, it was Emily, still sealed.

Marco frowned before he lightly stomped the ground, and a spike made of stone appeared under her, definitely killing her.

Paul watched what he did and got really angry.

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Paul: You!

Marco could feel an increase of power from Paul, and decided to make some distance from him, so a fourth chakra limb appeared under Marco's left arm and charged a small bijuudama at Paul, it exploded and flung Paul away.

Miranda: PAUL!!

Meanwhile, Papi was still unable to struggle out from Marco's grip and some bones of hers started to crack.

Marco: Time to reduce the number…

Then, with the hand that had Papi inside, Marco used it to smash Paul, but he jumped away from the giant hand, which created a crater where Paul was some moments ago.

However, the horror came upon the three remaining people… When Marco lifted his giant claw from the crater. and a pool of blood and flesh was there.

The blood was falling from Marco's giant hand, that turned back to its original position and size.

Miranda and Paul were the only ones that lost their breath for a second, since Leone was still trying to struggle away from the hand over her eyes.

Marco: One…

Miranda: PAPIIIIIII!!!!

Paul: You… YOU BASTARD!!!

Paul was surrounded in a red wild aura while his scleras turned bloody red, and flung at Marco at a speed incomparable to before, he let go of Leone and jumped away, avoiding a slash that cut off a dozen of trees behind Marco.

Marco: 'Heh, secret power… The classic harem protagonist…'

Marco fell in the ground and crouched down immediately, avoiding another slash from Paul, then he gone underground and reappeared behind Paul with a gun on his hand, but before he could pull the trigger, a punch from an enraged lion girl and a slash from a desperate lizard girl reached him.

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He braced himself from the punch which made him move some meters away while dodging the slash from Miranda, which hit Paul's shoulder, he roared in pain but he turned towards Marco anyway, meanwhile Leone jumped over a guilty Miranda, who let fall her weapon in the ground.

Miranda was guilty due to attacking Paul instead of Marco, even if it was an accident, but it seems that the other two didn't give a fuck about it.

Marco pointed his gun in front of him and shot, Leone and Paul dodged the third bullet fired from the gun since it was created, and merely glanced at it, however…


Marco: Two...

Miranda fell in the ground, with a hole in the side of her head, which was heavily bleeding.

Leone and Paul looked at the sound with a worried look, and when they saw Miranda's corpse, their hearts skipped a beat and simultaneously turned at Marco.

This time Marco twitched a bit from their faces, which were intimidating even for him, he gulped and recovered from the intimidation, before putting away his gun and prepare himself.

Paul/Leone: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!

Marco's eyes narrowed and stomped the ground, a rock came out in front of him and then Marco attacked it with his palm, making it fly against Paul, who cleanly cut it in two, really impressive for a 13 years old…

Then, before Paul and Leone attacked him, Marco extended his arms forward and something like a wind barrier was created, which took their hits before cracking, but this time was enough for Marco to create another bijuudama, and this time he added the wind effects on it.

He jumped away and threw it at the group, who took it head on, but it looked like Leone shielded Paul… A stupid decision…

The bijuudama exploded, creating a big sphere of raging wind.

Some seconds later, it disappeared, and unsurprisingly it was Leone who took most of the damage, her back was reduced in a pulp, she lost her left arm and left leg, with a bit of her left side, which was bleeding in the crater.

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Marco turned around and found Paul who crashed into a tree, breaking it.

Marco: Tch…

He turned back at Leone and walked towards her, Paul recovered from the stun and noticed that Marco arrived over Leone, and put a leg over her head before putting a bit more pressure.

Paul: STOOOOP!!!!

Paul released a blood-curdling scream and swung his sword towards Marco, probably because of Plot Armor, the swing created a slash of pressurized air that Marco dodged by jumping away, unfortunately without crushing Leone's head.

Marco: 'Whatever, she will die of blood loss, I doubt she could resist long enough to recover…'

Marco turned towards Paul, who had blood coming out from his forehead and was holding on his katana, right now his rage was unable to be described with simple words, but Marco wasn't worried, he seemed as if he became the villain… All for a simple misunderstanding…

But he doubted he could talk with Paul before, and if he ran away one day they would met again and fight, and that time Paul might be really strong enough to beat him.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Turn back to Sabasa Kingdom

7th. Kill Emily, Paul, Leone, Miranda and Papi if they are detected as enemies from host

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