Nine Tailed System

Chapter 81: 81

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Marco and Paul started to walk between each other, some seconds later they were in front of each other and started to look at each other's eyes, Marco was calm as water, trying to analyze Paul's future movements.

While Paul's mind was on the verge of breaking, his eyes were filled with blood due to forcefully igniting his monster bloodline, and he waited for the chance to attack him, his soul was completely enraged, and now, unable to control himself, he attacked.

He made a quick slash that Marco was able to dodge, but his eyes widened when he felt his clothes getting cut.

Marco: 'His speed and strength increased once again… It will be harder to kill him now.'

Then he saw a katana flying towards his head and he created a chakra limb to grab the ground and moved out from the way, however Paul appeared behind him at a speed that blitzed him for an instant, he grabbed the katana and slashed his back.

Marco: Tch…

There was a superficial wound, but blood still came out, Marco fell in the ground and created a wind blade around his arm, then he swung it at Paul, which he blocked it with the katana before falling in the ground, where he kicked the ground.

But he was unable to move, he got surprised and looked down, finding a pair of hands grabbing his feet, suddenly they released their grip and a fist came at Paul's face, it was as if an iron fist came at his head, and flew away, Marco used Sylph's powers and rushed at a sonic speed at Paul.

He reappeared over him and elbowed his stomach, making him crash at the ground, after that, Marco concentrated the air at his feet and shot down, but Paul instinctively dodged by rolling, avoiding a certain death.

When the smoke got clear, a kick came at Marco's back, but it was Paul that got more injured, but he didn't stopped only for that and used his other leg to kick him, however…


*Plot Armor detected, Gnome is too tired to lend power*


*Unable to erase the effects, cause: It isn't directly aimed at Host.*

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Marco got hurt this time, and flew some meters away, coming near the place where Leone's body was.

He tried to stand up, but he felt pain in the back because it was the same place where Marco got hurt before.

He saw Paul dashing at him and releasing a warcry, but when Marco braced himself for the impact, he felt something strong gripping his leg, it was Leone, still at the door of death.

Leone: This… Will teach you… A lesson… Bastard…

Paul impacted with Marco, who fell in the ground, and when he looked up, he saw only the light of the sun reflecting on a katana, before it pierced his chest.

Marco was a bit surprised from Paul's accomplishment, it wasn't a really big damage for him, it may look really dangerous, but it didn't hit any vital part.

The instant later, the katana came out and a shadow covered Marco… With a hug?

Silver hair flew in the hair and purple arms with black gloves embraced Marco, while the owner of those characteristics had a really worried face.

Marco: ...Alice…?

Alice: ...Let's leave… You are not forced to finish this…

Marco: ...No, Alice… Get away from here, you will… Tch, it fucking hurts...

Alice: I will not leave yo-

Marco: Dodge you dumb bitch! DODGE!

Marco yelled her that, but before she could grasp the meaning of those words, she felt a sharp pain in her back, Paul used his katana to cut her back, and the boost from sword intent, strength and rage, were able to pierce through her defences and leave a big cut on her back.

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Marco was left speechless from the actions of Paul, who looked like he didn't finished the job, and raised his sword once again.

Marco: You damn cockbit! Now you've done it!

He created two chakra arms from his chest, one moved Alice away while the other punched Paul in the chest. Paul flew away from the sudden impact, and Alice slowly stood up from the ground while gritting her teeth in anger.

She stood up and looked at Paul with anger, and say.

Alice: You insect… You dare to injure my property and myself… I'll-

An arm came in front of her, making her stop talk, she slowly turned around and saw Marco's face.

...He was really pissed off, not like when someone annoyed him, it was just anger, which slowly cleared his mind from everything else…

Marco crouched down, near Leone, and placed an hand over her, he could still feel a weak pulse, however he decided to not let her die from blood loss, he didn't want to use this type of move since it is really disgusting for him, and it goes against the little morals he has.

Marco: 'Undine…'

Undine: B-But…

Marco: '…'

Unable to answer back at Marco, she sighed and replied with hesitation.

Undine: ...I'll do it…

Then Leone's body started to dry out, this is what Marco didn't like, but he's too pissed off to worry about it, he was dehydrating her body to death, leaving a dark grey skeletrical corpse with flesh attached at it.

Alice had an open jaw the entire time, she could not believe that Marco really used Undine for something like this, and it honestly terrified her, meanwhile Paul watched everything, and his anger increased even more.

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He kicked the ground while releasing an inhuman cry, and was ready to slash at him, Marco was ready to counter it with a wind barrier and then kill him, but something strange happened.

Everything turned black around him, he could not hear, not touch, not sniff, not see… But he could feel something, it seemed as if he could feel he was in a dangerous area, and felt two different orders coming from his own heart.

"Dodge" and "Attack"

Those orders were really simple, but Marco felt as if he knew how to do it perfectly…


*Serene Mind activated, duration: 0:01*

In that second, something that looked inhumane even in front of a monster's standards happened, Marco made a smooth jump and rolled in the air above Paul's back, the entire time his eyes looked empty.

And while he started to turn his body towards the ground, a medium-sized bijuudama appeared on his right palm, and pressed it against Paul's back, which exploded, releasing a big amount of smoke in the area.

When the smoke was cleared, Marco appeared, he wasn't using Chakra Gate anymore and looked at his hands with surprise, under him, there was Paul, who was reduced to a corpse, his chest had a really big hole as if someone blasted a bazooka at a copper wall.


*Special Quest[Successful]: Kill Emily, Paul, Leone, Miranda and Papi if they are detected as enemies from host.*

While he was distracted from his achievement of being able to use Serene Mind, even for a short time, he didn't noticed Alice hugging him from behind, and it was now that he regained his senses.

Alice: You… You idiot, you worried me back there…

Marco smiled bitterly and just said.

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Marco: Don't worry anymore, it wasn't that dangerous, it missed any vital organ… Now… Can you let me go? You are squeezing my soul out…

Alice realized what she was doing and pushed Marco away while blushing.

Alice: I-It's not like I was worried about you, you idiot!

Marco: … 'You literally said that you were worried for me not even a minute ago…'

Marco sighed in exasperation since now he has to deal with a tsundere, and just said.

Marco: Whatever, I will stay a bit in Chakra Gate so I can heal…

Alice nodded and she and him started to walk while Marco glowed gold and said with an excited voice, as if he was never pierced by a katana from a madman with plot armor.

Marco: ...Alright, let's go to the volcano!

Alice sighed but followed him anyways, hoping that Marco would forget about the hug…


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Turn back to Sabasa Kingdom

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